119 research outputs found

    Smart Camera Robotic Assistant for Laparoscopic Surgery

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    The cognitive architecture also includes learning mechanisms to adapt the behavior of the robot to the different ways of working of surgeons, and to improve the robot behavior through experience, in a similar way as a human assistant would do. The theoretical concepts of this dissertation have been validated both through in-vitro experimentation in the labs of medical robotics of the University of Malaga and through in-vivo experimentation with pigs in the IACE Center (Instituto Andaluz de Cirugía Experimental), performed by expert surgeons.In the last decades, laparoscopic surgery has become a daily practice in operating rooms worldwide, which evolution is tending towards less invasive techniques. In this scenario, robotics has found a wide field of application, from slave robotic systems that replicate the movements of the surgeon to autonomous robots able to assist the surgeon in certain maneuvers or to perform autonomous surgical tasks. However, these systems require the direct supervision of the surgeon, and its capacity of making decisions and adapting to dynamic environments is very limited. This PhD dissertation presents the design and implementation of a smart camera robotic assistant to collaborate with the surgeon in a real surgical environment. First, it presents the design of a novel camera robotic assistant able to augment the capacities of current vision systems. This robotic assistant is based on an intra-abdominal camera robot, which is completely inserted into the patient’s abdomen and it can be freely moved along the abdominal cavity by means of magnetic interaction with an external magnet. To provide the camera with the autonomy of motion, the external magnet is coupled to the end effector of a robotic arm, which controls the shift of the camera robot along the abdominal wall. This way, the robotic assistant proposed in this dissertation has six degrees of freedom, which allow providing a wider field of view compared to the traditional vision systems, and also to have different perspectives of the operating area. On the other hand, the intelligence of the system is based on a cognitive architecture specially designed for autonomous collaboration with the surgeon in real surgical environments. The proposed architecture simulates the behavior of a human assistant, with a natural and intuitive human-robot interface for the communication between the robot and the surgeon

    A survey of technologies supporting design of a multimodal interactive robot for military communication

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    Purpose – This paper presents a survey of research into interactive robotic systems for the purpose of identifying the state of the art capabilities as well as the extant gaps in this emerging field. Communication is multimodal. Multimodality is a representation of many modes chosen from rhetorical aspects for its communication potentials. The author seeks to define the available automation capabilities in communication using multimodalities that will support a proposed Interactive Robot System (IRS) as an AI mounted robotic platform to advance the speed and quality of military operational and tactical decision making. Design/methodology/approach – This review will begin by presenting key developments in the robotic interaction field with the objective of identifying essential technological developments that set conditions for robotic platforms to function autonomously. After surveying the key aspects in Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS), visualization, Virtual Environment (VE) and prediction, the paper then proceeds to describe the gaps in the application areas that will require extension and integration to enable the prototyping of the IRS. A brief examination of other work in HRI-related fields concludes with a recapitulation of the IRS challenge that will set conditions for future success. Findings – Using insights from a balanced cross section of sources from the government, academic, and commercial entities that contribute to HRI a multimodal IRS in military communication is introduced. Multimodal IRS (MIRS) in military communication has yet to be deployed. Research limitations/implications – Multimodal robotic interface for the MIRS is an interdisciplinary endeavour. This is not realistic that one can comprehend all expert and related knowledge and skills to design and develop such multimodal interactive robotic interface. In this brief preliminary survey, the author has discussed extant AI, robotics, NLP, CV, VDM, and VE applications that is directly related to multimodal interaction. Each mode of this multimodal communication is an active research area. Multimodal human/military robot communication is the ultimate goal of this research. Practical implications – A multimodal autonomous robot in military communication using speech, images, gestures, VST and VE has yet to be deployed. Autonomous multimodal communication is expected to open wider possibilities for all armed forces. Given the density of the land domain, the army is in a position to exploit the opportunities for human–machine teaming (HMT) exposure. Naval and air forces will adopt platform specific suites for specially selected operators to integrate with and leverage this emerging technology. The possession of a flexible communications means that readily adapts to virtual training will enhance planning and mission rehearsals tremendously. Social implications – Interaction, perception, cognition and visualization based multimodal communication system is yet missing. Options to communicate, express and convey information in HMT setting with multiple options, suggestions and recommendations will certainly enhance military communication, strength, engagement, security, cognition, perception as well as the ability to act confidently for a successful mission. Originality/value – The objective is to develop a multimodal autonomous interactive robot for military communications. This survey reports the state of the art, what exists and what is missing, what can be done and possibilities of extension that support the military in maintaining effective communication using multimodalities. There are some separate ongoing progresses, such as in machine-enabled speech, image recognition, tracking, visualizations for situational awareness, and virtual environments. At this time, there is no integrated approach for multimodal human robot interaction that proposes a flexible and agile communication. The report briefly introduces the research proposal about multimodal interactive robot in military communication

    Image guided robotic assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of tumor

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    The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the feasibility and the potentiality of introduction of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, from the diagnosis to the treatment phase. The popularity of robotics in the operating room has grown in recent years. Currently the most popular systems is the da Vinci telemanipulator (Intuitive Surgical), it is based on a master-slave control, for minimally invasive surgery and it is used in several surgical fields such us urology, general, gynecology, cardiothoracic. An accurate study of this system, from a technological field of view, has been conducted addressing all drawbacks and advantages of this system. The da Vinci System creates an immersive operating environment for the surgeon by providing both high quality stereo visualization and a human-machine interface that directly connects the surgeon’s hands to the motion of the surgical tool tips inside the patient’s body. It has undoubted advantages for the surgeon work and for the patient health, at least for some interventions, while its very high costs leaves many doubts on its price benefit ratio. In the robotic surgery field many researchers are working on the optimization and miniaturization robots mechanic, while others are trying to obtain smart functionalities to realize robotic systems, that, “knowing” the patient anatomy from radiological images, can assists the surgeon in an active way. Regarding the second point, image guided systems can be useful to plan and to control medical robots motion and to provide the surgeon pre-operative and intra-operative images with augmented reality visualization to enhance his/her perceptual capacities and, as a consequence, to improve the quality of treatments. To demonstrate this thesis some prototypes has been designed, implemented and tested. The development of image guided medical devices, comprehensive of augmented reality, virtual navigation and robotic surgical features, requires to address several problems. The first ones are the choosing of the robotic platform and of the image source to employ. An industrial anthropomorphic arm has been used as testing platform. The idea of integrating industrial robot components in the clinical workflow has been supported by the da Vinci technical analysis. The algorithms and methods developed, regarding in particular robot calibration, based on literature theories and on an easily integration in the clinical scenario, can be adapted to each anthropomorphic arm. In this way this work can be integrated with light-weight robots, for industrial or clinical use, able to work in close contact to humans, which will become numerous in the early future. Regarding the medical image source, it has been decided to work with ultrasound imaging. Two-dimensional ultrasound imaging is widely used in clinical practice because is not dangerous for the patient, inexpensive, compact and it is a highly flexible imaging that allows users to study many anatomic structures. It is routinely used for diagnosis and as guidance in percutaneous treatments. However the use of 2D ultrasound imaging presents some disadvantages that require great ability of the user: it requires that the clinician mentally integrates many images to reconstruct a complete idea of the anatomy in 3D. Furthermore the freehand control of the probe make it difficult to individuate anatomic positions and orientations and probe repositioning to reach a particular location. To overcome these problems it has been developed an image guided system that fuse 2D US real time images with routinely CT or MRI 3D images, previously acquired from the patient, to enhance clinician orientation and probe guidance. The implemented algorithms for robot calibration and US image guidance has been used to realize two applications responding to specific clinical needs. The first one to speed up the execution of routinely and very recurrently procedures like percutaneous biopsy or ablation. The second one to improve a new completely non invasive type of treatment for solid tumors, the HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound). An ultrasound guided robotic system has been developed to assist the clinician to execute complicated biopsies, or percutaneous ablations, in particular for deep abdominal organs. It was developed an integrated system that provides the clinician two types of assistance: a mixed reality visualization allows accurate and easy planning of needle trajectory and target reaching verification; the robot arm equipped with a six-degree-of-freedom force sensor allows the precise positioning of the needle holder and allows the clinician to adjust, by means of a cooperative control, the planned trajectory to overcome needle deflection and target motion. The second application consists in an augmented reality navigation system for HIFU treatment. HIFU represents a completely non invasive method for treatment of solid tumors, hemostasis and other vascular features in human tissues. The technology for HIFU treatments is still evolving and the systems available on the market have some limitations and drawbacks. A disadvantage resulting from our experience with the machinery available in our hospital (JC200 therapeutic system Haifu (HIFU) by Tech Co., Ltd, Chongqing), which is similar to other analogous machines, is the long time required to perform the procedure due to the difficulty to find the target, using the remote motion of an ultrasound probe under the patient. This problem has been addressed developing an augmented reality navigation system to enhance US guidance during HIFU treatments allowing an easy target localization. The system was implemented using an additional free hand ultrasound probe coupled with a localizer and CT fused imaging. It offers a simple and an economic solution to an easy HIFU target localization. This thesis demonstrates the utility and usability of robots for diagnosis and treatment of the tumor, in particular the combination of automatic positioning and cooperative control allows the surgeon and the robot to work in synergy. Further the work demonstrates the feasibility and the potentiality of the use of a mixed reality navigation system to facilitate the target localization and consequently to reduce the times of sittings, to increase the number of possible diagnosis/treatments and to decrease the risk of potential errors. The proposed solutions for the integration of robotics and image guidance in the overall oncologic workflow, take into account current available technologies, traditional clinical procedures and cost minimization

    Collaborative human-machine interfaces for mobile manipulators.

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    The use of mobile manipulators in service industries as both agents in physical Human Robot Interaction (pHRI) and for social interactions has been on the increase in recent times due to necessities like compensating for workforce shortages and enabling safer and more efficient operations amongst other reasons. Collaborative robots, or co-bots, are robots that are developed for use with human interaction through direct contact or close proximity in a shared space with the human users. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and analysis of components for the next-generation collaborative human machine interfaces (CHMI) needed for mobile manipulator co-bots that can be used in various service industries. The particular components of these CHMI\u27s that are considered in this dissertation include: Robot Control: A Neuroadaptive Controller (NAC)-based admittance control strategy for pHRI applications with a co-bot. Robot state estimation: A novel methodology and placement strategy for using arrays of IMUs that can be embedded in robot skin for pose estimation in complex robot mechanisms. User perception of co-bot CHMI\u27s: Evaluation of human perceptions of usefulness and ease of use of a mobile manipulator co-bot in a nursing assistant application scenario. To facilitate advanced control for the Adaptive Robotic Nursing Assistant (ARNA) mobile manipulator co-bot that was designed and developed in our lab, we describe and evaluate an admittance control strategy that features a Neuroadaptive Controller (NAC). The NAC has been specifically formulated for pHRI applications such as patient walking. The controller continuously tunes weights of a neural network to cancel robot non-linearities, including drive train backlash, kinematic or dynamic coupling, variable patient pushing effort, or slope surfaces with unknown inclines. The advantage of our control strategy consists of Lyapunov stability guarantees during interaction, less need for parameter tuning and better performance across a variety of users and operating conditions. We conduct simulations and experiments with 10 users to confirm that the NAC outperforms a classic Proportional-Derivative (PD) joint controller in terms of resulting interaction jerk, user effort, and trajectory tracking error during patient walking. To tackle complex mechanisms of these next-gen robots wherein the use of encoder or other classic pose measuring device is not feasible, we present a study effects of design parameters on methods that use data from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) in robot skins to provide robot state estimates. These parameters include number of sensors, their placement on the robot, as well as noise properties on the quality of robot pose estimation and its signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR). The results from that study facilitate the creation of robot skin, and in order to enable their use in complex robots, we propose a novel pose estimation method, the Generalized Common Mode Rejection (GCMR) algorithm, for estimation of joint angles in robot chains containing composite joints. The placement study and GCMR are demonstrated using both Gazebo simulation and experiments with a 3-DoF robotic arm containing 2 non-zero link lengths, 1 revolute joint and a 2-DoF composite joint. In addition to yielding insights on the predicted usage of co-bots, the design of control and sensing mechanisms in their CHMI benefits from evaluating the perception of the eventual users of these robots. With co-bots being only increasingly developed and used, there is a need for studies into these user perceptions using existing models that have been used in predicting usage of comparable technology. To this end, we use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate the CHMI of the ARNA robot in a scenario via analysis of quantitative and questionnaire data collected during experiments with eventual uses. The results from the works conducted in this dissertation demonstrate insightful contributions to the realization of control and sensing systems that are part of CHMI\u27s for next generation co-bots

    Human-Robot Collaborations in Industrial Automation

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    Technology is changing the manufacturing world. For example, sensors are being used to track inventories from the manufacturing floor up to a retail shelf or a customer’s door. These types of interconnected systems have been called the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, and are projected to lower manufacturing costs. As industry moves toward these integrated technologies and lower costs, engineers will need to connect these systems via the Internet of Things (IoT). These engineers will also need to design how these connected systems interact with humans. The focus of this Special Issue is the smart sensors used in these human–robot collaborations
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