12 research outputs found

    Auditory and haptic feedback to train basic mathematical skills of children with visual impairments

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    Physical manipulatives, such as rods or tiles, are widely used for mathematics learning, as they support embodied cognition, enable the execution of epistemic actions, and foster conceptual metaphors. Counting them, children explore, rearrange, and reinterpret the environment through the haptic channel. Vision generally complements physical actions, which makes using traditional manipulatives limited for children with visual impairments (VIs). Digitally augmenting manipulatives with feedback through alternative modalities might improve them. We specifically discuss conveying number representations to children with VIs using haptic and auditory channels within an environment encouraging exploration and supporting active touch counting strategies while promoting reflection. This paper presents LETSMath, a tangible system for training basic mathematical skills of children with VIs, developed through Design-Based Research with three iterations in which we involved 19 children with VIs and their educators. We discuss how the system may support training skills in the composition of numbers and the impact that the different system features have on slowing down the interaction pace to trigger reflection, in understanding, and in incorporation.Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain) through MIREGAMIS: 2018 LLAV 00009Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación - ANIIFundación CeibalCentro Interdisciplinario en Cognición para la Enseñanza y el Aprendizaje - CICEA, Universidad de la RepúblicaUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) through Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities IJCI-2017-32162LASIGE Research Unit (Portugal) through FCT project mIDR (AAC02/SAICT/-2017, project 30347, cofunded by COMPETE/FEDER/FNR), the LASIGE Research Unit, ref. UIDB/00408/2020 and ref. UIDP/00408/2020

    From research to design: Perspectives on early years and digital technologies

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    The three papers explore how we can use existing research traditions to create challenging new directions for design and development of technologies for the early years. The papers focus on literacy, numeracy and reflections on the design process

    The effects of a grouping by tens manipulative on children's strategy use, base ten understanding and mathematical knowledge

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    Manipulatives have the potential to be powerful tools in helping children improve their number sense, develop advanced mathematical strategies, and build an understanding of the base ten number system. Physical manipulatives used in classrooms, however, are often not designed to promote efficient strategy use, such as counting on, and typically do not encourage children to perceive higher-order units in multi-digit numbers. The aim of this study was to closely examine the affordances of a novel grouping by tens virtual manipulative. Seventy-nine first grade students were randomly assigned to one of two math software comparison groups or a reading software control group. In the math comparison groups, children received scaffolding and feedback while playing a computerized enumeration game that required them to use the novel grouping by tens manipulative. Children in the Transformation group used a manipulative that transformed from a unitized to a continuous model, while children in the Unitized group used a manipulative that remained discrete. Researchers recorded children's strategy use and accuracy when determining how many objects appeared on the screen, and the data were examined microgenetically. Children's counting on abilities, base ten understanding, and number sense were tested at posttest to examine group differences. The results showed that using the transforming manipulative significantly improved children's ability to count on at posttest. The math software also improved girls' base ten understanding at posttest. Children who used the math software in both conditions improved in their advanced strategy use and accuracy over time. These findings suggest that virtual manipulatives have the potential to improve children's strategy use and base ten understanding in ways that physical manipulatives may not. Suggestions for future research are discussed

    Effects of Family, Child, and Teacher Demographics on Prekindergarten Children\u27s Access to and Use of Numeracy and Spatial Materials in the Early Education Setting

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    Florida’s Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten program (VPK) aims to ensure that all 4-year-olds are prepared to excel in K-12 mathematics. Early numeracy/spatial skills are predictive of success in K–12 mathematics. No research has examined whether VPK classrooms are equipped with the materials necessary to teach numeracy/spatial skill. The Pre-Kindergarten Numeracy and Spatial Environment Survey was created to examine the frequency of access to and use of numeracy/spatial materials in VPK classrooms. The 69-item survey was completed by the lead educator from a sample of 62 pre-kindergarten classrooms in Miami-Dade County. Regression analysis results suggest the location of the pre-kindergarten center, the sex distribution of the children in the classrooms or the number of years of experience that the educator has as a lead teacher along with the extra training courses undertaken by the teachers does not affect the access to or the use of, numeracy and spatial materials in the classrooms

    Preschoolers and multi-digit numbers: A path to mathematics through the symbols themselves

