29 research outputs found

    Langevin simulation of RF Corona discharges for Space Hardware

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation In Space RF Hardware, held in Noordwijk on 2005The corona effect in space radio frequency (RF) hardware is an electric breakdown process at low neutral gas pressures originated by the progressive outgassing of the entire RF system. A small number of seeding electrons are accelerated by the RF electric field and their subsequent inelastic collisions with neutral atoms and ionizations produce the multiplication of charges in the gap between the conducting walls of the RF system. The simulation of the early stages of the corona effect is performed through the numerical integration of the individual trajectories of the electrons in a simplified model of a waveguide made of infinite parallel metallic walls. The electron dynamics is described by dimensionless Langevin equations, where the RF field is the deterministic driving force and an additional stochastic force term describes the interaction between the electrons and the neutral gas background. The charge multiplication process is caused by the electron impact ionization of the neutral atoms and the secondary electron emission at the walls of the waveguide. The physical properties of different materials for the walls of the waveguide are also taken into account. We present the basis of the model and the characteristics of the numerical integration scheme, as well as the physical conditions under which charge multiplication develops. The limitations of the proposed model, as well as the current limitations in the available experimental data, are also discussed

    Low-cost web-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system for a microgrid testbed: A case study in design and implementation for academic and research applications

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    [EN] This paper presents the design and implementation of a low-cost Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system based on a Web interface to be applied to a Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) microgrid. This development will provide a reliable and low-cost control and data acquisition systems for the Renewable Energy Laboratory a Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (LabDER-UPV) in Spain, oriented to the research on microgrid stability and energy generation. The developed low-cost SCADA operates on a microgrid that incorporates a photovoltaic array, a wind turbine, a biomass gasification plant and a battery bank as an energy storage system. Sensors and power meters for electrical parameters, such as voltage, current, frequency, power factor, power generation, and energy consumption, were processed digitally and integrated into Arduino-based devices. A master device on a Raspberry-PI board was set up to send all this information to a local database (DB), and a MySQL Web-DB linked to a Web SCADA interface, programmed in HTML5. The communications protocols include TCP/IP, I2C, SPI, and Serial communication; Arduino-based slave devices communicate with the master Raspberry-PI using NRF24L01 wireless radio frequency transceivers. Finally, a comparison between a standard SCADA against the developed Web-based SCADA system is carried out. The results of the operative tests and the cost comparison of the own-designed developed Web-SCADA system prove its reliability and low-cost, on average an 86% cheaper than a standard brandmark solution, for controlling, monitoring and data logging information, as well as for local and remote operation system when applied to the HRES microgrid testbed.Vargas Salgado, CA.; Águila-León, J.; Chiñas-Palacios, C.; Hurtado-Perez, E. (2019). Low-cost web-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system for a microgrid testbed: A case study in design and implementation for academic and research applications. Heliyon. 5(9):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02474S1115

    From discretization to regularization of composite discontinuous functions

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    Discontinuities between distinct regions, described by different equation sets, cause difficulties for PDE/ODE solvers. We present a new algorithm that eliminates integrator discontinuities through regularizing discontinuities. First, the algorithm determines the optimum switch point between two functions spanning adjacent or overlapping domains. The optimum switch point is determined by searching for a “jump point” that minimizes a discontinuity between adjacent/overlapping functions. Then, discontinuity is resolved using an interpolating polynomial that joins the two discontinuous functions. This approach eliminates the need for conventional integrators to either discretize and then link discontinuities through generating interpolating polynomials based on state variables or to reinitialize state variables when discontinuities are detected in an ODE/DAE system. In contrast to conventional approaches that handle discontinuities at the state variable level only, the new approach tackles discontinuity at both state variable and the constitutive equations level. Thus, this approach eliminates errors associated with interpolating polynomials generated at a state variable level for discontinuities occurring in the constitutive equations. Computer memory space requirements for this approach exponentially increase with the dimension of the discontinuous function hence there will be limitations for functions with relatively high dimensions. Memory availability continues to increase with price decreasing so this is not expected to be a major limitation

    Exploration of trade-offs between steady-state and dynamic properties in signaling cycles

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    In the intracellular signaling networks that regulate important cell processes, the base pattern comprises the cycle of reversible phosphorylation of a protein, catalyzed by kinases and opposing phosphatases. Mathematical modeling and analysis have been used for gaining a better understanding of their functions and to capture the rules governing system behavior. Since biochemical parameters in signaling pathways are not easily accessible experimentally, it is necessary to explore possibilities for both steady-state and dynamic responses in these systems. While a number of studies have focused on analyzing these properties separately, it is necessary to take into account both of these responses simultaneously in order to be able to interpret a broader range of phenotypes. This paper investigates the trade-offs between optimal characteristics of both steady-state and dynamic responses. Following an inverse sensitivity analysis approach, we use systematic optimization methods to find the biochemical and biophysical parameters that simultaneously achieve optimal steady-state and dynamic performance. Remarkably, we find that even a single covalent modification cycle can simultaneously and robustly achieve high ultrasensitivity, high amplification and rapid signal transduction. We also find that the response rise and decay times can be modulated independently by varying the activating- and deactivating-enzyme-to-interconvertible-protein ratios

