9 research outputs found

    TOU-AR:Touchable Interface for Interactive Interaction in Augmented Reality Environment

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    Touchable interface is one of the future interfaces that can be implemented at any medium such as water, table or even sand. The word multi touch refers to the ability to distinguish between two or more fingers touching a touch-sensing surface, such as a touch screen or a touch pad. This interface is provided tracking the area by using depth camera and projected the interface into the medium. This interface is widely used in augmented reality environment. User will project the particular interface into real world medium and user hand will be tracked simultaneously when touching the area. User can interact in more freely ways and as natural as human did in their daily lif


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the user interfaces that reflect different interaction layers in the context of Augmented Reality technology. Depending on the physical characteristics of human interaction with the computer, these layers were examined under four sections: Graphical User Interface (GUI), Tangible User Interface (TUI), Natural User Interface (NUI) and Spatial User Interface (SUI). In this context, a proposed Augmented Reality application interface has been developed to bridge the physical and digital environment. The use of AR-based applications in the design process provided a basis for evaluating the user interface in these interaction layers. In future studies, the interface and experience offered by this application have the potential to be supported by more comprehensive functions and a collaborative working environment

    Pilvipalveluiden käyttö paikantamiseen perustuvissa AR-sovelluksissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkimus perustui paikantamiseen perustuvan AR-sovelluksen (Augmented Reality, AR) kehittämiseen mobiililaitteelle. Tällaisen sovelluksen toiminta perustuu laitteen sijaintiin sekä sitä ympäröivästä alueesta saatavilla olevan tiedon vertaamiseen toisiinsa. Paikannukseen perustuvan sovelluksen täytyy saada informaatio käyttäjän sijainnista sekä sovelluksen haluaman informaation liittyen käyttäjän sijaintiin. Kerättyään tarvittavan informaation, AR-sovellus osaa näyttää käyttäjälleen ympäriltä kerätyn tiedon lisättynä todellisuutena reaalikuvan päälle. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn sovelluksen alustana päätettiin käyttää Android-käyttöjärjestelmää, jolle mobiilisovelluksen kehittäminen onnistuu helpoiten sekä tähän työhön sopivimmin. Sovelluksen kehittämiseen käytettiin Android Studio -kehitystyökalua, jonka käyttöön löytyy ohjeita developer.android.com nettisivustolta. Työssä hyödynnettiin pilvipalvelu Google Servicen kategorioittain tarjoamaa informaatiota eri paikoista. Sovelluksessa käytettävä informaatio rajattiin yhteen Google Places-API:n kategoriaan, jossa arvioitiin olevan sopiva määrä kohteita sovelluksen kehittämistä varten. Informaation piirtäminen mobiililaitteen näytölle toteutettiin vertaamalla osuuko laitteen ja kohteen koordinaattien välinen suora linja kamerakuvan rajaamalle sektorille. Tässä työssä onnistuttiin kehittämään AR-sovellus, joka paikantaa laitteen käyttäjää ympäröivät kohteet sekä esittää niiden sijainnin mobiililaitteen näytölle kameran luoman reaalikuvan päälle. Sovelluksen kehitys onnistui Android-alustalle vaivattomasti Googlen tarjoamien palveluiden avulla. Mobiililaitteet sopivat hyvin AR-tyyppisten sovellusten käyttämiseen niiden käytettävyyden ja riittävän tehokkuuden ansiosta.Using cloud services in a location based augmented reality application. Abstract. This research is based on developing a location-based AR-application (Augmented Reality, AR) for mobile devices. This type of application requires information about the device’s location, orientation and it must be aware of its surroundings. A location-based application must get information about the user’s location and necessary information relative to that position. After gathering this data, the AR-app can display the surrounding’s information on top of the real-time camera picture as an augmented reality. Android-operating system was used as a platform for the application. It is an easy development platform and it was appropriate for this study. AndroidStudio was used as the application development environment. It has a full online documentation in the following internet page: developer.android.com. Categorial information about nearby places from Google Services was used in this project. Data used in the application was limited to one of Google Places API category, that was estimated to produce an appropriate amount of results to develop the application. Drawing the information to the mobile device’s screen was accomplished by comparing if the line between the device and the place is on the camera’s current view. This paper includes a successfully developed application that can fetch the nearby places for the user and show their location in the camera’s real-time view. The development of the application for the Android-platform was an ease with the services offered by Google. Mobile devices are suitable for using ARtype applications because of their usability and adequate performance


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    Value Creation with Extended Reality Technologies - A Methodological Approach for Holistic Deployments

