12 research outputs found

    Residential Segregation in Warsaw and its Metropolitan Area in the Context of Changing Housing Policy

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    Warsaw and its metropolitan area seem an interesting testing ground for research on the phenomenon of residential segregation in the context of the evolution of housing policy, since the city has been subject to significant changes as a result of historical events. Each of these contributed to alterations in the level and the character of residential segregation. The goal of this article is to answer the following question: Was the changing housing policy in Warsaw and the surrounding metropolitan area during the transformation period and afterwards accompanied by a modification of the segregation structure and what differences can be noticed in the whole of the metropolitan area and in the city itself

    Kvantitativni pokazatelji stambene segregacije

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    The first more complex studies of residential segregation appeared during late 1940s and early 1950s. The most common quantitative indicator today - dissimilarity index, is also one of the oldest indicators. Dissimilarity index, as well as other traditional indicators of residential segregation belongs to the category of nonspatial indicators that cannot reveal the geographical aspect of this phenomenon. For this reason, during the last few years more attention has been paid to the development of spatial (geographical) indicators of residential segregation.Prve kompleksnije studije stambene segregacije datiraju iz kasnih 1940-ih i ranih 1950-ih. Najzastupljeniji kvantitativni pokazatelj stambene segregacije danas - indeks različitosti, ujedno je i jedan od najstarijih. Indeks različitosti, kao i drugi tradicionalni pokazatelji stambene segregacije pripada kategoriji vanprostornih pokazatelja, koji ne mogu da sagledaju geografski aspekt ovog fenomena. Upravo iz tog razloga se poslednjih godina sve veća pažnja posvećuje razvoju prostornih (geografskih) pokazatelja stambene segregacije

    Spatial Segregation of the Roma Population in Međimurje County

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    Prostorni aspekt segregacije romskog stanovništva do sada nije uziman u obzir tijekom planiranja različitih mjera s ciljem bolje integracije romske nacionalne manjine u hrvatsko društvo. Ovaj rad predstavlja analizu prostorne segregacije romske populacije u Međimurskoj županiji čiji rezultati mogu pridonijeti boljem shvaćanju strukture prostora u kojem participira romsko stanovništvo. Kvantitativni pokazatelji upućuju na izrazitu prostornu segregaciju romske manjine u Međimurju na razini naselja, dok na županijskoj razini ona nije toliko naglašena. Na razini cijele županije Romi su prisutni u većem broju općina. Na lokalnoj razini prostorna segregacija očituje se u činjenici da Romi najvećim dijelom žive u nacionalno posve homogenim naseljima ili dijelovima naselja koji su prostorno odvojeni od ostatka lokalnog stanovništva. Uspješnija integracija romske manjine ovisi o budućim mjerama čiji će cilj biti smanjenje prostorne segregacije, koja je usko povezana s ostalim segregacijskim oblicima.The aspect of spatial segregation of the Roma population has not been considered until now as part of the variety of planned actions towards achieving the goal of better integration of the Roma national minority in Croatian society. This paper analyzes spatial segregation of the Roma population in Međimurje County, providing results that could contribute to a better understanding of the spatial structure in which the Roma population participate. The results of quantitative indicators suggest a high level of segregation of the Roma minority on the local scale in Međimurje, while it is not so obvious on the county scale. At the County level, Roma people are settled in many municipalities. Segregation is more obvious on the local scale, where Roma people live largely in nationally homogeneous settlements, or with parts of the settlements spatially separated from the rest of the local population. Successful integration of the Roma minority depends on future actions taken, aiming at minimizing spatial segregation, which is closely connected to other segregational aspects

    Framework of the existing patterns of residential segregation and housing quality in Nigeria

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    Residential segregation, the spatial separation of population sub-groups within a given geographical area, is a phenomenon which is prevalent in both developed and developing countries like Nigeria. This research examined the existing patterns of residential segregation and housing quality in Bauchi Metropolis of Northern Nigeria; its objectives are to explore the main patterns of residential segregation and evaluate the factors responsible for residential segregation in the study area, to analyse the quality of houses in the study area and determine the relationship between residential segregation and housing quality in the study area, and to develop a framework for the existing patterns of residential segregation and housing quality. Data was collected from 600 households within three density areas in Bauchi metropolis. The research was conducted through questionnaire survey, personal interview and personal observation, and the quantitative data was analysed using regression analysis while the qualitative data was analysed using thematic analysis. The research established that the existing residential segregation patterns are based mainly on religion, ethnicity, age and income; and the factors responsible for residential segregation in the study area are individual and aggregate socioeconomic characteristics, individual preference/taste/choice of neighbourhood and political/institutional factors. While the indicators of housing quality in the study area are building design, type of roofing and wall materials, condition and age of buildings, the type of internal facilities and the source of lighting. The findings of this research have contributed to knowledge by establishing that residential segregation patterns are based mainly on religion, ethnicity, age and income; and that political and institutional factors influence residential segregation in the study area

    Segregación socioespacial femenina en contextos metropolitanos. El caso de los municipios de Toluca, Metepec, y Zinacantepec. 2010-2015

