442 research outputs found

    A Geostatistical Data Fusion Technique for Merging Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Observations of Aerosol Optical Thickness

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    Particles in the atmosphere reflect incoming sunlight, tending to cool the Earth below. Some particles, such as soot, also absorb sunlight, which tens to warm the ambient atmosphere. Aerosol optical depth (AOD) is a measure of the amount of particulate matter in the atmosphere, and is a key input to computer models that simulate and predict Earth's changing climate. The global AOD products from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) and the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), both of which fly on the NASA Earth Observing System's Terra satellite, provide complementary views of the particles in the atmosphere. Whereas MODIS offers global coverage about four times as frequent as MISR, the multi-angle data makes it possible to separate the surface and atmospheric contributions to the observed top-of-atmosphere radiances, and also to more effectively discriminate particle type. Surface-based AERONET sun photometers retrieve AOD with smaller uncertainties than the satellite instruments, but only at a few fixed locations. So there are clear reasons to combine these data sets in a way that takes advantage of their respective strengths. This paper represents an effort at combining MISR, MODIS and AERONET AOD products over the continental US, using a common spatial statistical technique called kriging. The technique uses the correlation between the satellite data and the "ground-truth" sun photometer observations to assign uncertainty to the satellite data on a region-by-region basis. The larger fraction of the sun photometer variance that is duplicated by the satellite data, the higher the confidence assigned to the satellite data in that region. In the Western and Central US, MISR AOD correlation with AERONET are significantly higher than those with MODIS, likely due to bright surfaces in these regions, which pose greater challenges for the single-view MODIS retrievals. In the east, MODIS correlations are higher, due to more frequent sampling of the varying AOD. These results demonstrate how the MISR and MODIS aerosol products are complementary. The underlying technique also provides one method for combining these products in such a way that takes advantage of the strengths of each, in the places and times when they are maximal, and in addition, yields an estimate of the associated uncertainties in space and time

    Evidence of Carbon Uptake Associated with Vegetation Greening Trends in Eastern China

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    Persistent and widespread increase of vegetation cover, identified as greening, has been observed in areas of the planet over late 20th century and early 21st century by satellite-derived vegetation indices. It is difficult to verify whether these regions are net carbon sinks or sources by studying vegetation indices alone. In this study, we investigate greening trends in Eastern China (EC) and corresponding trends in atmospheric CO₂ concentrations. We used multiple vegetation indices including NDVI and EVI to characterize changes in vegetation activity over EC from 2003 to 2016. Gap-filled time series of column-averaged CO₂ dry air mole fraction (XCO₂) from January 2003 to May 2016, based on observations from SCIAMACHY, GOSAT, and OCO-2 satellites, were used to calculate XCO₂ changes during growing season for 13 years. We derived a relationship between XCO₂ and surface net CO₂ fluxes from two inversion model simulations, CarbonTracker and Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC), and used those relationships to estimate the biospheric CO₂ flux enhancement based on satellite observed XCO₂ changes. We observed significant growing period (GP) greening trends in NDVI and EVI related to cropland intensification and forest growth in the region. After removing the influence of large urban center CO₂ emissions, we estimated an enhanced XCO₂ drawdown during the GP of −0.070 to −0.084 ppm yr⁻Âč. Increased carbon uptake during the GP was estimated to be 28.41 to 46.04 Tg C, mainly from land management, which could offset about 2–3% of EC’s annual fossil fuel emissions. These results show the potential of using multi-satellite observed XCO₂ to estimate carbon fluxes from the regional biosphere, which could be used to verify natural sinks included as national contributions of greenhouse gas emissions reduction in international climate change agreements like the UNFCC Paris Accord

    Recent advances in low-cost particulate matter sensor: calibration and application

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    Particulate matter (PM) has been monitored routinely due to its negative effects on human health and atmospheric visibility. Standard gravimetric measurements and current commercial instruments for field measurements are still expensive and laborious. The high cost of conventional instruments typically limits the number of monitoring sites, which in turn undermines the accuracy of real-time mapping of sources and hotspots of air pollutants with insufficient spatial resolution. The new trends of PM concentration measurement are personalized portable devices for individual customers and networking of large quantity sensors to meet the demand of Big Data. Therefore, low-cost PM sensors have been studied extensively due to their price advantage and compact size. These sensors have been considered as a good supplement of current monitoring sites for high spatial-temporal PM mapping. However, a large concern is the accuracy of these low-cost PM sensors. Multiple types of low-cost PM sensors and monitors were calibrated against reference instruments. All these units demonstrated high linearity against reference instruments with high R2 values for different types of aerosols over a wide range of concentration levels. The question of whether low-cost PM monitors can be considered as a substituent of conventional instruments was discussed, together with how to qualitatively describe the improvement of data quality due to calibrations. A limitation of these sensors and monitors is that their outputs depended highly on particle composition and size, resulting in as high as 10 times difference in the sensor outputs. Optical characterization of low-cost PM sensors (ensemble measurement) was conducted by combining experimental results with Mie scattering theory. The reasons for their dependence on the PM composition and size distribution were studied. To improve accuracy in estimation of mass concentration, an expression for K as a function of the geometric mean diameter, geometric standard deviation, and refractive index is proposed. To get rid of the influence of the refractive index, we propose a new design of a multi-wavelength sensor with a robust data inversion routine to estimate the PM size distribution and refractive index simultaneously. The utility of the networked system with improved sensitivity was demonstrated by deploying it in a woodworking shop. Data collected by the networked system was utilized to construct spatiotemporal PM concentration distributions using an ordinary Kriging method and an Artificial Neural Network model to elucidate particle generation and ventilation processes. Furthermore, for the outdoor environment, data reported by low-cost sensors were compared against satellite data. The remote sensing data could provide a daily calibration of these low-cost sensors. On the other hand, low-cost PM sensors could provide better accuracy to demonstrate the microenvironment

