48 research outputs found

    My Tortuous Pathway Through Mathematical Chemistry and QSAR Research With Memories of Some Personal Interactions and Collaborations With Professors Milan Randić and Mircea Diudea

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    This article describes my more than four decades of not so straightforward journey through mathematical chemistry and QSAR research with descriptions of some valuable personal interactions and collaborations with Professors Milan Randić and Mircea Diudea. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Classification of 5-HT1A Receptor Ligands on the Basis of Their Binding Affinities by Using PSO-Adaboost-SVM

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    In the present work, the support vector machine (SVM) and Adaboost-SVM have been used to develop a classification model as a potential screening mechanism for a novel series of 5-HT1A selective ligands. Each compound is represented by calculated structural descriptors that encode topological features. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the stepwise multiple linear regression (Stepwise-MLR) methods have been used to search descriptor space and select the descriptors which are responsible for the inhibitory activity of these compounds. The model containing seven descriptors found by Adaboost-SVM, has showed better predictive capability than the other models. The total accuracy in prediction for the training and test set is 100.0% and 95.0% for PSO-Adaboost-SVM, 99.1% and 92.5% for PSO-SVM, 99.1% and 82.5% for Stepwise-MLR-Adaboost-SVM, 99.1% and 77.5% for Stepwise-MLR-SVM, respectively. The results indicate that Adaboost-SVM can be used as a useful modeling tool for QSAR studies

    A Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) Study of Aliphatic Alcohols by the Method of Dividing the Molecular Structure into Substructure

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    A quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR) analysis of aliphatic alcohols is presented. Four physicochemical properties were studied: boiling point (BP), n-octanol–water partition coefficient (lg POW), water solubility (lg W) and the chromatographic retention indices (RI) on different polar stationary phases. In order to investigate the quantitative structure–property relationship of aliphatic alcohols, the molecular structure ROH is divided into two parts, R and OH to generate structural parameter. It was proposed that the property is affected by three main factors for aliphatic alcohols, alkyl group R, substituted group OH, and interaction between R and OH. On the basis of the polarizability effect index (PEI), previously developed by Cao, the novel molecular polarizability effect index (MPEI) combined with odd-even index (OEI), the sum eigenvalues of bond-connecting matrix (SX1CH) previously developed in our team, were used to predict the property of aliphatic alcohols. The sets of molecular descriptors were derived directly from the structure of the compounds based on graph theory. QSPR models were generated using only calculated descriptors and multiple linear regression techniques. These QSPR models showed high values of multiple correlation coefficient (R > 0.99) and Fisher-ratio statistics. The leave-one-out cross-validation demonstrated the final models to be statistically significant and reliable

    Interrelationship of Major Topological Indices Evidenced by Clustering

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    This study examines the mutual relatedness of 318 major topological indices (TIs) for three sets of molecules: (i) a set of 139 hydrocarbons, (ii) a diverse set of 1029 compounds and (iii) a diverse set of 2887 compounds. The TIs included in this study are those that have been frequently used in the characterization of structure and QSAR/ QSPR studies. After variable reduction based on the elimination of TIs for which all values were zero and those that were completely correlated with another TI, a variable clustering technique was used to cluster the TIs which resulted in 16, 37 and 56 clusters, respectively, for the three data sets mentioned above. Analysis of the correspondence among the clusters derived from the three groups of chemicals has been carried out in an effort to understand the dimensionality of the structure spaces derived for the three different sets of chemicals and the structural aspects characterized by the various TIs

    Atom, atom-type, and total linear indices of the "molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix": Application to QSPR/QSAR studies of organic compounds

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    In this paper we describe the application in QSPR/QSAR studies of a new group of molecular descriptors: atom, atom-type and total linear indices of the molecular pseudograph's atom adjacency matrix. These novel molecular descriptors were used for the prediction of boiling point and partition coefficient (log P), specific rate constant (log k), and antibacterial activity of 28 alkyl-alcohols and 34 derivatives of 2-furylethylenes, respectively. For this purpose two quantitative models were obtained to describe the alkyl-alcohols' boiling points. The first one includes only two total linear indices and showed a good behavior from a statistical point of view (R2 = 0.984, s = 3.78, F = 748.57, q2 = 0.981, and scv = 3.91). The second one includes four variables [3 global and 1 local (heteroatom) linear indices] and it showed an improvement in the description of physical property (R 2 = 0.9934, s = 2.48, F = 871.96, q2 = 0.990, and s cv = 2.79). Later, linear multiple regression analysis was also used to describe log P and log k of the 2-furyl-ethylenes derivatives. These models were statistically significant [(R2 = 0.984, s = 0.143, and F = 113.38) and (R2 = 0.973, s = 0.26 and F = 161.22), respectively] and showed very good stability to data variation in leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation experiment [(q2 = 0.93.8 and scv = 0.178) and (q2 = 0.948 and scv = 0.33), respectively]. Finally, a linear discriminant model for classifying antibacterial activity of these compounds was also achieved with the use of the atom and atom-type linear indices. The global percent of good classification in training and external test set obtained was of 94.12% and 100.0%, respectively. The comparison with other approaches (connectivity indices, total and local spectral moments, quantum chemical descriptors, topographic indices and Estate/biomolecular encounter parameters) reveals a good behavior of our method. The approach described in this paper appears to be a very promising structural invariant, useful for QSPR/QSAR studies and computer-aided "rational" drug design.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA

    Extending Graph (Discrete) Derivative Descriptors to N-Tuple Atom-Relations

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    In the present manuscript, an extension of the previously defined Graph Derivative Indices (GDIs) is discussed. To achieve this objective, the concept of a hypermatrix, conceived from the calculation of the frequencies of triple and quadruple atom relations in a set of connected sub-graphs, is introduced. This set of subgraphs is generated following a predefined criterion, known as the event (S), being in this particular case the connectivity among atoms. The triple and quadruple relations frequency matrices serve as a basis for the computation of triple and quadruple discrete derivative indices, respectively. The GDIs are implemented in a computational program denominated DIVATI (acronym for DIscrete DeriVAtive Type Indices), a module of TOMOCOMD-CARDD program. Shannon‟s entropy-based variability analysis demonstrates that the GDIs show major variability than others indices used in QSAR/QSPR researches. In addition, it can be appreciated when the indices are extended over n-elements from the graph, its quality increases, principally when they are used in a combined way. QSPR modeling of the physicochemical properties Log P and Log K of the 2-furylethylenes derivatives reveals that the GDIs obtained using the tripleand quadruple matrix approaches yield superior performance to the duplex matrix approach. Moreover, the statistical parameters for models obtained with the GDI method are superior to those reported in the literature by using other methods. It can therefore be suggested that the GDI method, seem to be a promissory tool to reckon on in QSAR/QSPR studies, virtual screening of compound datasets and similarity/dissimilarity evaluations

    QSAR studies on a number of pyrrolidin-2-one antiarrhythmic arylpiperazinyls

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    The activity of a number of 1-[3-(4-arylpiperazin-1-yl)propyl]pyrrolidin-2-one antiarrhythmic (AA) agents was described using the quantitative structure–activity relationship model by applying it to 33 compounds. The molecular descriptors of the AA activity were obtained by quantum chemical calculations combined with molecular modeling calculations. The resulting model explains up to 91% of the variance and it was successfully validated by four tests (LOO, LMO, external test, and Y-scrambling test). Statistical analysis shows that the AA activity of the studied compounds depends mainly on the PCR and JGI4 descriptors

    Models for Antitubercular Activity of 5′-O-[(N-Acyl)sulfamoyl]adenosines

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    The relationship between topological indices and antitubercular activity of 5′-O-[(N-Acyl)sulfamoyl]adenosines has been investigated. A data set consisting of 31 analogues of 5′-O-[(N-Acyl)sulfamoyl]adenosines was selected for the present study. The values of numerous topostructural and topochemical indices for each of 31 differently substituted analogues of the data set were computed using an in-house computer program. Resulting data was analyzed and suitable models were developed through decision tree, random forest and moving average analysis (MAA). The goodness of the models was assessed by calculating overall accuracy of prediction, sensitivity, specificity and Mathews correlation coefficient. Pendentic eccentricity index – a novel highly discriminating, non-correlating pendenticity based topochemical descriptor – was also conceptualized and successfully utilized for the development of a model for antitubercular activity of 5′-O-[(N-Acyl)sulfamoyl]adenosines. The proposed index exhibited not only high sensitivity towards both the presence as well as relative position(s) of pendent/heteroatom(s) but also led to significant reduction in degeneracy. Random forest correctly classified the analogues into active and inactive with an accuracy of 67.74%. A decision tree was also employed for determining the importance of molecular descriptors. The decision tree learned the information from the input data with an accuracy of 100% and correctly predicted the cross-validated (10 fold) data with accuracy up to 77.4%. Statistical significance of proposed models was also investigated using intercorrelation analysis. Accuracy of prediction of proposed MAA models ranged from 90.4 to 91.6%