1,966 research outputs found

    Efficient estimation algorithms for large and complex data sets

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    The recent world-wide surge in available data allows the investigation of many new and sophisticated questions that were inconceivable just a few years ago. However, two types of data sets often complicate the subsequent analysis: Data that is simple in structure but large in size, and data that is small in size but complex in structure. These two kinds of problems also apply to biological data. For example, data sets acquired from family studies, where the data can be visualized as pedigrees, are small in size but, because of the dependencies within families, they are complex in structure. By comparison, next-generation sequencing data, such as data from chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-Seq), is simple in structure but large in size. Even though the available computational power is increasing steadily, it often cannot keep up with the massive amounts of new data that are being acquired. In these situations, ordinary methods are no longer applicable or scale badly with increasing sample size. The challenge in today’s environment is then to adapt common algorithms for modern data sets. This dissertation considers the challenge of performing inference on modern data sets, and approaches the problem in two parts: first using a problem in the field of genetics, and then using one from molecular biology. In the first part, we focus on data of a complex nature. Specifically, we analyze data from a family study on colorectal cancer (CRC). To model familial clusters of increased cancer risk, we assume inheritable but latent variables for a risk factor that increases the hazard rate for the occurrence of CRC. During parameter estimation, the inheritability of this latent variable necessitates a marginalization of the likelihood that is costly in time for large families. We first approached this problem by implementing computational accelerations that reduced the time for an optimization by the Nelder-Mead method to about 10% of a naive implementation. In a next step, we developed an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm that works on data obtained from pedigrees. To achieve this, we used factor graphs to factorize the likelihood into a product of “local” functions, which enabled us to apply the sum-product algorithm in the E-step, reducing the computational complexity from exponential to linear. Our algorithm thus enables parameter estimation for family studies in a feasible amount of time. In the second part, we turn to ChIP-Seq data. Previously, practitioners were required to assemble a set of tools based on different statistical assumptions and dedicated to specific applications such as calling protein occupancy peaks or testing for differential occupancies between experimental conditions. In order to remove these restrictions and create a unified framework for ChIP-Seq analysis, we developed GenoGAM (Genome-wide Generalized Additive Model), which extends generalized additive models to efficiently work on data spread over a long x axis by reducing the scaling from cubic to linear and by employing a data parallelism strategy. Our software makes the well-established and flexible GAM framework available for a number of genomic applications. Furthermore, the statistical framework allows for significance testing for differential occupancy. In conclusion, I show how developing algorithms of lower complexity can open the door for analyses that were previously intractable. On this basis, it is recommended to focus subsequent research efforts on lowering the complexity of existing algorithms and design new, lower-complexity algorithms

    Accurate estimation of homologue-specific DNA concentration-ratios in cancer samples allows long-range haplotyping

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    Interpretation of allelic copy measurements at polymorphic markers in cancer samples presents distinctive challenges and opportunities. Due to frequent gross chromosomal alterations occurring in cancer (aneuploidy), many genomic regions are present at homologous-allele imbalance. Within such regions, the unequal contribution of alleles at heterozygous markers allows for direct phasing of the haplotype derived from each individual parent. In addition, genome-wide estimates of homologue specific copy- ratios (HSCRs) are important for interpretation of the cancer genome in terms of fixed integral copy-numbers. We describe HAPSEG, a probabilistic method to interpret bi- allelic marker data in cancer samples. HAPSEG operates by partitioning the genome into segments of distinct copy number and modeling the four distinct genotypes in each segment. We describe general methods for fitting these models to data which are suit- able for both SNP microarrays and massively parallel sequencing data. In addition, we demonstrate a specially tailored error-model for interpretation of systematic variations arising in microarray platforms. The ability to directly determine haplotypes from cancer samples represents an opportunity to expand reference panels of phased chromosomes, which may have general interest in various population genetic applications. In addition, this property may be exploited to interrogate the relationship between germline risk and cancer phenotype with greater sensitivity than is possible using unphased genotype. Finally, we exploit the statistical dependency of phased genotypes to enable the fitting of more elaborate sample-level error-model parameters, allowing more accurate estimation of HSCRs in cancer samples

