270,290 research outputs found

    Microbial processes and bacterial populations associated to anaerobic treatment of sulfate-rich wastewater

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    A pilot-scale (1.2 m3) anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR) containing mineral coal for biomass attachment was fed with sulfate-rich wastewater at increasing sulfate concentrations. Ethanol was used as the main organic source. Tested COD/sulfate ratios were of 1.8 and 1.5 for sulfate loading rates of 0.65–1.90 kgSO42−/cycle (48 h-cycle) or of 1.0 in the trial with 3.0 gSO42− l−1. Sulfate removal efficiencies observed in all trials were as high as 99%. Molecular inventories indicated a shift on the microbial composition and a decrease on species diversity with the increase of sulfate concentration. Beta-proteobacteria species affiliated with Aminomonas spp. and Thermanaerovibrio spp. predominated at 1.0 gSO42− l−1. At higher sulfate concentrations the predominant bacterial group was Delta-proteobacteria mainly Desulfovibrio spp. and Desulfomicrobium spp. at 2.0 gSO42− l−1, whereas Desulfurella spp. and Coprothermobacter spp. predominated at 3.0 gSO42− l−1. These organisms have been commonly associated with sulfate reduction producing acetate, sulfide and sulfur. Methanogenic archaea (Methanosaeta spp.) was found at 1.0 and 2.0 gSO42− l−1. Additionally, a simplified mathematical model was used to infer on metabolic pathways of the biomass involved in sulfate reduction

    Thermophilic Sulfate Reduction in Hydrothermal Sediment of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

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    In environments with temperatures above 60 degrees C, thermophilic prokaryotes are the only metabolically active life-forms. By using the (SO42-)-S-35 tracer technique, we studied the activity of sulfate-reducing microorganisms (SRM) in hot sediment from a hydrothermal vent site in the northern part of freshwater Lake Tanganyika (East Africa). Incubation of slurry samples at 8 to 90 degrees C demonstrated meso- and thermophilic sulfate reduction with optimum temperatures of 34 to 45 degrees C and 56 to 65 degrees C, respectively, and with an upper temperature limit of 80 degrees C. Sulfate reduction was stimulated at all temperatures by the addition of short-chain fatty acids and benzoate or complex substrates (yeast extract and peptone). A time course experiment showed that linear thermophilic sulfate consumption occurred after a lag phase (12 h) and indicated the presence of a large population of SRM in the hydrothermal sediment. Thermophilic sulfate reduction had a pH optimum of about 7 and was completely inhibited at pH 8.8 to 9.2. SRM could be enriched from hydrothermal chimney and sediment samples at 60 and 75 degrees C. In lactate-grown enrichments, sulfide production occurred at up to 70 and 75 degrees C, with optima at 63 and 71 degrees C, respectively. Several sporulating thermophilic enrichments were morphologically similar to Desulfotomaculum spp. Dissimilatory sulfate reduction in the studied hydrothermal area of Lake Tanganyika apparently has an upper temperature limit of 80 degrees C

    Sulfate Reduction in Sediments Produces High Levels of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter

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    Sulfate reduction plays an important role in altering dissolved organic matter (DOM) in estuarine and coastal sediments, although its role in the production of optically active chromophoric DOM (CDOM) and a subset of fluorescent DOM (FDOM) has not been previously investigated in detail. Freshwater sediment slurries were incubated anaerobically with added sulfate and acetate to promote sulfate-reducing bacteria. Ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) absorbance and 3-dimensional excitation emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectra were measured over a five weeks anaerobic dark incubation period. Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) of FDOM determined components that increased significantly during dark and anaerobic incubation matching three components previously considered of terrestrially-derived or humic-like origin published in the OpenFluor database. The observed FDOM increase was strongly correlated (R2 = 0.96) with the reduction of sulfate. These results show a direct experimental link between sulfate reduction and FDOM production, which impacts our understanding of coastal FDOM sources and early sediment diagenesis. As 3D fluorescence techniques are commonly applied to diverse systems, these results provide increasing support that FDOM can have many diverse sources not consistently captured by common classifications such as “humic-like” fluorescence

