53 research outputs found

    Research Findings on Empirical Evaluation of Requirements Specifications Approaches

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    Numerous software requirements specification (SRS) approaches have been proposed in software engineering. However, there has been little empirical evaluation of the use of these approaches in specific contexts. This paper describes the results of a mapping study, a key instrument of the evidence-based paradigm, in an effort to understand what aspects of SRS are evaluated, in which context, and by using which research method. On the basis of 46 identified and categorized primary studies, we found that understandability is the most commonly evaluated aspect of SRS, experiments are the most commonly used research method, and the academic environment is where most empirical evaluation takes place

    Evidence in Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol

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    Requirements Engineering (RE) is recognized as one of the critical phases in software development. RE has its own journals and conferences where lots of work has been published. As the area is maturing, increasingly large numbers of empirically supported studies have been reported in RE. There is a need to synthesize evidence based RE literature. We plan to systematically investigate evidence based RE studies to see and report state of the art in evidence based RE reported research. This paper aims at providing a systematic literature review (SLR) protocol to describe a process for synthesizing the empirically supported work in the area of RE that will eventually present a state of the art of the field. This SLR intends to not only summarize the empirical data regarding RE but will also be helpful for various practitioners in this field to find out areas of RE rich in terms of tools, techniques, frameworks, models and guidelines to aid in their work. It will also facilitate RE researchers to identify knowledge gaps to recognize needs and chances for future research directions in this field

    Comparativa de selección de estudios primarios en una revisión sistemática

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en la XVI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y de Bases de Datos (JISBD 2011), celebrada en 2011 en A CoruñaEste artículo presenta una comparativa de dos selecciones de estudios primarios durante una revisión sistemática para una investigación exploratoria sobre el proceso de desarrollo de software open source. Ambas revisiones utilizan el procedimiento de Kitchenham. Pero, uno selecciona los estudios primarios mediante un procedimiento exhaustivo realizado por un investigador novato y el otro utiliza un procedimiento contextual realizado por un investigador experto. Los criterios de comparación son tiempo consumido en horas y conjunto de artículos relevantes. El porcentaje de artículos relevantes que no encontró el experto es del 20% respecto a los encontrados por el novato. Sin embargo, el tiempo invertido por el experto es una décima parte del tiempo consumido por el novato. Estos resultados sugieren que la experiencia del experto influye en la revisión y proponemos involucrar al investigador experto en el desarrollo del protocolo de revisión, selección y evaluación de calidad de estudios primarios.Esta investigación ha sido financiada en el marco del proyecto titulado “Generación de Evidencias mediante Combinación de Resultados Experimentales”, Código: TIN2008-00555, por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España

    Organisational Culture Attributes Influencing the Adoption of Agile Practices: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Organisations have been adopting agile practices to deliver information system projects faster and create business value. Despite its advantages, many organisations battle to successfully adopt agile practices. While there are several challenges for agile adoption, organisational culture has been amongst the challenges on adopting agile practices. The objective of this study was to determine the organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices within the organisation. The systematic literature review aimed to explore the organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices. The review focused on papers published on organisational culture influencing the adoption of agile practices between January 2015 to December 2020. The search strategy retrieved 204 papers of which nine papers were selected for a detailed analysis. The study revealed five factors of organisational culture that influence the adoption of agile practices in the organization as: management control, team collaboration, market, values and creativity. These factors have a number of organisational culture attributes that influence the adoption of agile practices. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing organisational culture attributes which influence the adoption of agile practices. The results of the systematic literature review presented in this study will benefit researchers and practitioners of project management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Omnichannel retailing, from the focus on consumer behavior through organizational and retailer impact: A systematic review from a marketing perspective

