1,164 research outputs found

    A review of optimal operation of microgrids

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    The term microgrid refers to small-scale power grid that can operate autonomously or in concurrence with the area’s main electrical grid. The intermittent characteristic of DGs which defies the power quality and voltage manifests the requirement for new planning and operation approaches for microgrids. Consequently, conventional optimization methods in new power systems have been critically biased all through the previous decade. One of the main technological and inexpensive tools in this regard is the optimal generation scheduling of microgrid. As a primary optimization tool in the planning and operation fields, optimal operation has an undeniable part in the power system. This paper reviews and evaluates the optimal operation approaches mostly related to microgrids. In this work, the foremost optimal generation scheduling approaches are compared in terms of their objective functions, techniques and constraints. To conclude, a few fundamental challenges occurring from the latest optimal generation scheduling techniques in microgrids are addressed

    Optimal Stochastic Day-Ahead Power Management of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids

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    Due to the reappearance of DC loads in electrical systems and advanced improvement in energy storage systems (batteries) and environment-friendly properties of photovoltaics as a green energy supply, DC architecture is considered as a new solution for next-generation power distribution systems. Hybrid AC-DC microgrids (MG) can take advantage of DC and AC flows in a smart distribution system. The best strategy for the optimal operation of hybrid MGs is to minimize the converting energy between AC and DC sides such that DC loads are provided by photovoltaics, fuel cells, and the stored energy in batteries and AC loads are satisfied by AC-based sources including wind turbines (WTs) and diesel generators (DEs). Accordingly, this paper aims to scrutinize an optimal green power management strategy for hybrid AC-DC MGs from an economic viewpoint while considering photovoltaics as a prior source for the DC side and wind turbines for the AC side. Moreover, the uncertainties of renewable energy sources (RESs), DC and AC loads, and the correlation among them are investigated using the unscented transformation method

    Komponentenbasierte dynamische Modellierung von Energiesystemen und Energiemanagement-Strategien fĂĽr ein intelligentes Stromnetz im Heimbereich

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    The motivation of this work is to present an energy cost reduction concept in a home area power network (HAPN) with intelligent generation and flexible load demands. This study endeavors to address the energy management system (EMS) and layout-design challenges faced by HAPN through a systematic design approach. The growing demand for electricity has become a significant burden on traditional power networks, prompting power engineers to seek ways to improve their efficiency. One such solution is to integrate dispersed generation sources, such as photovoltaic (PV) and storage systems, with an appropriate control mechanism at the distribution level. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in the installation of PV-Battery systems, due to their potential to reduce carbon emissions and lower energy costs. This research proposes an optimal economic power dispatch strategy using Model Predictive Control (MPC) to enhance the overall performance of HAPN. A hybrid AC/DC microgrid concept is proposed to address the control choices made by the appliance scheduling and hybrid switching approaches based on a linear programming optimization framework. The suggested optimization criteria improve consumer satisfaction, minimize grid disconnections, and lower overall energy costs by deploying inexpensive clean energy generation and control. Various examples from actual case study demonstrate the use of the established EMS and design methodology.Die Motivation dieser Arbeit besteht darin, ein Konzept zur Senkung der Energiekosten in einem Heimnetzwerk (HAPN) mit intelligenter Erzeugung und exiblen Lastanforderungen vorzustellen. Im Rahmen dieser Forschungsarbeit wird ein Entwurf für ein HAPN entwickelt, indem das Energiemanagementsystem (EMS) und der Entwurf des Layouts auf der Grundlage des Systemmodells und der betrieblichen Anforderungen gelöst werden. Die steigende Nachfrage nach Elektrizität ist für traditionelle Stromnetze kostspielig und infrastrukturintensiv. Daher konzentrieren sich Energietechniker darauf, die Effizienz der derzeitigen Netze zu erhöhen. Dies kann durch die Integration verteilter Erzeugungsanlagen (z. B. Photovoltaik (PV), Speicher) mit einem geeigneten Kontrollmechanismus für das Energiemanagement auf der Verteilungsseite erreicht werden. Darüber hinaus hat das Interesse an der Installation von PV-Batterie-basierten Systemen aufgrund der Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen und der Senkung der Energiekosten erheblich zugenommen. Es wird eine optimale wirtschaftliche Strategie für den Energieeinsatz unter Verwendung einer modellprädiktiven Steuerung (MPC) entwickelt. Es wird zudem ein hybrides AC/DC-Microgrid-Konzept vorgeschlagen, um die Steuerungsentscheidungen, die von den Ansätzen der Geräteplanung und der hybriden Umschaltung getroffen werden, auf der Grundlage eines linearen Programmierungsoptimierungsrahmens zu berücksichtigen. Die vorgeschlagenen Optimierungskriterien verbessern die Zufriedenheit der Verbraucher, minimieren Netzabschaltungen und senken die Gesamtenergiekosten durch den Einsatz von kostengünstiger und sauberer Energieerzeugung. Verschiedene Beispiele aus einer Fallstudie demonstrieren den Einsatz des entwickelten EMS und der Entwurfsmethodik