    Data-driven model development in environmental geography - Methodological advancements and scientific applications

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    Die Erfassung rĂ€umlich kontinuierlicher Daten und raum-zeitlicher Dynamiken ist ein Forschungsschwerpunkt der Umweltgeographie. Zu diesem Ziel sind Modellierungsmethoden erforderlich, die es ermöglichen, aus limitierten Felddaten raum-zeitliche Aussagen abzuleiten. Die KomplexitĂ€t von Umweltsystemen erfordert dabei die Verwendung von Modellierungsstrategien, die es erlauben, beliebige ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen einer Vielzahl potentieller PrĂ€diktoren zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Diese Anforderung verlangt nach einem Paradigmenwechsel von der parametrischen hin zu einer nicht-parametrischen, datengetriebenen Modellentwicklung, was zusĂ€tzlich durch die zunehmende VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Geodaten verstĂ€rkt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang haben sich maschinelle Lernverfahren als ein wichtiges Werkzeug erwiesen, um Muster in nicht-linearen und komplexen Systemen zu erfassen. Durch die wachsende PopularitĂ€t maschineller Lernverfahren in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und die Entwicklung komfortabler Softwarepakete wird zunehmend der Fehleindruck einer einfachen Anwendbarkeit erzeugt. Dem gegenĂŒber steht jedoch eine KomplexitĂ€t, die im Detail nur durch eine umfassende Methodenkompetenz kontrolliert werden kann. Diese Problematik gilt insbesondere fĂŒr Geodaten, die besondere Merkmale wie vor allem rĂ€umliche AbhĂ€ngigkeit aufweisen, womit sie sich von "gewöhnlichen" Daten abheben, was jedoch in maschinellen Lernanwendungen bisher weitestgehend ignoriert wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit dem Potenzial und der SensitivitĂ€t des maschinellen Lernens in der Umweltgeographie. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde eine Reihe von maschinellen Lernanwendungen in einem breiten Spektrum der Umweltgeographie veröffentlicht. Die einzelnen BeitrĂ€ge stehen unter der ĂŒbergeordneten Hypothese, dass datengetriebene Modellierungsstrategien nur dann zu einem Informationsgewinn und zu robusten raum-zeitlichen Ergebnissen fĂŒhren, wenn die Merkmale von geographischen Daten berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Neben diesem ĂŒbergeordneten methodischen Fokus zielt jede Anwendung darauf ab, durch adĂ€quat angewandte Methoden neue fachliche Erkenntnisse in ihrem jeweiligen Forschungsgebiet zu liefern. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde eine Vielzahl relevanter Umweltmonitoring-Produkte entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen, dass sowohl hohe fachwissenschaftliche als auch methodische Kenntnisse unverzichtbar sind, um den Bereich der datengetriebenen Umweltgeographie voranzutreiben. Die Arbeit demonstriert erstmals die Relevanz rĂ€umlicher Überfittung in geographischen Lernanwendungen und legt ihre Auswirkungen auf die Modellergebnisse dar. Um diesem Problem entgegenzuwirken, wird eine neue, an Geodaten angepasste Methode zur Modellentwicklung entwickelt, wodurch deutlich verbesserte Ergebnisse erzielt werden können. Diese Arbeit ist abschließend als Appell zu verstehen, ĂŒber die Standardanwendungen der maschinellen Lernverfahren hinauszudenken, da sie beweist, dass die Anwendung von Standardverfahren auf Geodaten zu starker Überfittung und Fehlinterpretation der Ergebnisse fĂŒhrt. Erst wenn Eigenschaften von geographischen Daten berĂŒcksichtigt werden, bietet das maschinelle Lernen ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, um wissenschaftlich verlĂ€ssliche Ergebnisse fĂŒr die Umweltgeographie zu liefern

    Applications of Bayesian computational statistics and modeling to large-scale geoscientific problems

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    Climate change is one of the most important, pressing, and furthest reaching global challenges that humanity faces in the 21st century. Already affecting daily lives of many directly and everyone indirectly, changes in climate are projected to have many catastrophic consequences. For this reason, researching climate and climate change is needed. Studying complex geoscientific phenomena such as climate change consists of a patchwork of challenging mathematical, statistical, and computational problems. To solve these problems, local and global process models and statistical models are combined with both small in situ observation data sets with only few observations, and equally well with enormous global remote sensing data products containing hundreds of millions of data points. This integration of models and data can be done in a Bayesian inverse modeling setting if the algorithms and computational methods used are chosen and implemented carefully. The methods used in the four publications on which this thesis is based range from high-dimensional Bayesian spatial statistical models and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to time series modeling and point estimation via optimization. The particular geoscientific problems considered are: finding the spatio-temporal distribution of atmospheric carbon dioxide based on sparse remote sensing data, quantifying uncertainties in modeling methane emissions from boreal wetlands, analyzing and quantifying the effect of climate change on growing season in the boreal region, and using statistical methods to calibrate a terrestrial ecosystem model. In addition to analyzing these problems, the research and the results help to understand model performance and how modeling uncertainties in very large computational problems can be approached, also providing algorithm implementations on top of which future efforts may be built