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    Numerous studies from developmental psychology have suggested that human symbolic representation of numbers is built upon the evolutionally old capacity for representing quantities that is shared with other species. Substantial research from mathematics education also supports the idea that mathematical concepts are best learned through their corresponding physical representations. We argue for an independent pathway to learning “big” multi-digit symbolic numbers that focuses on the symbol system itself. Across five experiments using both between- and within-subject designs, we asked preschoolers to identify written multi-digit numbers with their spoken names in a two-alternative-choice-test or to indicate the larger quantity between two written numbers. Results showed that preschoolers could reliably map spoken number names to written forms and compare the magnitudes of two written multi-digit numbers. Importantly, these abilities were not related to their non-symbolic representation of quantities. These findings have important implications for numerical cognition, symbolic development, teaching, and education

    Children\u27s Mathematical Engagement Based on Their Awareness of Different Coding Toys\u27 Design Features

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    Tangible coding toys have been promulgated as useful learning tools for young children to learn computer science and mathematics concepts and skills. Although research shows coding toys can support mathematics for early childhood aged children, little is known about the specific design features of coding toys that afford mathematical thinking concepts and skills to young children. The purpose of this study was to examine kindergarten-aged children’s awareness of the design features in coding toys and to understand how those design features afford children’s engagement with mathematics. The dataset used for this study was collected as part of design-based research NSF project (award #DRL-1842116). I used a multi-phased qualitative analysis with a total of 42 hours of video data of 106, 5- to 6-year-old children engaging in coding toy tasks with four coding to answer the three research questions which were focused on perception of design features, mathematical engagement, and how different design features could afford mathematics. Results indicated that (a) children used and perceived the grid square and command arrow design features frequently, while other design features were used moderately or rarely; (b) children engaged in a variety of mathematical concepts and skills in five main categories of mathematical topics: spatial reasoning, geometry, comparison, measurement, and number; and (c) the relationship between design features affording mathematics varied depending on the coding toy. This research highlights the importance of specific design features to afford certain mathematical concepts and skills. These findings have important implications as early childhood educators explore ways to implement coding toys to support mathematics and computer science concepts, researchers conduct studies to better understanding how coding toys support mathematics and computer science learning, and commercial companies design new coding toys to fill the needs of educators and parents

    The role of perception in conceptual processing

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    Jedan od središnjih problema kognitivne znanosti je pitanje kako je pojmovno znanje reprezentirano u ljudskom umu. Teorija perceptivnih simboličkih sustava pretpostavlja da je znanje ukorijenjeno u modalno-specifičnim sustavima kao što su percepcija, motorika i emocije. Prema ovoj teoriji, perceptivna iskustva spremaju se u memorijske sustave koji se po potrebi mogu reaktivirati i oživjeti tijekom konceptualne obrade pomoću perceptivne simulacije. Važna kritika teorije je da ona može objasniti utjecaj perceptivnih varijabli na razumijevanje konkretnih pojmova, jer se objekti na koje se oni referiraju mogu lako predočiti, ali ne može objasniti kako razumijemo značenje apstraktnih pojmova te se postavlja pitanje imaju li perceptivne varijable utjecaj i na njihovu obradu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati je li razumijevanje značenja numeričkih pojmova utemeljeno u percepciji. Preciznije, u prvih šest eksperimenata cilj je bio ispitati jesu li elementarne aritmetičke operacije utemeljene u kretanju duž zajedničke prostorne reprezentacije veličina koja obuhvaća sve kvantitativne dimenzije kao što su prostor, vrijeme, brojevi i svjetlina. Osim toga, u sedmom i osmom eksperimentu ispitano je mogu li se mali brojevi utemeljiti u sustavu za subitizaciju odnosno sustavu za brzo i automatsko prebrojavanje malih skupova objekata u vidnom polju. U prvih šest eksperimenata ispitanici su rješavali aritmetičke zadatke koji su bili prikazani u crnoj ili bijeloj boji, a u sedmom i osmom eksperimentu ispitanici su uspoređivali rečenice i slike koje su varirale s obzirom na broj objekata spomenutih u rečenici i prikazanih na slici. U svim provedenim eksperimentima mjerena je i analizirana brzina i točnost rješavanja zadataka.One of the central issues in cognitive science is to understand how conceptual knowledge is represented in the mind. According to the theory of perceptual symbol systems, knowledge is grounded in modality-specific systems for perception, action and emotion. Perceptual experiences are stored in memory and they can be reactivated during conceptual processing via perceptual simulation. Important criticism of the theory is that it can explain understanding of concrete concepts because it is easy to visualize their referent objects but it is not clear how abstract concepts are processed and whether perceptual variables affect their understanding also. Aim of this research was to examine whether numerical concepts are grounded in perception