28 research outputs found

    Applying Minimum-Risk Criterion to Stochastic Hub Location Problems

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    AbstractThis paper presents a new class of two-stage stochastic hub location (HL) programming problems with minimum-risk criterion, in which uncertain demands are characterized by random vector. Meanwhile we demonstrate that the twostage programming problem is equivalent to a single-stage stochastic P-model. Under mild assumptions, we develop a deterministic binary programming problem by using standardization, which is equivalent to a binary fractional programming problem. Moreover, we show that the relaxation problem of the binary fractional programming problem is a convex programming problem. Taking advantage of branch-and-bound method, we provide a number of experiments to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed modeling idea

    Design of hybrid multimodal logistic hub network with postponement strategy

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    This paper aims at suggesting a method allowing to design a logistic hub network in the context of postponement strategy, postponement being performed in hubs having industrial facilities in addition to logistic ones. We propose a two-stage mathematical mixed integer linear programming model for: 1) logistic hub network design 2) postponement location on the designed hub network. The suggested model manages characteristics not yet taken into account simultaneously in the literature: hierarchical logistic structure, postponement strategy, multi-commodity, multi-packaging of goods (raw materials or components vs. final products), multi-period planning. The solutions are compared through services levels and logistic costs

    Trade-offs between the stepwise cost function and its linear approximation for the modular hub location problem

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    There exist situations where the transportation cost is better estimated as a function of the number of vehicles required for transporting a load, rather than a linear function of the load. This provides a stepwise cost function, which defines the so-called Modular Hub Location Problem (MHLP, or HLP with modular capacities) that has received increasing attention in the last decade. In this paper, we consider formulations to be solved by exact methods. We show that by choosing a specific generalized linear cost function with slope and intercept depending on problem data, one minimizes the measurement deviation between the two cost functions and obtains solutions close to those found with the stepwise cost function, while avoiding the higher computational complexity of the latter. As a side contribution, we look at the savings induced by using direct shipments in a hub and spoke network, given the better ability of a stepwise cost function to incorporate direct transportation. Numerical experiments are conducted over benchmark HLP instances of the OR-library

    Hub Covering Location Problem Considering Queuing and Capacity Constraints

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    In this paper, a hub covering location problem is considered. Hubs, which are the most congested part of a network, are modeled as M/M/C queuing system and located in placeswhere the entrance flows are more than a predetermined value.A fuzzy constraint is considered in order to limit the transportation time between all origin-destination pairs in the network.On modeling, a nonlinear mathematical program is presented.Then, the nonlinear constraints are convertedto linear ones.Due to the computational complexity of the problem,genetic algorithm (GA),particle swarm optimization (PSO)based heuristics, and improved hybrid PSO are developedto solve the problem. Since the performance of the given heuristics is affected by the corresponding parameters of each, Taguchi method is appliedin order to tune the parameters. Finally,the efficiency ofthe proposed heuristicsis studied while designing a number of test problems with different sizes.The computational results indicated the greater efficiency of the heuristic GA compared to the other methods for solving the proble

    Integrated facility location and capacity planning under uncertainty

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    We address a multi-period facility location problem with two customer segments having distinct service requirements. While customers in one segment receive preferred service, customers in the other segment accept delayed deliveries as long as lateness does not exceed a pre-specified threshold. The objective is to define a schedule for facility deployment and capacity scalability that satisfies all customer demands at minimum cost. Facilities can have their capacities adjusted over the planning horizon through incrementally increasing or reducing the number of modular units they hold. These two features, capacity expansion and capacity contraction, can help substantially improve the flexibility in responding to demand changes. Future customer demands are assumed to be unknown. We propose two different frameworks for planning capacity decisions and present a two-stage stochastic model for each one of them. While in the first model decisions related to capacity scalability are modeled as first-stage decisions, in the second model, capacity adjustments are deferred to the second stage. We develop the extensive forms of the associated stochastic programs for the case of demand uncertainty being captured by a finite set of scenarios. Additional inequalities are proposed to enhance the original formulations. An extensive computational study with randomly generated instances shows that the proposed enhancements are very useful. Specifically, 97.5% of the instances can be solved to optimality in much shorter computing times. Important insights are also provided into the impact of the two different frameworks for planning capacity adjustments on the facility network configuration and its total cost.publishersversionpublishe

    Single Allocation Hub Location with Heterogeneous Economies of Scale

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    We study the single allocation hub location problem with heterogeneous economies of scale (SAHLP-h). The SAHLP-h is a generalization of the classical single allocation hub location problem (SAHLP), in which the hub-hub connection costs are piecewise linear functions of the amounts of flow. We model the problem as an integer nonlinear program, which we then reformulate as a mixed integer linear program (MILP) and as a mixed integer quadratically constrained program (MIQCP). We exploit the special structures of these models to develop Benders-type decomposition methods with integer subproblems. We use an integer L-shaped decomposition to solve the MILP formulation. For the MIQCP, we dualize a set of complicating constraints to generate a Lagrangian function, which offers us a subproblem decomposition and a tight lower bound. We develop linear dual functions to underestimate the integer subproblem, which helps us obtain optimality cuts with a convergence guarantee by solving a linear program. Moreover, we develop a specialized polynomial-time algorithm to generate enhanced cuts. To evaluate the efficiency of our models and solution approaches, we perform extensive computational experiments on both uncapacitated and capacitated SAHLP-h instances derived from the classical Australian Post data set. The results confirm the efficacy of our solution methods in solving large-scale instances