262 research outputs found

    Deteção de propagação de ameaças e exfiltração de dados em redes empresariais

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    Modern corporations face nowadays multiple threats within their networks. In an era where companies are tightly dependent on information, these threats can seriously compromise the safety and integrity of sensitive data. Unauthorized access and illicit programs comprise a way of penetrating the corporate networks, able to traversing and propagating to other terminals across the private network, in search of confidential data and business secrets. The efficiency of traditional security defenses are being questioned with the number of data breaches occurred nowadays, being essential the development of new active monitoring systems with artificial intelligence capable to achieve almost perfect detection in very short time frames. However, network monitoring and storage of network activity records are restricted and limited by legal laws and privacy strategies, like encryption, aiming to protect the confidentiality of private parties. This dissertation proposes methodologies to infer behavior patterns and disclose anomalies from network traffic analysis, detecting slight variations compared with the normal profile. Bounded by network OSI layers 1 to 4, raw data are modeled in features, representing network observations, and posteriorly, processed by machine learning algorithms to classify network activity. Assuming the inevitability of a network terminal to be compromised, this work comprises two scenarios: a self-spreading force that propagates over internal network and a data exfiltration charge which dispatch confidential info to the public network. Although features and modeling processes have been tested for these two cases, it is a generic operation that can be used in more complex scenarios as well as in different domains. The last chapter describes the proof of concept scenario and how data was generated, along with some evaluation metrics to perceive the model’s performance. The tests manifested promising results, ranging from 96% to 99% for the propagation case and 86% to 97% regarding data exfiltration.Nos dias de hoje, várias organizações enfrentam múltiplas ameaças no interior da sua rede. Numa época onde as empresas dependem cada vez mais da informação, estas ameaças podem compremeter seriamente a segurança e a integridade de dados confidenciais. O acesso não autorizado e o uso de programas ilícitos constituem uma forma de penetrar e ultrapassar as barreiras organizacionais, sendo capazes de propagarem-se para outros terminais presentes no interior da rede privada com o intuito de atingir dados confidenciais e segredos comerciais. A eficiência da segurança oferecida pelos sistemas de defesa tradicionais está a ser posta em causa devido ao elevado número de ataques de divulgação de dados sofridos pelas empresas. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de monitorização ativos usando inteligência artificial é crucial na medida de atingir uma deteção mais precisa em curtos períodos de tempo. No entanto, a monitorização e o armazenamento dos registos da atividade da rede são restritos e limitados por questões legais e estratégias de privacidade, como a cifra dos dados, visando proteger a confidencialidade das entidades. Esta dissertação propõe metodologias para inferir padrões de comportamento e revelar anomalias através da análise de tráfego que passa na rede, detetando pequenas variações em comparação com o perfil normal de atividade. Delimitado pelas camadas de rede OSI 1 a 4, os dados em bruto são modelados em features, representando observações de rede e, posteriormente, processados por algoritmos de machine learning para classificar a atividade de rede. Assumindo a inevitabilidade de um terminal ser comprometido, este trabalho compreende dois cenários: um ataque que se auto-propaga sobre a rede interna e uma tentativa de exfiltração de dados que envia informações para a rede pública. Embora os processos de criação de features e de modelação tenham sido testados para estes dois casos, é uma operação genérica que pode ser utilizada em cenários mais complexos, bem como em domínios diferentes. O último capítulo inclui uma prova de conceito e descreve o método de criação dos dados, com a utilização de algumas métricas de avaliação de forma a espelhar a performance do modelo. Os testes mostraram resultados promissores, variando entre 96% e 99% para o caso da propagação e entre 86% e 97% relativamente ao roubo de dados.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Big Data Analytics for Complex Systems