    System of Systems Based Decision-Making for Power Systems Operation

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    A modern power system is composed of many individual entities collaborating with each other to operate the entire system in a secure and economic manner. These entities may have different owners and operators with their own operating rules and policies, and it complicates the decision-making process in the system. In this work, a system of systems (SoS) engineering framework is presented for optimally operating the modern power systems. The proposed SoS framework defines each entity as an independent system with its own regulations, and the communication and process of information exchange between the systems are discussed. Since the independent systems are working in an interconnected system, the operating condition of one may impact the operating condition of others. According to the independent systems’ characteristics and connection between them, an optimization problem is formulated for each independent system. In order to solve the optimization problem of each system and to optimally operate the entire SoS-based power system, a decentralized decision-making algorithm is developed. Using this algorithm, only a limited amount of information is exchanged among different systems, and the operators of independent systems do not need to exchange all the information, which may be commercially sensitive, with each other. In addition, applying chance-constrained stochastic programming, the impact of uncertain variables, such as renewable generation and load demands, is modeled in the proposed SoS-based decision-making algorithm. The proposed SoS-based decision-making algorithm is applied to find the optimal and secure operating point of an active distribution grid (ADG). This SoS framework models the distribution company (DISCO) and microgrids (MGs) as independent systems having the right to work based on their own operating rules and policies, and it coordinates the DISCO and MGs operating condition. The proposed decision-making algorithm is also performed to solve the security-constrained unit commitment incorporating distributed generations (DGs) located in ADGs. The independent system operator (ISO) and DISCO are modeled as self-governing systems, and competition and collaboration between them are explained according to the SoS framework

    Resilience-driven planning and operation of networked microgrids featuring decentralisation and flexibility

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    High-impact and low-probability extreme events including both man-made events and natural weather events can cause severe damage to power systems. These events are typically rare but featured in long duration and large scale. Many research efforts have been conducted on the resilience enhancement of modern power systems. In recent years, microgrids (MGs) with distributed energy resources (DERs) including both conventional generation resources and renewable energy sources provide a viable solution for the resilience enhancement of such multi-energy systems during extreme events. More specifically, several islanded MGs after extreme events can be connected with each other as a cluster, which has the advantage of significantly reducing load shedding through energy sharing among them. On the other hand, mobile power sources (MPSs) such as mobile energy storage systems (MESSs), electric vehicles (EVs), and mobile emergency generators (MEGs) have been gradually deployed in current energy systems for resilience enhancement due to their significant advantages on mobility and flexibility. Given such a context, a literature review on resilience-driven planning and operation problems featuring MGs is presented in detail, while research limitations are summarised briefly. Then, this thesis investigates how to develop appropriate planning and operation models for the resilience enhancement of networked MGs via different types of DERs (e.g., MGs, ESSs, EVs, MESSs, etc.). This research is conducted in the following application scenarios: 1. This thesis proposes novel operation strategies for hybrid AC/DC MGs and networked MGs towards resilience enhancement. Three modelling approaches including centralised control, hierarchical control, and distributed control have been applied to formulate the proposed operation problems. A detailed non-linear AC OPF algorithm is employed to model each MG capturing all the network and technical constraints relating to stability properties (e.g., voltage limits, active and reactive power flow limits, and power losses), while uncertainties associated with renewable energy sources and load profiles are incorporated into the proposed models via stochastic programming. Impacts of limited generation resources, load distinction intro critical and non-critical, and severe contingencies (e.g., multiple line outages) are appropriately captured to mimic a realistic scenario. 2. This thesis introduces MPSs (e.g., EVs and MESSs) into the suggested networked MGs against the severe contingencies caused by extreme events. Specifically, time-coupled routing and scheduling characteristics of MPSs inside each MG are modelled to reduce load shedding when large damage is caused to each MG during extreme events. Both transportation networks and power networks are considered in the proposed models, while transporting time of MPSs between different transportation nodes is also appropriately captured. 3. This thesis focuses on developing realistic planning models for the optimal sizing problem of networked MGs capturing a trade-off between resilience and cost, while both internal uncertainties and external contingencies are considered in the suggested three-level planning model. Additionally, a resilience-driven planning model is developed to solve the coupled optimal sizing and pre-positioning problem of MESSs in the context of decentralised networked MGs. Internal uncertainties are captured in the model via stochastic programming, while external contingencies are included through the three-level structure. 4. This thesis investigates the application of artificial intelligence techniques to power system operations. Specifically, a model-free multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) approach is proposed for the coordinated routing and scheduling problem of multiple MESSs towards resilience enhancement. The parameterized double deep Q-network method (P-DDQN) is employed to capture a hybrid policy including both discrete and continuous actions. A coupled power-transportation network featuring a linearised AC OPF algorithm is realised as the environment, while uncertainties associated with renewable energy sources, load profiles, line outages, and traffic volumes are incorporated into the proposed data-driven approach through the learning procedure.Open Acces

