424 research outputs found

    GRIDA3—a shared resources manager for environmental data analysis and applications

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    GRIDA3 (Shared Resources Manager for Environmental Data Analysis and Applications) is a multidisciplinary project designed to deliver an integrated system to forge solutions to some environmental challenges such as the constant increase of polluted sites, the sustainability of natural resources usage and the forecast of extreme meteorological events. The GRIDA3 portal is mainly based on Web 2.0 technologies and EnginFrame framework. The portal, now at an advanced stage of development, provides end-users with intuitive Web-interfaces and tools that simplify job submission to the underneath computing resources. The framework manages the user authentication and authorization, then controls the action and job execution into the grid computing environment, collects the results and transforms them into an useful format on the client side. The GRIDA3 Portal framework will provide a problem-solving platform allowing, through appropriate access policies, the integration and the sharing of skills, resources and tools located at multiple sites across federated domains

    Enabling and Understanding Failure of Engineering Structures Using the Technique of Cohesive Elements

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    In this paper, we describe a cohesive zone model for the prediction of failure of engineering solids and/or structures. A damage evolution law is incorporated into a three-dimensional, exponential cohesive law to account for material degradation under the influence of cyclic loading. This cohesive zone model is implemented in the finite element software ABAQUS through a user defined subroutine. The irreversibility of the cohesive zone model is first verified and subsequently applied for studying cyclic crack growth in specimens experiencing different modes of fracture and/or failure. The crack growth behavior to include both crack initiation and crack propagation becomes a natural outcome of the numerical simulation. Numerical examples suggest that the irreversible cohesive zone model can serve as an efficient tool to predict fatigue crack growth. Key issues such as crack path deviation, convergence and mesh dependency are also discussed

    Sistemas de soporte de decisiones (SSD) aplicados a la formulación de políticas públicas agrarias

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    Context: The process of formulating agricultural public policies is very complex due to the large number of variables involved in the process. That is why the development of decision support systems (DSS) help to improve this process. The article reviews the developments that have been made regarding the subject. Method: The method was to conduct a bibliographic review in several scientific databases, looking for developments of DSS systems applied to the process of formulating agricultural policies. When determining which DSS systems have been developed, a qualitative and descriptive analysis of the systems was carried out.Contexto: El proceso de formulación de políticas públicas agrarias es muy complejo por la gran cantidad de variables que intervienen en el proceso. Por eso el desarrollo de sistemas de soporte de decisiones (SSD) ayudan a mejorar dicho proceso. El artículo revisa los desarrollo que se han realizado con respecto al tema. Método: El método fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica en varias bases de datos científicas, buscando desarrollos de sistemas SSD aplicados al proceso de formulación de políticas agrarias. Al determinar cuales sistemas SSD se han desarrollado, se procedió a realizar un análisis cualitativo y también descriptivo de los sistemas.  Resultados: Se encontraron 30 sistemas SSD aplicados a la formulación de políticas agrarias, donde la mayoría están enfocados al proceso de producción agrícola y su relación con el medio ambiente. Conclusiones: La más relevante es la necesidad de generar sistemas SSD que determinen posibles comportamientos futuros de los interesados, al desarrollar potenciales políticas agrarias. Ajustadas a las características propias de los países ubicados en la zona tropical

    Web GIS to support irrigation management: a prototype for SAGRA network, Alentejo Portugal

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesAn efficient water management, not only allows significant savings in costs of irrigation, but also an effective control on the quality of products, which can have obvious consequences on income operation and reducing the environmental impact of irrigation. As the Internet is becoming the easiest way of information distribution, irrigation management system can also be benefitted with it. Integrating GIS functionality with internet capacity will redefine the way of decision making, sharing and processing of information. In irrigation systems weather plays an imperative role in decision making, implementing and forecasting. Temperature, humidity, precipitation, and solar radiation are the most important parameters to calculate evapotranspiration by which crop water requirement can be determined. SAGRA (Sistema Agrometeorológico para a Gestão da Rega no Alentejo) network is providing information to the farmers through web but still lacks the use of GIS in their information to decision support system. Irrigation management support system can be benefitted with the use of Web GIS. In this thesis, web based GIS is designed using popular open source tools and software. Using data from automatic weather station maps are produced using Geo-statistical interpolation techniques and published in web map. These maps can be viewed with popular online maps like Google maps, Microsoft Bing and Openstreet maps. Animated weather maps are also created which are useful for visualizing changing pattern of weather parameters and water requirement over time

    Internet of Things. Information Processing in an Increasingly Connected World

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the First IFIP International Cross-Domain Conference on Internet of Things, IFIPIoT 2018, held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, in Poznan, Poland, in September 2018. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. Also included in this volume are 4 WCC 2018 plenary contributions, an invited talk and a position paper from the IFIP domain committee on IoT. The papers cover a wide range of topics from a technology to a business perspective and include among others hardware, software and management aspects, process innovation, privacy, power consumption, architecture, applications

