402 research outputs found

    Semantics of Database Transformations

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    Database transformations arise in many different settings including database integrations, evolution of database systems, and implementing user views and data-entry tools. This paper surveys approaches that have been taken to problems in these settings, assesses their strengths and weaknesses, and develops requirements on a formal model for specifying and implementing database transformations. We also consider the problem of insuring the correctness of database transformations. In particular, we demonstrate that the usefulness of correctness conditions such as information preservation are hindered by the interactions of transformations and database constraints, and the limited expressive power of established database constraint languages. We conclude that more general notions of correctness are required, and that there is a need for a uniform formalism for expressing both database transformations and constraints, and reasoning about their interactions. Finally we introduce WOL, a declarative language for specifying and implementing database transformations and constraints. We briefly describe the WOL language and its semantics, and argue that it addresses many of the requirements of a formalism for dealing with general database transformations

    Semantics of Database Transformations

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    Database transformations arise in many different settings including database integration, evolution of database systems, and implementing user views and data entry tools. This paper surveys approaches that have been taken to problems in these settings, assesses their strengths and weaknesses, and develops require ments on a formal model for specifying and implementing database transformations. We also consider the problem of insuring the correctness of database transformations. In particular, we demonstrate that the usefulness of correctness conditions such as information preservation is hindered by the interactions of transformations and database constraints, and the limited expressive power of established database constraint languages. We conclude that more general notions of correctness are required, and that there is a need for a uniform formalism for expressing both database transformations and constraints, and reasoning about their interactions, Finally we introduce WOL, a declarative language for specifying and implementing database transformations and constraints. We briefly describe the WOL language and its semantics, and argue that it addresses many of the requirements on a formalism for dealing with general database transformations

    Transforming Databases with Recursive Data Structures

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    This thesis examines the problems of performing structural transformations on databases involving complex data-structures and object-identities, and proposes an approach to specifying and implementing such transformations. We start by looking at various applications of such database transformations, and at some of the more significant work in these areas. In particular we will look at work on transformations in the area of database integration, which has been one of the major motivating areas for this work. We will also look at various notions of correctness that have been proposed for database transformations, and show that the utility of such notions is limited by the dependence of transformations on certain implicit database constraints. We draw attention to the limitations of existing work on transformations, and argue that there is a need for a more general formalism for reasoning about database transformations and constraints. We will also argue that, in order to ensure that database transformations are well-defined and meaningful, it is necessary to understand the information capacity of the data-models being transformed. To this end we give a thorough analysis of the information capacity of data-models supporting object identity, and will show that this is dependent on the operations supported by a query language for comparing object identities. We introduce a declarative language, WOL, based on Horn-clause logic, for specifying database transformations and constraints. We also propose a method of implementing transformations specified in this language, by manipulating their clauses into a normal form which can then be translated into an underlying database programming language. Finally we will present a number of optimizations and techniques necessary in order to build a practical implementation based on these proposals, and will discuss the results of some of the trials that were carried out using a prototype of such a system

    Types With Extents: On Transforming and Querying Self-Referential Data-Structures (Dissertation Proposal)

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    The central theme of this paper is to study the properties and expressive power of data-models which use type systems with extents in order to represent recursive or self-referential data-structures. A standard type system is extended with classes which represent the finite extents of values stored in a database. Such an extended type system expresses constraints about a database instance which go beyond those normally associated with the typing of data-values, and takes on an important part of the functionality of a database schema. Recursion in data-structures is then constrained to be defined via these finite extents, so that all values in a database have a finite representation. The idea of extending a type system with such classes is not new. In particular [2] introduced a type system and data models equivalent to those used here. However such existing work focuses on the expressive power of systems which allow the dynamic creation of recursive values, while we are concerned more with the properties of querying and manipulating databases containing known static extensions of data-values

    How Does Systematic Risk Impact US Credit Spreads? A Copula Study

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    It is well known that some relationship between systematic risk and credit risk prevails in financial markets. In our study, S&P 500 stock index return is our market risk proxy whereas credit spreads represent our credit risk proxy as a function of maturity, rating and economic sector. We address the problem of studying the joint distributions and evolutions of S&P 500 return and credit spreads. Graphical and non parametric statistical analysis (i.e.: Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho) show that such bivariate distributions are asymmetric with some negative relationship between S&P 500 return and credit spreads. In-deed, credit spreads widen when S&P 500 return decreases or drops under some given level. We investigate then this stylized fact using copula functions to characterize observed dependence structures between S&P 500 return and credit spreads. We focus at least on one parameter copulas and at most on one parameter Archimedean copulas, namely Gumbel, FGM, Frank and Clayton copula functions. Starting from empirical Kendall’s tau observed for each bivariate dependence structure, we induce parameter values for each copula type function belonging to our copulas set. Finally, we exhibit optimal characterizations for such dependence structures and use the optimal selected copulas to achieve a scenario analysis among which stress testing.systematic risk credit risk copulas Archimedean copulas stress testing

    Декларативный подход к описанию трансформации данных с разрешением конфликтов обновления

