1,260 research outputs found

    On how to describe security risk?

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    Master's thesis in Risk managementThe word terrorism is one of the most-used terms in a daily life of people in this century. Governments and organisations apply many different definitions to cope with their existing issue(s). Thus, the terrorism risk evaluation is one of the most important matters in today’s life. Many contributors involve in this process worldwide, and each organization or government has its preferences and definition. In Norway, several parties involve in the risk assessment investigation, i.e. (Egeli, 2014). Thus, using a standard procedure for the risk evaluation in this area is of interest. For this reason, the two Standard are considered (NS 5831, 2014, NS 5832, 2014). The issue is to compare the existing scholarly literature within the area of security risk assessment with the standard procedure for security risk assessment in Norway to find the possible weakness points. The thesis discussed the most significant weakness points of the Standard and concluded that the four top points need reviewing and changing. The weakness points are risk definition, risk picture, strategies to deal with the risk, and applying the reducing measures. At the end, the risk analysis may end up with the various alternative of different types each has its value and, therefore, the analysis compares them to each other to find the most suitable result. Standard suggests to find the threat from different contributors include technical, organizational, and human resources. The various contributors have different values, for example, the value of statistical life, damage to the infrastructure, and damage to the environment have not the same values and comparing them is a controversial task. According to Abrahamsen et al. (2011) the only way is to transform all attributes into the one comparable value. They stress that these frameworks are tools to help the decision-maker having the most useful and reliable decision and hence, the tools should take carefully to avoid the mechanical and decision-making process. Furthermore, the ALARP and the cautionary principle applies for both safety and security sector in the risk assessment to balance the situation safely and financially. The thesis focuses on the security standard in Norway, and suggest other Standards and Regulations for further work in this area

    Relation between obesity and depression in a sample of patients in Isfahan, Iran

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    Background:Obesity and depression are two widely spread problems which are associated with many other health problems and major public health implications. Because of their high prevalence and the fact that they are both associated with common health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, low bone mineral density and many others, a possible relation between obesity and depression has been tested repeatedly. In this study, the relationship between these two complications was examined among patients who visited the psychiatry department in Khorshid hospital in Isfahan, Iran.  Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted between 2006 and 2008 on patients in the psychiatry department in Khorshid hospital in Isfahan, Iran. The patients were interviewed by an experienced psychiatrist for the diagnosis of major depression. They were also interviewed by an experienced nurse for the collection of other relevant information.Results:1093 patients in total were examined during the study. The mean age (standard deviation) of the patients was 32.7 (12.6). 208 (18.8%) were diagnosed with major depression. 24.3% of patients with major depression were obese, versus only 13.8% of patients without major depression. Using a binary logistic regression model, major depression was associated with higher body mass index in men but not in women when other variables considered.Conclusion:These findings indicate that higher body mass index is associated with major depression, but this association is gender dependent. Further studies are needed to investigate the complexity of this relationship.

    Clinical grade vitrification of human ovarian tissue for fertility preservation

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    Cryopreservation of human ovarian tissue is one approach to preserve fertility for women who can be predicted to undergo premature ovarian failure as a consequence of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or genetic disorders. It is the most suitable option for pre- pubertal girls and for many young women to store oocytes. To date, auto- transplantation of frozen- thawed cortical tissues has resulted in birth of 24 healthy children, worldwide. Cryopreservation can be performed using slow freezing or vitrification. Vitrification is known as solidification without formation of lethal intracellular ice crystals. The aim of this thesis was to further develop methods for cryopreserving follicles in human ovarian tissue of women who have a risk of losing their fertility. In the first study, we systematically compared two cryopreservation methods for human ovarian cortical tissue, slow freezing and vitrification. Cryoprotectants we used for slow freezing were either 1,2- propanediol (PrOH)- sucrose or ethylene glycol (EG)- sucrose. For vitrification, we used solutions containing a combination of the cryoprotectants dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), PrOH, EG and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and post- thaw tissue culture were carried out to evaluate the structure and the viability of the follicles. The follicles were well preserved and the ovarian stroma showed better morphological integrity after vitrification. In the second study, we developed a clinical grade vitrification of human ovarian tissue. Ovarian tissue was vitrified in a closed system without any direct contact with liquid nitrogen using a non-toxic and sterile cryotube. Vitrification solutions used contained a combination of cryoprotectants DMSO, PrOH, EG and PVP. The morphology of the follicles in the vitrified tissue, showed well -preserved structures as verified by LM, TEM and also after post -thaw culture. The system used is compatible with the European tissue directive and the Swedish tissue law. In the third article, we studied the occurrence of apoptosis in vitrified tissues. We used Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay and DNA fragmentation analysis, which showed no incidence of apoptosis in follicles or stroma after using either vitrification solution (i.e., a combination of DMSO, PrOH, EG and PVP, or EG and bovine serum albumin (BSA). In the fourth one, we performed a study to simplify our earlier described closed vitrification procedure. Permeating cryoprotectants used in vitrification solutions consisted either of a combination of DMSO, PrOH, EG or EG only. Ovarian tissue was vitrified in closed sealed tubes containing either of the vitrification solutions. Morphological analysis (LM and TEM) showed that oocytes, granulosa cells and stroma were equally well preserved when either of the vitrification solutions was used. No apoptosis was observed in primordial and primary follicles using immunohistochemistry for active caspase- 3. Conclusion: Hereby we present new vitrification procedures that can be performed in a clinical setting. The morphology of follicles in the ovarian tissue as evaluated by using LM and TEM proved to be normal after the procedures. Ultra-structural analysis by TEM used in this study is the best- known method to evaluate cryoinjury. We have developed a new effective clinical grade method for cryo-storage of human ovarian tissue

