151 research outputs found

    Fluidization of Petri nets to improve the analysis of Discrete Event Systems

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    Las Redes de Petri (RdP) son un formalismo ampliamente aceptado para el modelado y análisis de Sistemas de Eventos Discretos (SED). Por ejemplo sistemas de manufactura, de logística, de tráfico, redes informáticas, servicios web, redes de comunicación, procesos bioquímicos, etc. Como otros formalismos, las redes de Petri sufren del problema de la ¿explosión de estados¿, en el cual el número de estados crece explosivamente respecto de la carga del sistema, haciendo intratables algunas técnicas de análisis basadas en la enumeración de estados. La fluidificación de las redes de Petri trata de superar este problema, pasando de las RdP discretas (en las que los disparos de las transiciones y los marcados de los lugares son cantidades enteras no negativas) a las RdP continuas (en las que los disparos de las transiciones, y por lo tanto los marcados se definen en los reales). Las RdP continuas disponen de técnicas de análisis más eficientes que las discretas. Sin embargo, como toda relajación, la fluidificación supone el detrimento de la fidelidad, dando lugar a la pérdida de propiedades cualitativas o cuantitativas de la red de Petri original. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es mejorar el proceso de fluidificación de las RdP, obteniendo un formalismo continuo (o al menos parcialmente) que evite el problema de la explosión de estados, mientras aproxime adecuadamente la RdP discreta. Además, esta tesis considera no solo el proceso de fluidificación sino también el formalismo de las RdP continuas en sí mismo, estudiando la complejidad computacional de comprobar algunas propiedades. En primer lugar, se establecen las diferencias que aparecen entre las RdP discretas y continuas, y se proponen algunas transformaciones sobre la red discreta que mejorarán la red continua resultante. En segundo lugar, se examina el proceso de fluidificación de las RdP autónomas (i.e., sin ninguna interpretación temporal), y se establecen ciertas condiciones bajo las cuales la RdP continua preserva determinadas propiedades cualitativas de la RdP discreta: limitación, ausencia de bloqueos, vivacidad, etc. En tercer lugar, se contribuye al estudio de la decidibilidad y la complejidad computacional de algunas propiedades comunes de la RdP continua autónoma. En cuarto lugar, se considera el proceso de fluidificación de las RdP temporizadas. Se proponen algunas técnicas para preservar ciertas propiedades cuantitativas de las RdP discretas estocásticas por las RdP continuas temporizadas. Por último, se propone un nuevo formalismo, en el cual el disparo de las transiciones se adapta a la carga del sistema, combinando disparos discretos y continuos, dando lugar a las Redes de Petri híbridas adaptativas. Las RdP híbridas adaptativas suponen un marco conceptual para la fluidificación parcial o total de las Redes de Petri, que engloba a las redes de Petri discretas, continuas e híbridas. En general, permite preservar propiedades de la RdP original, evitando el problema de la explosión de estados

    A tool for model-checking Markov chains

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    Markov chains are widely used in the context of the performance and reliability modeling of various systems. Model checking of such chains with respect to a given (branching) temporal logic formula has been proposed for both discrete [34, 10] and continuous time settings [7, 12]. In this paper, we describe a prototype model checker for discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, the Erlangen-Twente Markov Chain Checker EÎMC2, where properties are expressed in appropriate extensions of CTL. We illustrate the general benefits of this approach and discuss the structure of the tool. Furthermore, we report on successful applications of the tool to some examples, highlighting lessons learned during the development and application of EÎMC2

    Calculus for decision systems

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    The conceptualization of the term system has become highly dependent on the application domain. What a physicist means by the term system might be different than what a sociologist means by the same term. In 1956, Bertalanffy [1] defined a system as a set of units with relationships among them . This and many other definitions of system share the idea of a system as a black box that has parts or elements interacting between each other. This means that at some level of abstraction all systems are similar, what eventually differentiates one system from another is the set of underlining equations which describe how these parts interact within the system. ^ In this dissertation we develop a framework that allows us to characterize systems from an interaction level, i.e., a framework that gives us the capability to capture how/when the elements of the system interact. This framework is a process algebra called Calculus for Decision Systems (CDS). This calculus provides means to create mathematical expressions that capture how the systems interact and react to different stimuli. It also provides the ability to formulate procedures to analyze these interactions and to further derive other interesting insights of the system. ^ After defining the syntax and reduction rules of the CDS, we develop a notion of behavioral equivalence for decision systems. This equivalence, called bisimulation, allows us to compare decision systems from the behavioral standpoint. We apply our results to games in extensive form, some physical systems, and cyber-physical systems. ^ Using the CDS for the study of games in extensive form we were able to define the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium for a two-person game with perfect information. Then, we investigate the behavior of two games played in parallel by one of the players. We also explore different couplings between games, and compare - using bisimulation - the behavior of two games that are the result of two different couplings. The results showed that, with some probability, the behavior of playing a game as first player, or second player, could be irrelevant. ^ Decision systems can be comprised by multiple decision makers. We show that in the case where two decision makers interact, we can use extensive games to represent the conflict resolution. For the case where there are more than two decision makers, we presented how to characterize the interactions between elements within an organizational structure. Organizational structures can be perceived as multiple players interacting in a game. In the context of organizational structures, we use the CDS as an information sharing mechanism to transfer the inputs and outputs from one extensive game to another. We show the suitability of our calculus for the analysis of organizational structures, and point out some potential research extensions for the analysis of organizational structures. ^ The other general area we investigate using the CDS is cyber-physical systems. Cyber-physical systems or CPS is a class of systems that are characterized by a tight relationship between systems (or processes) in the areas of computing, communication and physics. We use the CDS to describe the interaction between elements in some simple mechanical system, as well as a particular case of the generalized railroad crossing (GRC) problem, which is a typical case of CPS. We show two approaches to the solution of the GRC problem. ^ This dissertation does not intend to develop new methods to solve game theoretical problems or equations of motion of a physical system, it aims to be a seminal work towards the creation of a general framework to study systems and equivalence of systems from a formal standpoint, and to increase the applications of formal methods to real-world problems

    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems

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    This book is Open Access under a CC BY licence. The LNCS 11427 and 11428 proceedings set constitutes the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2019, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2019, held as part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019. The total of 42 full and 8 short tool demo papers presented in these volumes was carefully reviewed and selected from 164 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: SAT and SMT, SAT solving and theorem proving; verification and analysis; model checking; tool demo; and machine learning. Part II: concurrent and distributed systems; monitoring and runtime verification; hybrid and stochastic systems; synthesis; symbolic verification; and safety and fault-tolerant systems

    Backward Bisimulation in Markov Chain Model Checking

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    Sémantique compositionnelle et raffinement de systèmes temporisés : application aux automates temporisés d'UPPAAL et au langage FIACRE

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    Les systèmes temps-réel sont massivement impliqués dans de nombreuses applications, dont notre vie dépend comme les logiciels embarqués dans les voitures et les avions. Pour ces systèmes des erreurs inattendues ne sont pas acceptables. De ce fait, assurer la correction de ces systèmes est une tâche primordiale. Les systèmes temps-réel représentent un large spectre de systèmes automatisés dont la correction dépend de la ponctualité des événements (timeliness) et pas seulement de leurs propriétés fonctionnelles. Chaque événement doit être produit selon la date indiquée par la spécification du système. Les systèmes temps-réel sont concurrents et embarqués, et conçus comme un assemblage de composants en interaction. Malgré les progrès réalisés dans les techniques de model checking, la vérification et l'analyse des systèmes temps-réel représentent toujours un défi autant pour les chercheurs que les praticiens. Pour étudier le comportement des systèmes temps-réel, différents formalismes ont été considérés comme les automates temporisés, les réseaux de Petri temporisés et les algèbres de processus. Cela donne lieu à plusieurs points délicats concernant le raffinement, la composition et la vérification. Ces points représentent un champ de recherche intensif. Ma thèse présente une étude des systèmes temps-réel focalisée sur les notions de sémantique, de composition et de raffinement. Elle décrit nos efforts pour explorer et étendre les formalismes temps-réel. Nous avons abordé les concepts de base de la modélisation des systèmes temps réel tels que les variables partagées, la communication, les priorités, la dynamicité, etc. La contribution de cette thèse porte sur la définition d’un cadre formel pour raisonner sur la sémantique, la composition et le raffinement des systèmes temporisés. Nous avons instancié ce cadre pour le formalisme des automates temporisés et le langage Fiacre.Nowadays, real-time systems are intensively involved in many applications on which our life is dependent, like embedded software in cars and planes. For these systems unexpected errors are not acceptable. Real-time systems represent a large spectrum of automated systems of which correctness depends on the timing of events (timeliness) and not only on their functional properties. Each event must be produced on time. Realtime systems can be concurrent and embedded where different interactive modules and components are assembled together. Despite advances in model checking techniques, the verification and analysis of real-time systems still represent a strong challenge for researchers and practitioners. To study the behavior of real-time systems, different formalisms have been considered like timed automata, time Petri nets and timed algebra, and several challenges concerning refinement, composition and verification have emerged. These points represent an intensive field of research. This thesis describes our effort to explore and extend real-time formalisms. We have revisited real-time language semantics, focusing on composition and refinement. We have addressed high level concepts like shared variables, communication, priorities, dynamicity, etc. The main contribution consists of a theoretical study of timed systems where we establish a framework for reasoning on composition, refinement and semantics. We instantiate this framework for timed automata and the Fiacre language

    Second Workshop on Modelling of Objects, Components and Agents

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    This report contains the proceedings of the workshop Modelling of Objects, Components, and Agents (MOCA'02), August 26-27, 2002.The workshop is organized by the 'Coloured Petri Net' Group at the University of Aarhus, Denmark and the 'Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science' Group at the University of Hamburg, Germany. The homepage of the workshop is: http://www.daimi.au.dk/CPnets/workshop02