35 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT While it has been well documented in the previous studies that upwelling events in the southern Makassar Strait (MAK) during the Southeast Monsoon (SEM) period are associated with low sea surface temperature (SST) and high chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations in the seawater, the dynamic and physical processes that trigger these upwelling events are still less well understood. In the present study we proposed a mechanism of the upwelling event using a numerical model of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS).  Model validations showed a high correlation of SST climatology between the model and the NOAA-AVHRR satellite data. Moreover, velocity fields of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) Makassar in Libani Channel was well reproduced by proposed model, revealing an intensification of the flow centered near 120 m depth, which is in good agreement with the observation data. The model demonstrated that during the SEM period strong southeasterly winds that blow over southern Sulawesi Island can increase high vertical diffusivity and heat loss through heat flux. Hence, these physical processes lead to increased vertical mixing that, in turn, generates low SST, as a proxy of upwelling event. Furthermore, the upwelling process is enhanced by the ITF Makassar jet that creates large circular eddies flow due to complex topographic within the triangle area of southern Makassar - eastern Java Sea - western Flores Sea. The eddies generate the area of convergence offshore along the ITF pathways and divergence area in the coastal waters close to southern Sulawesi Island.  Model experiment with closing/opening Selayar Strait revealed a change of intensity and area of upwelling, suggesting that the Selayar Island forms a barrier for the outflow from MAK to northern part of Flores Sea. Keywords: Upwelling, ITF Makassar, SE monsoon winds, ROMS-AGRIF, Makassar Strait

    Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling for Estimating Net Primary Productivity in the Red Sea With VGPM, Eppley-VGPM, and CbPM Models Intercomparison

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    Primary productivity (PP) has been recently investigated using remote sensing-based models over quite limited geographical areas of the Red Sea. This work sheds light on how phytoplankton and primary production would react to the effects of global warming in the extreme environment of the Red Sea and, hence, illuminates how similar regions may behave in the context of climate variability. study focuses on using satellite observations to conduct an intercomparison of three net primary production (NPP) models--the vertically generalized production model (VGPM), the Eppley-VGPM, and the carbon-based production model (CbPM)--produced over the Red Sea domain for the 1998-2018 time period. A detailed investigation is conducted using multilinear regression analysis, multivariate visualization, and moving averages correlative analysis to uncover the models\u27 responses to various climate factors. Here, we use the models\u27 eight-day composite and monthly averages compared with satellite-based variables, including chlorophyll-a (Chla), mixed layer depth (MLD), and sea-surface temperature (SST). Seasonal anomalies of NPP are analyzed against different climate indices, namely, the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), the multivariate ENSO Index (MEI), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Dipole Mode Index (DMI). In our study, only the CbPM showed significant correlations with NPGO, MEI, and PDO, with disagreements relative to the other two NPP models. This can be attributed to the models\u27 connection to oceanographic and atmospheric parameters, as well as the trends in the southern Red Sea, thus calling for further validation efforts

    Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multispectral Sentinel measurements to determine Phytoplankton Functional Types at best spatial and temporal resolution (SynSenPFT)

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    We derive the chlorophyll a concentration (Chla) for three main phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) – diatoms, coccolithophores and cyanobacteria – by combining satellite multispectral-based information, being of a high spatial and temporal resolution, with retrievals based on high resolution of PFT absorption properties derived from hyperspectral satellite measurements. The multispectral-based PFT Chla retrievals are based on a revised version of the empirical OC-PFT algorithm applied to the Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) total Chla product. The PhytoDOAS analytical algorithm is used with some modifications to derive PFT Chla from SCIAMACHY hyperspectral measurements. To combine synergistically these two PFT products (OC-PFT and PhytoDOAS), an optimal interpolation is performed for each PFT in every OC-PFT sub-pixel within a PhytoDOAS pixel, given its Chla and its a priori error statistics. The synergistic product (SynSenPFT) is presented for the period of August 2002 March 2012 and evaluated against PFT Chla data obtained from in situ marker pigment data and the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model simulations and satellite information on phytoplankton size. The most challenging aspects of the SynSenPFT algorithm implementation are discussed. Perspectives on SynSenPFT product improvements and prolongation of the time series over the next decades by adaptation to Sentinel multi- and hyperspectral instruments are highlighted

    Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multi-spectral precursor sentinel measurements to determine phytoplankton functional types (SynSenPFT)

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record.The corrigendum to this article is in ORE at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/38256We derive the chlorophyll a concentration (Chla) for three main phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) - diatoms, coccolithophores and cyanobacteria - by combining satellite multispectral-based information, being of a high spatial and temporal resolution, with retrievals based on high resolution of PFT absorption properties derived from hyperspectral satellite measurements. The multispectral-based PFT Chla retrievals are based on a revised version of the empirical OC-PFT algorithm applied to the Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) total Chla product. The PhytoDOAS analytical algorithm is used with some modifications to derive PFT Chla from SCIAMACHY hyperspectral measurements. To combine synergistically these two PFT products (OC-PFT and PhytoDOAS), an optimal interpolation is performed for each PFT in every OC-PFT sub-pixel within a PhytoDOAS pixel, given its Chla and its a priori error statistics. The synergistic product (SynSenPFT) is presented for the period of August 2002 March 2012 and evaluated against PFT Chla data obtained from in situ marker pigment data and the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model simulations and satellite information on phytoplankton size. The most challenging aspects of the SynSenPFT algorithm implementation are discussed. Perspectives on SynSenPFT product improvements and prolongation of the time series over the next decades by adaptation to Sentinel multi- and hyperspectral instruments are highlighted.ESA SEOM SY-4Sci Synergy projectSFB/TR 172 (AC)3 “Arctic Amplification” subproject C03DFG-Priority Program SPP 1158 “Antarktis” PhySyn BU2913/3-1Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIMHelmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF

    Do bacteria thrive when the ocean acidifies? Results from an off-­shore mesocosm study

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    Marine bacteria are the main consumers of the freshly produced organic matter. In order to meet their carbon demand, bacteria release hydrolytic extracellular enzymes that break down large polymers into small usable subunits. Accordingly, rates of enzymatic hydrolysis have a high potential to affect bacterial organic matter recycling and carbon turnover in the ocean. Many of these enzymatic processes were shown to be pH sensitive in previous studies. Due to the continuous rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration, seawater pH is presently decreasing at a rate unprecedented during the last 300 million years with so-far unknown consequences for microbial physiology, organic matter cycling and marine biogeochemistry. We studied the effects of elevated seawater pCO2 on a natural plankton community during a large-scale mesocosm study in a Norwegian fjord. Nine 25m-long Kiel Off-Shore Mesocosms for Future Ocean Simulations (KOSMOS) were adjusted to different pCO2 levels ranging from ca. 280 to 3000 ”atm by stepwise addition of CO2 saturated seawater. After CO2 addition, samples were taken every second day for 34 days. The first phytoplankton bloom developed around day 5. On day 14, inorganic nutrients were added to the enclosed, nutrient-poor waters to stimulate a second phytoplankton bloom, which occurred around day 20. Our results indicate that marine bacteria benefit directly and indirectly from decreasing seawater pH. During both phytoplankton blooms, more transparent exopolymer particles were formed in the high pCO2 mesocosms. The total and cell-specific activities of the protein-degrading enzyme leucine aminopeptidase were elevated under low pH conditions. The combination of enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of organic matter and increased availability of gel particles as substrate supported higher bacterial abundance in the high pCO2 treatments. We conclude that ocean acidification has the potential to stimulate the bacterial community and facilitate the microbial recycling of freshly produced organic matter, thus strengthening the role of the microbial loop in the surface ocean

    CLIVAR Exchanges - Indian Ocean Climate

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    The role of the Sunda Strait in the glacial to Holocene development of the eastern tropical Indian Ocean hydrography

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    The eastern tropical Indian Ocean (ETIO) off southern Indonesia is a very important region for the global thermohaline circulation as it hosts the exit pathway of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). From this region cool and fresh ITF waters are advected by the South Equatorial Current (SEC) to the Indian Ocean. Consequently, the ITF water freshens the Indian Ocean. Nevertheless, the hydrology condition was different during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). During this period the sea level was low and the Sunda Shelf was an exposed land. Marine records and simulation study suggest that the exposure of the Sunda Shelf caused a significant reduction in convection over the Indonesian region, resulting arid condition and saltier sea surface condition off south Java. Armed with two sedimentary archives collected from the ETIO off the Sunda Strait, this dissertation investigates the evolution of hydrological changes in the ETIO during the past ~40 kyr B.P. with respect to the flooding of the Sunda Shelf. Furthermore, this dissertation examines the applicability of planktic foraminifera Ba/Ca ratio as a tracer for freshwater discharge. New results of Mg/Ca-based sea surface temperature (SST), seawater à Ž18O (à Ž18Osw), and XRF-Ti/Ca ratio of GeoB 10042-1 and GeoB 10043-3 collected from off the Sunda Strait revealed that the region has experienced prominent hydrological changes during the past ~40 kyr B.P. The results show that sea surface conditions off the Sunda Strait were cooler and saltier conditions during the last glacial compared to the Holocene, and support previous finding that suggests slowdowns of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) during the Heinrich stadials 1-3 and the Younger Dryas have caused dry conditions in the ETIO region. Whereas during the Holocene sea surface conditions off the Sunda Strait exhibit warmer and fresher conditions, particularly after the opening of the Sunda Strait at ~10 kyr B.P. This fresher sea surface condition is maintained until today as a consequence of persistent transport of low salinity Java Sea water into the ETIO via the Sunda Strait. Novel millennial-scale reconstruction of past bottom water conditions (foraminifera à ”Nd) show distinct modifications of the bottom water (2171 m) off the Sunda Strait during the past 19 kyr. Modifications of the bottom water during the last deglaciation and the Holocene correspond to a strong- and a weak thermocline ITF flow, respectively. Furthermore, the results imply that the variability of the detrital à ”Nd data off the Sunda Strait is susceptible to the ITF flow and large terrigenous material supply from the Sunda Strait. Planktic foraminifera Ba/Ca ratio has been recently used to reconstruct modern and past freshwater discharge. The application of this proxy is based on the observation that suggests that the Ba/Ca ratio of seawater is directly incorporated into foraminifera calcite, and river water has a distinctly higher Ba/Ca ratio than seawater. However, cleaning experiments results on planktic foraminifera G. sacculifer collected from the ETIO revealed that the Ba/Ca ratio of G. sacculifer cannot be used as a tracer for modern and past salinity changes due to the appearance of seasonal upwelling complicates the interpretation of the proxy