    Deep learning in population genetics

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    KK is supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the TUM International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE), GSC 81, within the project GENOMIE QADOP. We acknowledge the support of Imperial College London - TUM Partnership award.Population genetics is transitioning into a data-driven discipline thanks to the availability of large-scale genomic data and the need to study increasingly complex evolutionary scenarios. With likelihood and Bayesian approaches becoming either intractable or computationally unfeasible, machine learning, and in particular deep learning, algorithms are emerging as popular techniques for population genetic inferences. These approaches rely on algorithms that learn non-linear relationships between the input data and the model parameters being estimated through representation learning from training data sets. Deep learning algorithms currently employed in the field comprise discriminative and generative models with fully connected, con volutional, or recurrent layers. Additionally, a wide range of powerful simulators to generate training data under complex scenarios are now available. The application of deep learning to empirical data sets mostly replicates previous findings of demography reconstruction and signals of natural selection in model organisms. To showcase the feasibility of deep learning to tackle new challenges, we designed a branched architecture to detect signals of recent balancing selection from temporal haplotypic data, which exhibited good predictive performance on simulated data. Investigations on the interpretability of neural networks, their robustness to uncertain training data, and creative representation of population genetic data, will provide further opportunities for technological advancements in the field.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Distributional logic programming for Bayesian knowledge representation

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    We present a formalism for combining logic programming and its flavour of nondeterminism with probabilistic reasoning. In particular, we focus on representing prior knowledge for Bayesian inference. Distributional logic programming (Dlp), is considered in the context of a class of generative probabilistic languages. A characterisation based on probabilistic paths which can play a central role in clausal probabilistic reasoning is presented. We illustrate how the characterisation can be utilised to clarify derived distributions with regards to mixing the logical and probabilistic constituents of generative languages. We use this operational characterisation to define a class of programs that exhibit probabilistic determinism. We show how Dlp can be used to define generative priors over statistical model spaces. For example, a single program can generate all possible Bayesian networks having N nodes while at the same time it defines a prior that penalises networks with large families. Two classes of statistical models are considered: Bayesian networks and classification and regression trees. Finally we discuss: (1) a Metropolis–Hastings algorithm that can take advantage of the defined priors and the probabilistic choice points in the prior programs and (2) its application to real-world machine learning tasks

    Statistical methods for high-throughput genomic data

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    Feature selection and modelling methods for microarray data from acute coronary syndrome

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    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) represents a leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Providing better diagnostic solutions and developing therapeutic strategies customized to the individual patient represent societal and economical urgencies. Progressive improvement in diagnosis and treatment procedures require a thorough understanding of the underlying genetic mechanisms of the disease. Recent advances in microarray technologies together with the decreasing costs of the specialized equipment enabled affordable harvesting of time-course gene expression data. The high-dimensional data generated demands for computational tools able to extract the underlying biological knowledge. This thesis is concerned with developing new methods for analysing time-course gene expression data, focused on identifying differentially expressed genes, deconvolving heterogeneous gene expression measurements and inferring dynamic gene regulatory interactions. The main contributions include: a novel multi-stage feature selection method, a new deconvolution approach for estimating cell-type specific signatures and quantifying the contribution of each cell type to the variance of the gene expression patters, a novel approach to identify the cellular sources of differential gene expression, a new approach to model gene expression dynamics using sums of exponentials and a novel method to estimate stable linear dynamical systems from noisy and unequally spaced time series data. The performance of the proposed methods was demonstrated on a time-course dataset consisting of microarray gene expression levels collected from the blood samples of patients with ACS and associated blood count measurements. The results of the feature selection study are of significant biological relevance. For the first time is was reported high diagnostic performance of the ACS subtypes up to three months after hospital admission. The deconvolution study exposed features of within and between groups variation in expression measurements and identified potential cell type markers and cellular sources of differential gene expression. It was shown that the dynamics of post-admission gene expression data can be accurately modelled using sums of exponentials, suggesting that gene expression levels undergo a transient response to the ACS events before returning to equilibrium. The linear dynamical models capturing the gene regulatory interactions exhibit high predictive performance and can serve as platforms for system-level analysis, numerical simulations and intervention studies

    Statistical Methods in Integrative Genomics

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    Statistical methods in integrative genomics aim to answer important biology questions by jointly analyzing multiple types of genomic data (vertical integration) or aggregating the same type of data across multiple studies (horizontal integration). In this article, we introduce different types of genomic data and data resources, and then review statistical methods of integrative genomics, with emphasis on the motivation and rationale of these methods. We conclude with some summary points and future research directions
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