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    La tendencia actual de la estructura urbana es la consolidación de un sistema metropolitano de ciudades (Castells, 2012; Garza, 2003; Garza, 2010; Aguilar y Hernández, 2012) que adopta un nuevo modelo y orden de centralidad de carácter policéntrico. Manuel Castells caracteriza a la metrópoli policéntrica a partir “de dos procesos intervinculados: descentralización extendida de las grandes ciudades a las zonas adyacentes, e interconexión de los pueblos preexistentes cuyos territorios llegan a integrarse mediante las nuevas capacidades de comunicación” (Castells, 2012:41). Introducción 13 De acuerdo con Adrián Aguilar y Josefina Hernández el comportamiento espacial de la metropolización ha desencadenado fenómenos tales como: la periurbanización, el policentrismo, la fragmentación de la estructura urbana y la segregación socioespacial (Aguilar y Hernández, 2012). Este último fenómeno ha emergido de la creciente urbanización metropolitana que ha acentuado las desigualdades en el territorio. Francisco Sabatini (2003) define a la segregación como la aglomeración en el espacio de familias o grupos de una misma condición socioeconómica, étnica, etaria, racial o religiosa.En América Latina el interés de las ciencias sociales por los estudios de los temas urbanos es más o menos reciente. Sus primeros antecedentes son de finales de los años cincuenta y principios de los sesenta del siglo XX (Duhau, 2013). La investigación urbana ha estado principalmente centrada en análisis de los modelos de estructura urbana, el enfoque económico de las ciudades y las tendencias de configuración socioterritorial a partir de los procesos de urbanización (Garza, 2003; Graizbord, 2008; Ramírez y Pradilla, 2013). De acuerdo con Ricardo Pino (2013) se puede identificar principalmente cuatro líneas de investigación en los estudios urbanos actuales: 1. la nueva configuración de la división internacional del trabajo; 2. la relocalización de la industria y la flexibilización del trabajo; 3. la ciudad global y 4. los procesos metropolitanos. De tal manera que en las últimas décadas el conocimiento producido en los estudios urbanos se ha centrado en los efectos de las reestructuraciones económicas y su impacto en la organización del territori

    Forma urbana y segregación espacial, el caso de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México

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    215 páginas. Doctorado en Diseño.En este trabajo se exploran los patrones de segregación espacial en la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México, la investigación documenta las ventajas espaciales de diferentes grupos de población urbana. A partir de la utilización de información cartográfica y censal disponible se elabora una propuesta de índice de segregación espacial que tiene como finalidad la de identificar los patrones que exacerban las desventajas sociales en zonas con distintas condiciones socioeconómica. En la elaboración de esta investigación se han utilizado los productos censales del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía INEGI como el Censo de Población y Vivienda, el Directorio Estadístico Nacional de Unidades Económicas, el Marco Geoestadístico Nacional y la Cartografía Geoestadística Urbana. A partir de la utilización de esta información se elabora una propuesta de índice de segregación espacial para dos escalas distintas de trabajo, la primera considera un ámbito inmediato acotado a una esfera de interacción local o barrial, mientras que la segunda escala está definida por la interacción existente en un ámbito global o metropolitano. Esta información es utilizada en la generación de índices de carácter cuantitativo como los indicadores de forma urbana, de disimilaridad e integración y de accesibilidad a oportunidades, que posteriormente fueron analizados mediante el uso de distintas herramientas técnicas de análisis factorial y espacial. Como resultado se identificaron cinco grupos homogéneos de población en la zona de estudio que presentan características similares en materia de segregación espacial, los mapas que se obtuvieron proporcionan información y conocimiento de mucha utilidad para los estudios relativos a las ciudades, pues evidencian las zonas en donde se localizan los sectores de la población socialmente desfavorecidos, por último, este trabajo de investigación intenta ser un aporte metodológico a los estudios de segregación.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    Integration of Roma in Croatia – the case of Međimurje County

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    Rad raspravlja o perspektivi i problemima integracije romske etničke zajednice u Hrvatskoj na primjeru Međimurske županije koja predstavlja prostor najvećeg broja i koncentracije romskog stanovništva. Romsko stanovništvo u Međimurskoj županiji, iako participira u zajedničkom prostoru s većinskim stanovništvom, svojim specifičnim kulturnim elementima izgrađuje i održava snažnom etničku granicu spram lokalnog stanovništva, te otežava i umanjuje mogućnosti vlastite integracije. Sa svrhom razumijevanja uzročno-posljedičnih odnosa i problema integracije istražena su različita obilježja romske etničke zajednice u Međimurju iz prostorno-geografske perspektive. Provedena je analiza prostorne distribucije romskog stanovništva u Međimurskoj županiji s naglaskom na pojavu i trendove promjene prostorne segregacije. Istražena su obilježja romskog kulturnog pejzaža, odnosno brojna specifična obilježja romskih naselja. Istraženi su i lokalni prostorni obrasci u iskazivanju stavova, stereotipa i socijalne distance prema Romima čiji rezultati ukazuju na značenje prostornog aspekta integracije Roma.The paper discusses the perspectives and problems of integration of the Roma ethnic community in Croatia on the example of Međimurje County, which represents the space of the largest number and concentration of the Roma population. The Roma population in Međimurje County, though participating in a common area with the majority population, builds and maintains a strong ethnic boundary to the local population with its specific cultural elements and hampers and reduces the possibilities of its own integration. For the purpose of understanding the cause-and-effect relations and integration problems, different characteristics of the Roma ethnic community in Međimurje from the spatial-geographical perspective were explored. An analysis of the spatial distribution of Roma population in Međimurje County was carried out with an emphasis on the occurrence and trends of spatial segregation. The characteristics of the Roma cultural landscape, ie numerous specific features of Roma settlements, were explored. Local spatial patterns were also explored in expressing attitudes, stereotypes and social distance towards Roma, whose results point to the importance of the spatial aspect of Roma integration

    Integration of Roma in Croatia – the case of Međimurje County

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    Rad raspravlja o perspektivi i problemima integracije romske etničke zajednice u Hrvatskoj na primjeru Međimurske županije koja predstavlja prostor najvećeg broja i koncentracije romskog stanovništva. Romsko stanovništvo u Međimurskoj županiji, iako participira u zajedničkom prostoru s većinskim stanovništvom, svojim specifičnim kulturnim elementima izgrađuje i održava snažnom etničku granicu spram lokalnog stanovništva, te otežava i umanjuje mogućnosti vlastite integracije. Sa svrhom razumijevanja uzročno-posljedičnih odnosa i problema integracije istražena su različita obilježja romske etničke zajednice u Međimurju iz prostorno-geografske perspektive. Provedena je analiza prostorne distribucije romskog stanovništva u Međimurskoj županiji s naglaskom na pojavu i trendove promjene prostorne segregacije. Istražena su obilježja romskog kulturnog pejzaža, odnosno brojna specifična obilježja romskih naselja. Istraženi su i lokalni prostorni obrasci u iskazivanju stavova, stereotipa i socijalne distance prema Romima čiji rezultati ukazuju na značenje prostornog aspekta integracije Roma.The paper discusses the perspectives and problems of integration of the Roma ethnic community in Croatia on the example of Međimurje County, which represents the space of the largest number and concentration of the Roma population. The Roma population in Međimurje County, though participating in a common area with the majority population, builds and maintains a strong ethnic boundary to the local population with its specific cultural elements and hampers and reduces the possibilities of its own integration. For the purpose of understanding the cause-and-effect relations and integration problems, different characteristics of the Roma ethnic community in Međimurje from the spatial-geographical perspective were explored. An analysis of the spatial distribution of Roma population in Međimurje County was carried out with an emphasis on the occurrence and trends of spatial segregation. The characteristics of the Roma cultural landscape, ie numerous specific features of Roma settlements, were explored. Local spatial patterns were also explored in expressing attitudes, stereotypes and social distance towards Roma, whose results point to the importance of the spatial aspect of Roma integration

    Integration of Roma in Croatia – the case of Međimurje County

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    Rad raspravlja o perspektivi i problemima integracije romske etničke zajednice u Hrvatskoj na primjeru Međimurske županije koja predstavlja prostor najvećeg broja i koncentracije romskog stanovništva. Romsko stanovništvo u Međimurskoj županiji, iako participira u zajedničkom prostoru s većinskim stanovništvom, svojim specifičnim kulturnim elementima izgrađuje i održava snažnom etničku granicu spram lokalnog stanovništva, te otežava i umanjuje mogućnosti vlastite integracije. Sa svrhom razumijevanja uzročno-posljedičnih odnosa i problema integracije istražena su različita obilježja romske etničke zajednice u Međimurju iz prostorno-geografske perspektive. Provedena je analiza prostorne distribucije romskog stanovništva u Međimurskoj županiji s naglaskom na pojavu i trendove promjene prostorne segregacije. Istražena su obilježja romskog kulturnog pejzaža, odnosno brojna specifična obilježja romskih naselja. Istraženi su i lokalni prostorni obrasci u iskazivanju stavova, stereotipa i socijalne distance prema Romima čiji rezultati ukazuju na značenje prostornog aspekta integracije Roma.The paper discusses the perspectives and problems of integration of the Roma ethnic community in Croatia on the example of Međimurje County, which represents the space of the largest number and concentration of the Roma population. The Roma population in Međimurje County, though participating in a common area with the majority population, builds and maintains a strong ethnic boundary to the local population with its specific cultural elements and hampers and reduces the possibilities of its own integration. For the purpose of understanding the cause-and-effect relations and integration problems, different characteristics of the Roma ethnic community in Međimurje from the spatial-geographical perspective were explored. An analysis of the spatial distribution of Roma population in Međimurje County was carried out with an emphasis on the occurrence and trends of spatial segregation. The characteristics of the Roma cultural landscape, ie numerous specific features of Roma settlements, were explored. Local spatial patterns were also explored in expressing attitudes, stereotypes and social distance towards Roma, whose results point to the importance of the spatial aspect of Roma integration