251 research outputs found

    Neural Generalized Predictive Control: A Newton-Raphson Implementation

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    An efficient implementation of Generalized Predictive Control using a multi-layer feedforward neural network as the plant's nonlinear model is presented. In using Newton-Raphson as the optimization algorithm, the number of iterations needed for convergence is significantly reduced from other techniques. The main cost of the Newton-Raphson algorithm is in the calculation of the Hessian, but even with this overhead the low iteration numbers make Newton-Raphson faster than other techniques and a viable algorithm for real-time control. This paper presents a detailed derivation of the Neural Generalized Predictive Control algorithm with Newton-Raphson as the minimization algorithm. Simulation results show convergence to a good solution within two iterations and timing data show that real-time control is possible. Comments about the algorithm's implementation are also included

    Gain-scheduling multivariable LPV control of an irrigation canal system

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a multivariable linear parameter varying (LPV) controller with a gain scheduling Smith Predictor (SP) scheme applicable to open-flow canal systems. This LPV controller based on SP is designed taking into account the uncertainty in the estimation of delay and the variation of plant parameters according to the operating point. This new methodology can be applied to a class of delay systems that can be represented by a set of models that can be factorized into a rational multivariable model in series with left/right diagonal (multiple) delays, such as, the case of irrigation canals. A multiple pool canal system is used to test and validate the proposed control approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Nonlinear stability and control study of highly maneuverable high performance aircraft

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    This project is intended to research and develop new nonlinear methodologies for the control and stability analysis of high-performance, high angle-of-attack aircraft such as HARV (F18). Past research (reported in our Phase 1, 2, and 3 progress reports) is summarized and more details of final Phase 3 research is provided. While research emphasis is on nonlinear control, other tasks such as associated model development, system identification, stability analysis, and simulation are performed in some detail as well. An overview of various models that were investigated for different purposes such as an approximate model reference for control adaptation, as well as another model for accurate rigid-body longitudinal motion is provided. Only a very cursory analysis was made relative to type 8 (flexible body dynamics). Standard nonlinear longitudinal airframe dynamics (type 7) with the available modified F18 stability derivatives, thrust vectoring, actuator dynamics, and control constraints are utilized for simulated flight evaluation of derived controller performance in all cases studied

    Dynamic operability assessment : a mathematical programming approach based on Q-parametrization

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    Bibliography: pages 197-208.The ability of a process plant to guarantee high product quality, in terms of low variability, is emerging as a defining feature when distinguishing between alternative suppliers. The extent to which this can be achieved is termed a plant's dynamic operability and is a function of both the plant design and the control system design. In the limit, however, the closedloop performance is determined by the properties inherent in the plant. This realization of the interrelationship between a plant design and its achievable closed-loop performance has motivated research toward systematic techniques for screening inherently inferior designs. Pioneering research in the early 1980's identified right-half-plane transmission zeros, time delays, input constraints and model uncertainty as factors that limit the achievable closedloop performance of a process. Quantifying the performance-limiting effect of combinations of these factors has proven to be a challenging problem, as reflected in the literature. It is the aim of this thesis to develop a systematic procedure for dynamic operability assessment in the presence of combinations of performance-limiting factors. The approach adopted in this thesis is based on the Q-parametrization of stabilizing linear feedback controllers and involves posing dynamic operability assessment as a mathematical programming problet? In the proposed formulation, a convex objective function, reflecting a measure of closed-loop performance, is optimized over all stable Q, subject. to a set of constraints on the closed-loop behavior, which for many specifications of interest is convex. A discrete-time formulation is chosen so as to allow for the convenient hand.ling of time delays and time-domain constraints. An important feature of the approach is that, due to the convexity, global optimality is guaranteed. Furthermore, the fact that Q parametrizes all stabilizing linear feedback controllers implies that the performance at the optimum represents the best possible performance for any such controller. The results are thus not biased by controller type or tuning, apart from the requirement that the controller be linear

    Automatic Flight Control Systems

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    The history of flight control is inseparably linked to the history of aviation itself. Since the early days, the concept of automatic flight control systems has evolved from mechanical control systems to highly advanced automatic fly-by-wire flight control systems which can be found nowadays in military jets and civil airliners. Even today, many research efforts are made for the further development of these flight control systems in various aspects. Recent new developments in this field focus on a wealth of different aspects. This book focuses on a selection of key research areas, such as inertial navigation, control of unmanned aircraft and helicopters, trajectory control of an unmanned space re-entry vehicle, aeroservoelastic control, adaptive flight control, and fault tolerant flight control. This book consists of two major sections. The first section focuses on a literature review and some recent theoretical developments in flight control systems. The second section discusses some concepts of adaptive and fault-tolerant flight control systems. Each technique discussed in this book is illustrated by a relevant example

    Modeling, control and simulation of control-affine nonlinear systems with state-dependent transfer functions

