65 research outputs found

    Synchronizer-Free Digital Link Controller

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    This work presents a producer-consumer link between two independent clock domains. The link allows for metastability-free, low-latency, high-throughput communication by slight adjustments to the clock frequencies of the producer and consumer domains steered by a controller circuit. Any such controller cannot deterministically avoid, detect, nor resolve metastability. Typically, this is addressed by synchronizers, incurring a larger dead time in the control loop. We follow the approach of Friedrichs et al. (TC 2018) who proposed metastability-containing circuits. The result is a simple control circuit that may become metastable, yet deterministically avoids buffer underrun or overflow. More specifically, the controller output may become metastable, but this may only affect oscillator speeds within specific bounds. In contrast, communication is guaranteed to remain metastability-free. We formally prove correctness of the producer-consumer link and a possible implementation that has only small overhead. With SPICE simulations of the proposed implementation we further substantiate our claims. The simulation uses 65nm process running at roughly 2GHz.Comment: 12 page journal articl

    Design and Validation of Network-on-Chip Architectures for the Next Generation of Multi-synchronous, Reliable, and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems

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    NETWORK-ON-CHIP (NoC) design is today at a crossroad. On one hand, the design principles to efficiently implement interconnection networks in the resource-constrained on-chip setting have stabilized. On the other hand, the requirements on embedded system design are far from stabilizing. Embedded systems are composed by assembling together heterogeneous components featuring differentiated operating speeds and ad-hoc counter measures must be adopted to bridge frequency domains. Moreover, an unmistakable trend toward enhanced reconfigurability is clearly underway due to the increasing complexity of applications. At the same time, the technology effect is manyfold since it provides unprecedented levels of system integration but it also brings new severe constraints to the forefront: power budget restrictions, overheating concerns, circuit delay and power variability, permanent fault, increased probability of transient faults. Supporting different degrees of reconfigurability and flexibility in the parallel hardware platform cannot be however achieved with the incremental evolution of current design techniques, but requires a disruptive approach and a major increase in complexity. In addition, new reliability challenges cannot be solved by using traditional fault tolerance techniques alone but the reliability approach must be also part of the overall reconfiguration methodology. In this thesis we take on the challenge of engineering a NoC architectures for the next generation systems and we provide design methods able to overcome the conventional way of implementing multi-synchronous, reliable and reconfigurable NoC. Our analysis is not only limited to research novel approaches to the specific challenges of the NoC architecture but we also co-design the solutions in a single integrated framework. Interdependencies between different NoC features are detected ahead of time and we finally avoid the engineering of highly optimized solutions to specific problems that however coexist inefficiently together in the final NoC architecture. To conclude, a silicon implementation by means of a testchip tape-out and a prototype on a FPGA board validate the feasibility and effectivenes

    Metastability-Containing Circuits

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    In digital circuits, metastability can cause deteriorated signals that neither are logical 0 or logical 1, breaking the abstraction of Boolean logic. Unfortunately, any way of reading a signal from an unsynchronized clock domain or performing an analog-to-digital conversion incurs the risk of a metastable upset; no digital circuit can deterministically avoid, resolve, or detect metastability (Marino, 1981). Synchronizers, the only traditional countermeasure, exponentially decrease the odds of maintained metastability over time. Trading synchronization delay for an increased probability to resolve metastability to logical 0 or 1, they do not guarantee success. We propose a fundamentally different approach: It is possible to contain metastability by fine-grained logical masking so that it cannot infect the entire circuit. This technique guarantees a limited degree of metastability in---and uncertainty about---the output. At the heart of our approach lies a time- and value-discrete model for metastability in synchronous clocked digital circuits. Metastability is propagated in a worst-case fashion, allowing to derive deterministic guarantees, without and unlike synchronizers. The proposed model permits positive results and passes the test of reproducing Marino's impossibility results. We fully classify which functions can be computed by circuits with standard registers. Regarding masking registers, we show that they become computationally strictly more powerful with each clock cycle, resulting in a non-trivial hierarchy of computable functions