    Quantized event-driven simulation for integrated energy systems with hybrid continuous-discrete dynamics

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    Effective simulation methods are becoming critically essential for the analysis of integrated energy systems (IESs) to reveal the interactions of multiple energy carriers. The incorporation of various energy technologies and numerous controllers make the IES a heterogeneous system, which poses new challenges to simulation methods. This paper focuses on the simulation of an IES with hybrid continuous-discrete properties and heterogeneous characteristics. First, a modified third-order quantized state system (MQSS3) method is proposed for the simulation of district heating systems (DHSs), in which quantized state system (QSS) and time-discretized integration are integrated to efficiently manage numerous discrete control actions. Second, an event-driven framework is established to integrate MQSS3 into the simulation of the electricity-heat integrated energy system (EH-IES). This framework enables the adoption of the most suitable models and algorithms for different systems to accommodate the heterogeneous properties of an IES. Case studies of an EH-IES with maximum 80% PV penetration and 210 buildings demonstrate that the dynamic interactions between the DHS and the power distribution network are accurately illustrated by the proposed simulation methods, in which MQSS3 indicates the highest simulation efficiency. It is also demonstrated in the simulation results that the flexibility from DHS can be utilized as demand-side resource to support the operation of power distribution network in aspects such as consuming the surplus PV generations

    On power system automation: a Digital Twin-centric framework for the next generation of energy management systems