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    The evolution of technology in all fields led to the generation of vast amounts of data by modern systems. Using data to extract information, make predictions, and make decisions is the current trend in artificial intelligence. The advancement of big data analytics tools made accessing and storing data easier and faster than ever, and machine learning algorithms help to identify patterns in and extract information from data. The current tools and machines in health, computer technologies, and manufacturing can generate massive raw data about their products or samples. The author of this work proposes a modern integrative system that can utilize big data analytics, machine learning, super-computer resources, and industrial health machines’ measurements to build a smart system that can mimic the human intelligence skills of observations, detection, prediction, and decision-making. The applications of the proposed smart systems are included as case studies to highlight the contributions of each system. The first contribution is the ability to utilize big data revolutionary and deep learning technologies on production lines to diagnose incidents and take proper action. In the current digital transformational industrial era, Industry 4.0 has been receiving researcher attention because it can be used to automate production-line decisions. Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMS) have been widely used to reduce the setup cost of restructuring production lines. However, the current RMS modules are not linked to the cloud for online decision-making to take the proper decision; these modules must connect to an online server (super-computer) that has big data analytics and machine learning capabilities. The online means that data is centralized on cloud (supercomputer) and accessible in real-time. In this study, deep neural networks are utilized to detect the decisive features of a product and build a prediction model in which the iFactory will make the necessary decision for the defective products. The Spark ecosystem is used to manage the access, processing, and storing of the big data streaming. This contribution is implemented as a closed cycle, which for the best of our knowledge, no one in the literature has introduced big data analysis using deep learning on real-time applications in the manufacturing system. The code shows a high accuracy of 97% for classifying the normal versus defective items. The second contribution, which is in Bioinformatics, is the ability to build supervised machine learning approaches based on the gene expression of patients to predict proper treatment for breast cancer. In the trial, to personalize treatment, the machine learns the genes that are active in the patient cohort with a five-year survival period. The initial condition here is that each group must only undergo one specific treatment. After learning about each group (or class), the machine can personalize the treatment of a new patient by diagnosing the patients’ gene expression. The proposed model will help in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The future work in this area involves building a protein-protein interaction network with the selected genes for each treatment to first analyze the motives of the genes and target them with the proper drug molecules. In the learning phase, a couple of feature-selection techniques and supervised standard classifiers are used to build the prediction model. Most of the nodes show a high-performance measurement where accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F-measure ranges around 100%. The third contribution is the ability to build semi-supervised learning for the breast cancer survival treatment that advances the second contribution. By understanding the relations between the classes, we can design the machine learning phase based on the similarities between classes. In the proposed research, the researcher used the Euclidean matrix distance among each survival treatment class to build the hierarchical learning model. The distance information that is learned through a non-supervised approach can help the prediction model to select the classes that are away from each other to maximize the distance between classes and gain wider class groups. The performance measurement of this approach shows a slight improvement from the second model. However, this model reduced the number of discriminative genes from 47 to 37. The model in the second contribution studies each class individually while this model focuses on the relationships between the classes and uses this information in the learning phase. Hierarchical clustering is completed to draw the borders between groups of classes before building the classification models. Several distance measurements are tested to identify the best linkages between classes. Most of the nodes show a high-performance measurement where accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F-measure ranges from 90% to 100%. All the case study models showed high-performance measurements in the prediction phase. These modern models can be replicated for different problems within different domains. The comprehensive models of the newer technologies are reconfigurable and modular; any newer learning phase can be plugged-in at both ends of the learning phase. Therefore, the output of the system can be an input for another learning system, and a newer feature can be added to the input to be considered for the learning phase

    Security techniques for sensor systems and the Internet of Things

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    Sensor systems are becoming pervasive in many domains, and are recently being generalized by the Internet of Things (IoT). This wide deployment, however, presents significant security issues. We develop security techniques for sensor systems and IoT, addressing all security management phases. Prior to deployment, the nodes need to be hardened. We develop nesCheck, a novel approach that combines static analysis and dynamic checking to efficiently enforce memory safety on TinyOS applications. As security guarantees come at a cost, determining which resources to protect becomes important. Our solution, OptAll, leverages game-theoretic techniques to determine the optimal allocation of security resources in IoT networks, taking into account fixed and variable costs, criticality of different portions of the network, and risk metrics related to a specified security goal. Monitoring IoT devices and sensors during operation is necessary to detect incidents. We design Kalis, a knowledge-driven intrusion detection technique for IoT that does not target a single protocol or application, and adapts the detection strategy to the network features. As the scale of IoT makes the devices good targets for botnets, we design Heimdall, a whitelist-based anomaly detection technique for detecting and protecting against IoT-based denial of service attacks. Once our monitoring tools detect an attack, determining its actual cause is crucial to an effective reaction. We design a fine-grained analysis tool for sensor networks that leverages resident packet parameters to determine whether a packet loss attack is node- or link-related and, in the second case, locate the attack source. Moreover, we design a statistical model for determining optimal system thresholds by exploiting packet parameters variances. With our techniques\u27 diagnosis information, we develop Kinesis, a security incident response system for sensor networks designed to recover from attacks without significant interruption, dynamically selecting response actions while being lightweight in communication and energy overhead

    Transferability of Intrusion Detection Systems Using Machine Learning between Networks

