22 research outputs found

    Type-Based Termination, Inflationary Fixed-Points, and Mixed Inductive-Coinductive Types

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    Type systems certify program properties in a compositional way. From a bigger program one can abstract out a part and certify the properties of the resulting abstract program by just using the type of the part that was abstracted away. Termination and productivity are non-trivial yet desired program properties, and several type systems have been put forward that guarantee termination, compositionally. These type systems are intimately connected to the definition of least and greatest fixed-points by ordinal iteration. While most type systems use conventional iteration, we consider inflationary iteration in this article. We demonstrate how this leads to a more principled type system, with recursion based on well-founded induction. The type system has a prototypical implementation, MiniAgda, and we show in particular how it certifies productivity of corecursive and mixed recursive-corecursive functions.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317

    Step-Indexed Normalization for a Language with General Recursion

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    The Trellys project has produced several designs for practical dependently typed languages. These languages are broken into two fragments-a_logical_fragment where every term normalizes and which is consistent when interpreted as a logic, and a_programmatic_fragment with general recursion and other convenient but unsound features. In this paper, we present a small example language in this style. Our design allows the programmer to explicitly mention and pass information between the two fragments. We show that this feature substantially complicates the metatheory and present a new technique, combining the traditional Girard-Tait method with step-indexed logical relations, which we use to show normalization for the logical fragment.Comment: In Proceedings MSFP 2012, arXiv:1202.240

    Beating the Productivity Checker Using Embedded Languages

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    Some total languages, like Agda and Coq, allow the use of guarded corecursion to construct infinite values and proofs. Guarded corecursion is a form of recursion in which arbitrary recursive calls are allowed, as long as they are guarded by a coinductive constructor. Guardedness ensures that programs are productive, i.e. that every finite prefix of an infinite value can be computed in finite time. However, many productive programs are not guarded, and it can be nontrivial to put them in guarded form. This paper gives a method for turning a productive program into a guarded program. The method amounts to defining a problem-specific language as a data type, writing the program in the problem-specific language, and writing a guarded interpreter for this language.Comment: In Proceedings PAR 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Resumptions, Weak Bisimilarity and Big-Step Semantics for While with Interactive I/O: An Exercise in Mixed Induction-Coinduction

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    We look at the operational semantics of languages with interactive I/O through the glasses of constructive type theory. Following on from our earlier work on coinductive trace-based semantics for While, we define several big-step semantics for While with interactive I/O, based on resumptions and termination-sensitive weak bisimilarity. These require nesting inductive definitions in coinductive definitions, which is interesting both mathematically and from the point-of-view of implementation in a proof assistant. After first defining a basic semantics of statements in terms of resumptions with explicit internal actions (delays), we introduce a semantics in terms of delay-free resumptions that essentially removes finite sequences of delays on the fly from those resumptions that are responsive. Finally, we also look at a semantics in terms of delay-free resumptions supplemented with a silent divergence option. This semantics hinges on decisions between convergence and divergence and is only equivalent to the basic one classically. We have fully formalized our development in Coq.Comment: In Proceedings SOS 2010, arXiv:1008.190

    Verification of redecoration for infinite triangular matrices using coinduction

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    International audienceFinite triangular matrices with a dedicated type for the diagonal elements can be profitably represented by a nested data type, i. e., a heterogeneous family of inductive data types, while infinite triangular matrices form an example of a nested coinductive type, which is a heterogeneous family of coinductive data types. Redecoration for infinite triangular matrices is taken up from previous work involving the first author, and it is shown that redecoration forms a comonad with respect to bisimilarity. The main result, however, is a validation of the original algorithm against a model based on infinite streams of infinite streams. The two formulations are even provably equivalent, and the second is identified as a special instance of the generic cobind operation resulting from the well-known comultiplication operation on streams that creates the stream of successive tails of a given stream. Thus, perhaps surprisingly, the verification of redecoration is easier for infinite triangular matrices than for their finite counterpart. All the results have been obtained and are fully formalized in the current version of the Coq theorem proving environment where these coinductive datatypes are fully supported since the version 8.1, released in 2007. Nonetheless, instead of displaying the Coq development, we have chosen to write the paper in standard mathematical and type-theoretic language. Thus, it should be accessible without any specific knowledge about Coq

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Truly modular (co)datatypes for Isabelle/HOL

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    We extended Isabelle/HOL with a pair of definitional commands for datatypes and codatatypes. They support mutual and nested (co)recursion through well-behaved type constructors, including mixed recursion–corecursion, and are complemented by syntaxes for introducing primitive (co)recursive functions and by a general proof method for reasoning coinductively. As a case study, we ported Isabelle’s Coinductive library to use the new commands, eliminating the need for tedious ad hoc constructions

    Order Theory for Big-Step Semantics

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    We show that tools from order theory, such as Kleene fixpoint theorem, can be used to define bigstep semantics that simultaneously account for both converging and diverging behaviors of programs. These semantics remain very concrete. In particular, values are defined syntactically: the semantics of a function abstraction is a function closure rather than some abstract continuous function

    Guarded recursion in Agda via sized types

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    In type theory, programming and reasoning with possibly non-terminating programs and potentially infinite objects is achieved using coinductive types. Recursively defined programs of these types need to be productive to guarantee the consistency of the type system. Proof assistants such as Agda and Coq traditionally employ strict syntactic productivity checks, which often make programming with coinductive types convoluted. One way to overcome this issue is by encoding productivity at the level of types so that the type system forbids the implementation of non-productive corecursive programs. In this paper we compare two different approaches to type-based productivity: guarded recursion and sized types. More specifically, we show how to simulate guarded recursion in Agda using sized types. We formalize the syntax of a simple type theory for guarded recursion, which is a variant of Atkey and McBride\u27s calculus for productive coprogramming. Then we give a denotational semantics using presheaves over the preorder of sizes. Sized types are fundamentally used to interpret the characteristic features of guarded recursion, notably the fixpoint combinator