24 research outputs found

    Analytical Model of Cage Induction Machine Dedicated to the Study of the Inner Race Bearing Fault

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    This paper presents a new analytical model for inner bearing raceway defect. The model is based on the presentation of different machine inductances as Fourier series without any kind of reference frame transformation. The proposed approach shows that this model is able to give important features on the state of the motor. Simulation based on spectral analysis of stator current signal using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and experimental results are given to shed light on the usefulness of the proposed model

    Unintrusive Monitoring of Induction Motors Bearings via Deep Learning on Stator Currents

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    Induction motors are fundamental components of several modern automation system, and they are one of the central pivot of the developing e-mobility era. The most vulnerable parts of an induction motor are the bearings, the stator winding and the rotor bars. Consequently, monitoring and maintaining them during operations is vital. In this work, authors propose an Induction Motors bearings monitoring tool which leverages on stator currents signals processed with a Deep Learning architecture. Differently from the state-of-the-art approaches which exploit vibration signals, collected by easily damageable and intrusive vibration probes, the stator currents signals are already commonly available, or easily and unintrusively collectable. Moreover, instead of using now-classical data-driven models, authors exploit a Deep Learning architecture able to extract from the stator current signal a compact and expressive representation of the bearings state, ultimately providing a bearing fault detection system. In order to estimate the effectiveness of the proposal, authors collected a series of data from an inverter-fed motor mounting different artificially damaged bearings. Results show that the proposed approach provides a promising and effective yet simple bearing fault detection system

    Healthy Monitoring and Fault Detection Outer Race Bearing in Induction Motor Using Stator Current

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    This paper describes a new method for monitor and detection bearing damage on induction motor. This is considered important because induction motors have an important role in the industry which functions as the main engine in the production process. This paper focuses on bearing damage because this is the most common case. the case of damaged bearing is done by giving the outer race bearing hole in three cases, 1 mm hole, 2 mm hole and 3 mm hole. Bearing damage analysis is carried out through a stator current signal on an induction motor, then the Fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm is used to see the characteristics of the frequency spectrum that appears in the stator current signal. High frequency analysis is applied to get clear analysis results. The results obtained by analyzing the frequency spectrum in the stator current that bearing damage indicate there is an amplitude that appears in the sideband frequenc

    Acoustic spectral imaging and transfer learning for reliable bearing fault diagnosis under variable speed conditions.

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    Incipient fault diagnosis of a bearing requires robust feature representation for an accurate condition-based monitoring system. Existing fault diagnosis schemes are mostly confined to manual features and traditional machine learning approaches such as artificial neural networks (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM). These handcrafted features require substantial human expertise and domain knowledge. In addition, these feature characteristics vary with the bearing's rotational speed. Thus, such methods do not yield the best results under variable speed conditions. To address this issue, this paper presents a reliable fault diagnosis scheme based on acoustic spectral imaging (ASI) of acoustic emission (AE) signals as a precise health state. These health states are further utilized with transfer learning, which is a machine learning technique, which shares knowledge with convolutional neural networks (CNN) for accurate diagnosis under variable operating conditions. In ASI, the amplitudes of the spectral components of the windowed time-domain acoustic emission signal are transformed into spectrum imaging. ASI provides a visual representation of acoustic emission spectral features in images. This ensures enhanced spectral images for transfer learning (TL) testing and training, and thus provides a robust classifier technique with high diagnostic accuracy

    An Intelligent Automated Method to Diagnose and Segregate Induction Motor Faults

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    In the last few decades, various methods and alternative techniques have been proposed and implemented to diagnose induction motor faults. In an induction motor, bearing faults account the largest percentage of motor failure. Moreover, the existing techniques related to current and instantaneous power analysis are incompatible to diagnose the distributed bearing faults (race roughness), due to the fact that there does not exist any fault characteristics frequency model for these type of faults. In such a condition to diagnose and segregate the severity of fault is a challenging task. Thus, to overcome existing problem an alternative solution based on artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed. The proposed technique is harmonious because it does not oblige any mathematical models and the distributed faults are diagnosed and classified at incipient stage based on the extracted features from Park vector analysis (PVA). Moreover, the experimental results obtained through features of PVA and statistical evaluation of automated method shows the capability of proposed method that it is not only capable enough to diagnose fault but also can segregate bearing distributed defects

    Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current

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    © 2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Transient motor current signature analysis is a recently developed technique for motor diagnostics using speed transients. The whole speed range is used to create a unique stamp of each fault harmonic in the time-frequency plane. This greatly increases diagnostic reliability when compared with non-transient analysis, which is based on the detection of fault harmonics at a single speed. But this added functionality comes at a price: well-established signal analysis tools used in the permanent regime, mainly the Fourier transform, cannot be applied to the nonstationary currents of a speed transient. In this paper, a new method is proposed to fill this gap. By applying a polynomial-phase transform to the transient current, a new, stationary signal is generated. This signal contains information regarding the fault components along the different regimes covered by the transient, and can be analyzed using the Fourier transform. The polynomial-phase transform is used in radar, sonar, communications, and power systems fields, but this is the first time, to the best knowledge of the authors, that it has been applied to the diagnosis of induction motor faults. Experimental results obtained with two different commercial motors with broken bars are presented to validate the proposed method.This work was supported by the Spanish "Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia" in the framework of the "Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental," project reference DPI2008-06583/DPI.Pineda-Sanchez, M.; Riera-Guasp, M.; Roger-Folch, J.; Antonino-Daviu, J.; Pérez-Cruz, J.; Puche-Panadero, R. (2011). Diagnosis of Induction Motor Faults in Time-Varying Conditions Using the Polynomial-Phase Transform of the Current. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 58(4):1428-1439. https://doi.org/10.1109/TIE.2010.2050755S1428143958

    Linear feature selection and classification using PNN and SFAM neural networks for a nearly online diagnosis of bearing naturally progressing degradations.

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    International audienceIn this work, an effort is made to characterize seven bearing states depending on the energy entropy of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) resulted from the Empirical Modes Decomposition (EMD).Three run-to-failure bearing vibration signals representing different defects either degraded or different failing components (roller, inner race and outer race) with healthy state lead to seven bearing states under study. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are used for feature reduction. Then, six classification scenarios are processed via a Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and a Simplified Fuzzy Adaptive resonance theory Map (SFAM) neural network. In other words, the three extracted feature data bases (EMD, PCA and LDA features) are processed firstly with SFAM and secondly with a combination of PNN-SFAM. The computation of classification accuracy and scattering criterion for each scenario shows that the EMD-LDA-PNN-SFAM combination is the suitable strategy for online bearing fault diagnosis. The proposed methodology reveals better generalization capability compared to previous works and it’s validated by an online bearing fault diagnosis. The proposed strategy can be applied for the decision making of several assets

    Identifikasi Kerusakan Bearing Motor Induksi Berdasarkan Karakteristik Arus Stator Dengan Metode Artificial Neural Network

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    Dalam studi ini dibahas sistem deteksi kerusakan bearing motor induksi 3 fasa rotor sangkar. Kerusakan bearing direkonstruksi dalam 3 jenis kerusakan yang tiap jenis mempunyai kondisi keruasakan yang bervariasi. Karakteristik arus stator akibat kerusakan bearing pada outer race, inner race, dan ball dianalisis menggunakan teknik Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Karakteristik arus akibat kerusakan bearing tersebut dianalisa menggunakan metode Artificial Neural Network untuk mengklasifikasi jenis kerusakan bearing pada motor induksi 3 fasa. Dengan metode ini dapat dihasilkan suatu analisa identifikasi dan klasifikasi kerusakan bearing yang lebih akurat. ======================================================================================================== In this study discussed bearing damage detection system 3-phase induction motor rotor cage. Bearing damage reconstructed in three types of damage that each type has varied damage condition. Stator current characteristics due to damage to the bearing outer race, inner race, and ball are analyzed using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Current characteristics due to bearing damage was analyzed using Artificial Neural Network for classifying types of bearing damage on 3-phase induction motor. This method may produce an analysis of the identification and classification of bearing damage is more accurate