568 research outputs found

    High-Precision Localization Using Ground Texture

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    Location-aware applications play an increasingly critical role in everyday life. However, satellite-based localization (e.g., GPS) has limited accuracy and can be unusable in dense urban areas and indoors. We introduce an image-based global localization system that is accurate to a few millimeters and performs reliable localization both indoors and outside. The key idea is to capture and index distinctive local keypoints in ground textures. This is based on the observation that ground textures including wood, carpet, tile, concrete, and asphalt may look random and homogeneous, but all contain cracks, scratches, or unique arrangements of fibers. These imperfections are persistent, and can serve as local features. Our system incorporates a downward-facing camera to capture the fine texture of the ground, together with an image processing pipeline that locates the captured texture patch in a compact database constructed offline. We demonstrate the capability of our system to robustly, accurately, and quickly locate test images on various types of outdoor and indoor ground surfaces

    Scan registration for autonomous mining vehicles using 3D-NDT

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    Scan registration is an essential subtask when building maps based on range finder data from mobile robots. The problem is to deduce how the robot has moved between consecutive scans, based on the shape of overlapping portions of the scans. This paper presents a new algorithm for registration of 3D data. The algorithm is a generalization and improvement of the normal distributions transform (NDT) for 2D data developed by Biber and Strasser, which allows for accurate registration using a memory-efficient representation of the scan surface. A detailed quantitative and qualitative comparison of the new algorithm with the 3D version of the popular ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm is presented. Results with actual mine data, some of which were collected with a new prototype 3D laser scanner, show that the presented algorithm is faster and slightly more reliable than the standard ICP algorithm for 3D registration, while using a more memory efficient scan surface representation

    Constructing Printable Surfaces with View-Dependent Appearance

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    We present a method for the digital fabrication of surfaces whose appearance varies based on viewing direction. The surfaces are constructed from a mesh of bars arranged in a self-occluding colored heightfield that creates the desired view-dependent effects. At the heart of our method is a novel and simple differentiable rendering algorithm specifically designed to render colored 3D heightfields and enable efficient calculation of the gradient of appearance with respect to heights and colors. This algorithm forms the basis of a coarse-to-fine ML-based optimization process that adjusts the heights and colors of the strips to minimize the loss between the desired and real surface appearance from each viewpoint, deriving meshes that can then be fabricated using a 3D printer. Using our method, we demonstrate both synthetic and real-world fabricated results with view-dependent appearance.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Clutter Detection and Removal in 3D Scenes with View-Consistent Inpainting

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    Removing clutter from scenes is essential in many applications, ranging from privacy-concerned content filtering to data augmentation. In this work, we present an automatic system that removes clutter from 3D scenes and inpaints with coherent geometry and texture. We propose techniques for its two key components: 3D segmentation from shared properties and 3D inpainting, both of which are important problems. The definition of 3D scene clutter (frequently-moving objects) is not well captured by commonly-studied object categories in computer vision. To tackle the lack of well-defined clutter annotations, we group noisy fine-grained labels, leverage virtual rendering, and impose an instance-level area-sensitive loss. Once clutter is removed, we inpaint geometry and texture in the resulting holes by merging inpainted RGB-D images. This requires novel voting and pruning strategies that guarantee multi-view consistency across individually inpainted images for mesh reconstruction. Experiments on ScanNet and Matterport dataset show that our method outperforms baselines for clutter segmentation and 3D inpainting, both visually and quantitatively.Comment: 18 pages. ICCV 2023. Project page: https://weify627.github.io/clutter

    Hand Pose Estimation with Mems-Ultrasonic Sensors

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    Hand tracking is an important aspect of human-computer interaction and has a wide range of applications in extended reality devices. However, current hand motion capture methods suffer from various limitations. For instance, visual-based hand pose estimation is susceptible to self-occlusion and changes in lighting conditions, while IMU-based tracking gloves experience significant drift and are not resistant to external magnetic field interference. To address these issues, we propose a novel and low-cost hand-tracking glove that utilizes several MEMS-ultrasonic sensors attached to the fingers, to measure the distance matrix among the sensors. Our lightweight deep network then reconstructs the hand pose from the distance matrix. Our experimental results demonstrate that this approach is both accurate, size-agnostic, and robust to external interference. We also show the design logic for the sensor selection, sensor configurations, circuit diagram, as well as model architecture

    Gradient-Based Dovetail Joint Shape Optimization for Stiffness

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    It is common to manufacture an object by decomposing it into parts that can be assembled. This decomposition is often required by size limits of the machine, the complex structure of the shape, etc. To make it possible to easily assemble the final object, it is often desirable to design geometry that enables robust connections between the subcomponents. In this project, we study the task of dovetail-joint shape optimization for stiffness using gradient-based optimization. This optimization requires a differentiable simulator that is capable of modeling the contact between the two parts of a joint, making it possible to reason about the gradient of the stiffness with respect to shape parameters. Our simulation approach uses a penalty method that alternates between optimizing each side of the joint, using the adjoint method to compute gradients. We test our method by optimizing the joint shapes in three different joint shape spaces, and evaluate optimized joint shapes in both simulation and real-world tests. The experiments show that optimized joint shapes achieve higher stiffness, both synthetically and in real-world tests.Comment: ACM SCF 2023: Proceedings of the 8th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Fabricatio

    Executing Multidatabase Transactions

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    In a multidatabase environment, the traditional transaction model has been found to be too restrictive. Therefore, several extended transaction models have been proposed in which some of the requirements of transaction, such as isolation or atomicity, are optional. The authors describe one of such extensions, the flexible transaction model and discuss the scheduling of transactions involving multiple autonomous database systems managed by heterogeneous DBMS. The scheduling algorithm for flexible transactions is implemented using L.0, a logically parallel language which provides a framework for concisely specifying the multidatabase transactions and for scheduling them. The key aspects of a flexible transaction specification, such as subtransaction execution dependencies and transaction success criteria, can be naturally represented in L.0. Furthermore, scheduling in L.0 achieves maximal parallelism allowed by the specifications of transactions, which results in the improvement of their response times. To provide access to multiple heterogeneous hardware and software systems, they use the Distributed Operation Language (DOL). DOL approach is based on providing a common communication and data exchange protocol and uses local access managers to protect the autonomy of member software systems. When L.0 determines that a subtransaction is ready to execute, it hands it through an interface to the DOL system for execution. The interface between L.0 and DOL provides the former with the execution status of subtransactions
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