37 research outputs found

    Struts2JSF: Framework Migration in J2EE Using Framework Specific Modeling Languages

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    Java 2 Enterprise Edition is a portable, robust, scalable and secure platform for enterprise software development based on Java technologies, and embraces open standards through the Java Community Process (JCP). J2EE development is not very productive because of the complexity of the platform and the lack of good tool support. Object-Oriented Frame- works are a reliable design and code reuse approach. Many frameworks have emerged since J2EE’s release to ease development. Struts has become the de-facto standard, while JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a new framework, which has been included in the J2EE spec- ification and hence standardized. Both Struts and JSF frameworks are based on Model- View-Controller design pattern. JSF takes a similar approach to Struts for the controller component, but adds to it by providing user interface components with server-side state for the view component. This work deals with the problem of migrating an application based on the Struts frame- work to the new JSF framework. The software migration task is divided into view and con- troller migration. Controller migration is semi-automated using Antkiewicz’s Framework- Specific Modeling Languages (FSML) approach. Guidelines are provided for view migra- tion, which boils down to the problem of componentization. JSF and Struts frameworks can also be used together where JSF supports the view component while Struts supports the controller component. Merits and demerits of this approach are also discussed

    Integrating legacy mainframe systems: architectural issues and solutions

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    For more than 30 years, mainframe computers have been the backbone of computing systems throughout the world. Even today it is estimated that some 80% of the worlds' data is held on such machines. However, new business requirements and pressure from evolving technologies, such as the Internet is pushing these existing systems to their limits and they are reaching breaking point. The Banking and Financial Sectors in particular have been relying on mainframes for the longest time to do their business and as a result it is they that feel these pressures the most. In recent years there have been various solutions for enabling a re-engineering of these legacy systems. It quickly became clear that to completely rewrite them was not possible so various integration strategies emerged. Out of these new integration strategies, the CORBA standard by the Object Management Group emerged as the strongest, providing a standards based solution that enabled the mainframe applications become a peer in a distributed computing environment. However, the requirements did not stop there. The mainframe systems were reliable, secure, scalable and fast, so any integration strategy had to ensure that the new distributed systems did not lose any of these benefits. Various patterns or general solutions to the problem of meeting these requirements have arisen and this research looks at applying some of these patterns to mainframe based CORBA applications. The purpose of this research is to examine some of the issues involved with making mainframebased legacy applications inter-operate with newer Object Oriented Technologies

    Diseño y desarrollo de portales web para el comercio electrónico

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    [ES]En este capítulo presentamos una panorámica general sobre las principales tecnologías dedicadas al a creación de portales y sitios Web de comercio electrónico. Aunque estos productos actualmente también proporcionan soporte para desarrollar procesos de B2B, aquí nos centraremos fundamentalmente en el desarrollo de portales mediante componentes preparados para su reutilización (a veces llamados portlets). La visión sucinta proporcionada en este documento puede complementarse con el uso de licencias de evaluación de los productos que se tratan, que cuentan con tutoriales que dan una idea más práctica de las funcionalidades proporcionadas. En el apartado de “Recursos en la Web” pueden encontrarse las direcciones Web de estos productos. Dentro del mundo Java existen otras alternativas opensource para la creación de portales que contienen todos los servicios anteriormente mencionados por las otras plataformas y que cumplen los estándares de industria, y que son alternativas perfectamente válidas para un pro-yecto de grandes prestaciones. En este capítulo se revisarán las al-ternativas existentes.[EN]In this chapter we offer an overview of two commercial products currently widely used in the professional development of e-commerce portals and websites. Although these products currently also provide support for developing B2B processes, here we will focus primarily on the development of portals using reusable speakers (sometimes called portlets). The succinct vision provided in this document can be complemented with the use of evaluation licenses for the products in question, which include tutorials that give a more practical idea of the functionalities provided. The Web addresses of these products can be found in the "Web Resources" section. Within the Java world there are other opensource alternatives for the creation of portals that contain all the services previously mentioned by the other platforms and that meet industry standards, and that are perfectly valid alternatives for a pro-ject of great features. In this chapter we will review the existing alternatives

