59 research outputs found

    Assessing Parkinson’s Disease at Scale Using Telephone-Recorded Speech:Insights from the Parkinson’s Voice Initiative

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    Numerous studies have reported on the high accuracy of using voice tasks for the remote detection and monitoring of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Most of these studies, however, report findings on a small number of voice recordings, often collected under acoustically controlled conditions, and therefore cannot scale at large without specialized equipment. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the potential of using voice as a population-based PD screening tool in resource-constrained settings. Using the standard telephone network, we processed 11,942 sustained vowel /a/ phonations from a US-English cohort comprising 1078 PD and 5453 control participants. We characterized each phonation using 304 dysphonia measures to quantify a range of vocal impairments. Given that this is a highly unbalanced problem, we used the following strategy: we selected a balanced subset (n = 3000 samples) for training and testing using 10-fold cross-validation (CV), and the remaining (unbalanced held-out dataset, n = 8942) samples for further model validation. Using robust feature selection methods we selected 27 dysphonia measures to present into a radial-basis-function support vector machine and demonstrated differentiation of PD participants from controls with 67.43% sensitivity and 67.25% specificity. These findings could help pave the way forward toward the development of an inexpensive, remote, and reliable diagnostic support tool for PD using voice as a digital biomarker

    Novel speech signal processing algorithms for high-accuracy classification of Parkinson's disease

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    There has been considerable recent research into the connection between Parkinson's disease (PD) and speech impairment. Recently, a wide range of speech signal processing algorithms (dysphonia measures) aiming to predict PD symptom severity using speech signals have been introduced. In this paper, we test how accurately these novel algorithms can be used to discriminate PD subjects from healthy controls. In total, we compute 132 dysphonia measures from sustained vowels. Then, we select four parsimonious subsets of these dysphonia measures using four feature selection algorithms, and map these feature subsets to a binary classification response using two statistical classifiers: random forests and support vector machines. We use an existing database consisting of 263 samples from 43 subjects, and demonstrate that these new dysphonia measures can outperform state-of-the-art results, reaching almost 99% overall classification accuracy using only ten dysphonia features. We find that some of the recently proposed dysphonia measures complement existing algorithms in maximizing the ability of the classifiers to discriminate healthy controls from PD subjects. We see these results as an important step toward noninvasive diagnostic decision support in PD

    Effective Detection of Parkinson’s Disease at Different Stages using Measurements of Dysphonia

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    This paper addressees the problem of multiclass of Parkinson’s disease by the characteristic features of person’s voice. So we computed 22 dysphonia measures from 375 voice samples of healthy and people suffer from PD. We used the particle swarm optimization (PSO) feature selection method, with random forest and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) along with the 4-fold cross validation analysis to classify the subjects in 4 classes according to the severity of symptoms. With a classification accuracy score of 95.2%. Promisingly, the proposed diagnosis system might serve as a powerful tool for diagnosing PD, and could also extended for other voice pathologies


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    This study aimed to differentiate individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) from those with other neurological disorders (ND) by analyzing voice samples, considering the association between voice disorders and PD. Voice samples were collected from 76 participants using different recording devices and conditions, with participants instructed to sustain the vowel /a/ comfortably. PRAAT software was employed to extract features including autocorrelation (AC), cross-correlation (CC), and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) from the voice samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the features. Classification Tree (CT), Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Ensemble methods were employed as supervised machine learning techniques for classification. Each method provided distinct strengths and characteristics, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness in distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. The Naive Bayes kernel, using seven PCA-derived components, achieved the highest accuracy rate of 86.84% among the tested classification methods. It is worth noting that classifier performance may vary based on the dataset and specific characteristics of the voice samples. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential of voice analysis as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. By employing a variety of voice analysis techniques and utilizing different machine learning algorithms, including Classification Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and Ensemble methods, a notable accuracy rate was attained. However, further research and validation using larger datasets are required to consolidate and generalize these findings for future clinical applications.Przedstawione badanie miało na celu różnicowanie osób z chorobą Parkinsona (PD) od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi poprzez analizę próbek głosowych, biorąc pod uwagę związek między zaburzeniami głosu a PD. Próbki głosowe zostały zebrane od 76 uczestników przy użyciu różnych urządzeń i warunków nagrywania, a uczestnicy byli instruowani, aby wydłużyć samogłoskę /a/ w wygodnym tempie. Oprogramowanie PRAAT zostało zastosowane do ekstrakcji cech, takich jak autokorelacja (AC), krzyżowa korelacja (CC) i współczynniki cepstralne Mel (MFCC) z próbek głosowych. Analiza składowych głównych (PCA) została wykorzystana w celu zmniejszenia wymiarowości cech. Jako techniki nadzorowanego uczenia maszynowego wykorzystano drzewa decyzyjne (CT), regresję logistyczną, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa (NB), maszyny wektorów nośnych (SVM) oraz metody zespołowe. Każda z tych metod posiadała swoje unikalne mocne strony i charakterystyki, umożliwiając kompleksową ocenę ich skuteczności w rozróżnianiu pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, wykorzystujący siedem składowych PCA, osiągnął najwyższy wskaźnik dokładności na poziomie 86,84% wśród przetestowanych metod klasyfikacji. Należy jednak zauważyć, że wydajność klasyfikatora może się różnić w zależności od zbioru danych i konkretnych cech próbek głosowych. Podsumowując, to badanie wykazało potencjał analizy głosu jako narzędzia diagnostycznego do rozróżniania pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Poprzez zastosowanie różnych technik analizy głosu i wykorzystanie różnych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, takich jak drzewa decyzyjne, regresja logistyczna, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, maszyny wektorów nośnych i metody zespołowe, osiągnięto znaczący poziom dokładności. Niemniej jednak, konieczne są dalsze badania i walidacja na większych zbiorach danych w celu skonsolidowania i uogólnienia tych wyników dla przyszłych zastosowań klinicznych