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    Mit zunehmender Rechenkapazität und Übertragungsleistung von Informationstechnologien wächst die Anzahl möglicher Anwendungs-szenarien für Extended Reality (XR)-Technologien in Unternehmen. XR-Technologien sind Hardwaresysteme, Softwaretools und Methoden zur Erstellung von Inhalten, um Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality und Mixed Reality zu erzeugen. Mit der Möglichkeit, Nutzern Inhalte auf immersive, interaktive und intelligente Weise zu vermitteln, können XR-Technologien die Produktivität in Unternehmen steigern und Wachstumschancen eröffnen. Obwohl XR-Anwendungen in der Industrie seit mehr als 25 Jahren wissenschaftlich erforscht werden, gelten nach wie vor als unausgereift. Die Hauptgründe dafür sind die zugrundeliegende Komplexität, die Fokussierung der Forschung auf die Untersuchung spezifische Anwendungsszenarien, die unzu-reichende Wirtschaftlichkeit von Einsatzszenarien und das Fehlen von geeigneten Implementierungsmodellen für XR-Technologien. Grundsätzlich wird der Mehrwert von Technologien durch deren Integration in die Wertschöpfungsarchitektur von Geschäftsmodellen freigesetzt. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit eine Methodik für den Einsatz von XR-Technologien in der Wertschöpfung vorgestellt. Das Hauptziel der Methodik ist es, die Identifikation geeigneter Einsatzszenarien zu ermöglichen und mit einem strukturierten Ablauf die Komplexität der Umsetzung zu beherrschen. Um eine ganzheitliche Anwendbarkeit zu ermöglichen, basiert die Methodik auf einem branchen- und ge-schäftsprozessunabhängigen Wertschöpfungsreferenzmodell. Dar-über hinaus bezieht sie sich auf eine ganzheitliche Morphologie von XR-Technologien und folgt einer iterativen Einführungssequenz. Das Wertschöpfungsmodell wird durch ein vorliegendes Potential, eine Wertschöpfungskette, ein Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk, physische und digitale Ressourcen sowie einen durch den Einsatz von XR-Technologien realisierten Mehrwert repräsentiert. XR-Technologien werden durch eine morphologische Struktur mit Anwendungsmerk-malen und erforderlichen technologischen Ressourcen repräsentiert. Die Umsetzung erfolgt in einer iterativen Sequenz, die für den zu-grundeliegenden Kontext anwendbare Methoden der agilen Soft-wareentwicklung beschreibt und relevante Stakeholder berücksich-tigt. Der Schwerpunkt der Methodik liegt auf einem systematischen Ansatz, der universell anwendbar ist und den Endnutzer und das Ökosystem der betrachteten Wertschöpfung berücksichtigt. Um die Methodik zu validieren, wird der Einsatz von XR-Technologien in zwei industriellen Anwendungsfällen unter realen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen durchgeführt. Die Anwendungsfälle stammen aus unterschiedlichen Branchen, mit unterschiedlichen XR-Technologiemerkmalen sowie unterschiedlichen Formen von Wert-schöpfungsketten, um die universelle Anwendbarkeit der Methodik zu demonstrieren und relevante Herausforderungen bei der Durch-führung eines XR-Technologieeinsatzes aufzuzeigen. Mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Methodik können Unternehmen XR-Technologien zielgerichtet in ihrer Wertschöpfung einsetzen. Sie ermöglicht eine detaillierte Planung der Umsetzung, eine fundierte Auswahl von Anwendungsszenarien, die Bewertung möglicher Her-ausforderungen und Hindernisse sowie die gezielte Einbindung der relevanten Stakeholder. Im Ergebnis wird die Wertschöpfung mit wirtschaftlichem Mehrwert durch XR-Technologien optimiert

    Realidade aumentada na hotelaria: potencial de aplicação na perspetiva dos hóspedes de hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas na região de Lisboa

