2,027 research outputs found

    Special Issue Robótica 2014

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    This special issue presents extended and revised versions of a selection of papers presented on the IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC-2014), that took place 14-15 May 2014 in the city of Espinho, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A short curriculum of the robotics and technology of computer lab

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    Our research Lab is directed by Prof. Anton Civit. It is an interdisciplinary group of 23 researchers that carry out their teaching and researching labor at the Escuela Politécnica Superior (Higher Polytechnic School) and the Escuela de Ingeniería Informática (Computer Engineering School). The main research fields are: a) Industrial and mobile Robotics, b) Neuro-inspired processing using electronic spikes, c) Embedded and real-time systems, d) Parallel and massive processing computer architecture, d) Information Technologies for rehabilitation, handicapped and elder people, e) Web accessibility and usability In this paper, the Lab history is presented and its main publications and research projects over the last few years are summarized.Nuestro grupo de investigación está liderado por el profesor Civit. Somos un grupo multidisciplinar de 23 investigadores que realizan su labor docente e investigadora en la Escuela Politécnica Superior y en Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Las principales líneas de investigaciones son: a) Robótica industrial y móvil. b) Procesamiento neuro-inspirado basado en pulsos electrónicos. c) Sistemas empotrados y de tiempo real. d) Arquitecturas paralelas y de procesamiento masivo. e) Tecnología de la información aplicada a la discapacidad, rehabilitación y a las personas mayores. f) Usabilidad y accesibilidad Web. En este artículo se reseña la historia del grupo y se resumen las principales publicaciones y proyectos que ha conseguido en los últimos años

    Robotics and Work: Labor and Tax regulatory Framework

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    Considering the risks and opportunities created by the latest developments in advanced robotics, we reflect on the social dimension of this phenomenon and, based on ethics, we analyze some legal aspects. In particular, and taking into account the effects of robotics on the labor market, sustainable legal solutions are proposed and progress is made in the principle of socially and legally responsible robotic innovation, in the field of labor relations and in the adoption of tax and fiscal measures applicable in relation to robots

    Academical and Research Wiimote Applications

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    IADIS MULTI CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2008 Amsterdam, The Netherlands JULY 22 - 24, 2008This paper proposes the employment of the Wii Remote controller, better known as Wiimote, as an useful tool for educators and researchers. The quick development on fields such as Wireless Sensors and Actuators Networks or Hybrid Systems, and their applications, requires engineers with a solid knowledge in these areas. To achieve this goal the Wiimote becomes a great alternative to other options due to its great variety of analog and digital components, for a very low price, and the good documentation about it existing in Internet. As will be seen in this paper, the possible academical and research uses of the Wiimote are almost endless and cover many interesting problems in control engineering

    Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVs

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    An important focus of current research in the field of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is to increase the safety of their operation in general unstructured environments. Especially indoors, where GPS cannot be used for localization, reliable algorithms for localization and mapping of the environment are necessary in order to keep an MAV airborne safely. In this paper, we compare vision-based real-time capable methods for localization and mapping and point out their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, we describe algorithms for state estimation, control and navigation, which use the localization and mapping results of our vision-based algorithms as input.Comment: Presented at OAGM Workshop, 2015 (arXiv:1505.01065

    Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of Activities:Bilingual (EN and PT)

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    A educação para os media tem ganho um grande fôlego nos últimos anos, porém ainda precisa de passos de gigante, muito em especial ao nível da forma como é tratada e enraizada junto dos cidadãos. Este e-book surge com essa preocupação. As fichas de atividades tão diversificadas, todas elas com uma componente digital, embora não esquecendo em alguns casos a ligação a outros dispositivos não digitais e formas de estar na vida no dia a dia. Estas 20 propostas do e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities tentam dar forma a uma necessidade que encontramos de fazer com que as pessoas, além das crianças e dos jovens em espaço escolar e no contexto mais formal, questionem, pensem e ajam sobre as interpelações do mundo mediático e da informação.Media Education has gained momentum in recent years, but this area still needs to be improved, especially in terms of how it is perceived and implemented among citizens. This e-book is the result of this concern. The activities are diverse and include a digital component, without forgetting the connection to other non-digital devices in daily life. These 20 proposals of the e-book Intergeracionalidade e o mundo digital: Propostas de atividades/Intergenerationality in a Digital World: Proposals of activities intend to respond to the need that people, besides children in education, question, think and act on the interpellations of a mediatised world full of information available.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Robotics and their impact in Healthcare Workforce Management

