40 research outputs found

    Exploring the discriminating power of texture in urban image analysis

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    Fulltext link (The 17th Congress, Commission 7): http://www.isprs.org/proceedings/XXIX/congress/part7/942_XXIX-part7.pdfThis paper presents some preliminary results from a series of investigations into the use of texture analysis in urban image understanding. High spatial resolution satellite imagery of urban areas contains much information that is not adequately exploited using per-pixel classification techniques. The principal hypothesis addressed is that detailed spatial features may be recognised by the analysis of urban morphological texture. Results from two analyses are reported. First, co-occurrence matrix measures of homogeneity are used on a Spot Panchromatic scene of Harare, Zimbabwe, to predict housing densities stored in a co-registered database. Second a Fourier domain statistic is developed to measure residential block density and is tested on a Spot panchromatic scene of Cardiff, Wales. The statistic is used to predict urban population counts stored in a co-registered population surface. The results demonstrate that useful morphological information can be extracted from Spot panchromatic images using such methods.The XVII Congress, Commission VII, Washington, DC USA, 2-14 August 1992. In International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1992, v. 29 pt. B7, p. 942-94

    Classification of geometric forms in mosaics using deep neural network

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    The paper addresses an image processing problem in the field of fine arts. In particular, a deep learning-based technique to classify geometric forms of artworks, such as paintings and mosaics, is presented. We proposed and tested a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based framework that autonomously quantifies the feature map and classifies it. Convolution, pooling and dense layers are three distinct categories of levels that generate attributes from the dataset images by introducing certain specified filters. As a case study, a Roman mosaic is considered, which is digitally reconstructed by close-range photogrammetry based on standard photos. During the digital transformation from a 2D perspective view of the mosaic into an orthophoto, each photo is rectified (i.e., it is an orthogonal projection of the real photo on the plane of the mosaic). Image samples of the geometric forms, e.g., triangles, squares, circles, octagons and leaves, even if they are partially deformed, were extracted from both the original and the rectified photos and originated the dataset for testing the CNN-based approach. The proposed method has proved to be robust enough to analyze the mosaic geometric forms, with an accuracy higher than 97%. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed method was compared with standard deep learning frameworks. Due to the promising results, this method can be applied to many other pattern identification problems related to artworks

    Unsupervised detection and localization of structural textures using projection profiles

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The main goal of existing approaches for structural texture analysis has been the identification of repeating texture primitives and their placement patterns in images containing a single type of texture. We describe a novel unsupervised method for simultaneous detection and localization of multiple structural texture areas along with estimates of their orientations and scales in real images. First, multi-scale isotropic filters are used to enhance the potential texton locations. Then, regularity of the textons is quantified in terms of the periodicity of projection profiles of filter responses within sliding windows at multiple orientations. Next, a regularity index is computed for each pixel as the maximum regularity score together with its orientation and scale. Finally, thresholding of this regularity index produces accurate localization of structural textures in images containing different kinds of textures as well as non-textured areas. Experiments using three different data sets show the effectiveness of the proposed method in complex scenes.(C)2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Design Considerations in the Development of an Automated Cartographic System

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    Cartography, the art of producing maps, is an extremely tedious job which is prone to human error and requires many hours for the completion of maps and their digital data bases. Cartography is a classic example of a job that needs to be automated. Through the new advances in image processing and pattern recognition, the automation of this task is made possible with the cartographer acting as a supervisor. This paper reviews current cartographic techniques, and examines design considerations for a fully automated cartographic system. The benefits of such a system would be improvements in speed, flexibility, and accuracy. The role of the cartographer, with such a system, would change to a process supervisor rather than that of a mass data entry

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Lattice Identification and Separation: Theory and Algorithm

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    Motivated by lattice mixture identification and grain boundary detection, we present a framework for lattice pattern representation and comparison, and propose an efficient algorithm for lattice separation. We define new scale and shape descriptors, which helps to considerably reduce the size of equivalence classes of lattice bases. These finitely many equivalence relations are fully characterized by modular group theory. We construct the lattice space L\mathscr{L} based on the equivalent descriptors and define a metric dLd_{\mathscr{L}} to accurately quantify the visual similarities and differences between lattices. Furthermore, we introduce the Lattice Identification and Separation Algorithm (LISA), which identifies each lattice patterns from superposed lattices. LISA finds lattice candidates from the high responses in the image spectrum, then sequentially extracts different layers of lattice patterns one by one. Analyzing the frequency components, we reveal the intricate dependency of LISA's performances on particle radius, lattice density, and relative translations. Various numerical experiments are designed to show LISA's robustness against a large number of lattice layers, moir\'{e} patterns and missing particles.Comment: 30 Pages plus 4 pages of Appendix. 4 Pages of References. 24 Figure

    Learning texture discrimination rules in a multiresolution system

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    We describe a texture analysis system in which informative discrimination rules are learned from a multiresolution representation of time textured input. The system incorporates unsupervised and supervised learning via statistical machine learning and rule-based neural networks, respectively. The textured input is represented in the frequency-orientation space via a log-Gabor pyramidal decomposition. In the unsupervised learning stage a statistical clustering scheme is used for the quantization of the feature-vector attributes. A supervised stage follows in which labeling of the textured map is achieved using a rule-based network. Simulation results for the texture classification task are given. An application of the system to real-world problems is demonstrated

    Texton finding and lattice creation for near-regular texture

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    A regular texture is formed from a regular congruent tiling of perceptually meaningful texture elements, also known as textons. If the tiling statistically deviates from regularity, either by texton structure, colour, or size, the texture is called near-regular. If we continue to perturb the tiling, the texture becomes stochastic. The set of possible textures that lie between regular and stochastic make up the texture spectrum: regular, near-regular, regular, near-stochastic, and stochastic. In this thesis we provide a solution to the problem of creating, from a near-regular texture, a lattice which defines the placement of textons. We divide the problem into two distinct sub-areas: finding textons within an image, and lattice creation using both an ad-hoc method and a graph-theoretic method. The problem of finding textons within an image is addressed using correlation. A texton selected by the user is correlated with the image and points of high correlation are extracted using non-maximal suppression. To extend this framework to irregular textures, we present early results on the use of feature space during correlation. We also present a method of correcting for a specific type of error in the texton finding result using frequency-space analysis. Given texton locations, we provide two methods of creating a lattice. The ad-hoc method is able to create a lattice in spite of inconsistencies in the texton locating data. However, as texture becomes irregular the ad-hoc lattice construction method fails to correctly connect textons. To overcome this failure we adapt methods of creating proximity graphs, which join two textons whose neighbourhoods satisfy certain criteria, to our problem. The proximity graphs are parameterized for selection of the most appropriate graph choice for a given texture, solving the general lattice construction problem given correct texton locations. In the output of the algorithm, centres of textons will be connected by edges in the lattice following the structure of texton placement within the input image. More precisely, for a texture T, we create a graph G = (V,E) dependent on T, where V is a set of texton centres, and E ={(v_i, v_j)} is a set of edges, where v_i, v_j are in V. Each edge e in E connects texton centre v in V to its most perceptually sensible neighbours