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    In an increasingly digital world characterized by the rise of web 5.0, mobile internet, and broadband, companies find themselves in a process of profound adaptation. The different modes of interaction with customers also undergo systematic transformations due to the revolution that technology, especially the Internet is imposing on the market. So, this work aims to understand the complexity of Omnichannel retailing using bibliometrics and a systematic review of methodological strategies. This study also presents an investigation of the aforementioned theme considering the marketing lens as the main approach. The research was conducted in seven databases to list the main articles on the topic. The search terms were "Omnichannel" and its main variant "omnichannel". The databases used were: Google Scholar, Web Science, Scopus, Ebsco Host. The main results indicate that marketing researchers are addressing omnichannel from the consumer's perspective (consumer experiences and the importance of the customer journey in omnichannel retailing), the business strategies adopted by companies to act in this retail format (investments in technology to integrate performance across different channels), and the interaction of marketing with other organizational domains (integration of the marketing domain with other domains to act in this retailing context). In conclusion, we suggest the following research perspectives: a) themes for understanding the customer’s journey; b) stages covered and how consumer experiences can impact new purchases; c) understanding how companies are preparing to deal with this omnichannel scenario.In an increasingly digital world characterized by the rise of web 5.0, mobile internet, and broadband, companies find themselves in a process of profound adaptation. The different modes of interaction with customers also undergo systematic transformations due to the revolution that technology, especially the Internet is imposing on the market. So, this work aims to understand the complexity of Omnichannel retailing using bibliometrics and a systematic review of methodological strategies. This study also presents an investigation of the aforementioned theme considering the marketing lens as the main approach. The research was conducted in seven databases to list the main articles on the topic. The search terms were "Omnichannel" and its main variant "omnichannel". The databases used were: Google Scholar, Web Science, Scopus, Ebsco Host. The main results indicate that marketing researchers are addressing omnichannel from the consumer's perspective (consumer experiences and the importance of the customer journey in omnichannel retailing), the business strategies adopted by companies to act in this retail format (investments in technology to integrate performance across different channels), and the interaction of marketing with other organizational domains (integration of the marketing domain with other domains to act in this retailing context). In conclusion, we suggest the following research perspectives: a) themes for understanding the customer’s journey; b) stages covered and how consumer experiences can impact new purchases; c) understanding how companies are preparing to deal with this omnichannel scenario

    Open BOK on Software Engineering Educational Context: A Systematic Literature Review

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    In this review, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Open Body of Knowledge (BOK) is presented. Moreover, the theoretical base to build a model for knowledge description was created, and it was found that there is a lack of guidelines to describe knowledge description because of the dramatically increasing number of requirements to produce an Open BOK, the difficulty of comparing related BOK contents, and the fact that reusing knowledge description is a very laborious task. In this sense, this review can be considered as a first step in building a model that can be used for describing knowledge description in Open BOK. Finally, in order to improve the educational context, a comparison among BOK, structure, and evolution is conducted.This work is supported partially by RTI2018-096846-B-C21 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and ADIAN grant IT980-16 (BasqueGovernment)

    Mapeamento geotécnico como subsídio à gestão territorial: um itinerário sobre a produção científica do século XXI / Geotechnical mapping as a subsidy to territorial management: an itinerary on scientific production of the 21st century

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    Os documentos provenientes dos mapeamentos geotécnicos são importantes norteadores para planejadores e gestores territoriais, tornando-os fortes instrumentos. Haja vista a necessidade da elaboração de cartas relativas ao mapeamento geotécnico é notório que os conhecimentos acerca do estado da arte sejam um fator relevante para a contribuição do campo teórico da temática. Neste sentido o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar um panorama da produção científica dos primeiros anos do século XXI acerca do mapeamento geotécnico de forma a contemplá-lo como subsídio à gestão do território. Como método para se chegar aos resultados foi utilizada a pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória e bibliométrica, que permitiu realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura da área a partir das produções em periódicos brasileiras e internacionais entre os anos de 2000 e 2019. Foram analisados 41 trabalhos, categorizados de acordo com a área de estudo mapeada. Os objetos analisados também foram classificados por suas abordagens metodológicas, temporais, autorais e temáticas. Os resultados advindos da pesquisa providenciaram uma perspectiva panorâmica científica acerca do conceito de mapeamento geotécnico, revelando-o como um influente instrumento de subsídio ao planejamento e gestão territorial das cidades