15 research outputs found

    Role of discrete water recharge from supraglacial drainage systems in modeling patterns of subglacial conduits in Svalbard glaciers

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    As the behavior of subglacial water plays a determining role in glacier dynamics, it requires particular attention, especially in the context of climate warming, which is increasing ablation and generating greater amounts of meltwater. On many glaciers, water flowing from the glacier’s surface is the main source of supply to the subglacial drainage system. This system is largely influenced by the supraglacial drainage system, which collects meltwater and precipitation and rapidly delivers it to discrete points in the glacier bed via moulins and crevassed areas, called water input areas (WIAs). Models of patterns of subglacial conduits mainly based on the hydrological potential gradient are still regularly performed without taking into account the supraglacial drainage system. We modeled the pattern of subglacial channels in two glaciers located in Svalbard, the land-terminating Werenskioldbreen and the tidewater Hansbreen during the 2015 melt season.We modeled a spatial and a discrete water recharge in order to compare them. First, supraglacial catchments were determined for each WIA on a high-resolution digital elevation model using the standard watershed modeling tool in ArcGIS. Then, interpolated water runoff was calculated for all the main WIAs. Our model also accounts for several water pressure conditions. For our two studied glaciers, during the ablation season 2015, 72.5% of total runoff was provided by meltwater and 27.5% by precipitation. Changes in supraglacial drainage on a decadal timescale are observed in contrast to its nearly stable state on an annual timescale. Nevertheless, due to the specific nature of those changes, it seems to have a low impact on the subglacial system. Therefore, our models of subglacial channel are assumed to be valid for a minimum period of two decades and depend on changes in the supraglacial drainage system. Results showed that, for Svalbard tidewater glaciers with large crevassed areas, models of subglacial channels that assume spatial water recharge may be somewhat imprecise but are far from being completely incorrect, especially for the ablation zone. On the other hand, it is important to take discrete water recharge into account in the case of landterminating Svalbard glaciers with limited crevassed areas. In all cases, considering a discrete water recharge when modeling patterns of theoretical subglacial channels seems to produce more realistic results according to current knowledge

    Near-surface hydraulic conductivity of Northern Hemisphere glaciers

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    The hydrology of near‐surface glacier ice remains a neglected aspect of glacier hydrology despite its role in modulating meltwater delivery to downstream environments. To elucidate the hydrological characteristics of this near‐surface glacial weathering crust, we describe the design and operation of a capacitance‐based piezometer that enables rapid, economical deployment across multiple sites and provides an accurate, high‐resolution record of near‐surface water‐level fluctuations. Piezometers were employed at 10 northern hemisphere glaciers, and through the application of standard bail–recharge techniques, we derive hydraulic conductivity (K) values from 0.003 to 3.519 m day−1, with a mean of 0.185 ± 0.019 m day−1. These results are comparable to those obtained in other discrete studies of glacier near‐surface ice, and for firn, and indicate that the weathering crust represents a hydrologically inefficient aquifer. Hydraulic conductivity correlated positively with water table height but negatively with altitude and cumulative short‐wave radiation since the last synoptic period of either negative air temperatures or turbulent energy flux dominance. The large range of K observed suggests complex interactions between meteorological influences and differences arising from variability in ice structure and crystallography. Our data demonstrate a greater complexity of near‐surface ice hydrology than hitherto appreciated and support the notion that the weathering crust can regulate the supraglacial discharge response to melt production. The conductivities reported here, coupled with typical supraglacial channel spacing, suggest that meltwater can be retained within the weathering crust for at least several days. Not only does this have implications for the accuracy of predictive meltwater run‐off models, but we also argue for biogeochemical processes and transfers that are strongly conditioned by water residence time and the efficacy of the cascade of sediments, impurities, microbes, and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Because continued atmospheric warming will incur rising snowline elevations and glacier thinning, the supraglacial hydrological system may assume greater importance in many mountainous regions, and consequently, detailing weathering crust hydraulics represents a research priority because the flow path it represents remains poorly constrained

    Supraglacial drainage efficiency of the Greenland Ice Sheet estimated from remote sensing and climate models

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    Supraglacial stream/river catchments drain large volumes of surface meltwater off the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) surface. Previous studies note a strong seasonal evolution of their drainage density (Dd), a classic measure of drainage efficiency defined as open channel length per unit catchment area, but a direct correlation between Dd and surface meltwater runoff (R) has not been established. We use 27 high-resolution (∼0.5 m) satellite images to map seasonally evolving Dd for four GrIS supraglacial catchments, with elevations ranging from 1100 m to 1700 m. We find a positive linear correlation (r2 = 0.70, p<0.01) between Dd and simulations of runoff production from two climate models (MAR v3.11 and MERRA-2). Applying this R-Dd empirical relationship to climate model output enables parameterization of spatial and temporal changes in supraglacial drainage efficiency continuously throughout the melt season, although temporal and spatial skewness of Dd observations likely affects the application of this R-Dd relationship on crevasse fields and snow/firn surfaces. Incorporating this information into a simple surface routing model finds that high runoff leads to earlier, larger diurnal peaks of runoff transport on the ice surface, owing to increased Dd. This effect progressively declines from low (∼1100 m) to high (∼1700 m) elevation, causing a roughly order-of-magnitude reduction in diurnal runoff variability at the highest elevations relative to standard climate model output. Combining intermittent satellite Dd mapping with climate model output thus promises to improve characterization of supraglacial drainage efficiency to the benefit of supraglacial meltwater routing and subglacial hydrology models

