50 research outputs found

    Tecniche di protezione da interferenze elettromagnetiche: modellistica e prove sperimentali in camera riverberante

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    Electromagnetic interference and compatibility are problems that claim an increasing attention in many environments, all over the world

    Reverberation chambers a la carte: An overview of the different mode-stirring techniques

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    Reverberation chambers (RC), a name inspired in room acoustics, are also known in literature as reverberating, reverb, mode-stirred or mode-tuned chambers. In their basic form, they consist of a shielded metallic enclosure, forming a cavity resonator, together with some mode-stirring mechanism. The main goal of such stirring mechanism is to generate an amplitude-varying electromagnetic field that is ideally statistically uniform

    Review of applications of the Laboratory for Electromagnetic Compatibility infrastructure

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    This article provides a thorough description of a range of non-standard application cases in which EMC laboratories can be used other than those traditionally associated with this kind of facilities. The areas covered here include investigations of: wireless and radio systems (such as IoT and broadband radio systems) also that require ultra-high operational dynamic range, emulation of interference-free and/or heavily-multipath propagation environment, shielding effectiveness of cabinets and materials (i.e. thin, light and flexible as textiles as well as heavy and thick such as building construction elements)

    Review of applications of the Laboratory for Electromagnetic Compatibility infrastructure

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    This article provides a thorough description of a range of non-standard application cases in which EMC laboratories can be used other than those traditionally associated with this kind of facilities. The areas covered here include investigations of: wireless and radio systems (such as IoT and broadband radio systems) also that require ultra-high operational dynamic range, emulation of interference-free and/or heavily-multipath propagation environment, shielding effectiveness of cabinets and materials (i.e. thin, light and flexible as textiles as well as heavy and thick such as building construction elements)

    Focusing high-power electromagnetic waves using time-reversal

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    A main aspect of this work has been to develop analytical and statistical models of the power efficiency of a time-reversal amplification system (TRAS).It is also important to evaluate the efficiency of a reverberation chamber. This allows quantifying the power received by one or more antenna when the reverberation chamber is excited. This factor is important when considering construction of the most efficient chamber for time-reversal amplification.Measurements assessing the loading effect of antennas in reverberation chambers when the field can be considered diffused were also undertaken. The study focuses on the evaluation of the varying quality factor when adding loaded antennas in the chamber.Another focus of this work is to evaluate the ratios between signals during calibration and focusing phase. An important aspect of the studies presented in this work thus concerns evaluation of the maximum value of the impulse response in a complex propagation system.We also present the power gain of time-reversal techniques and its statistical advantages compared to a classic use of a reverberation chamber.The development of a prototype required the design and implementation of each of the branches of the complete systems.The first measurement campaigns allowed the complete validation of the models.L'objectif de la thèse a été de mettre en place dans un premier temps des modèles analytiques et statistiques permettant d'évaluer les performances d'un système à retournement temporel de fortes-puissances puis de les vérifier grâce à des mesures.Des campagnes de mesures ont alors permis de vérifier les modèles. Des simulations numériques ont aussi montrées les possibilités offertes par un tel système.En parallèle, des travaux sur l'impact des antennes dans une chambre réverbérantes ont été menés afin d'évaluer les performances d'un système ayant plusieurs sorties.Les résultats de thèses ont permis l'élaboration de nouvelles métriques des performances du système.Le développement d'un prototype a nécessité la conception et la réalisation de chacune des branches du système complet.Les premières campagnes de mesures ont permis la validation complète des modèles

    Grundlagen und Anwendungen von Modenverwirbelungskammern

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    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zunächst den theoretischen Erkenntnisstand zu Modenverwirbelungskammern in einer geschlossenen Form zusammenzufassen. Dies ist nötig, da das Wissen über die Grundlagen der Modenverwirbelungskammern über eine Fülle von Publikationen verteilt ist und sich eine Reihe von Fehlern, Vorurteilen und pauschalen Aussagen bereits tradiert hat. Der Grundlagenteil dieser Arbeit kann zusammen mit der ausführlichen Bibliographie als solide Basis für zukünftige Arbeiten dienen. Die Bibliographie ist hierbei zweigeteilt: Neben den Referenzen der Arbeit findet sich eine ausführliches Verzeichnis ergänzender Literatur. Der Anwendungsteil beschäftigt sich zunächst mit der IEC Norm 61000-4-21. Darüber hinaus werden für den Bereich der Qualifizierung des Modenrührers sowie für die Messungen der Güte und der Emissionen neue Verfahren vorgeschlagen. Sehr aktuell ist der Abschnitt zum Vergleich verschiedener Messumgebungen: Zurzeit beziehen sich alle Grenzwerte (aus historischen Gründen) ausschließlich auf Messungen auf Freifeldern oder (Halb-) Absorberhallen. Damit zukünftig Modenverwirbelungskammern angewendet werden können benötigen die Produktnormungskomitees eine solide Grundlage zur Umrechnung der Grenzwerte bzw. Testfeldstärken. Die genaue Analyse verschiedener Verfahren offenbart dabei zusätzlich spezifische Schwächen und Stärken, die jedes der konkurrierenden Verfahren aufweist. Aus der Sicht des Autors gibt es nicht das eine Verfahren, das allen anderen überlegen ist. Es zeigt sich vielmehr, dass die Verfahren aufgrund ihrer physikalischen Spezifika nur für bestimmte Messungen, für bestimmte Prüflinge oder für bestimmte Frequenzbereiche überlegen sind. In den Anhängen findet sich Material zu den relevanten statistischen Verteilungsfunktionen sowie eine Reihe von Hilfsprogrammen, die dem Anwender den Einstieg in die statistische Analyse erleichtern sollen


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    Sample selection algorithms for enhanced MIMO antenna measurements using mode-stirred reverberation chambers

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    Mode-stirred reverberation chambers (MSRCs) are a useful tool for measuring several wireless-related MIMO antenna parameters. In a conventional single-cavity MSRC, the emulated fading environment is isotropic and the amplitude of the signal is Rayleigh distributed. Previous contributions have enhanced the emulation capabilities ofMSRCs so as to include the ability to emulate Rician- and non-isotropic fading environments. In this contribution, arbitrary amplitude probability density functions (PDF) emulation using a MSRC is presented by selecting parts of the sample set that forms different statistical ensembles. Several algorithms are presented and compared in terms of computation time and power accuracy using simulated as well as measured data from different MSRCs to obtain Rician, on-body and amplitude PDFs of standardized models. The technique is patent-protected by EMITEThis work was supported in part by the Spanish National R&D Programme through TEC2008-0581

    Anechoic and reverberation chamber design and measurements

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    Two different chambers are studied in this thesis: the anechoic chamber (AC) and the reverberation chamber (RC). The AC has been developed for many years, while in the past few years RC has emerged as a promising facility not just in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) measurements but also as a multi-disciplinary research facility in various areas. For the anechoic chamber, a CAD tool is developed to aid the design of an anechoic chamber. The objective is to estimate the chamber performance accurately. The ultimate goal is to minimise the cost but optimise the chamber performance for given conditions and specifications. This is very important for a commercial company. The CAD tool is developed based on the GO theory, two different algorithms are realised, acceleration techniques are applied, and measurements are performed to validate the CAD tool. For the reverberation chamber, a series of new measurement methods in the RC are developed including antenna radiation efficiency measurement, diversity gain measurement, radiated emission measurement, material characterisation, shielding effectiveness, volume measurement, etc. Finally, we apply the B-scan in an RC to characterise the behaviour of the electric field in the time domain. Statistical characterisation of the electric field in the time domain is given, stirrer efficiency is quantified based on the total scattering cross section (TSCS) of stirrers, and time gating technique in the RC is introduced. It has been found that the stirrer efficiency can be well-quantified in the time domain and the definition of stirrer efficiency in this thesis provides a universal and quantitative way to compare the performance between different RCs or different stirrer designs in one RC