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    The ubiquitous digital transformation also influences power system operation. Emerging real-time applications in information (IT) and operational technology (OT) provide new opportunities to address the increasingly demanding power system operation imposed by the progressing energy transition. This IT/OT convergence is epitomised by the novel Digital Twin (DT) concept. By integrating sensor data into analytical models and aligning the model states with the observed system, a power system DT can be created. As a result, a validated high-fidelity model is derived, which can be applied within the next generation of energy management systems (EMS) to support power system operation. By providing a consistent and maintainable data model, the modular DT-centric EMS proposed in this work addresses several key requirements of modern EMS architectures. It increases the situation awareness in the control room, enables the implementation of model maintenance routines, and facilitates automation approaches, while raising the confidence into operational decisions deduced from the validated model. This gain in trust contributes to the digital transformation and enables a higher degree of power system automation. By considering operational planning and power system operation processes, a direct link to practice is ensured. The feasibility of the concept is examined by numerical case studies.The electrical power system is in the process of an extensive transformation. Driven by the energy transition towards renewable energy resources, many conventional power plants in Germany have already been decommissioned or will be decommissioned within the next decade. Among other things, these changes lead to an increased utilisation of power transmission equipment, and an increasing number of complex dynamic phenomena. The resulting system operation closer to physical boundaries leads to an increased susceptibility to disturbances, and to a reduced time span to react to critical contingencies and perturbations. In consequence, the task to operate the power system will become increasingly demanding. As some reactions to disturbances may be required within timeframes that exceed human capabilities, these developments are intrinsic drivers to enable a higher degree of automation in power system operation. This thesis proposes a framework to create a modular Digital Twin-centric energy management system. It enables the provision of validated and trustworthy models built from knowledge about the power system derived from physical laws, and process data. As the interaction of information and operational technologies is combined in the concept of the Digital Twin, it can serve as a framework for future energy management systems including novel applications for power system monitoring and control, which consider power system dynamics. To provide a validated high-fidelity dynamic power system model, time-synchronised phasor measurements of high-resolution are applied for validation and parameter estimation. This increases the trust into the underlying power system model as well as the confidence into operational decisions derived from advanced analytic applications such as online dynamic security assessment. By providing an appropriate, consistent, and maintainable data model, the framework addresses several key requirements of modern energy management system architectures, while enabling the implementation of advanced automation routines and control approaches. Future energy management systems can provide an increased observability based on the proposed architecture, whereby the situational awareness of human operators in the control room can be improved. In further development stages, cognitive systems can be applied that are able to learn from the data provided, e.g., machine learning based analytical functions. Thus, the framework enables a higher degree of power system automation, as well as the deployment of assistance and decision support functions for power system operation pointing towards a higher degree of automation in power system operation. The framework represents a contribution to the digital transformation of power system operation and facilitates a successful energy transition. The feasibility of the concept is examined by case studies in form of numerical simulations to provide a proof of concept.Das elektrische Energiesystem befindet sich in einem umfangreichen Transformations-prozess. Durch die voranschreitende Energiewende und den zunehmenden Einsatz erneuerbarer Energieträger sind in Deutschland viele konventionelle Kraftwerke bereits stillgelegt worden oder werden in den nächsten Jahren stillgelegt. Diese Veränderungen führen unter anderem zu einer erhöhten Betriebsmittelauslastung sowie zu einer verringerten Systemträgheit und somit zu einer zunehmenden Anzahl komplexer dynamischer Phänomene im elektrischen Energiesystem. Der Betrieb des Systems näher an den physikalischen Grenzen führt des Weiteren zu einer erhöhten Störanfälligkeit und zu einer verkürzten Zeitspanne, um auf kritische Ereignisse und Störungen zu reagieren. Infolgedessen wird die Aufgabe, das Stromnetz zu betreiben anspruchsvoller. Insbesondere dort wo Reaktionszeiten erforderlich sind, welche die menschlichen Fähigkeiten übersteigen sind die zuvor genannten Veränderungen intrinsische Treiber hin zu einem höheren Automatisierungsgrad in der Netzbetriebs- und Systemführung. Aufkommende Echtzeitanwendungen in den Informations- und Betriebstechnologien und eine zunehmende Menge an hochauflösenden Sensordaten ermöglichen neue Ansätze für den Entwurf und den Betrieb von cyber-physikalischen Systemen. Ein vielversprechender Ansatz, der in jüngster Zeit in diesem Zusammenhang diskutiert wurde, ist das Konzept des so genannten Digitalen Zwillings. Da das Zusammenspiel von Informations- und Betriebstechnologien im Konzept des Digitalen Zwillings vereint wird, kann es als Grundlage für eine zukünftige Leitsystemarchitektur und neuartige Anwendungen der Leittechnik herangezogen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Framework entwickelt, welches einen Digitalen Zwilling in einer neuartigen modularen Leitsystemarchitektur für die Aufgabe der Überwachung und Steuerung zukünftiger Energiesysteme zweckdienlich einsetzbar macht. In Ergänzung zu den bereits vorhandenen Funktionen moderner Netzführungssysteme unterstützt das Konzept die Abbildung der Netzdynamik auf Basis eines dynamischen Netzmodells. Um eine realitätsgetreue Abbildung der Netzdynamik zu ermöglichen, werden zeitsynchrone Raumzeigermessungen für die Modellvalidierung und Modellparameterschätzung herangezogen. Dies erhöht die Aussagekraft von Sicherheitsanalysen, sowie das Vertrauen in die Modelle mit denen operative Entscheidungen generiert werden. Durch die Bereitstellung eines validierten, konsistenten und wartbaren Datenmodells auf der Grundlage von physikalischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten und während des Betriebs gewonnener Prozessdaten, adressiert der vorgestellte Architekturentwurf mehrere Schlüsselan-forderungen an moderne Netzleitsysteme. So ermöglicht das Framework einen höheren Automatisierungsgrad des Stromnetzbetriebs sowie den Einsatz von Entscheidungs-unterstützungsfunktionen bis hin zu vertrauenswürdigen Assistenzsystemen auf Basis kognitiver Systeme. Diese Funktionen können die Betriebssicherheit erhöhen und stellen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation des Stromnetzbetriebs, sowie zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung der Energiewende dar. Das vorgestellte Konzept wird auf der Grundlage numerischer Simulationen untersucht, wobei die grundsätzliche Machbarkeit anhand von Fallstudien nachgewiesen wird

    Sensitivity analysis of oscillating hybrid systems

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computation for Design and Optimization Program, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-140).Many models of physical systems oscillate periodically and exhibit both discrete-state and continuous-state dynamics. These systems are called oscillating hybrid systems and find applications in diverse areas of science and engineering, including robotics, power systems, systems biology, and so on. A useful tool that can provide valuable insights into the influence of parameters on the dynamic behavior of such systems is sensitivity analysis. A theory for sensitivity analysis with respect to the initial conditions and/or parameters of oscillating hybrid systems is developed and discussed. Boundary-value formulations are presented for initial conditions, period, period sensitivity and initial conditions for the sensitivities. A difference equation analysis of general homogeneous equations and parametric sensitivity equations with linear periodic piecewise continuous coefficients is presented. It is noted that the monodromy matrix for these systems is not a fundamental matrix evaluated after one period, but depends on one. A three part decomposition of the sensitivities is presented based on the analysis. These three parts classify the influence of the parameters on the period, amplitude and relative phase of the limit-cycles of hybrid systems, respectively. The theory developed is then applied to the computation of sensitivity information for some examples of oscillating hybrid systems using existing numerical techniques and methods. The relevant information given by the sensitivity trajectory and its parts can be used in algorithms for different applications such as parameter estimation, control system design, stability analysis and dynamic optimization.by Vibhu Prakash Saxena.S.M