    The impact of ethnic tourism on gender equality: A case study of Iran’s Baluchistan women

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    Ethnic tourism makes women more visible in the public sphere in traditional ethnic communities. In many ethnic traditional communities such as Iran’s Baluchistan, women see ethnic tourism as a window into other cultures. In these kinds of communities, women are often isolated from contact with outsiders because of their responsibilities, which are typically focused on managing the household, while men are responsible for trade and travel. This paper examines how ethnic tourism affects gender equality and helps women in Iran’s Baluchistan for their voices to be heard in the community. This research illustrates the potential of ethnic tourism as a vehicle for gender equality through increasing social interactions and cultural exchanges, leading women to hold greater awareness of their human rights. Thus, the idea of ethnic tourism for gender equality in ethnic communities can be seen as a new way of understanding the potential of ethnic tourism for women equality. The results of the research were gathered through fieldwork as the major methodological frame and during the fieldwork, different specific methods were used to collect empirical data: interviews and participant observation. The theoretical structure for analyzing interview data was grounded in theory. Moreover, visual data in the form of photography was collected throughout all the stages of the fieldwork

    An investigation into representations of women in Iranian New Wave cinema

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    In an analytical look into the history of the formation of Iranian New Wave cinema, this research explores the key elements that constitute integration between the women representation and the evolution of New Wave visual narrative. The paper will preliminarily examine the public’s response to the early representation of women in classic Iranian cinema and discusses the impact of the socio-political modifications, imposed by the process of modernisation, on the reception of the early representation by the Iranian public. The paper then discuss aspects of the philosophical framework in relation to the role of gender in the conception of artwork. The artistic growth of Forugh Farrokhzad, a prominent figure in modern Persian poetry and the New Wave Iranian cinema will be explored. Through the example of Farrokhzad, the intention is to identify the key elements regarding the influence of Persian poetry on the formation of New Wave visual narrative. This brings the paper to the third chapter where the implications of the Islamic revolutionary regime’s regulatory frameworks on the image of women in cinema will be discussed. Also the paper examines the role that the representation of women plays as an instrument of the Islamic republic to generate a process of reproduction of new national culture. In contrast, the alternative response of independent filmmakers to the mainstream representation of women will be explored by the means of re-examination of the structure of the film star system, the aesthetic of censorship and the act of viewing approach in relation to images of women. In the final chapter, the connection between my film practice and the characteristics of Iranian New Wave visual narrative is established through analysis of the key elements associated with the representation of gender in the works of New Wave filmmakers such as Forugh Farrokhzad, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, Bahram Beyzai, and Abbas Kiarostami

    Investigating the Factors Affecting the Implementation of Knowledge Management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company

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    Knowledge management is one way to improve the survival of organization. Therefore, the identification and study of factors affecting the deployment of knowledge management can help organizations to implement and enforce it better. When factors affecting the deployment of knowledge management to be identified and analyzed previously and an appropriate platform to be provided for its deployment, knowledge management is successfully implemented in organizations. Because the management of the existing knowledge of organization is a humanistic matter and is completely related to human resources, organizations to deploy successful knowledge management should provide appropriate organizational culture, strategic thinking, right staff training and suitable technology and act accordingly. Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company with respect to the determined objectives and policies of the ministry and more emphasis on the issue of knowledge-based operation process of oil and gas resources and according to its task at oil exploitation, production and sending and protection of the facilities and oil tanks as well as rapid advances in technology and increasing employees' level of education, considers knowledge management. This research is conducted in line with the goals and policies set by the Ministry of Petroleum. For this purpose, one main hypothesis, four sub-hypotheses and two side-hypotheses are developed. The results of hypotheses testing implied the endorsement of main hypothesis namely, it was found that organizational factors influence the management deployment in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company. Four research hypotheses were confirmed as well thus, it became clear that organizational factors (including organizational culture, strategic thinking, employees’ training and technology) affect the management deployment in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company. Also according to the results, the first side-hypothesis that "The different education level of employees has different effects on the implementation of knowledge management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company" was confirmed. But the second side-hypothesis that "different professions (technical and non-technical) have different effect on the deployment of knowledge management in Aghajari Oil and Gas Exploitation Company" was rejected
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