    Spatiotemporal Splitting of Distribution Networks into Self-Healing Resilient Microgrids using an Adjustable Interval Optimization

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    The distribution networks can convincingly break down into small-scale self-controllable areas, namely microgrids to substitute microgrids arrangements for effectively coping with any perturbations. To achieve these targets, this paper examines a novel spatiotemporal algorithm to split the existing network into a set of self-healing microgrids. The main intention in the grid-tied state is to maximize the microgrids profit while equilibrating load and generation at the islanded state by sectionalizing on-fault area, executing resources rescheduling, network reconfiguration and load shedding when the main grid is interrupted. The proposed problem is formulated as an exact computationally efficient mixed integer linear programming problem relying on the column & constraint generation framework and an adjustable interval optimization is envisaged to make the microgrids less susceptible against renewables variability. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model is adequately assured by performing a realistic case study.© 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Energy Management of Grid-Connected Microgrids, Incorporating Battery Energy Storage and CHP Systems Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming

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    In this thesis, an energy management system (EMS) is proposed for use with battery energy storage systems (BESS) in solar photovoltaic-based (PV-BESS) grid-connected microgrids and combined heat and power (CHP) applications. As a result, the battery's charge/discharge power is optimised so that the overall cost of energy consumed is minimised, considering the variation in grid tariff, renewable power generation and load demand. The system is modelled as an economic load dispatch optimisation problem over a 24-hour time horizon and solved using mixed integer linear programming (MILP) for the grid-connected Microgrid and the CHP application. However, this formulation requires information about the predicted renewable energy power generation and load demand over the next 24 hours. Therefore, a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network is proposed to achieve this. The receding horizon (RH) strategy is suggested to reduce the impact of prediction error and enable real-time implementation of the energy management system (EMS) that benefits from using actual generation and demand data in real-time. At each time-step, the LSTM predicts the generation and load data for the next 24 h. The dispatch problem is then solved, and the real-time battery charging or discharging command for only the first hour is applied. Real data are then used to update the LSTM input, and the process is repeated. Simulation results using the Ushant Island as a case study show that the proposed online optimisation strategy outperforms the offline optimisation strategy (with no RH), reducing the operating cost by 6.12%. The analyses of the impact of different times of use (TOU) and standard tariff in the energy management of grid-connected microgrids as it relates to the charge/discharge cycle of the BESS and the optimal operating cost of the Microgrid using the LSTM-MILP-RH approach is evaluated. Four tariffs UK tariff schemes are considered: (1) Residential TOU tariff (RTOU), (2) Economy seven tariff (E7T), (3) Economy ten tariff (E10T), and (4) Standard tariff (STD). It was found that the RTOU tariff scheme gives the lowest operating cost, followed by the E10T tariff scheme with savings of 63.5% and 55.5%, respectively, compared to the grid-only operation. However, the RTOU and E10 tariff scheme is mainly used for residential applications with the duck curve load demand structure. For community grid-connected microgrid applications except for residential-only communities, the E7T and STD, with 54.2% and 39.9%, respectively, are the most likely options offered by energy suppliers. The use of combined heat and power (CHP) systems has recently increased due to their high combined efficiency and low emissions. Using CHP systems in behind-the-meter applications, however, can introduce some challenges. Firstly, the CHP system must operate in load-following mode to prevent power export to the grid. Secondly, if the load drops below a predefined threshold, the engine will operate at a lower temperature and hence lower efficiency, as the fuel is only half-burnt, creating significant emissions. The aforementioned issues may be solved by combining CHP with a battery energy storage system. However, the dispatch of CHP and BESS must be optimised. Offline optimisation methods based on load prediction will not prevent power export to the grid due to prediction errors. Therefore, a real-time EMS using a combination of LSTM neural networks, MILP, and RH control strategy is proposed. Simulation results show that the proposed method can prevent power export to the grid and reduce the operational cost by 8.75% compared to the offline method. The finding shows that the BESS is a valuable asset for sustainable energy transition. However, they must be operated safely to guarantee operational cost reduction and longer life for the BESS

    MAS-based Distributed Coordinated Control and Optimization in Microgrid and Microgrid Clusters:A Comprehensive Overview

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    The Comparison Study of Short-Term Prediction Methods to Enhance the Model Predictive Controller Applied to Microgrid Energy Management

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    Electricity load forecasting, optimal power system operation and energy management play key roles that can bring significant operational advantages to microgrids. This paper studies how methods based on time series and neural networks can be used to predict energy demand and production, allowing them to be combined with model predictive control. Comparisons of different prediction methods and different optimum energy distribution scenarios are provided, permitting us to determine when short-term energy prediction models should be used. The proposed prediction models in addition to the model predictive control strategy appear as a promising solution to energy management in microgrids. The controller has the task of performing the management of electricity purchase and sale to the power grid, maximizing the use of renewable energy sources and managing the use of the energy storage system. Simulations were performed with different weather conditions of solar irradiation. The obtained results are encouraging for future practical implementation
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