    An Energy-Efficient System with Timing-Reliable Error-Detection Sequentials

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    A new type of energy-efficient digital system that integrate EDS and DVS circuits has been developed. In these systems, EDS-monitored paths convert the PVT variations into timing variations. Nevertheless, the conversion can suffer from the reliability issue (extrinsic EDS-reliability). EDS circuits detect the unfavorable timing variations (so called ``error'') and guide DVS circuits to adjust the operating voltage to a proper lower level to save the energy. However, the error detection is generally susceptible to the metastability problem (intrinsic EDS-reliability) due to the synchronizer in EDS circuits. The MTBF due to metastability is exponentially related to the synchronizer delay. This dissertation proposes a new EDS circuit deployment strategy to enhance the extrinsic EDS-reliability. This strategy requires neither buffer insertion nor an extra clock and is applicable for FPGA implementations. An FPGA-based Discrete Cosine Transform with EDS and DVS circuits deployed in this fashion demonstrates up to 16.5\% energy savings over a conventional design at equivalent frequency setting and image quality, with a 0.8\% logic element and 3.5\% maximum frequency penalties. VBSs are proposed to improve the synchronizer delay under single low-voltage supply environments. A VBS consists of a Jamb latch and a switched-capacitor-based charge pump that provides a voltage boost to the Jamb Latch to speed up the metastability resolution. The charge pump can be either CVBS or MVBS. A new methodology for extracting the metastability parameters of synchronizers under changing biasing currents is proposed. For a 1-year MTBF specification, MVBS and CVBS show 2.0 to 2.7 and 5.1 to 9.8 times the delay improvement over the basic Jamb latch, respectively, without large power consumption. Optimization techniques including transistor sizing, FBB and dynamic implementation are further applied. For a common MTBF specification at typical PVT conditions, the optimized MVBS and CVBS show 2.97 to 7.57 and 4.14 to 8.13 times the delay improvement over the basic Jamb latch, respectively. In post-Layout simulations, MVBS and CVBS are 1.84 and 2.63 times faster than the basic Jamb latch, respectively

    Design of variation-tolerant synchronizers for multiple clock and voltage domains

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    PhD ThesisParametric variability increasingly affects the performance of electronic circuits as the fabrication technology has reached the level of 32nm and beyond. These parameters may include transistor Process parameters (such as threshold voltage), supply Voltage and Temperature (PVT), all of which could have a significant impact on the speed and power consumption of the circuit, particularly if the variations exceed the design margins. As systems are designed with more asynchronous protocols, there is a need for highly robust synchronizers and arbiters. These components are often used as interfaces between communication links of different timing domains as well as sampling devices for asynchronous inputs coming from external components. These applications have created a need for new robust designs of synchronizers and arbiters that can tolerate process, voltage and temperature variations. The aim of this study was to investigate how synchronizers and arbiters should be designed to tolerate parametric variations. All investigations focused mainly on circuit-level and transistor level designs and were modeled and simulated in the UMC90nm CMOS technology process. Analog simulations were used to measure timing parameters and power consumption along with a “Monte Carlo” statistical analysis to account for process variations. Two main components of synchronizers and arbiters were primarily investigated: flip-flop and mutual-exclusion element (MUTEX). Both components can violate the input timing conditions, setup and hold window times, which could cause metastability inside their bistable elements and possibly end in failures. The mean-time between failures is an important reliability feature of any synchronizer delay through the synchronizer. The MUTEX study focused on the classical circuit, in addition to a number of tolerance, based on increasing internal gain by adding current sources, reducing the capacitive loading, boosting the transconductance of the latch, compensating the existing Miller capacitance, and adding asymmetry to maneuver the metastable point. The results showed that some circuits had little or almost no improvements, while five techniques showed significant improvements by reducing τ and maintaining high tolerance. Three design approaches are proposed to provide variation-tolerant synchronizers. wagging synchronizer proposed to First, the is significantly increase reliability over that of the conventional two flip-flop synchronizer. The robustness of the wagging technique can be enhanced by using robust τ latches or adding one more cycle of synchronization. The second approach is the Metastability Auto-Detection and Correction (MADAC) latch which relies on swiftly detecting a metastable event and correcting it by enforcing the previously stored logic value. This technique significantly reduces the resolution time down from uncertain synchronization technique is proposed to transfer signals between Multiple- Voltage Multiple-Clock Domains (MVD/MCD) that do not require conventional level-shifters between the domains or multiple power supplies within each domain. This interface circuit uses a synchronous set and feedback reset protocol which provides level-shifting and synchronization of all signals between the domains, from a wide range of voltage-supplies and clock frequencies. Overall, synchronizer circuits can tolerate variations to a greater extent by employing the wagging technique or using a MADAC latch, while MUTEX tolerance can suffice with small circuit modifications. Communication between MVD/MCD can be achieved by an asynchronous handshake without a need for adding level-shifters.The Saudi Arabian Embassy in London, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabi

    Metastability-Containing Circuits

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    Communication across unsynchronized clock domains is inherently vulnerable to metastable upsets; no digital circuit can deterministically avoid, resolve, or detect metastability (Marino, 1981). Traditionally, a possibly metastable input is stored in synchronizers, decreasing the odds of maintained metastability over time. This approach costs time, and does not guarantee success. We propose a fundamentally different approach: It is possible to \emph{contain} metastability by logical masking, so that it cannot infect the entire circuit. This technique guarantees a limited degree of metastability in---and uncertainty about---the output. We present a synchronizer-free, fault-tolerant clock synchronization algorithm as application, synchronizing clock domains and thus enabling metastability-free communication. At the heart of our approach lies a model for metastability in synchronous clocked digital circuits. Metastability is propagated in a worst-case fashion, allowing to derive deterministic guarantees, without and unlike synchronizers. The proposed model permits positive results while at the same time reproducing established impossibility results regarding avoidance, resolution, and detection of metastability. Furthermore, we fully classify which functions can be computed by synchronous circuits with standard registers, and show that masking registers are computationally strictly more powerful