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    New technologies are increasingly appearing across all sectors. In healthcare, the implementation and growth of robotics is already a reality in several hospitals and is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Therefore, organizations have to prepare and rethink their human resources strategies and activities to cope with this new thematic. This qualitative case study focuses on understanding in what extent hospitals are or are not preparing their workforce for the implementation of robots. Through the combination of the existing literature and the interviews conducted, it was possible to identify that there is a clear distinction between the public and private sectors regarding the implementation and growth of robotics in the healthcare sector. While the private sector invests in training, reorganization of teams and creation of taskforces, the public sector does not have as a priority to rethink its human resources strategies and activities because the Public Ministry does not do or plan to do, in the short term, any kind of investment in robotics. Moreover, the fear of losing the human side with the patient allied to the fear of robots replacing human delays the implementation of robotics in hospitals. There are still some workers who are resilient to change and not very supporters of new technologies. This thesis aims to give recommendations to different stakeholders and identifies future opportunities to study the impact of robotics on the workforce.Cada vez mais tem aparecido novas tecnologias transversalmente a todos os setores. Na saúde, a implementação e o crescimento da robótica já é uma realidade em vários hospitais e prevê se que cresça exponencialmente nos próximos anos. Por isto, as organizações têm de preparar e repensar as suas estratégias e atividades de recursos humanos para fazerem face a esta nova temática. Este caso de estudo qualitativo foca-se em perceber até que ponto é que os hospitais estão ou não a preparar a sua força-de-trabalho para a implementação de robôs. Através da combinação da literatura existente e das entrevistas realizadas, foi possível identificar que existe uma clara distinção entre o setor pulico e o setor privado no que toca a implementação e crescimento da robótica no setor da saúde. Enquanto o setor privado investe em formação, reorganização das equipas e criação de taskforces, o setor publico não tem como prioridade repensar as suas estratégias e atividades de recursos humanos porque o Ministério Público não faz nem prevê fazer, no curto prazo de tempo, qualquer tipo de investimento em robótica. Ainda mais, o medo de se perder o lado humano com o paciente aliado ao medo dos robôs substituírem os humanos atrasa a implementação de robótica em hospitais. Ainda há alguns trabalhadores resilientes à mudança e pouco adeptos a novas tecnologias. Esta tese visa dar recomendações aos diferentes stakeholders e identifica futuras oportunidades de estudo do impacto da robótica na força de trabalho

    O uso da robótica na intervenção com crianças com autismo em macau: um estudo exploratório com o milo

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    Robotics are being used in the intervention with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in many places and already for many years. Many robots were developed and different studies are being made in order to evaluate its effectiveness. “Socially Assistive Robotics” is shown to be effective in different areas mainly in social and emotional development. Milo, a robot developed by a team led by Richard Margolin for the Robots4Autism program (RoboKind, 2020), is one of the robots whose use is reported to be successful. In Macao there is no report of studies or experiences on the use of robots in the intervention with children with ASD. In a collaboration between the Macao Science Centre, the Macao Autism Association (MAA) and the University of Saint Joseph, an exploratory study was developed to understand the applicability of Milo to the work with children with ASD in Macao. The study showed that the robot is able to facilitate social and emotional competences of children with ASD. However, several limitations including language, cultural differences, the inexperienced facilitators and the level of sessions are too simple for the participants to be aware of that may affect the effectiveness of the intervention. It is important to show that the adoption of Milo in Macao for intervening children with ASD can be further implemented, with better practical solutions.A robótica tem sido utilizada na intervenção com crianças com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) em muitos lugares e há já muitos anos. Muitos robôs foram desenvolvidos e diversos estudos foram feitos para avaliar a sua eficácia. A “Robótica Socialmente Assistida” mostra-se eficaz em diferentes áreas, principalmente no desenvolvimento social e emocional. Milo, um robô desenvolvido por uma equipe liderada por Richard Margolin para o programa Robots4Autism (RoboKind, 2020), é um dos robôs cuja utilização é considerada como bem-sucedida. Em Macau não há relato de estudos ou experiências sobre a utilização de robôs na intervenção com crianças com ASD. Numa colaboração entre o Centro de Ciência de Macau, a Associação de Autismo de Macau (MAA) e a Universidade de São José, foi desenvolvido um estudo exploratório para compreender a aplicabilidade de Milo ao trabalho com crianças com TEA em Macau. O estudo mostrou que o robô é capaz de facilitar as competências sociais e emocionais de crianças com TEA. No entanto, várias limitações, incluindo o idioma, diferenças culturais, a falta de experiência dos facilitadores e o nível de dificuldade dos exercícios podem afetar a eficácia da intervenção. O estudo permite concluir que o Milo pode ser utilizado na intervenção com crianças com EA em Macau desde que com melhores soluções práticas

    Diseño de una arquitectura robótica para mapear un lenguaje de acción a comandos de movimiento de bajo nivel para manipulación hábil

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    This paper gives an overview of a robotic architecture meant for skillful manipulation. This design is meant to close the gap between the high level layer (reasoning and planing layer) and the object model system (physical control layer). This architecture proposes an interface layer that allows, in a meaningful way, to connect atomic tasks with controller inputs. In this paper, we discuss how specific complex tasks can be resolved by this system; we analyze the affordance unit design and, we overview the future challenges in the implemenation of the whole system.Este artículo ofrece una visión general de una arquitectura robótica destinada a la manipulación hábil. Este diseño está destinado a cerrar la brecha entre la capa de alto nivel (capa de razonamiento y planificación) y el sistema de modelo de objetos (capa de control físico). Esta arquitectura propone una capa de interfaz que permite, de manera significativa, conectar tareas básicas con el controlador. En este artículo, discutimos cómo este sistema puede resolver tareas complejas específicas; analizamos el diseño de la unidad de accesibilidad y presentamos una visión general de los desafíos futuros en la implementación de todo el sistema.Universidad de Costa Rica/[322-B6-279]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ingeniería::Instituto Investigaciones en Ingeniería (INII)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ingeniería::Facultad de Ingeniería::Escuela de Ingeniería EléctricaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado::Ingeniería::Maestría Académica en Ingeniería Eléctric

    Challenges and opportunities of maker culture for the digitalization of Spanish society

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    The popularization of the "maker culture" has facilitated the emergence of various spaces worldwide that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and skills associated with emerging technologies. This article analyzes them with special emphasis on the Spanish territory. Focusing on two institutionalization examples of this type of spaces (Ikaslab Sarea and Xarxa d'Ateneus de Fabricació), we explore the opportunities and challenges they present for citizen empowerment. We argue that the institutionalization of these spaces should move away from technocentric approaches and bet on a model based on the development of skills, values and experiences that contribute to a responsible digitization