8 research outputs found

    Standard automata and semidirect products of transformation semigroups

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    AbstractWe propose a decomposition of transformation semigroups (X, S) on a finite set X that provides 1.a composition of its elements out of idempotents/generators,2.a way by which S is obtained from semilattices/cyclic groups acting on X, namely by means of bilateral semidirect products and quotients. The point is to provide both (a) and (b) simultaneously while still being accountable for the resources used in terms of cardinalities. This approach is applied to the semigroup End(X, ⩽) of isotonic mappings of a linearly ordered set as well as the transition semigroups of automata that arise from certain varieties of formal languages. We discuss the semigroup varieties D, R, J, LJ1, and give a bilateral semidirect decomposition of the full transformation semigroup T(X) into End (X, ⩽) and the symmetric group on X

    Author index volume 108 (1993)

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    The cardinal of various monoids of transformations that preserve a uniform partition

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    Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences SocietyIn this paper we give formulas for the number of elements of the monoids OR mxn of all full transformations on a nite chain with mn elements that preserve a uniform m-partition and preserve or reverse the orientation and for its submonoids OD mxn of all order-preserving or order-reversing elements, OP mxn of all orientation- preserving elements, O mxn of all order-preserving elements, O+ mxn of all extensive order-preserving elements and O- mxn of all co-extensive order-preserving elements

    On the monoids of transformations that preserve the order and a uniform partition

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    Communications in AlgebraIn this paper we consider the monoid O mxn of all order-preserving full transformations on a chain with mn elements that preserve a uniform m-partition and its submonoids O+ mxn and O− mxn of all extensive transformations and of all co-extensive transformations, respectively. We give formulas for the number of elements of these monoids and determine their ranks. Moreover, we construct a bilateral semidirect product decomposition of Omxn in terms of O− mxn and O+ mxn

    Decomposition of semigroups into semidirect and Zappa-Sz\'{e}p products

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    This thesis focuses on semidirect and Zappa-Sz\'{e}p products in the context of semigroups and monoids. We present a survey of direct, semidirect and Zappa-Sz\'{e}p products and discuss correspondence between external and internal versions of these products for semigroups and monoids. Particular attention in this thesis is paid to a wide class of semigroups known as restriction semigroups. We consider Zappa-Sz\'{e}p product of a left restriction semigroup SS with semilattice of projections EE and determine algebraic properties of it. We prove that analogues of Green's lemmas and Green's theorem hold for certain semigroups where Green's relations \ar,\el,\eh and \dee are replaced by \art_E,\elt_E, \eht_E and \adt_E. We show that if \eht_E is a congruence on a certain semigroup SS, then any right congruence on the submonoid \wt H^e_E (the \eht_E-class of ee), where eEe\in E, can be extended to a congruence on SS. We introduce the idea of an {\em inverse skeleton} UU of a semigroup SS and examine some conditions under which we obtain skeletons from monoids. We focus on a result of Kunze \cite{kunze:1983} for the Bruck-Reilly extension \mbox{BR}(M,\theta) of a monoid MM, showing that \mbox{BR}(M,\theta) is a Zappa-Sz\'{e}p product of N0\N^0 under addition and a semidirect product MN0M\rtimes \N^0. We put Kunze's result in more general framework and give an analogous result for certain restriction monoids. We consider the {\it λ\lambda-semidirect product} of two left restriction semigroups and prove that it is left restriction. In the two sided case using the notion of double action we prove that the λ\lambda-semidirect product of two restriction semigroups is restriction. introduce the notion of (A,T)(A,T)-propernessto prove the results analogous to McAlister's covering theorem and O'Carroll's embedding theorem for monoids and left restriction monoids under some conditions. We extend the notion of the λ\lambda-semidirect product of two restriction semigroups SS and TT to develop λ\lambda-Zappa-Sz\'{e}p products and construct a category. In the special case where SS is a semilattice and TT is a monoid we order our category to become inductive and thus obtain a restriction semigroup via the use of the standard pseudo-product

    Monóides de transformações

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em MatemáticaNa Teoria dos Semigrupos é extremamente importante o papel dos semigrupos de transformações. De facto, estes desempenham o papel, na Teoria dos Semigrupos, correspondente ao dos grupos de permutações, na Teoria dos Grupos. Estão ainda presentes de modo crucial na Teoria dos Autómatos e Linguagens Formais, tendo assim aplicabilidade na Computação Teórica e na Linguística, bem como em muitas outras áreas do conhecimento. As cardinalidades e as características de diversas classes de semigrupos de transformações(totais, parciais, parciais injectivas, que preservam a ordem, a orientação ou uma relação de equivalência) têm sido objecto de pesquisa de um número considerável de autores. Na primeira parte desta dissertação apresentamos a nossa contribuição para este estudo calculando as cardinalidades e as características de alguns monóides de transformações sobre uma cadeia nita que preservam uma participação uniforme. A segunda parte deste trabalho é dedicada a uma construção de semigrupos, o produto semidirecto bilateral, introduzida para grupos por Zappa e estudada para semigrupos por Kunze. Usando várias estratégias, decompomos certos monóides de transformações como quocientes de um produto semidirecto bilateral de dois dos seus submonóides. Um dos procedimentos que utilizamos resulta de um processo geral para obter produtos semidirectos bilaterais, o qual consiste na construção de um produto semidirecto bilateral de dois monóides livres que, sob determinadas condições, induz um produto semidirecto bilateral de dois monóides de nidos por apresentações associadas a esses monóides livres. Como aplicação, deduzimos decomposições de alguns monóides de transformações sobre uma cadeia nita, entre os quais salientamos o monóide das transformações crescentes. Os resultados obtidos têm aplicabilidade imediata às pseudovariedades geradas pelos monóides em questão permitindo-nos em particular concluir que a pseudovariedade O, gerada pela família dos monóides de transformações totais e crescentes sobre uma cadeia com n elementos, está propriamente contida no produto semidirecto bilateral da pseudovariedade J, dos monóides J -triviais, por ela própria.Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa - projectos PTDC/MAT/69514/2006 e ISFL-1-14