    ICT tools for data management and analysis to support decisional process oriented to sustainable agri-food chains

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    Il settore agroalimentare sta affrontando delle sfide globali. La prima riguarda sfamare la popolazione mondiale che nel 2050, secondo le proiezioni delle Nazioni Unite, raggiungerà quota 9,3 miliardi di persone. La seconda sfida riguarda la richiesta da parte dei consumatori di prodotti ottenuti da filiere agroalimentari sempre più sostenibili, sicure e trasparenti. In particolare, l’Agricoltura sostenibile è una tecnica di gestione in grado di preservare la diversità biologica, la produttività, la capacità di rigenerazione, la vitalità e l’abilità alla funzione di un ecosistema agricolo, assicurandone, oggi e in futuro, le funzioni ecologiche, economiche e sociali a livello locale, nazionale ed globale, senza danneggiare altri ecosistemi. Quindi, per fronteggiare la sfida dell’agricoltura sostenibile, gli agricoltori devono aumentare la qualità e la quantità della produzione, riducendo l’impatto ambientale attraverso nuovi strumenti e nuove strategie di gestione. Questo lavoro analizza l’integrazione nel settore agroalimentare di alcune tecnologie e metodologie ICT per l’acquisizione, gestione e analisi dei dati, come la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification), i FMIS (Farm Management Information Systems), i DW (Data Warehouse) e l’approccio OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing). Infine, l’adozione delle tecnologie ICT da parte di vere aziende è stata valutata attraverso un questionario. Al riguardo dell’adozione delle tecnologie RFID, questo lavoro analizza l’opportunità di trasferimento tecnologico relativo al monitoraggio e controllo dei prodotti agroalimentari tramite l’utilizzo di sensori innovativi, intelligenti e miniaturizzati. Le informazioni riguardanti lo stato del prodotto sono trasferite in tempo reale in wireless, come previsto dalla tecnologia RFID. In particolare, due soluzioni RFID sono state analizzate, evidenziando vantaggi e punti critici in confronto ai classici sistemi per assicurare la tracciabilità e la qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari. Quindi, questo lavoro analizza la possibilità di sviluppare una struttura che combina le tecnologie della Business Intelligence con i principi della Protezione Integrata (IPM) per aiutare gli agricoltori nel processo decisionale, andando a diminuire l’impatto ambientale ed aumentare la performance produttiva. L’IPM richiede di utilizzare simultaneamente diverse tecniche di protezione delle colture per il controllo dei parassiti e patogeni tramite un approccio ecologico ed economico. Il sistema di BI proposto è chiamato BI4IPM e combina l’approccio OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) con quello OLAP per verificare il rispetto dei disciplinari di produzione integrata. BI4IPM è stato testato con dati provenienti da vere aziende olivicole pugliesi. L’olivo è una delle principali colture a livello globale e la Puglia è la prima regione produttrice in Italia, con un gran numero di aziende che generano dati sull’IPM. Le strategie di protezione delle colture sono correlate alle condizioni climatiche, considerando la forte relazione tra clima, colture e parassiti. Quindi, in questo lavoro è presentato un nuovo e avanzato modello OLAP che integra il GSI (Growing Season Index), un modello fenologico, per comparare indirettamente le aziende agricole dal punto di vista climatico. Il sistema proposto permette di analizzare dati IPM di diverse aziende agricole che presentano le stesse condizioni fenologiche in un anno al fine di individuare best practices e di evidenziare e spiegare pratiche differenti adottate da aziende che lavorano in differenti condizioni climatiche. Infine, è stata effettuata un’indagine al fine di capire come le aziende agricole della Basilicata si raggruppano in funzione del livello di innovazione adottato. È stato utilizzato un questionario per domandare alle aziende se adottano strumenti ICT, ed eventualmente in quale processo produttivo o di management vengano usati. È stata quindi effettuata un’analisi cluster sui dati raccolti. I risultati mostrano che, usando il metodo di clustering k-means, appaiono due gruppi: gli innovatori e gli altri. Mentre, applicando la rappresentazione boxlot, si ottengono 3 gruppi: innovatori, utilizzatori precoci e ritardatari.The Agri-Food sector is facing global challenges. The first issue concerns feeding a world population that in 2050, according to United Nations projections, will reach 9.3 billion people. The second challenge is the request by consumers for high quality products obtained by more sustainable, safely and clear agri-food chains. In particular, the Sustainable agriculture is a management strategy able to preserve the biological diversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and ability to function of an agricultural ecosystem, ensuring, today and in the future, significant ecological, economic and social functions at the local, national and global scales, without harming other ecosystems. Therefore, to face the challenge of the sustainable agriculture, farmers need to increase quality and quantity of the production, reducing the environmental impact through new management strategies and tools. This work explores the integration of several ICT technologies and methodologies in the agri-food sector for the data acquisition, management and analysis, such as RFID technology, Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS), Data Warehouse (DW) and On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP). Finally, the adoption of the ICT technologies by real farms is evaluated through a survey. Regarding the adoption of the RFID technology, this work explores an opportunity for technology transfer related to the monitoring and control of agri-food products, based on the use of miniaturized, smart and innovative sensors. The information concerning to the state of the product is transferred in real time in a wireless way, according to the RFID technology. In particular, two technical solutions involving RFID are provided, highlighting the advantages and critical points referred to the normal system used to ensure the traceability and the quality of the agri-food products. Therefore, this work explores the possibility of developing a framework that combines business intelligence (BI) technologies with Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles to support farmers in the decisional process, thereby decreasing environmental cost and improving production performance. The IPM requires the simultaneous use of different crop protection techniques to control pests through an ecological and economic approach. The proposed BI system is called BI4IPM, and it combines on-line transaction processing (OLTP) with OLAP to verify adherence to the IPM technical specifications. BI4IPM is tested with data from real Apulian olive crop farms. Olive tree is one of the most important crop at global scale and Apulia is the first olive-producing region in Italy, with a huge amount of farms that generate IPM data. The crop protection strategies are correlated to the climate conditions considering the very important relation among climate, crops and pests. Therefore, in this work is presented a new advanced OLAP model integrating the Growing Season Index (GSI), a phenology model, to compare indirectly the farms by a climatic point of view. The proposed system allows analysing IPM data of different farms having the same phenological conditions over a year to understand some best practices and to highlight and explain different practices adopted by farms working in different climatic conditions. Finally, a survey aimed at investigating how Lucania' farms cluster according to the level of innovation adopted was performed. It was used a questionnaire for asking if farms adopt ICTs tools and, in case, what type they involved in managing and/or production processes. It has been done a cluster analysis on collected data. Results show that, using k-means clustering method, appear two clusters: innovators, remaining groups. While, using boxplot representation, clustered three groups: innovators, early adopters and laggards