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    There has been no known research that applies nonlinear transfer function to a nonlinear control problem. The belief is that nonlinear systems have no transfer functions. The Laplace transformation required to define transfer functions is not tractable mathematically when the coefficients of the differential equation are functions of state, output and control variables. In other words, it is not defined for systems that do not obey principles of superposition. Only linear systems obey this principle. Therefore, this dissertation work represents the very first research to demonstrate how transfer functions can be used to represent and design feedback control for nonlinear systems. Real systems are inherently nonlinear. A few important examples include an aerospace vehicle whose mass parameter is variable because of fuel consumption, artificial pancreas and HIV drug delivery systems in the bio-medical field, robot arm and magnetic levitation systems in the mechanical engineering field and phase-locked-loop in the electrical engineering field. The subject of nonlinear system control, however, is more of an art than science. There is no unified framework for analysis and design. Success of a design usually depends on a designer’s experience. All the theory and design tools available, e.g., the whole subject of linear algebra, are based on systems described with linear models, which obey the principle of superposition. Control system design by linearization, which is based on approximated linear time invariant (LTI) system design model, is the closest to a general design framework available for nonlinear systems. The most important problem in a control system designed by linearization is the problem of design model parameter variation during its operation. Obviously, this problem is the result of assuming a constant parameter or LTI design model for a real system that is actually nonlinear or has variable parameter model. In other words, a real system does not have constant parameters as approximated by its LTI design model. This problem is important enough to have specific design methods such as robust control and Horowitz quantitative feedback theory developed to address it. As the system is operated further and further out of the approximate linear range this problem gets worst. Furthermore, the controller based on design by linearization is not a tracking controller. It is a regulator that usually cannot track a varying reference input. Investigated in the research presented in this dissertation is a nonlinear transfer function-based control method, i.e., one based on a model represented with varying parameters therefore a natural solution to the model parameter variation problem of design by linearization. The class of applicable nonlinear and time-varying systems are those that are affine in their control input such that they can be described by the central concept of this scheme, a state-dependent transfer function (SDTF). The introduction of this concept of nonlinear transfer function design model and the feedback control scheme based on it are the contributions of the research presented in this dissertation

    Decentralized control of uncertain interconnected time-delay systems

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    In this thesis, novel stability analysis and control synthesis methodologies are proposed for uncertain interconnected time-delay systems. It is known that numerous real-world systems such as multi-vehicle flight formation, automated highway systems, communication networks and power systems can be modeled as the interconnection of a number of subsystems. Due to the complex and distributed structure of this type of systems, they are subject to propagation and processing delays, which cannot be ignored in the modeling process. On the other hand, in a practical environment the parameters of the system are not known exactly, and usually the nominal model is used for controller design. It is important, however, to ensure that robust stability and performance are achieved, that is, the overall closed-loop system remains stable and performs satisfactorily in the presence of uncertainty. To address the underlying problem, the notion of decentralized fixed modes is extended to the class of linear time-invariant (LTI) time-delay systems, and a necessary and sufficient condition is proposed for stabilizability of this type of systems by means of a finite-dimensional decentralized LTI output feedback controller. A near-optimal decentralized servomechanism control design method and a cooperative predictive control scheme are then presented for uncertain LTI hierarchical interconnected systems. A H {592} decentralized overlapping control design technique is provided consequently which guarantees closed-loop stability and disturbance attenuation in the presence of delay. In particular, for the case of highly uncertain time-delay systems, an adaptive switching control methodology is proposed to achieve output tracking and disturbance rejection. Simulation results are provided throughout the thesis to support the theoretical finding

    Основи схемотехніки електронних систем

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    Basics of circuitry are stated, principles of operation are considered, it is given calculations of analog, digital and pulse devices of electronic systems, based on semiconductor devices, integrated operational amplifiers and integrated logic circuits of TTL, MOS, CMOS types, construction principles of systems of control by electronics devices based on microprocessors and microcontrollers. For students of institutions of higher education. It can be useful for specialists on electronic engineering, specializing in the area of development, fabrication and maintenance of electronic systems and devices