    Combined PIM-PSM

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    The Model Driven Architecture (MDA) defines an alternative approach to software development. It allows to separate the system functionality specification from its implementation on any specific technology platform. Following the MDA approach, the first step of a software development project is the creation of a Platform Independent Model (PIM). Such PIM can then be mapped to one or more Platform Specific Models (PSMs). Keeping a PIM and its PSMs separate has many advantages, but it also leads to some problems. One of them is the synchronization of several models. Whenever a PIM is updated, all corresponding PSMs must also be updated to reflect the changes. A solution could be to combine a PIM and all its PSM in one and the same model. How this can be done is the main question of this thesis

    Methodology and tools for realising product service systems for consumer products.

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Creación de portales para B2C

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    [ES]En este capítulo ofrecemos una panorámica general de dos productos comerciales muy utilizados actualmente en el desarrollo profesional de portales y sitios Web de comercio electrónico. Aunque estos productos actualmente también proporcionan soporte para desarrollar procesos de B2B, aquí nos centraremos fundamentalmente en el desarrollo de portales mediante componentes preparados para su reutilización (a veces llamados portlets). La visión sucinta proporcionada en este documento puede complementarse con el uso de licencias de evaluación de los productos que se tratan, que cuentan con tutoriales que dan una idea más práctica de las funcionalidades proporcionadas. En el apartado de “Recursos en la Web” pueden encontrarse las direcciones Web de estos productos. Dentro del mundo Java existen otras alternativas opensource para la creación de portales que contienen todos los servicios anteriormente mencionados por las otras plataformas y que cumplen los estándares de industria, y que son alternativas perfectamente válidas para un proyecto de grandes prestaciones. En este capítulo se revisarán las alternativas existentes.[EN]In this chapter we offer an overview of two commercial products currently widely used in the professional development of e-commerce portals and websites. Although these products currently also pro-vide support for developing B2B processes, here we will focus primarily on the development of portals using reusable speakers (sometimes called portlets). The succinct vision provided in this document can be complemented with the use of evaluation licenses for the products in question, which include tutorials that give a more practical idea of the functionalities provided. The Web addresses of these products can be found in the "Web Resources" section. Within the Java world there are other opensource alternatives for the crea-tion of portals that contain all the services previously mentioned by the other platforms and that meet indus-try standards, and that are perfectly valid alternatives for a project of great features. In this chapter we will review the existing alternatives

    Service-Interoperabilität für naturwissenschaftliche Anwendungen : Identifikation und Anpassung von komponentenbasierten Service-Mediatoren