    FABIAN: A daily product of fractional austral-summer blue ice over Antarctica during 2000-2021 based on MODIS imagery using Google Earth Engine

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    Antarctic blue ice areas are exposed due to erosion and sublimation of snow. At the same time, surface melt can form surface types that are spectrally similar to blue ice, especially at low elevations. These are termed melt-induced blue ice areas. Both types of blue ice are sensitive indicators of climate change. Satellite remote sensing is a powerful technique to retrieve the spatial extent of blue ice areas and their variation in time. Yet, existing satellite-derived blue ice area products are either mono-temporal for the entire Antarctic ice sheet, or multi-temporal for a limited area. Here, we present FABIAN, a product of blue ice fraction over Antarctica, derived from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) archive covering the period 2000–2021. A spectral mixture analysis (SMA) in Google Earth Engine, based on a careful selection of endmember spectra, accurately reconstructs the reflectance observed by MODIS in blue ice areas. Based on a validation with contemporaneous Sentinel-2 images, FABIAN has a root mean square error in blue ice fraction of approximately 10% ∼ 20% in wind-induced blue ice areas, and 20% ∼ 30% in melt-induced blue ice areas across six selected test sites in the coastal East Antarctic ice sheet. FABIAN is challenged in regions with shallow melt streams and lakes, since their spectral profiles are similar to those from blue ice areas in MODIS bands. For further analyses and applications, FABIAN holds the potential for (1) deriving annual blue ice area maps, (2) distinguishing between wind-and melt-induced blue ice types, (3) evaluating and correcting (regional) climate models, and (4) analyzing temporal variations in blue ice abundance and exposure

    Tavná voda na povrchu ledovců Svalbardu studovaná metodami DPZ

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    Supraglacial lakes pond meltwater on the surface of glaciers. They form in the ablation zone during the ablation season and their darker surface lowers the albedo of the glacier. Once drained to the glacier bed, they may affect basal sliding and flow velocities of the glacier. High- resolution imagery from the Sentinel-2 mission was used to characterize the ablation season on two glacier regions of Svalbard: Hinlopenbreen glacier on the east coast and Kongsbreen and Kronebreen glaciers on the west coast of Spitsbergen. The first supraglacial lakes appeared in the first half of June in the west region and in the second half of June in the east region. The peak of the lake area was observed around the turn of June and July in the west region and around the half of July in the east region. The time of the first appearance of supraglacial lakes corresponded with temperatures reaching positive values. They first formed in lower elevations and started progressing higher with rising temperatures. Most supraglacial lakes formed between 600 and 700 m a.s.l. in the west region and between 400 and 500 m a.s.l. in the east region. In the east region a significant number of the supraglacial lakes (12 % of their total area) formed above the estimated equilibrium line altitude of 600 m a.s.l. Further research...Supraglaciální jezera se tvoří na povrchu ledovce v jeho ablační zóně. Objevují se v ablační sezóně a tmavá barva jejich vodní hladiny snižuje albedo ledovcového povrchu. Jejich odvodnění k bázi ledovce může zvýšit bazální klouzání a rychlost pohybu ledovce. S využitím snímků o vysokém rozlišení družic Sentinel-2 se tato práce zabývá charakteristikou ablační sezóny na dvou zaledněných regionech Svalbardu: území ledovce Hinlopenbreen na východním pobřeží Západního Špicberku a území ledovců Kongsbreen a Kronebreen na jeho západním pobřeží. První supraglaciální jezera se na západním území objevila v první polovině června, na východním území v druhé polovině června. Vrchol ablační sezóny byl na západním území pozorován na přelomu června a července, a na východním území v polovině července. První tvorba jezer odpovídala teplotám, které překročily 0 řC a zpočátku se tvořila v nižších nadmořských výškách. Se stoupajícími teplotami i jezera postupovala výš. Většina jezer se na západním území tvořila v nadmořských výškách mezi 600 a 700 m n. m., na východním území se tvořila zejména mezi 400 a 500 m n. m. Zde se ale nezanedbatelné množství jezer (12 % celkové plochy) vytvořilo nad odhadovanou výškou hranice rovnováhy (600 m n. m.). To vznáší otázku pro další výzkum, jaký vliv má oteplující se klima na...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult