4,921 research outputs found

    A bibliometric review and analysis of traffic lights optimization

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    The significant increase in the number of vehicles in urban areas emerges the challenge of urban mobility. Researchers in this area suggest that most daily delays in urban travel times are caused by intersections, which could be reduced if the traffic lights at these intersections were more efficient. The use of simulation for real intersections can be effective in optimizing the cycle times and improving the traffic light timing to coordinate vehicles passing through intersections. From these themes emerge the research questions: How are the existing approaches (optimization techniques and simulation) to managing traffic lights smartly? What kind of data (offline and online) are used for traffic lights optimization? How beneficial is it to propose an optimization approach to the traffic system? This paper aims to answer these questions, carried out through a bibliometric literature review. In total, 93 articles were analyzed. The main findings revealed that the United States and China are the countries with the most studies published in the last ten years. Moreover, Particle Swarm Optimization is a frequently used approach, and there is a tendency for studies to perform optimization of real cases by real-time data, showing that the praxis of smart cities has resorted to smart traffic lights.This work has been supported by FCT— Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 and the project “Integrated and Innovative Solutions for the well-being of people in complex urban centers” within the Project Scope NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000086

    On tuning the particle swarm optimization for solving the traffic light problem

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    In everyday routines, there are multiple situations of high traffic congestion, especially in large cities. Traffic light timed regulated intersections are one of the solutions used to improve traffic flow without the need for large-scale and costly infrastructure changes. A specific situation where traffic lights are used is on single-lane roads, often found on roads under maintenance, narrow roads or bridges where it is impossible to have two lanes. In this paper, a simulation-optimization strategy is tested for this scenario. A Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm is used to find the optimal solution to the traffic light timing problem in order to reduce the waiting times for crossing the lane in a simulated vehicle system. To assess vehicle waiting times, a network is implemented using the Simulation of Urban MObility software. The performance of the PSO is analyzed by testing different parameters of the algorithm in solving the optimization problem. The results of the traffic light time optimization show that the proposed methodology is able to obtain a decrease of almost 26% in the average waiting times.This work has been supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R &D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 and the project “Integrated and Innovative Solutions for the well-being of people in complex urban centers” within the Project Scope NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000086

    An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows

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    In this article we present a strategy based on an evolutionary algorithm to calculate the real vehicle ows in cities according to data from sensors placed in the streets. We have worked with a map imported from OpenStreetMap into the SUMO traffic simulator so that the resulting scenarios can be used to perform different optimizations with the confidence of being able to work with a traffic distribution close to reality. We have compared the results of our algorithm to other competitors and achieved results that replicate the real traffic distribution with a precision higher than 90%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by project number 8.06/5.47.4142 in collaboration with the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and Universidad de Málaga UMA/FEDER FC14-TIC36, programa de fortalecimiento de las capacidades de I+D+i en las universidades 2014-2015, de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, cofinanciado por el fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (FEDER). Also, partially funded by the Spanish MINECO project TIN2014-57341-R (http://moveon.lcc.uma.es). The authors would like to thank the FEDER of European Union for financial support via project Movilidad Inteligente: Wi-Fi, Rutas y Contaminación (maxCT) of the "Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020. We also thank all Agency of Public Works of Andalusia Regional Government staff and researchers for their dedication and professionalism. Daniel H. Stolfi is supported by a FPU grant (FPU13/00954) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

    Bio-inspired Computing and Smart Mobility

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    Por último, se aborda la predicción de plazas libres de aparcamiento utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje automático, tales como series temporales, agrupamiento, etc., incluyendo un prototipo de aplicación web. La tercera parte de esta tesis doctoral se enfoca en el diseño y evaluación de un nuevo algoritmo inspirado en la epigénesis, el Algoritmo Epigenético. Luego de la descripción del modelo en el que se basa y de sus partes, se utiliza este nuevo algoritmo para la resolución del problema de la mochila multidimensional y se comparan sus resultados con los de otros algoritmos del estado de arte. Por último se emplea también el Algoritmo Epigenético para la optimización de la arquitectura Yellow Swarm, un problema de movilidad inteligente resuelto por un nuevo algoritmo bioinspirado. A lo largo de esta tesis doctoral se han descrito los problemas de movilidad inteligente y propuesto nuevas herramientas para su optimización. A partir de los experimentos realizados se concluye que estas herramientas, basadas en algoritmos bioinspirados, son eficientes para abordar estos problemas, obteniendo resultados competitivos comparados con los del estado del arte, los cuales han sido validados estadísticamente. Esto representa un aporte científico pero también una serie de mejoras para la sociedad toda, tanto en su salud como en el aprovechamiento de su tiempo libre. Fecha de lectura de Tesis: 01 octubre 2018.Esta tesis doctoral propone soluciones a problemas de movilidad inteligente, concretamente la reducción de los tiempos de viajes en las vías urbanas, las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y el consumo de combustible, mediante el diseño y uso de nuevos algoritmos bioinspirados. Estos algoritmos se utilizan para la optimización de escenarios realistas, cuyo trazado urbano se obtiene desde OpenStreetMap, y que son luego evaluados en el microsimulador SUMO. Primero se describen las bases científicas y tecnológicas, incluyendo la definición y estado del arte de los problemas a abordar, las metaheurísticas que se utilizarán durante el desarrollo de los experimentos, así como las correspondientes validaciones estadísticas. A continuación se describen los simuladores de movilidad como principal herramienta para construir y evaluar los escenarios urbanos. Por último se presenta una propuesta para generar tráfico vehicular realista a partir de datos de sensores que cuentan el número de vehículos en la ciudad, utilizando herramientas incluidas en SUMO combinadas con algoritmos evolutivos. En la segunda parte se modelan y resuelven problemas de movilidad inteligente utilizando las nuevas arquitecturas Red Swarm y Green Swarm para sugerir nuevas rutas a los vehículos utilizando nodos con conectividad Wi-Fi. Red Swarm se centra en la reducción de tiempos de viajes evitando la congestión de las calles, mientras que Green Swarm está enfocado en la reducción de emisiones y consumo de combustible. Luego se propone la arquitectura Yellow Swarm que utiliza una serie de paneles LED para indicar desvíos que los vehículos pueden seguir en lugar de nodos Wi-Fi haciendo esta propuesta más accesible. Además se propone un método para genera rutas alternativas para los navegadores GPS de modo que se aprovechen mejor las calles secundarias de las ciudades, reduciendo los atascos

    Traffic light optimization of an intersection: a portuguese case study

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    Smart cities aim to rise strategies that reduce issues caused by the urban population growth and fast urbanization. Thus, traffic light optimization emerges as an important option for urban traffic management. The main goal of this study is to improve traffic light management at a specific intersection, in the City of Guimarães (Portugal), where high-intensity traffic and an active pedestrian area were observed, generating traffic queues. To achieve the goals, a simulation-based optimization strategy using the Particle Swarm Optimization combined with the Simulation of Urban Mobility software was used to minimize the average waiting time of the vehicles by determining the optimal value of the traffic light cycle. The computational results showed it is possible to decrease by 78.2% the average value of the waiting time. In conclusion, by better managing the traffic light cycle time, traffic flow without congestion or queues can be achieved.This work has been supported by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020 and the project “Integrated and Innovative Solutions for the well-being of people in complex urban centers” within the Project Scope NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000086

    Evolutionary design optimization of traffic signals applied to Quito city

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    This work applies evolutionary computation and machine learning methods to study the transportation system of Quito from a design optimization perspective. It couples an evolutionary algorithm with a microscopic transport simulator and uses the outcome of the optimization process to deepen our understanding of the problem and gain knowledge about the system. The work focuses on the optimization of a large number of traffic lights deployed on a wide area of the city and studies their impact on travel time, emissions and fuel consumption. An evolutionary algorithm with specialized mutation operators is proposed to search effectively in large decision spaces, evolving small populations for a short number of generations. The effects of the operators combined with a varying mutation schedule are studied, and an analysis of the parameters of the algorithm is also included. In addition, hierarchical clustering is performed on the best solutions found in several runs of the algorithm. An analysis of signal clusters and their geolocation, estimation of fuel consumption, spatial analysis of emissions, and an analysis of signal coordination provide an overall picture of the systemic effects of the optimization process