    Information theoretic aspects of the control and the mode estimation of stochastic systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 131-137).(cont.) parallel with a communication paradigm and deriving an analysis of performance. In our approach, the switching system is viewed as an encoder of the mode, which is interpreted as the message, while a probing signal establishes a random code. Using a distortion function, we define an uncertainty ball where the estimates are guaranteed to lie with probability arbitrarily close to 1. The radius of the uncertainty ball is directly related to the entropy rate of the switching process.In this thesis, we investigate three problems: the first broaches the control under information constraints in the presence of uncertainty; in the second we derive a new fundamental limitation of performance in the presence of finite capacity feedback; while the third studies the estimation of Hidden Markov Models. Problem 1: We study the stabilizability of uncertain stochastic systems in the presence of finite capacity feedback. We consider a stochastic digital link that sends words whose size is governed by a random process. Such link is used to transmit state measurements between the plant and the controller. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for internal and external stabilizability of the feedback loop. In addition, stability in the presence of uncertainty in the plant is analyzed using a small-gain argument. Problem 2: We address a fundamental limitation of performance for feedback systems, in the presence of a communication channel. The feedback loop comprises a discrete-time, linear and time-invariant plant, a channel, an encoder and a decoder which may also embody a controller. We derive an inequality of the form L ̲>[or equal to] [epsilon]max ... - C[channel] where L ̲is a measure of disturbance rejection, A is the open loop dynamic matrix and Cchannel is the Shannon capacity of the channel. Our measure L ̲is non-negative and smaller L ̲indicates better rejection (attenuation), while L ̲= 0 signifies no rejection. Additionally, we prove that, under a stationarity assumption, L ̲admits a log-sensitivity integral representation. Problem 3: We tackle the problem of mode estimation in switching systems. From the theoretical point of view, our contribution is twofold: creating a framework that has a clearby Numo Miguel Lara Cintra Martins.Ph.D

    Design and Implementation of Control Techniques of Power Electronic Interfaces for Photovoltaic Power Systems

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    The aim of this thesis is to scrutinize and develop four state-of-the-art power electronics converter control techniques utilized in various photovoltaic (PV) power conversion schemes accounting for maximum power extraction and efficiency. First, Cascade Proportional and Integral (PI) Controller-Based Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) of a DC-DC boost converter has been designed and investigated. Non-minimum phase behaviour of the boost converter due to right half plane zero constitutes a challenge and its non-linear dynamics complicate the control process while operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM). The proposed control scheme efficiently resolved complications and challenges by using features of cascade PI control loop in combination with properties of MRAC. The accuracy of the proposed control system’s ability to track the desired signals and regulate the plant process variables in the most beneficial and optimised way without delay and overshoot is verified. The experimental results and analysis reveal that the proposed control strategy enhanced the tracking speed two times with considerably improved disturbance rejection. Second, (P)roportional Gain (R)esonant and Gain Scheduled (P)roportional (PR-P) Controller has been designed and investigated. The aim of this controller is to create a variable perturbation size real-time adaptive perturb and observe (P&O) maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm. The proposed control scheme resolved the drawbacks of conventional P&O MPPT method associated with the use of constant perturbation size that leads to a poor transient response and high continuous steady-state oscillations. The prime objective of using the PR-P controller is to utilize inherited properties of the signal produced by the controller’s resonant path and integrate it to update best estimated perturbation that represents the working principle of extremum seeking control (ESC) to use in a P&O algorithm that characterizes the overall system learning-based real time adaptive (RTA). Additionally, utilization of internal dynamics of the PR-P controller overcome the challenges namely, complexity, computational burden, implantation cost and slow tracking performance in association with commonly used soft computing intelligent systems and adaptive control strategies. The experimental results and analysis reveal that the proposed control strategy enhanced the tracking speed five times with reduced steady-state oscillations around maximum power point (MPP) and more than 99% energy extracting efficiency.Third, the interleaved buck converter based photovoltaic (PV) emulator current control has been investigated. A proportional-resonant-proportional (PR-P) controller is designed to resolve the drawbacks of conventional PI controllers in terms of phase management which means balancing currents evenly between active phases to avoid thermally stressing and provide optimal ripple cancellation in the presence of parameter uncertainties. The proposed controller shows superior performance in terms of 10 times faster-converging transient response, zero steady-state error with significant reduction in current ripple. Equal load sharing that constitutes the primary concern in multi-phase converters has been achieved with the proposed controller. Implementing of robust control theory involving comprehensive time and frequency domain analysis reveals 13% improvement in the robust stability margin and 12-degree bigger phase toleration with the PR-P controller. Fourth, a symmetrical pole placement Method-based Unity Proportional Gain Resonant and Gain Scheduled Proportional (PR-P) Controller has been designed and investigated. The proposed PR-P controller resolved the issues associated with the use of the PI controller which are tracking repeating control input signal with zero steady-state and mitigating the 3rd order harmonic component injected into the grid for single-phase PV systems. Additionally, the PR-P controller has overcome the drawbacks of frequency detuning in the grid and increase in the magnitude of odd number harmonics in the system that constitute the common concerns in the implementation of conventional PR controller. Moreover, the unprecedented design process based on changing notch filter dynamics with symmetrical pole placement around resonant frequency overcomes the limitations that are essentially complexity and dependency on the precisely modelled system. The verification and validation process of the proposed control schemes has been conducted using MATLAB/Simulink and implementing MATLAB/Simulink/State flow on dSPACE Real-time-interface (RTI) 1007 processor, DS2004 High-Speed A/D and CP4002 Timing and Digital I/O boards