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    A dissertação “Realidade Aumentada na Hotelaria: Potencial de Aplicação na Perspetiva dos Hóspedes de Hotéis de 4 e 5 Estrelas na Região de Lisboa” tem como objetivo contribuir para o aprofundamento do conhecimento relativo às aplicações e potencialidades da Realidade Aumentada (RA) aplicada ao contexto hoteleiro. As aplicações e soluções de RA permitem a adição e sobreposição de novas camadas de informação digital ao mundo real e, impulsionada pelos mais recentes avanços tecnológicos, têm-se tornado cada vez mais comuns em diversas áreas de atividade. Esta capacidade de aumento de ambientes reais pode ter variadas utilizações e aplicações, como aumentar o conhecimento do utilizador sobre o ambiente que o rodeia, o auxílio a um funcionário na execução de uma determinada tarefa ou processo ou a capacidade de tornar dinâmicos e interativos conteúdos estáticos. A implementação e utilização da RA num contexto hoteleiro tem tendência a tornar-se mais comum à medida que os hóspedes desenvolvem maiores competências tecnológicas e criam expectativas mais elevadas durante o processo de decisão e reserva e que a componente e valor experiencial do produto hoteleiro ganha uma maior dimensão, afetando diretamente a satisfação e intenções futuras dos consumidores. Foi utilizada uma adaptação do modelo TRAM para determinar a aptidão e capacidade de aceitação tecnológica, a existência de condições facilitadoras e a atitude face à RA demonstrada pelos hóspedes dos hotéis de 4 e 5 estrelas da Região de Lisboa. Os resultados obtidos revelam níveis positivos das variáveis do modelo, permitindo afirmar que, de acordo com o estudo desenvolvido, os hóspedes visados apresentam as características e condicionantes favoráveis à adoção e utilização da RA e reconhecem o seu potencial de aplicação no contexto hoteleiro. Foi igualmente analisada a forma como estes hóspedes percepcionam o impacto da RA na sua experiência, satisfação e futuras decisões de escolha, retorno e/ou recomendação, registandose uma afetação positiva da RA ao nível da experiência, satisfação e intenções futuras. A investigação pretende ainda criar as bases para o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de propostas e soluções de RA capazes de proporcionar uma experiência integrada e dinâmica, atuando enquanto componente diferenciadora e vantagem competitiva para oferta hoteleira em Lisboa.The dissertation “Augmented Reality in the Hotel Business: Application Potential Perceived by the 4 and 5 Star Hotel Guests in the Lisbon region” has the objective of contributing to the further development of the knowledge pertaining the applications and potentials of Augmented Reality (AR) applied to the hotel setting. AR applications and solutions enable the addition and overlaying of new digital information layers onto the real world and, driven by the latest technological advances, is becoming more and more common in various areas of activity. This capability of augmenting real environments can be used and applied in different ways, for instance, increasing a users’ knowledge about the surrounding environment, assisting a worker in a specific task or assembly process or making static contents become dynamic and interactive. The use and implementation of AR on the hotel setting has a tendency of becoming more common as guests’ technological skills increase and their expectations rise during the decision making and booking process and the experiential value and component of the hotel business becomes more relevant, directly affecting guests satisfaction and future intentions. An adaptation of the TRAM model was used in order to determine the targeted guests’ technology readiness and acceptance, the existence of facilitating conditions and attitude towards AR. The results show positive results across these variables, revealing that the guests of upscale hotels in the Lisbon region show the necessary characteristics and conditions for the adoption and use of AR and acknowledge it’s application potential in a hotel setting. Thus, this study addresses how guests perceive the impact of AR applications in their experiences, satisfaction and future decisions on hotel choice, return and/or recommendation. The results show a positive affect of AR in guests’ experiences, satisfaction and futures intentions. The study also sets out to create the bases for the development of a set of AR application proposals and solutions capable of providing an integrated and dynamic experience and becoming a differentiating and competitive advantage for the Lisbon hotel supply

    Human factors in instructional augmented reality for intravehicular spaceflight activities and How gravity influences the setup of interfaces operated by direct object selection

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    In human spaceflight, advanced user interfaces are becoming an interesting mean to facilitate human-machine interaction, enhancing and guaranteeing the sequences of intravehicular space operations. The efforts made to ease such operations have shown strong interests in novel human-computer interaction like Augmented Reality (AR). The work presented in this thesis is directed towards a user-driven design for AR-assisted space operations, iteratively solving issues arisen from the problem space, which also includes the consideration of the effect of altered gravity on handling such interfaces.Auch in der bemannten Raumfahrt steigt das Interesse an neuartigen Benutzerschnittstellen, um nicht nur die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion effektiver zu gestalten, sondern auch um einen korrekten Arbeitsablauf sicherzustellen. In der Vergangenheit wurden wiederholt Anstrengungen unternommen, Innenbordarbeiten mit Hilfe von Augmented Reality (AR) zu erleichtern. Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf einen nutzerorientierten AR-Ansatz, welcher zum Ziel hat, die Probleme schrittweise in einem iterativen Designprozess zu lösen. Dies erfordert auch die Berücksichtigung veränderter Schwerkraftbedingungen

    Aportaciones al proceso de creación de contenidos de realidad aumentada, orientados a formación, industria y construcción