    A Review of the Assessment Methods of Voice Disorders in the Context of Parkinson's Disease

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    In recent years, a significant progress in the field of research dedicated to the treatment of disabilities has been witnessed. This is particularly true for neurological diseases, which generally influence the system that controls the execution of learned motor patterns. In addition to its importance for communication with the outside world and interaction with others, the voice is a reflection of our personality, moods and emotions. It is a way to provide information on health status, shape, intentions, age and even the social environment. It is also a working tool for many, but an important element of life for all. Patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are numerous and they suffer from hypokinetic dysarthria, which is manifested in all aspects of speech production: respiration, phonation, articulation, nasalization and prosody. This paper provides a review of the methods of the assessment of speech disorders in the context of PD and also discusses the limitations

    Voice Assessments for Detecting Patients with Parkinson’s Diseases in Different Stages

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    Recently, a wide range of speech signal processing algorithms (dysphonia measures) aiming to detect patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). So we have computed 19 dysphonia measures from sustained vowels collected from 375 voice samples from healthy and people suffer from PD. All the features are analysed and the more relevant ones are selected by the Principal component analysis (PCA) to classify the subjects in 4 classes according to the UPDRS (unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale) score. We used k-folds cross validation method with (k=4) validation scheme; 75% for training and 25% for testing, along with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) with its different types of kernels. The best result obtained was 92.5% using the PCA and the linear SVM

    Analysis of glottal source parameters in Parkinsonian speech

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    Diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson\u27s disease has a number of challenges as there is no definitive biomarker despite the broad range of symptoms. Research is ongoing to produce objective measures that can either diagnose Parkinson\u27s or act as an objective decision support tool. Recent research on speech based measures have demonstrated promising results. This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the glottal source signal in Parkinsonian speech. An experiment is conducted in which a selection of glottal parameters are tested for their ability to discriminate between healthy and Parkinsonian speech. Results for each glottal parameter are presented for a database of 50 healthy speakers and a database of 16 speakers with Parkinsonian speech symptoms. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were employed to analyse the results and the area under the ROC curve (AUC) values were used to quantify the performance of each glottal parameter. The results indicate that glottal parameters can be used to discriminate between healthy and Parkinsonian speech, although results varied for each parameter tested. For the task of separating healthy and Parkinsonian speech, 2 out of the 7 glottal parameters tested produced AUC values of over 0.9

    Factor Analysis of Speech Signal for Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Support Vector Machine

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    Abstract—Speech signal can be used as marker for identification of Parkinson’s disease. It is neurological disorder which is progressive in nature mainly effect the people in old age. Identification of relevant discriminant features from speech signal has been a challenge in this area. In this paper, factor analysis method is used to select distinguishing features from a set of features. These selected features are more effective for detection of the PD. From an empirical study on existing dataset and a generated dataset, it was found that the jitter, shimmer variants and noise to harmonic ratio are dominant features in detecting PD. Further, these features are employed in support vector machine for classifying PD from healthy subjects. This method provides an average accuracy of 85 % with sensitivity and specificity of about 86% and 84%. Important outcome of this study is that sustained vowels phonation captures distinguishing information for analysis and detection of PD