    Hazard-free clock synchronization

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    The growing complexity of microprocessors makes it infeasible to distribute a single clock source over the whole processor with a small clock skew. Hence, chips are split into multiple clock regions, each covered by a single clock source. This poses a problem for communication between these clock regions. Clock synchronization algorithms promise an advantage over state-of-the-art solutions, such as GALS systems. When clock regions are synchronous the communication latency improves significantly over handshake-based solutions. We focus on the implementation of clock synchronization algorithms. A major obstacle when implementing circuits on clock domain crossings are hazardous signals. We can formally define hazards by extending the Boolean logic by a third value u. In this thesis, we describe a theory for designing and analyzing hazard-free circuits. We develop strategies for hazard-free encoding and construction of hazard-free circuits from finite state machines. Furthermore, we discuss clock synchronization algorithms and a possible combination of them. In the end, we present two implementations of the GCS algorithm by Lenzen, Locher, and Wattenhofer (JACM 2010). We prove by rigorous analysis that the systems implement the algorithm. The theory described above is used to prove that our clock synchronization circuits are hazard-free (in the sense that they compute the most precise output possible). Simulation of our GCS system shows that it achieves a skew between neighboring clock regions that is smaller than a few inverter delays.Aufgrund der zunehmenden Komplexität von Mikroprozessoren ist es unmöglich, mit einer einzigen Taktquelle den gesamten Prozessor ohne großen Versatz zu takten. Daher werden Chips in mehrere Regionen aufgeteilt, die jeweils von einer einzelnen Taktquelle abgedeckt werden. Dies stellt ein Problem für die Kommunikation zwischen diesen Taktregionen dar. Algorithmen zur Taktsynchronisation bieten einen Vorteil gegenüber aktuellen Lösungen, wie z.B. GALS-Systemen. Synchronisiert man die Taktregionen, so verbessert sich die Latenz der Kommunikation erheblich. In Schaltkreisen zwischen zwei Taktregionen können undefinierte Signale, sogenannte Hazards auftreten. Indem wir die boolesche Algebra um einen dritten Wert u erweitern, können wir diese Hazards formal definieren. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir eine Methode zum Entwurf und zur Analyse von hazard-freien Schaltungen. Wir entwickeln Strategien für Kodierungen die Hazards vermeiden und zur Konstruktion von hazard-freien Schaltungen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir Algorithmen Taktsynchronisation vor und wie diese kombiniert werden können. Zum Schluss stellen wir zwei Implementierungen des GCS-Algorithmus von Lenzen, Locher und Wattenhofer (JACM 2010) vor. Oben genannte Mechanismen werden verwendet, um formal zu beweisen, dass diese Implementierungen korrekt sind. Die Implementierung hat keine Hazards, das heißt sie berechnet die bestmo ̈gliche Ausgabe. Anschließende Simulation der GCS Implementierung erzielt einen Versatz zwischen benachbarten Taktregionen, der kleiner als ein paar Gatter-Laufzeiten ist

    From FPGA to ASIC: A RISC-V processor experience

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    This work document a correct design flow using these tools in the Lagarto RISC- V Processor and the RTL design considerations that must be taken into account, to move from a design for FPGA to design for ASIC

    Design of robust asynchronous reconfigurable controllers for parallel synchronization using embedded graphs

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    PhD Thesis: This is a revised version received 24/5/16. The definitive version is the print copy in the Research Reserve Collection of the University LibrarySynchronization is a key System-on-Chip (SoC) design issue in modern technologies. As the number of operating points under consideration increases, specifications which are capable of altering key parameters such as the time available for synchronization and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) in response to input from the user/system become desirable. This thesis explores how a combination of parallelism and scheduling, referred to as wagging, can be utilized to construct schedulers for synchronizer designs which are capable of pooling the gain-bandwidth products of their composite devices, in order to satisfy this requirement. In this work, we explore the ways in which the areas of graph theory and reconfigurable hardware design can be applied to generate both combinational and sequential scheduler designs, which satisfy the behavior requirement above. Further to this point, this work illustrates that such a scheduler is primarily comprised of an interrupt subsystem, and a reconfigurable token ring. This thesis explores how both of these components can be controlled in absence of a clock signal, as well as the design challenges inherent to each part. The final noteworthy issue in this study is with regard to the flow control of data in a parallel synchronizer that incorporates a First-In First-Out (FIFO) buffer to decouple the reading and writing operations from each other. Such a structure incurs penalties if the data rates on both sides are not well matched. This work presents a method by which combinations of serial and parallel reading operations are used to minimize this mismatch

    Gradual Synchronization

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    A synchronization solution is developed in order to allow finer grained segmentation of clock domains on a chip. This solution incorporates computation into the synchronization overhead time and is called Gradual Synchronization. With Gradual Synchronization as a synchronization method the design space of a chip could easily mix both asynchronous and synchronous blocks of logic, paving the way for wider use of asynchronous logic design