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    In der Softwareentwicklung wird die Serviceorientierung als neues Realisierungsparadigma propagiert. Sie erlaubt lose gekoppelte Services bedarfsbezogen in Workflows zu aggregieren. Hierbei ist die Überbrückung der Heterogenität dieser Services ein anerkanntes Problem von hohem wirtschaftlichem Interesse. Es besteht der Bedarf die Service-Interoperabilität weitestgehend automatisch herzustellen. In dieser Arbeit wurde ein Konzept für Service-Mediatoren entwickelt, die über eine offene und erweiterbare, software-unterstützte Prozedur (semi-)automatisch identifiziert und problembezogen in einen Workflow eingebettet werden können. Service-Mediatoren über\-brücken die Heterogenität der einzelnen Services und erzielen so die geforderte Service-Interoperabilität. Die offene Architektur und Entwicklung dieser Prozedur erlaubt erstmals die Vorteile gängiger Ansätze zu integrieren. Um einmal entwickelte Service-Mediatoren in verschiedenen Workflows einsetzen und wiederverwenden zu können, bedarf es ihrer gezielten Identifikation und Anpassung. Leider stellt gerade die Suche nach benötigten Service-Mediatoren ein besonders schwieriges Problem da. Dies gilt insbesondere, wenn erst mehrere geeignet verknüpfte Service-Mediatoren zusammen die Service-Interoperabilität erreichen und bereits bei der Suche diese Kombination identifiziert werden muss. Die Aspekte der Suche und der Anpassung erfordern eine Beschreibungssprache, die die Fähig\-keiten eines Service-Mediators sowohl syntaktisch als auch semantisch beschreiben kann. Mit der Mediator Profile Language (MPL) wurde eine derartige, auf OWL basierende Beschreibungssprache entwickelt, die die Grundlage des entworfenen Komponentenmodells der Service-Mediatoren bildet. Sie erlaubt u. a. die Beschreibung der Komposition mehrerer Service-Mediatoren, sowie deren Konfiguration über zustandsbehaftete Eigenschaftsfelder. Die semantische Annotation eines Service-Mediators geschieht hierbei über Konzepte einer Domänenontologie. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Matchmaking-Algorithmen zur Suche entwickelt, die eine Identifikation adäquater Service-Mediatoren und deren Komposition erlauben. Durch den Einsatz von Ontologien zur semantischen Annotation der Service-Mediatoren kann die Suche auch über rein syntaktische Merkmale hinaus durchgeführt werden. Trotz der den Servicebeschreibungen innewohnenden Unschärfe wurde ein Verfahren realisiert, welches die Servicebeschreibungen auf MPL abbildet und dabei eine automatische Annotation durch die Konzepte einer Ontologie vornimmt. Die Matchmaking-Algorithmen wurden auch auf das Problem der semantischen Suche nach Service-Operationen übertragen. Die entwickelten ontologiebasierten Matchmaking-Verfahren liefern im Vergleich zu Standard-IR-Techniken signifikant bessere Ergebnisse, wie durch entsprechende Benchmarks mit anschließender Messung von Precision und Recall gezeigt werden konnte.Service Interoperability for Science Applications - Identification and Adaptation of Component-Based Service MediatorsService-orientation is a new software paradigm for building distributed, component-based software. It allows the aggregation of loosely coupled services into value-added workflows. In this context the gap between heterogeneous services is an accepted problem with particular commercial interest. Thus, there is the need to create service interoperability semi-automatically. In this thesis the concept of service mediators is developed. Through a software-aided procedure service mediators are identified, adapted and integrated into workflows in order to bridge the heterogeneity of different services. Service mediators are software components realizing for instance transformation facilities. The open architecture of the developed procedure allows the integration of benefits from current approaches. The discovery of relevant service mediators is a difficult problem, especially if several service mediators have to be combined adequately to reach the desired service interoperability. One major challenge is that such compositions have to be identified during discovery. The discovery and adaptation phases of the software-aided procedure require a suitable description of the capabilities of service mediators. Such a description should contain both syntactical and semantical information. The OWL-based Mediator Profile Language (MPL) addresses these issues. MPL permits among other things the description of compositions of service mediators as well as their customization by stateful properties. Semantical information is assigned by concepts of a domain ontology. In this dissertation different matchmaking algorithms were developed supporting the user in identifying relevant service mediators as well as new compositions of service mediators. Requirements for service mediators are derived from service descriptions and represented by query profiles in MPL. Even though the service descriptions are fuzzy the query generation algorithm automatically creates semantical annotations by mapping syntactical information to concepts of the domain ontology. These annotations are also stored within the query profile. Due to the application of the domain ontology the discovery process enables not only syntactical matchmaking but also semantical matchmaking. Furthermore, the matchmaking algorithms were transferred to the problem of discovering service operations. By measuring precision and recall it could be shown that ontology-based matchmaking is advantageously over standard information retrieval techniques

    Integrating Oracle PeopleSoft Campus Solution to External Applications

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    An integration solution must sustain multiple PeopleSoft upgrades, which is necessary to preserve investment in system integrations. Since the underlying structures and connection technologies of PeopleSoft have been and can be migrated from version to version in order to enhance features and performance, it is critical for any external component of integration to be built based on publicly visible interfaces of the PeopleSoft component. We have developed a standard-based solution to integrate “PeopleSoft Campus Solution” into “Microsoft SharePoint” using Web services generated by PeopleSoft’s Pure Internet Architecture. We have illustrated such kind of integration in two examples that emulate some of the imminent problems in the University’s current information systems between the PeopleSoft Campus and SharePoint Workflow. The methodology used in this is applicable to integrations of general COTS software systems into modern enterprise information systems