2,898 research outputs found

    Conception Assistée des Logiciels Sécurisés pour les Systèmes Embarqués

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    A vast majority of distributed embedded systems is concerned by security risks. The fact that applications may result poorly protected is partially due to methodological lacks in the engineering development process. More specifically, methodologies targeting formal verification may lack support to certain phases of the development process. Particularly, system modeling frameworks may be complex-to-use or not address security at all. Along with that, testing is not usually addressed by verification methodologies since formal verification and testing are considered as exclusive stages. Nevertheless, we believe that platform testing can be applied to ensure that properties formally verified in a model are truly endowed to the real system. Our contribution is made in the scope of a model-driven based methodology that, in particular, targets secure-by-design embedded systems. The methodology is an iterative process that pursues coverage of several engineering development phases and that relies upon existing security analysis techniques. Still in evolution, the methodology is mainly defined via a high level SysML profile named Avatar. The contribution specifically consists on extending Avatar so as to model security concerns and in formally defining a model transformation towards a verification framework. This contribution allows to conduct proofs on authenticity and confidentiality. We illustrate how a cryptographic protocol is partially secured by applying several methodology stages. In addition, it is described how Security Testing was conducted on an embedded prototype platform within the scope of an automotive project.Une vaste majorité de systèmes embarqués distribués sont concernés par des risques de sécurité. Le fait que les applications peuvent être mal protégées est partiellement à cause des manques méthodologiques dans le processus d’ingénierie de développement. Particulièrement, les méthodologies qui ciblent la vérification formelle peuvent manquer de support pour certaines étapes du processus de développement SW. Notamment, les cadres de modélisation peuvent être complexes à utiliser ou ne pas adresser la sécurité du tout. Avec cela, l’étape de tests n’est pas normalement abordée par les méthodologies de vérification formelle. Néanmoins, nous croyons que faire des tests sur la plateforme peut aider à assurer que les propriétés vérifiées dans le modèle sont véritablement préservées par le système embarqué. Notre contribution est faite dans le cadre d’une méthodologie nommée Avatar qui est basée sur les modèles et vise la sécurité dès la conception du système. La méthodologie est un processus itératif qui poursuit la couverture de plusieurs étapes du développement SW et qui s’appuie sur plusieurs techniques d’analyse de sécurité. La méthodologie compte avec un cadre de modélisation SysML. Notre contribution consiste notamment à étendre le cadre de modélisation Avatar afin d’aborder les aspects de sécurité et aussi à définir une transformation du modèle Avatar vers un cadre de vérification formel. Cette contribution permet d’effectuer preuves d’authenticité et confidentialité. Nous montrons comment un protocole cryptographique est partiellement sécurisé. Aussi, il est décrit comment les tests de sécurité ont été menés sur un prototype dans le cadre d’un projet véhiculaire

    A methodology for producing reliable software, volume 1

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    An investigation into the areas having an impact on producing reliable software including automated verification tools, software modeling, testing techniques, structured programming, and management techniques is presented. This final report contains the results of this investigation, analysis of each technique, and the definition of a methodology for producing reliable software

    Formal verification of automotive embedded UML designs

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    Software applications are increasingly dominating safety critical domains. Safety critical domains are domains where the failure of any application could impact human lives. Software application safety has been overlooked for quite some time but more focus and attention is currently directed to this area due to the exponential growth of software embedded applications. Software systems have continuously faced challenges in managing complexity associated with functional growth, flexibility of systems so that they can be easily modified, scalability of solutions across several product lines, quality and reliability of systems, and finally the ability to detect defects early in design phases. AUTOSAR was established to develop open standards to address these challenges. ISO-26262, automotive functional safety standard, aims to ensure functional safety of automotive systems by providing requirements and processes to govern software lifecycle to ensure safety. Each functional system needs to be classified in terms of safety goals, risks and Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL: A, B, C and D) with ASIL D denoting the most stringent safety level. As risk of the system increases, ASIL level increases and the standard mandates more stringent methods to ensure safety. ISO-26262 mandates that ASILs C and D classified systems utilize walkthrough, semi-formal verification, inspection, control flow analysis, data flow analysis, static code analysis and semantic code analysis techniques to verify software unit design and implementation. Ensuring software specification compliance via formal methods has remained an academic endeavor for quite some time. Several factors discourage formal methods adoption in the industry. One major factor is the complexity of using formal methods. Software specification compliance in automotive remains in the bulk heavily dependent on traceability matrix, human based reviews, and testing activities conducted on either actual production software level or simulation level. ISO26262 automotive safety standard recommends, although not strongly, using formal notations in automotive systems that exhibit high risk in case of failure yet the industry still heavily relies on semi-formal notations such as UML. The use of semi-formal notations makes specification compliance still heavily dependent on manual processes and testing efforts. In this research, we propose a framework where UML finite state machines are compiled into formal notations, specification requirements are mapped into formal model theorems and SAT/SMT solvers are utilized to validate implementation compliance to specification. The framework will allow semi-formal verification of AUTOSAR UML designs via an automated formal framework backbone. This semi-formal verification framework will allow automotive software to comply with ISO-26262 ASIL C and D unit design and implementation formal verification guideline. Semi-formal UML finite state machines are automatically compiled into formal notations based on Symbolic Analysis Laboratory formal notation. Requirements are captured in the UML design and compiled automatically into theorems. Model Checkers are run against the compiled formal model and theorems to detect counterexamples that violate the requirements in the UML model. Semi-formal verification of the design allows us to uncover issues that were previously detected in testing and production stages. The methodology is applied on several automotive systems to show how the framework automates the verification of UML based designs, the de-facto standard for automotive systems design, based on an implicit formal methodology while hiding the cons that discouraged the industry from using it. Additionally, the framework automates ISO-26262 system design verification guideline which would otherwise be verified via human error prone approaches

    Ada as a design specification language

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    The primary thesis objective is research into current approaches to design specification languages, emphasizing Ada. Requirements specification is touched upon. Design specification is explored and related to requirements and implementation. The role of language in design is discussed, as well as objectives of the design specification and features that a specification language should provide in order to meet those objectives. Formal language is contrasted with natural language. Some formal specification languages are described, both Ada related and not Ada related. The secondary objective, the thesis project, is to illustrate a design specification in a formal language, Ada. The purpose of the project is to compare the Ada expression of an example design with the natural language specification for the same system

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    The proceedings of the first international symposium on Visual Formal Methods VFM'99, Eindhoven, August 23rd, 1989

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    Proceedings of the 1994 Monterey Workshop, Increasing the Practical Impact of Formal Methods for Computer-Aided Software Development: Evolution Control for Large Software Systems Techniques for Integrating Software Development Environments

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    Office of Naval Research, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office, Naval Postgraduate School, National Science Foundatio
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