    Biotechnological aspects of sulfate reduction with methane as electron donor

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    Biological sulfate reduction can be used for the removal and recovery of oxidized sulfur compounds and metals from waste streams. However, the costs of conventional electron donors, like hydrogen and ethanol, limit the application possibilities. Methane from natural gas or biogas would be a more attractive electron donor. Sulfate reduction with methane as electron donor prevails in marine sediments. Recently, several authors succeeded in cultivating the responsible microorganisms in vitro. In addition, the process has been studied in bioreactors. These studies have opened up the possibility to use methane as electron donor for sulfate reduction in wastewater and gas treatment. However, the obtained growth rates of the responsible microorganisms are extremely low, which would be a major limitation for applications. Therefore, further research should focus on novel cultivation technique

    User-friendly mathematical model for the design of sulfate reducing H2/CO2 fed bioreactors

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    The paper presents three steady-state mathematical models for the design of H2/CO2 fed gas-lift reactors aimed at biological sulfate reduction to remove sulfate from wastewater. Models 1A and 1B are based on heterotrophic sulfate reducing bacteria (HSRB), while Model 2 is based on autotrophic sulfate reducing bacteria (ASRB) as the dominant group of sulfate reducers in the gas-lift reactor. Once the influent wastewater characteristics are known and the desired sulfate removal efficiency is fixed, all models give explicit mathematical relationships to determine the bioreactor volume and the effluent concentrations of substrates and products. The derived explicit relationships make application of the models very easy, fast and no iterative procedures are required. Model simulations show that the size of the H2/CO2 fed gas-lift reactors aimed at biological sulfate removal from wastewater highly depends on the number and type of trophic groups growing in the bioreactor. In particular, if the biological sulfate reduction is performed in a bioreactor where ASRB prevail, the required bioreactor volume is much smaller than that needed with HSRB. This is because ASRB can out-compete methanogenic archarea (MA) for H2 (assuming sulfate concentrations are not limiting), whereas HSRB do not necessarily out-compete MA due to their dependence on homoacetogenic bacteria (HB) for organic carbon. The reactor sizes to reach the same sulfate removal efficiency by HSRB and ASRB are only comparable when methanogenesis is inhibited. Moreover, model results indicate that acetate supply to the reactor influent does not affect the HSRB biomass required in the reactor, but favours the dominance of MA on HB as a consequence of a lower HB requirement for acetate supply

    Sulfur diagenesis in marine sediments

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    Bacterial sulfate reduction occurs in all marine sediments that contain organic matter. Aqueous sulfide (HS-, H2S), one of the initial products of bacterial sulfide reduction, is extremely reactive with iron bearing minerals: sulfur is fixed into sediments as iron sulfide (first FeS and then Fe2S2). A working definition is given of sulfur diagenesis in marine sediments. Controls and consequences of sulfate reduction rates in marine sediments are examined

    Microbial Sulfate Reduction Potential in Coal-Bearing Sediments Down to ~2.5 km below the Seafloor off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan

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    Sulfate reduction is the predominant anaerobic microbial process of organic matter mineralization in marine sediments, with recent studies revealing that sulfate reduction not only occurs in sulfate-rich sediments, but even extends to deeper, methanogenic sediments at very low background concentrations of sulfate. Using samples retrieved off the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan, during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 337, we measured potential sulfate reduction rates by slurry incubations with 35S-labeled sulfate in deep methanogenic sediments between 1276.75 and 2456.75 meters below the seafloor. Potential sulfate reduction rates were generally extremely low (mostly below 0.1 pmol cm−3 d−1) but showed elevated values (up to 1.8 pmol cm−3 d−1) in a coal-bearing interval (Unit III). A measured increase in hydrogenase activity in the coal-bearing horizons coincided with this local increase in potential sulfate reduction rates. This paired enzymatic response suggests that hydrogen is a potentially important electron donor for sulfate reduction in the deep coalbed biosphere. By contrast, no stimulation of sulfate reduction rates was observed in treatments where methane was added as an electron donor. In the deep coalbeds, small amounts of sulfate might be provided by a cryptic sulfur cycle. The isotopically very heavy pyrites (δ34S = +43‰) found in this horizon is consistent with its formation via microbial sulfate reduction that has been continuously utilizing a small, increasingly 34S-enriched sulfate reservoir over geologic time scales. Although our results do not represent in-situ activity, and the sulfate reducers might only have persisted in a dormant, spore-like state, our findings show that organisms capable of sulfate reduction have survived in deep methanogenic sediments over more than 20 Ma. This highlights the ability of sulfate-reducers to persist over geological timespans even in sulfate-depleted environments. Our study moreover represents the deepest evidence of a potential for sulfate reduction in marine sediments to date