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    La Realidad Aumentada (AR) consiste en aumentar la percepción que el usuario tiene del mundo real con información virtual que lo complementa. Esta característica de aumentar los sentidos, es deseable en muchos campos de aplicación, por lo que aunque es un campo de investigación relativamente joven, ha experimentado un gran auge en los últimos años. La evolución de cada uno de los procesos que componen un sistema AR, ha permitido que está tecnología traspase las puertas de los laboratorios, y pueda ser utilizada por cualquier usuario que disponga, por ejemplo, de un Smartphone. Sin embargo, todavía existe una gran limitación y es la creación de contenidos (authoring). En la actualidad existen un pequeño número de herramientas de authoring que permiten crear contenidos AR, y en la mayoría de casos son herramientas propietarias que se limitan al uso de su propia tecnología. En este trabajo se presentan las aportaciones al proceso de authoring de contenidos AR orientados a formación, industria y construcción. Estas aportaciones se engloban en dos campos principales: la creación de contenidos para ayudas visuales, y la creación de información durante la revisión del proceso constructivo por medio de AR (denominada información As-Built). Para la creación de ayudas visuales AR se define un nuevo modelo de authoring, a partir del modelo de presentaciones de diapositivas digitales, en el que se incluyen los mecanismos necesarios para crear los contenidos aumentados. Para la creación de la información As-Built, se han desarrollado, tanto una metodología, como el sistema que permite llevarla a cabo. Todas las aportaciones presentadas en este trabajo tienen la finalidad de permitir a usuarios no expertos crear contenidos AR, abstrayéndoles del funcionamiento a bajo nivel de los sistemas AR. En los resultados presentados a lo largo de este trabajo se muestra cómo los sistemas desarrollados logran dicho objetivo, permitiendo a los usuarios no expertos, crear contenidos AR tanto en ayudas visuales, como para documentar el proceso constructivo.Augmented Reality (AR) consists in augmenting the user’s perception of the real world adding virtual information that complements it. This capability of augment the senses, it is desirable in many applications, so although it is a relatively young field of research, has experienced a boom in recent years. The evolution of each of the processes involved in AR systems (computer vision, 3d rendering, etc.), it is making possible that this technology goes out from laboratories, to be used by anyone who own, for example, a Smartphone. However, there is still a major constraint, the AR content creation (denominated authoring). Nowadays, there are a small number of authoring tools for creating AR content, and in most cases are proprietary systems that are limited to using its own technology. In this thesis, the contributions to the process of authoring of AR content oriented to training, construction and industry are presented. These contributions are focused on two main areas: creating AR content for visual aids, and the creation of information during the review of the construction process through AR (As-Built information). To create AR visual aids, a new authoring model is defined extending the digital slide presentations, which include the necessary mechanisms to create the augmented content. To create the As-Built information, during the revision of the construction process, a methodology and the system that allows carrying it out are proposed. All contributions presented in this paper are intended to allow non-expert users to create AR content, by abstracting them from the low level technical details of AR applications. The results presented will show how the proposed systems achieved this objective; allowing non-expert users to create AR content both AR visual aids and As-Built information to document the construction process

    A design-led investigation of augmented reality: a case of AR for board games

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    This research presents a new approach to using Augmented Reality for presenting and navigating through information in a scenario involving a board game. Learning the rules and strategies of a new game can be a challenging task for players. In particular, this can be an intimidating task for people who do not regularly play board games. Many board games are complex and new players require several sessions to learn them to be able to play at a reasonable speed while providing a challenge to experienced players. New players generally prefer not to read the manuals and instead learn to play the game on the fly and by asking experienced players. Several issues arise here for more experienced players who need to explain the game rules on the fly and when explaining strategies. This research therefore has been guided by the following question: How can an Augmented Reality experience be designed for board games to communicate information in an interactive and non-intrusive way? This has been addressed by conducting an ethnographic inspired study on public board game sessions and a research through design methodology. The board game, Settlers of Catan was selected and the Activity Theory framework was used to explore the relationship between the components in a game session. Interactive augmented information overlays were designed using design principles of visual communication and information design. Guided by Flow Theory, the experience was designed to be in-situ and non-intrusive. The research showcases my approach to use Augmented Reality as a medium for information, moving beyond the focus on enabling technology. Innovative approach for video capture and for occlusion-based navigation of augmented content has been demonstrated through the process of design and the subsequent development of a series of software prototypes. I have used Research through Design as the methodology for generating new knowledge through five design iterations of a software prototype for the game Settlers of Catan, and evaluated the prototype through peer-review and user testing