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    Intrusion detection systems (IDS) using machine learning is a next generation tool to strengthen the cyber security of networks. Such systems possess the potential to detect zero-day attacks, attacks that are unknown to researchers and are occurring for the first time in history. This thesis tackles novel ideas in this research domain and solves foreseeable issues of a practical deployment of such tool. The main issue addressed in this thesis are situations where an entity intends to implement an IDS using machine learning onto their network, but do not have attack data available from their own network to train the IDS. A solution is to train the IDS using attack data from other networks. However, there is a degree of uncertainty whether this is feasible as different networks use different applications and have different uses. Such IDS may not be able to adequately operate on a network when trained on data from an entirely different network. The proposed methodology in this research recommends the training set should combine attack data collected from other networks with benign traffic which originates from the network the IDS is to be implemented on. This method is compared with a training set which is completely composed of both attack and benign data from a completely different network. The best performing model implemented with both training sets demonstrated the feasibility of both scenarios. Both versions of that model achieved an F1 score of 0.82 and 0.81 respectively, and both versions detected roughly 70% of attacks and 99% of benign traffic. However, most IDSs trained on the former training set listed yielded the best results. The main benefit of training a model on target network benign data is to minimize false positive classifications. The average model witnessed a 113% boost in precision, compared to their counterparts trained on foreign network benign data. Another issue addressed in this thesis is the detection scope of attacks. The IDS scope of detection is limited to the attacks it is trained on. Using the proposed IDS training set, an intuitive feature selection scheme and classification threshold adjustment, this thesis improves the IDS scope of detection to detect attacks outside of its training data. Feature selection can manipulate an IDS to detect specific attacks not included in its training data. Using threshold tuning, the IDSs in this thesis detected up to 200% more attacks. Both issues and solutions are simulated and verified in two separate scenarios using neural networks and random forest

    SMS-I: Intelligent Security for Cyber–Physical Systems

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    Critical infrastructures are an attractive target for attackers, mainly due to the catastrophic impact of these attacks on society. In addition, the cyber–physical nature of these infrastructures makes them more vulnerable to cyber–physical threats and makes the detection, investigation, and remediation of security attacks more difficult. Therefore, improving cyber–physical correlations, forensics investigations, and Incident response tasks is of paramount importance. This work describes the SMS-I tool that allows the improvement of these security aspects in critical infrastructures. Data from heterogeneous systems, over different time frames, are received and correlated. Both physical and logical security are unified and additional security details are analysed to find attack evidence. Different Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies are used to process and analyse the multi-dimensional data exploring the temporal correlation between cyber and physical Alerts and going beyond traditional techniques to detect unusual Events, and then find evidence of attacks. SMS-I’s Intelligent Dashboard supports decision makers in a deep analysis of how the breaches and the assets were explored and compromised. It assists and facilitates the security analysts using graphical dashboards and Alert classification suggestions. Therefore, they can more easily identify anomalous situations that can be related to possible Incident occurrences. Users can also explore information, with different levels of detail, including logical information and technical specifications. SMS-I also integrates with a scalable and open Security Incident Response Platform (TheHive) that enables the sharing of information about security Incidents and helps different organizations better understand threats and proactively defend their systems and networks.This research was funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement No 832969. This output reflects the views only of the author(s), and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. For more information on the project see: http://satie-h2020.eu/.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Internet-of-Things (IoT) Security Threats: Attacks on Communication Interface

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    Internet of Things (IoT) devices collect and process information from remote places and have significantly increased the productivity of distributed systems or individuals. Due to the limited budget on power consumption, IoT devices typically do not include security features such as advanced data encryption and device authentication. In general, the hardware components deployed in IoT devices are not from high end markets. As a result, the integrity and security assurance of most IoT devices are questionable. For example, adversary can implement a Hardware Trojan (HT) in the fabrication process for the IoT hardware devices to cause information leak or malfunctions. In this work, we investigate the security threats on IoT with a special emphasis on the attacks that aim for compromising the communication interface between IoT devices and their main processing host. First, we analyze the security threats on low-energy smart light bulbs, and then we exploit the limitation of Bluetooth protocols to monitor the unencrypted data packet from the air-gapped network. Second, we examine the security vulnerabilities of single-wire serial communication protocol used in data exchange between a sensor and a microcontroller. Third, we implement a Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack on a master-slave communication protocol adopted in Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) interface. Our MITM attack is executed by an analog hardware Trojan, which crosses the boundary between digital and analog worlds. Furthermore, an obfuscated Trojan detection method(ADobf) is proposed to monitor the abnormal behaviors induced by analog Trojans on the I2C interface

    Adaptive Big Data Pipeline

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    Over the past three decades, data has exponentially evolved from being a simple software by-product to one of the most important companies’ assets used to understand their customers and foresee trends. Deep learning has demonstrated that big volumes of clean data generally provide more flexibility and accuracy when modeling a phenomenon. However, handling ever-increasing data volumes entail new challenges: the lack of expertise to select the appropriate big data tools for the processing pipelines, as well as the speed at which engineers can take such pipelines into production reliably, leveraging the cloud. We introduce a system called Adaptive Big Data Pipelines: a platform to automate data pipelines creation. It provides an interface to capture the data sources, transformations, destinations and execution schedule. The system builds up the cloud infrastructure, schedules and fine-tunes the transformations, and creates the data lineage graph. This system has been tested on data sets of 50 gigabytes, processing them in just a few minutes without user intervention.ITESO, A. C

    Cyber-security for embedded systems: methodologies, techniques and tools

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