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    У статті запропоновано використання алетичної модальної логіки на базі семантики можливих „світів” Кріпке для моделювання динаміки лісових пожеж. Описано геометричну структуру зони пожежі у вигляді сукупності плоских і тривимірних просторових об’єктів різних сортів. Наведено підхід до опису динаміки предметної області за допомогою алетичної модальної логіки.Using of aletic modal logic on the base of semantic of possible “worlds” Kripke for forest fires dynamic modeling is offered. Geometric structure of fire zone as a set of flat and three-dimensional spatial objects is described. The approach to describing of domain area with the help of aletic modal logic is given

    Malaria intervention scale-up in Africa : effectiveness predictions for health programme planning tools, based on dynamic transmission modelling

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    Scale-up of malaria prevention and treatment needs to continue to further important gains made in the past decade, but national strategies and budget allocations are not always evidence-based. Statistical models were developed summarizing dynamically simulated relations between increases in coverage and intervention impact, to inform a malaria module in the Spectrum health programme planning tool.; The dynamic Plasmodium falciparum transmission model OpenMalaria was used to simulate health effects of scale-up of insecticide-treated net (ITN) usage, indoor residual spraying (IRS), management of uncomplicated malaria cases (CM) and seasonal malaria chemoprophylaxis (SMC) over a 10-year horizon, over a range of settings with stable endemic malaria. Generalized linear regression models (GLMs) were used to summarize determinants of impact across a range of sub-Sahara African settings.; Selected (best) GLMs explained 94-97 % of variation in simulated post-intervention parasite infection prevalence, 86-97 % of variation in case incidence (three age groups, three 3-year horizons), and 74-95 % of variation in malaria mortality. For any given effective population coverage, CM and ITNs were predicted to avert most prevalent infections, cases and deaths, with lower impacts for IRS, and impacts of SMC limited to young children reached. Proportional impacts were larger at lower endemicity, and (except for SMC) largest in low-endemic settings with little seasonality. Incremental health impacts for a given coverage increase started to diminish noticeably at above ~40 % coverage, while in high-endemic settings, CM and ITNs acted in synergy by lowering endemicity. Vector control and CM, by reducing endemicity and acquired immunity, entail a partial rebound in malaria mortality among people above 5 years of age from around 5-7 years following scale-up. SMC does not reduce endemicity, but slightly shifts malaria to older ages by reducing immunity in child cohorts reached.; Health improvements following malaria intervention scale-up vary with endemicity, seasonality, age and time. Statistical models can emulate epidemiological dynamics and inform strategic planning and target setting for malaria control

    Managing Schema Change in an Heterogeneous Environment

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    Change is inevitable even for persistent information. Effectively managing change of persistent information, which includes the specification, execution and the maintenance of any derived information, is critical and must be addressed by all database systems. Today, for every data model there exists a well-defined set of change primitives that can alter both the structure (the schema) and the data. Several proposals also exist for incrementally propagating a primitive change to any derived information (or view). However, existing support is lacking in two ways. First, change primitives as presented in literature are very limiting in terms of their capabilities allowing users to simply add or remove schema elements. More complex types of changes such the merging or splitting of schema elements are not supported in a principled manner. Second, algorithms for maintaining derived information often do not account for the potential heterogeneity between the source and the target. The goal of this dissertation is to provide solutions that address these two key issues. The first part of this dissertation addresses the challenge of expressing a rich complex set of changes. We propose the SERF (Schema Evolution through an Extensible, Re-usable and Flexible) framework that allows users to perform a wide range of complex user-defined schema transformations. Our approach combines existing schema evolution primitives using OQL (object query language) as the glue logic. Within the context of this work, we look at the different domains in which SERF can be applied, including web site management. To further enrich our framework, we also investigate the optimization and verification of SERF transformations. The second part of this dissertation addresses the problem of maintaining views in the face of source changes when the source and the view are not in the same data model. With today\u27s increasing heterogeneity in information structure, it is critical that maintenance of views addresses the data model boundaries. However, view definitions that go across data models are limited to hard-coded algorithms, thereby making it difficult to develop general maintenance algorithms. We provide a two-step solution for this problem. We have developed a cross algebra, that defines views such that there is no restriction that forces the view and the source data models to be the same. We then define update propagation algorithms that can propagate changes from source to target irrespective of the exact translation and the data models. We validate our ideas by applying them to translation and change propagation between the XML and relational data models

    K2/Kleisli and GUS: Experiments in Integrated Access to Genomic Data Sources

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    The integration of heterogeneous data sources and software systems is a major issue in the biomed ical community and several approaches have been explored: linking databases, on-the- fly integration through views, and integration through warehousing. In this paper we report on our experiences with two systems that were developed at the University of Pennsylvania: an integration system called K2, which has primarily been used to provide views over multiple external data sources and software systems; and a data warehouse called GUS which downloads, cleans, integrates and annotates data from multiple external data sources. Although the view and warehouse approaches each have their advantages, there is no clear winner . Therefore, users must consider how the data is to be used, what the performance guarantees must be, and how much programmer time and expertise is available to choose the best strategy for a particular application