    Profitable Crops DSS

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    This report is divided into five chapters named Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 accordingly. First it represents the abstract of this report. Chapter 1 describes the background of study, problem statement and objective and scope of study. Chapter 2 is about the literature review/theory in practice, conduct research to build a point of view or to critics the findings that related to the project. Chapter 3 consists of methodology section which explained in details about the procedures and methodology used and the tools/software needed to implement the project. The result and discussion and also conclusion are described in the Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. The focus of this project paper is to study profitable crops in the industry which can be extended to develop a new system to aid the grower in Malaysia. The system will be develop to assist targeted farmer to make better decision on the profitable crops and perfectly suitable to be grown on their land

    Cyber-applications as gateway to data-rich digital earth systems

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    The underlying vision of the Digital Earth (DE) calls for applications that can embed vast quantities of geo-referenced data and allow users to study and analyse of our planet. Since the declaration of this vision in the late 90s, a significant number of DE data-sets have been created by the industry, governments, non-governmental organisations and individuals. An overwhelming majority of the successful applications that use DE data-sets has its end-user applications running on the desktop. While these applications are great tools, they remain inaccessible to the community as a whole. In this paper, we present a framework for the development of cyber-applications. We define an abstract architecture for cyber-applications based on the model-view-controller paradigm, which allows the dynamic inclusion of functional and data components into its execution engine at run-time. We define the operational characteristics of cyber-applications. We also specify the interface of pluggable components to the architecture. Finally, we demonstrate the appropriateness of the abstract architecture by means of a case stud

    Social-Ecological Systems Analysis and Perceptions of Change in Agriculture, Food and Farm Systems in Southern Alberta and Yukon Territory

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    Social-ecological change such as climate change, market volatility or policy reforms are too often discussed at global and national scales; however, it is at local and regional scales that individuals and communities experience and respond to these changes. This is perhaps most evident in agriculture, food and farm systems, where change is a constant for farmers and ranchers. In this dissertation I explore the perceptions and experiences of change from the perspective of farmers, ranchers, local food producers and community residents using socialecological systems analysis, as a first approximation and effort at pattern recognition in Southern Alberta’s farm and ranch community, and in Yukon Territory. The research objective being to understand how individuals respond to change, identifying supports and barriers that exist for responding to change, and how to create more sustainable and resilient agriculture, food and farm systems. In both study areas, online surveys were used to engage farmers and ranchers, and in Yukon Territory, surveys were also distributed to residents as this study was exploring specific perspectives of local food consumption and the role of hydroponics. A soft-systems approach was taken in each study to understand the social-ecological conditions, relationships, and dimensions that effect responding to change, and the visions for the future. Each study area had unique perspectives and experiences that were a product of their social-ecological context, for example, in Southern Alberta when discussing climate, precipitation was prime concern, while in Yukon Territory, it was temperature. Despite these differences driven by place-based context, there were key similarities. In both areas, financial limitations were the prime barrier for one’s ability to respond to changes of any variety. Furthermore, despite the major differences in scale of agricultural operations in both regions, participants in both areas believed that agriculture needs to produce within their own social-ecological conditions, and there is a need for more diverse and resilient local and regional food systems