6,900 research outputs found

    Stochastic Modeling of Hybrid Cache Systems

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    In recent years, there is an increasing demand of big memory systems so to perform large scale data analytics. Since DRAM memories are expensive, some researchers are suggesting to use other memory systems such as non-volatile memory (NVM) technology to build large-memory computing systems. However, whether the NVM technology can be a viable alternative (either economically and technically) to DRAM remains an open question. To answer this question, it is important to consider how to design a memory system from a "system perspective", that is, incorporating different performance characteristics and price ratios from hybrid memory devices. This paper presents an analytical model of a "hybrid page cache system" so to understand the diverse design space and performance impact of a hybrid cache system. We consider (1) various architectural choices, (2) design strategies, and (3) configuration of different memory devices. Using this model, we provide guidelines on how to design hybrid page cache to reach a good trade-off between high system throughput (in I/O per sec or IOPS) and fast cache reactivity which is defined by the time to fill the cache. We also show how one can configure the DRAM capacity and NVM capacity under a fixed budget. We pick PCM as an example for NVM and conduct numerical analysis. Our analysis indicates that incorporating PCM in a page cache system significantly improves the system performance, and it also shows larger benefit to allocate more PCM in page cache in some cases. Besides, for the common setting of performance-price ratio of PCM, "flat architecture" offers as a better choice, but "layered architecture" outperforms if PCM write performance can be significantly improved in the future.Comment: 14 pages; mascots 201

    Wireless Communications in the Era of Big Data

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    The rapidly growing wave of wireless data service is pushing against the boundary of our communication network's processing power. The pervasive and exponentially increasing data traffic present imminent challenges to all the aspects of the wireless system design, such as spectrum efficiency, computing capabilities and fronthaul/backhaul link capacity. In this article, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in the design of scalable wireless systems to embrace such a "bigdata" era. On one hand, we review the state-of-the-art networking architectures and signal processing techniques adaptable for managing the bigdata traffic in wireless networks. On the other hand, instead of viewing mobile bigdata as a unwanted burden, we introduce methods to capitalize from the vast data traffic, for building a bigdata-aware wireless network with better wireless service quality and new mobile applications. We highlight several promising future research directions for wireless communications in the mobile bigdata era.Comment: This article is accepted and to appear in IEEE Communications Magazin

    Joint and Competitive Caching Designs in Large-Scale Multi-Tier Wireless Multicasting Networks

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    Caching and multicasting are two promising methods to support massive content delivery in multi-tier wireless networks. In this paper, we consider a random caching and multicasting scheme with caching distributions in the two tiers as design parameters, to achieve efficient content dissemination in a two-tier large-scale cache-enabled wireless multicasting network. First, we derive tractable expressions for the successful transmission probabilities in the general region as well as the high SNR and high user density region, respectively, utilizing tools from stochastic geometry. Then, for the case of a single operator for the two tiers, we formulate the optimal joint caching design problem to maximize the successful transmission probability in the asymptotic region, which is nonconvex in general. By using the block successive approximate optimization technique, we develop an iterative algorithm, which is shown to converge to a stationary point. Next, for the case of two different operators, one for each tier, we formulate the competitive caching design game where each tier maximizes its successful transmission probability in the asymptotic region. We show that the game has a unique Nash equilibrium (NE) and develop an iterative algorithm, which is shown to converge to the NE under a mild condition. Finally, by numerical simulations, we show that the proposed designs achieve significant gains over existing schemes.Comment: 30 pages, 6 pages, submitted to IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 and IEEE Trans. Commo

    Batch solution of small PDEs with the OPS DSL

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    In this paper we discuss the challenges and optimisations opportunities when solving a large number of small, equally sized discretised PDEs on regular grids. We present an extension of the OPS (Oxford Parallel library for Structured meshes) embedded Domain Specific Language, and show how support can be added for solving multiple systems, and how OPS makes it easy to deploy a variety of transformations and optimisations. The new capabilities in OPS allow to automatically apply data structure transformations, as well as execution schedule transformations to deliver high performance on a variety of hardware platforms. We evaluate our work on an industrially representative finance simulation on Intel CPUs, as well as NVIDIA GPUs

    A non-hybrid method for the PDF equations of turbulent flows on unstructured grids

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    In probability density function (PDF) methods of turbulent flows, the joint PDF of several flow variables is computed by numerically integrating a system of stochastic differential equations for Lagrangian particles. A set of parallel algorithms is proposed to provide an efficient solution of the PDF transport equation, modeling the joint PDF of turbulent velocity, frequency and concentration of a passive scalar in geometrically complex configurations. An unstructured Eulerian grid is employed to extract Eulerian statistics, to solve for quantities represented at fixed locations of the domain (e.g. the mean pressure) and to track particles. All three aspects regarding the grid make use of the finite element method (FEM) employing the simplest linear FEM shape functions. To model the small-scale mixing of the transported scalar, the interaction by exchange with the conditional mean model is adopted. An adaptive algorithm that computes the velocity-conditioned scalar mean is proposed that homogenizes the statistical error over the sample space with no assumption on the shape of the underlying velocity PDF. Compared to other hybrid particle-in-cell approaches for the PDF equations, the current methodology is consistent without the need for consistency conditions. The algorithm is tested by computing the dispersion of passive scalars released from concentrated sources in two different turbulent flows: the fully developed turbulent channel flow and a street canyon (or cavity) flow. Algorithmic details on estimating conditional and unconditional statistics, particle tracking and particle-number control are presented in detail. Relevant aspects of performance and parallelism on cache-based shared memory machines are discussed.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Computational Physics, Feb. 20, 200

    On Designing Multicore-aware Simulators for Biological Systems

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    The stochastic simulation of biological systems is an increasingly popular technique in bioinformatics. It often is an enlightening technique, which may however result in being computational expensive. We discuss the main opportunities to speed it up on multi-core platforms, which pose new challenges for parallelisation techniques. These opportunities are developed in two general families of solutions involving both the single simulation and a bulk of independent simulations (either replicas of derived from parameter sweep). Proposed solutions are tested on the parallelisation of the CWC simulator (Calculus of Wrapped Compartments) that is carried out according to proposed solutions by way of the FastFlow programming framework making possible fast development and efficient execution on multi-cores.Comment: 19 pages + cover pag