48 research outputs found

    Model-Based Adaptation of Software Communicating via FIFO Buffers

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    Software Adaptation is a non-intrusive solution for composing black-box components or services (peers) whose individual functionality is as required for the new system, but that present interface mismatch, which leads to deadlock or other undesirable behaviour when combined. Adaptation techniques aim at automatically generating new components called adapters. All the interactions among peers pass through the adapter, which acts as an orchestrator and makes the involved peers work correctly together by compensating for mismatch. Most of the existing solutions in this field assume that peers interact synchronously using rendezvous communication. However, many application areas rely on asynchronous communication models where peers interact exchanging messages via buffers. Generating adapters in this context becomes a difficult problem because peers may exhibit cyclic behaviour, and their composition often results in infinite systems. In this paper, we present a method for automatically generating adapters in asynchronous environments where peers interact using FIFO buffers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Compatibility Checking for Asynchronously Communicating Software

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    International audienceCompatibility is a crucial problem that is encountered while constructing new software by reusing and composing existing components. A set of software components is called compatible if their composition preserves certain properties, such as deadlock freedom. However, checking compatibility for systems communicating asynchronously is an undecidable problem, and asynchronous communication is a common interaction mechanism used in building software systems. A typical approach in analyzing such systems is to bound the state space. In this paper, we take a different approach and do not impose any bounds on the number of participants or the sizes of the message buffers. Instead, we present a sufficient condition for checking compatibility of a set of asynchronously communicating components. Our approach relies on the synchronizability property which identifies systems for which interaction behavior remains the same when asynchronous communication is replaced with synchronous communication. Using the synchronizability property, we can check the compatibility of systems with unbounded message buffers by analyzing only a finite part of their behavior. We have implemented a prototype tool to automate our approach and we have applied it to many examples

    Stability of Asynchronously Communicating Systems

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    Recent software is mostly constructed by reusing and composing existing components. Software components are usually stateful and therefore described using behavioral models such as finite state machines. Asynchronous communication is a classic interaction mechanism used for such software systems. However, analysing communicating systems interacting asynchronously via reliable FIFO buffers is an undecidable problem. A typical approach is to check whether the system is bounded, and if not, the corresponding state space can be made finite by limiting the presence of communication cycles in behavioral models or by fixing buffer sizes. In this paper, we focus on infinite systems and we do not restrict the system by imposing any arbitrary bounds. We introduce a notion of stability and prove that once the system is stable for a specific buffer bound, it remains stable whatever larger bounds are chosen for buffers. This enables us to check certain properties on the system for that bound and to ensure that the system will preserve them whatever larger bounds are used for buffers. We also prove that computing this bound is undecidable but show how we succeed in computing these bounds for many typical examples using heuristics and equivalence checking

    Adaptation of Asynchronously Communicating Software

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    International audienceSoftware adaptation techniques aim at generating new components called adapters, which make a set of services work correctly together by compensating for existing mismatch. Most approaches assume that services interact synchronously using rendez-vous communication. In this paper, we focus on asynchronous communication, where services interact exchanging messages via buffers. We overview a method for automatically generating adapters in such asynchronous environments

    Verification of Well-formedness in Message-Passing Asynchronous Systems modeled as Communicating Finite-State Machines

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    Asynchronous systems with message-passing communication paradigm have made major inroads in many application domains in service-oriented computing, secure and safe operating systems and in general, distributed systems. Asynchrony and concurrency in these systems bring in new challenges in verification of correctness properties. In particular, the high-level behavior of message-passing asynchronous systems is modeled as communicating finite-state machines (CFSMs) with unbounded communication buffers/channels. It has been proven that, in general, state-space exploration based automatic verification of CFSMs is undecidable - specifically, reachability and boundedness problems for CFSMs are undecidable. In this context, we focus on an important path-based property for CFSMs, namely well-formedness - every message sent can be eventually consumed. We show that well-formedness is undecidable as well, and present decidable sub-classes for which verification of well-formedness can be automated. We implemented the algorithm for verifying the well-formedness for the decidable subclass, and present our results using several case studies such as service choreographies and Singularity OS contracts

    Adaptation of Asynchronously Communicating Software

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    International audienceSoftware adaptation techniques aim at generating new components called adapters, which make a set of services work correctly together by compensating for existing mismatch. Most approaches assume that services interact synchronously using rendez-vous communication. In this paper, we focus on asynchronous communication, where services interact exchanging messages via buffers. We overview a method for automatically generating adapters in such asynchronous environments

    On the Completeness of Verifying Message Passing Programs under Bounded Asynchrony

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    We address the problem of verifying message passing programs, defined as a set of parallel processes communicating through unbounded FIFO buffers. We introduce a bounded analysis that explores a special type of computations, called k-synchronous. These computations can be viewed as (unbounded) sequences of interaction phases, each phase allowing at most k send actions (by different processes), followed by a sequence of receives corresponding to sends in the same phase. We give a procedure for deciding k-synchronizability of a program, i.e., whether every computation is equivalent (has the same happens-before relation) to one of its k-synchronous computations. We also show that reachability over k-synchronous computations and checking k-synchronizability are both PSPACE-complete. Furthermore, we introduce a class of programs called {\em flow-bounded} for which the problem of deciding whether there exists a k>0 for which the program is k-synchronizable, is decidable

    Towards correct Evolution of Conversation Protocols

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    Distributed software systems change dynamically due to the evolution of their environment and/or requirements, their internal designing policies, and/or their specification bugs which must be fixed. Hence, checking system changes must be run continuously. Such systems are usually composed of distributed software entities (called peers) interacting with each other through message exchanges, and this is to fulfil a common goal. The goal is often specified by a conversation protocol (CP), i.e. sequences of sent messages. If there exists a set of peers implementing CP, then CP is said to be realisable. In this paper, we propose a stepwise approach for checking whether an evolution, i.e. adding and/or removing messages and/or peers, can be applied to a CP that was realisable before updating it.We define a set of correct evolution patterns and we suggest an algebra of CP evolution. Our approach ensures that CP evolution preserves the realisability condition

    Stability-Based Adaptation of Asynchronously Communicating Software

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    International audienceSoftware Adaptation aims at composing incompatible black-box components or services (peers) whose individual functionality is as required for the new system. Adaptation techniques aim at automatically generating new components called adapters. An adapter works as an orchestrator and makes the involved peers work correctly together by receiving all messages exchanged in the system and by correcting mis-match between them. A challenging issue in this area is to consider that peers are described with (possibly cyclic) behavioural models and interact asynchronously, that is, exchanging messages via message buffers. The synthesis of adapters in this context is difficult because the composition of peers may result in infinite systems. In this paper, we propose new adaptation techniques, which rely on a property of communicating systems called stability. Stability aims at verifying whether a communicating system exhibits the same observational behaviour from a certain buffer bound on. We also provide adapter generation techniques using process algebra encodings and enumerative analysis techniques

    On the Completeness of Verifying Message Passing Programs Under Bounded Asynchrony

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    International audienceWe address the problem of verifying message passing programs , defined as a set of processes communicating through unbounded FIFO buffers. We introduce a bounded analysis that explores a special type of computations, called k-synchronous. These computations can be viewed as (unbounded) sequences of interaction phases, each phase allowing at most k send actions (by different processes), followed by a sequence of receives corresponding to sends in the same phase. We give a procedure for deciding k-synchronizability of a program, i.e., whether every computation is equivalent (has the same happens-before relation) to one of its k-synchronous computations. We show that reachability over k-synchronous computations and checking k-synchronizability are both PSPACE-complete