29 research outputs found


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a marked slowdown in global economic development. Institutions must adopt new managerial guidelines to adapt to the difficult conditions of the current pandemic, including in the service sector, namely hospitals. The occurrence of an increase in patients at the Bengkulu Province Mental Special Hospital became the background  of this study. Improved managerial performance in hospitals is assisted by the implementation of strategy maps and balanced scorecards. This study aims to find out how to implement a strategic map that includes vision, mission and goals as well as four perspectives of a balanced scorecard containing finance, customers, internal business processes and learning growth which are analyzed using SWOT analysis to improve the management performance of the Bengkulu Province Mental Hospital.  This study used a qualitative approach by collecting secondary data and primary data by interviewing four informants who participated in managing and implementing the hospital's strategy map and balanced scorecard.Based on the research that has been done at Soeprapto Mental Hospital Bengkulu and analyzed, it can be concluded that the strategy map is of good value because it is able to realize and link the vision, mission and goals of Soeprapto Mental Hospital Bengkulu. The balance scorecard is of good value because it is able to explain the positive relationship between  the  strategy  map  and  the  four  perspectives  of  the  balanced  scorecard.  SWOT analysis as a method of measuring the balance scorecard is of good value because it is able to  analyze  strengths,  weaknesses,  threats  and  opportunities  that  can  occur  next.  In conclusion, the strategy map and balanced scorecard to improve management performance are of good value because they are able to explain the interrelationships between variables and describe the SWOT matrix and the balanced scorecard strategy map matrix to improve management performance

    Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Adat Sebagai Penggerak Perekonomian Desa Lambing

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    This study aims to analyze the performance of Lambing Badung Regency customary microfinance institutions which are assessed from four perspectives, namely: (1) financial perspective, (2) customer perspective, (3) internal business process perspective, and (4) learning and growth perspective. This study is a type of quantitative descriptive study that explains the performance of customary microfinance institutions in 2017 - 2019. Data are collected using questionnaires, documentation, and interviews which are then analyzed using the balanced scorecard approach. This study found the fact that the performance of Lambing indigenous microfinance institutions based on four perspectives: (1) the overall finance is in the healthy category, (2) the overall customer is in a good category, (3) the internal business process is classified as efficient, and (4) learning and growth as a whole are in a good category. By having a good performance, this institution is expected to be more developed and of course, with the development of customary microfinance institutions, the economy in the area will also be increasingly stretched which can become a pillar driving the economy so that there is an acceleration of the welfare of rural communities

    Pemodelan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Pada Industri Penjualan Otomotif Dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard (Studi Kasus PT Hyundai Mobil Indonesia)

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    Automotive sales industries and businesses are businesses that have a great contribution to economic growth in the country.  Competition in the automotive sales business is also getting higher so it requires the need for the right business strategy to survive and grow. Most of these automotive businesses have utilized Information Technology (IT) to support their operations. However, the capability in planning, managing and implementing Information Systems and Information Technology (SI/IT) that is linked to the company's business strategy has not been fully implemented. Therefore, Strategic Planning of Information Systems is currently one of the keys in achieving the company's goals that must be aligned with the business strategy set by the company. The role of SI/IT should not only be an operational automation tool but more than that as an organizational key enabler.  The study was conducted for modeling SI/IT strategy plan based on Hyundai's business strategy using Ward & Peppard methodology, analysis with SWOT, Value Chain, Five Force which then mapped into Critical Succes Factor to obtain possible SI/IT strategies.   Keywords: Strategic Planning, Balanced Scorecard, Automotive Industry   Abstrak   Industri dan bisnis penjualan otomotif merupakan bisnis yang memiliki kontribusi besar terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di negeri ini.  Persaingan pada bisnis penjualan otomotif juga makin tinggi sehingga membutuhkan kebutuhan strategi bisnis yang tepat untuk bertahan dan tumbuh berkembang. Sebagian besar bisnis otomotif ini telah memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi (TI) untuk menunjang operasionalnya. Namun kemampuan dalam perencanaan, pengelolaan serta implementasi Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi (SI/TI) yang dihubungkan dengan strategi bisnis perusahaan masih belum diterapkan sepenuhnya. Untuk itu Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi saat ini merupakan salah satu kunci dalam pencapaian sasaran perusahaan yang harus diselaraskan dengan strategi bisnis yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Peranan SI/TI yang ada sebaiknya tidak hanya sebagai alat otomasi operasional namun lebih dari itu sebagai key enabler organisasi.  Kajian yang dilakukan untuk pemodelan rencana strategi SI/TI berdasar strategi bisnis Hyundai dengan menggunakan metodologi Ward & Peppard, analisis dengan SWOT, Value Chain, Five Force yang kemudian dipetakan ke dalam Critical Succes Factor untuk mendapatkan strategi-strategi SI/TI yang memungkinkan. Kata kunci: Perencanaan Strategis, Balanced Scorecard, Industri Otomoti

    Implementation of a balanced scorecard for vilacomvida - a hybrid social organization

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    This project is a consulting field lab, aiming to help Vila com Vida, a Portuguese hybrid social organization, in its managerial accounting challenges. In order to assist the organization in reaching its strategic goals and in fulfilling its social mission,- a balanced score card has been developed. The report first describes the purpose and the business model of the organization. Then, literature on balanced score cards, hybrid social organizations and performance measurement in hybrid social organizations is reviewed. Subsequently, the methodology of this project is described, followed by the application of the balanced score card model on Vila com Vida. Additionally to this report, a dash board has been created on Microsoft Excel, which ought to assist the organization in monitoring their progress towards their long-term goals

    Optimize Your Fitness, Optimize Your Business: The Balanced Scorecard, Analysis and Application for the CrossFit Affiliate

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    The Balanced Scorecard for the CrossFit Affiliate will provide unprepared or inexperienced managers with the necessary information to make informed operational decisions. The Balanced Scorecard incorporates financial data, customer satisfaction, internal operations, and future growth to create a series of cause-and-effect relationships that illustrate how decisions in one aspect of a business affect others. The Balanced Scorecard particularly benefits inexperienced managers leading small businesses. As overall small business growth increased, the boutique fitness industry expanded. The CrossFit brand rose in conjunction, but because corporate leaders insist on a hands-off licensing model, affiliate owners do not receive assistance from CrossFit corporate headquarters. In addition, the high frequency of affiliate owners without business education or management experience contributes to the likelihood of failure. Until CrossFit corporate actively guides its licensees, owners need a tool to promote business success. The Balanced Scorecard for the CrossFit Affiliate, comprised of data from one successful and four unsuccessful affiliates, will assist affiliate managers. Profitability, market share, retention, and the introduction of new services are the main drivers of the Balanced Scorecard and augment the analysis of relationships between the financial, customer, internal, and growth perspectives

    Qualitative Approach for the Design Stage of a Performance Measurement System to Increase Gross Profit in Restaurants. Case Study: Hard Rock Cafe Mexico Restaurants

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    Performance measurement systems have proven to be a useful management tool to achieve the objectives and strategic goals established by the stakeholders of an organization; the evolution in these systems' theoretical foundations has allowed the designing models to focus on the size and specific business of each company. The life cycles of a performance measurement system and the Balanced Scorecard models, Performance Prism, and Kanji’s Business Excellence Measurement System were considered to establish the methodology. This research had a qualitative approach, using the collective case study's approximation with eight restaurants of the Hard Rock Café brand franchise in Mexico. The result obtained was a performance measurement system integrated with 17 indicators (results and performance) to evaluate the existing variation between the goals established in the strategy against the results obtained in the gross profit through the execution of the activities carried out in the sales process

    Strategic corporate communication in the digital age

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    There is a relationship between the organizations’ strategic objectives and their corporate communications. The latter is an important feature of organizational performance. Organizational leaders are continuously facing the challenge of communicating their strategic goals to their stakeholders. Very often, they are adopting performance management tools to meet this challenge. Consequently, this chapter explains that the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) can be used to evaluate and measure the firms’ corporate communications and their organizational performance. This tool has been widely recognized by academics and managers as it is capable of aligning organizational strategies (including their missions and visions), strategic indicators (leading and lagging indicators) and stakeholder management. A review of the relevant literature review suggests that many practitioners are becoming strategic in their corporate communications. In this light, this chapter clarifies that the BSC approach can be used to support them in their stakeholder engagement. This contribution is useful for both academics and practitioners as it aligns the corporate communication practices with organizational strategy and performance management in the digital era.peer-reviewe

    BSC’s perspectives ranking towards organizational performance: an empirical study performed with Portuguese exporters

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    Bearing the growing competition between organisations in mind, managers are focused on keeping on with the search for strategic alignment and performance monitoring. The literature has shed much light into the field of Management but a guide to monitor the defined strategy via Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is still lacking. Few studies have made their focus the question of which perspectives are the most relevant; it is therefore likely that there are different importance rankings between organisations with and without BSC. Highlighting the need to bring insight into this research field concerning the organizational performance measurement of the BSC, quantitative research was performed, to analyse the different rankings of the four perspectives, comparing organisations with and without BSC. The sample was composed of 107 out of the 250 major export organisations of Portugal. The outcomes confirm that the most relevant perspective is indeed the financial perspective, followed by the customer perspective, a finding unanimous in both types of organization (with and without BSC). For organizations without BSC, in third place stands the internal perspective, but, contrastingly, it comes after learning and growth perspective for organisations with BSC. The perspective of learning and growth differs in its rankings between organisations with and without BSC, as it shows up at third position for organizations with BSC, and at the fourth (last) position in organizations without BSC. This research has relevant outcomes for both managers and academia, as it is still a fertile ground, as it guides managers to identify the importance assigned by major exporters to different perspectives, in order to link its indicators. Despite having different levels of importance assigned to the third and fourth perspective, BSC is known and regarded as a meaningful management tool, even by managers who do not have BSC implemented. It conceivably still has growing possibilities in several activity areas.The work of author Cidália Oliveira was supported by the UIDB/05105/2020 Program Contract, funded by national funds through the FCT I.P. The work of author Rui Silva is supported by national funds, through the FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04011/2022 and by NECE-UBI, Research Centre for Business Sciences, Research Centre under the project UIDB/04630/2022

    Structuring and Ranking the Strategic Objectives Using the Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach and BORDA-OWA Method

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    Objective Long-term strategic planning is necessary if an organization intends to go beyond its customers’ expectations and remain competitive. A balanced scorecard is considered as a mere scorecard without a strategic plan. Therefore, it will only report the important measures not a clear understanding of leading the whole organization towards success. Strategic planning as the rationale behind balanced scorecards can clarify the strategies in an organization, but it cannot show an optimal path towards success in that organization. Balanced scorecard system has tried to obviate such problem through strategic orientations, yet it has never provided a specific approach to determine success in an organization. It is also noteworthy that strategic planning helps managers create a comprehensive image of the strategies, but it does not consider the effectiveness of the relationships and the classification of those relationships. Therefore, the present study aims at proposing a systematic approach in order to draw a strategic plan and to rank the practical objectives of such plans.   Methodology Alpha company, producing tires and tubes, has been considered as the target company for this research. There are around 600 employees in this company among which around 30 are managers, directors, supervisors or executive managers. Documents, observation, interview and questionnaire are the data collection instrument used in the present study. In the first questionnaire, used in fuzzy cognitive approach, 30 experts will respond to some questions regarding the organization strategic objectives on a scale of 0 to 100. The second questionnaire used in statistical approach, the 30 experts will rate the extracted relationship from 0 to 50 to determine the relationship between the objectives. The third questionnaire, considers the previous data as the input for BORDA-OWA approach, 6 executive directors rate the objectives on a scale of 0 to 100 according to their expertise.   Findings Based on the proposed methodology, 4 main steps were taken in this study. The extracted strategic objectives through fuzzy cognitive approach were categorized and the key relationships were discovered. The experts were asked to select the key relationships and to evaluate them. The proposed relationships were analyzed based on statistical tests and were all approved except for two relationships. Strategic map was drawn based on the confirmed relationships. Then, executive directors analyzed and ranked the strategic objectives of the plan. Because of the effects of the directors’ personal beliefs, these objectives were ranked differently by the executive directors. The results showed that improvement in the tire profitable income, improvement in tire and tube sale and development of foreign market were ranked highest by the directors. Regarding the effectiveness on strategic objectives, promoting bicycle and tire products, evolution and distinction in after-sale-services and promoting employees’ motivation were ranked the highest respectively. Regarding the effects by the strategic objectives, developing foreign market, increasing tire export rate, increasing product sale and developing national market and agricultural instruments were ranked the highest accordingly.   Conclusion Based on the results of the study, some promotion projects such as “formation of a market evaluator team”, “formation of a research and development team”, “optimizing production line”, “reviewing the salary and payment system” and “formation of suggestion centers” were proposed to the company managers. The main focus of the managers might be toward developing foreign market and increasing export rate, developing local market and agricultural instruments and improving product sales. In fact, the results indicate that developing local and foreign markets are the most important objectives and there is a strong need to “market evaluation” and “research and development” teams. The proposed methodology offers the managers a comprehensive and accurate idea in order to make decision on the executive priorities within their organization

    Bsc implementation proposal: case study in hospital center

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    O Balanced Scorecard (BSC), ainda que inicialmente pensado para ser utilizado por grandes entidades do setor privado, é hoje uma ferramenta amplamente utilizada, indepen dentemente da tipologia ou setor de atividade em que a organização se encontre a operar. É neste contexto que se desenvolve este trabalho, que tem como objetivo geral continuar a discutir a aplicação desta ferramenta e, em particular, desenvolver uma proposta de Mapa Estratégico (ME) para ser implementado num centro hospital do setor público empresarial. Para responder ao objetivo proposto o estudo segue uma metodologia de natureza qualita tiva, com recurso a um estudo de caso, fundamentalmente descritivo e explicativo. A infor mação a utilizar foi recolhida com recurso a dados primários, designadamente entrevistas e conversas informais, e secundários, nomeadamente os relatórios e contas da entidade. O trabalho desenvolvido conduziu à elaboração de um ME, que se propõe para ser imple mentado no Centro Hospital do Tâmega e Sousa (CHTS), desencadeando, por si só, a possibilidade da sua implementação e, com ela, a iniciação de um processo de mudança que irá ajudar toda a organização a compreender que as respostas para os problemas estão relacionadas com questões estratégicas que exigem ações que devem ser implementadas no médio e longo prazoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio