21 research outputs found

    Robust Poisson Surface Reconstruction

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    Abstract. We propose a method to reconstruct surfaces from oriented point clouds with non-uniform sampling and noise by formulating the problem as a convex minimization that reconstructs the indicator func-tion of the surface’s interior. Compared to previous models, our recon-struction is robust to noise and outliers because it substitutes the least-squares fidelity term by a robust Huber penalty; this allows to recover sharp corners and avoids the shrinking bias of least squares. We choose an implicit parametrization to reconstruct surfaces of unknown topology and close large gaps in the point cloud. For an efficient representation, we approximate the implicit function by a hierarchy of locally supported basis elements adapted to the geometry of the surface. Unlike ad-hoc bases over an octree, our hierarchical B-splines from isogeometric analysis locally adapt the mesh and degree of the splines during reconstruction. The hi-erarchical structure of the basis speeds-up the minimization and efficiently represents clustered data. We also advocate for convex optimization, in-stead isogeometric finite-element techniques, to efficiently solve the min-imization and allow for non-differentiable functionals. Experiments show state-of-the-art performance within a more flexible framework.

    Multisource Point Clouds, Point Simplification and Surface Reconstruction

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    As data acquisition technology continues to advance, the improvement and upgrade of the algorithms for surface reconstruction are required. In this paper, we utilized multiple terrestrial Light Detection And Ranging (Lidar) systems to acquire point clouds with different levels of complexity, namely dynamic and rigid targets for surface reconstruction. We propose a robust and effective method to obtain simplified and uniform resample points for surface reconstruction. The method was evaluated. A point reduction of up to 99.371% with a standard deviation of 0.2 cm was achieved. In addition, well-known surface reconstruction methods, i.e., Alpha shapes, Screened Poisson reconstruction (SPR), the Crust, and Algebraic point set surfaces (APSS Marching Cubes), were utilized for object reconstruction. We evaluated the benefits in exploiting simplified and uniform points, as well as different density points, for surface reconstruction. These reconstruction methods and their capacities in handling data imperfections were analyzed and discussed. The findings are that (i) the capacity of surface reconstruction in dealing with diverse objects needs to be improved; (ii) when the number of points reaches the level of millions (e.g., approximately five million points in our data), point simplification is necessary, as otherwise, the reconstruction methods might fail; (iii) for some reconstruction methods, the number of input points is proportional to the number of output meshes; but a few methods are in the opposite; (iv) all reconstruction methods are beneficial from the reduction of running time; and (v) a balance between the geometric details and the level of smoothing is needed. Some methods produce detailed and accurate geometry, but their capacity to deal with data imperfection is poor, while some other methods exhibit the opposite characteristics

    Impacts of surface model generation approaches on raytracing-based solar potential estimation in urban areas

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    Raytracing-based methods are widely used for quantifying irradiation on building surfaces. Urban 3D surface models are necessary input for raytracing simulations, which can be generated from open-source point cloud data with the help of surface reconstruction algorithms. In research and engineering practice, various algorithms are being used for this purpose; each leading to different mesh topologies and corresponding performance. This paper compares the impacts of four different reconstruction algorithms by investigating their performance using DAYSIM raytracing simulations. The analysis is carried out for five configurations with various urban morphologies. Results show that the reconstructed models consistently underestimate the shading influence due to geometrical shrinkages that emerge from the various model generation procedures. The explicit algorithms, with Generic Delaunay a notable example, have better performance with less embedded error than the implicit algorithms in both daily and annual simulations. Results also show that diffuse irradiance is responsible for larger contributions to the overall error than direct components. This effect becomes more prominent when modeling reflected irradiation in urban environments. Additionally, the work shows that solar elevation and shading geometry types also affect the error magnitude. The paper concludes by providing reconstruction algorithm selection criteria for photovoltaic practitioners and urban energy planners

    Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets

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    International audienceWe propose a modular framework for robust 3D reconstruction from unorganized, unoriented, noisy, and outlierridden geometric data. We gain robustness and scalability over previous methods through an unsigned distance approximation to the input data followed by a global stochastic signing of the function. An isosurface reconstruction is finally deduced via a sparse linear solve. We show with experiments on large, raw, geometric datasets that this approach is scalable while robust to noise, outliers, and holes. The modularity of our approach facilitates customization of the pipeline components to exploit specific idiosyncracies of datasets, while the simplicity of each component leads to a straightforward implementation

    Simple and Scalable Surface Reconstruction

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    We present a practical reconstruction algorithm that generates a surface triangulation from an input pointset. In the result, theinput points appear as vertices of the generated triangulation. The algorithm has several interesting properties: it is very simpleto implement, it is time and memory efficient, and it is trivially parallelized. On a standard hardware (core i7, 16Gb) it takes less than 10 seconds to reconstruct a surface from 1 million points, and scales-up to 36 million points (then it takes 350 seconds). On a telephone (ARMV7 Neon, quad core), it takes 55 seconds to reconstruct a surface from 900K points. The algorithm computes the Delaunay triangulation of the input pointset restricted to a "thickening" of the pointset (similarly to several existing methods, like alpha-shapes, crust and co-cone). By considering the problem from the Voronoi point of view (rather than Delaunay), we use a simple observation (radius of security) that makes the problem simpler. The Delaunay triangulation data structure and associated algorithms are replaced by simpler ones (KD-Tree and convex clipping) while the same set of triangles is provably obtained. The restricted Delaunay triangulation can thus be computed by an algorithm that is not longer than 200 lines of code, memory efficient and parallel. The so-computed restricted Delaunay triangulation is finally post-processed to remove the non-manifold triangles that appear in regions where the sampling was not regular/dense enough.Sensitivity to outliers and noise is not addressed here. Noisy inputs need to be pre-processed with a pointset filtering method. In the presented experimental results, we are using two iterations of projection onto the best approximating plane of the 30 nearest neighbours (more sophisticated ones may be used if the input pointset has many outliers)