529,905 research outputs found

    Stutter-like dysfluencies in Flemish sign language users

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    Although stuttering is primarily considered to be a disorder of speech, stutter-like dysfluencies have been reported to occur during non-speech activities such as musical expression and sign language. Recently we conducted a questionnaire study aimed at documenting the possible occurrence and nature of stutter-like dysfluencies in Flemish Sign Language. A questionnaire was sent to 66 individuals who have knowledge of Flemish Sign Language and come regularly in contact with Flemish Sign Language users. They were 38 Flemish Sign Language interpreters and 28 employees of special needs schools adapted to deaf and partially deaf pupils. The questionnaire consisted of three parts. First, the participants were inquired about their occupational activities. The second part focused on the research questions. Namely, the interviewees were asked whether they had ever noticed dysfluencies in the manual communication of the deaf and partially deaf. If so, they had to indicate on a list which type of dysfluencies they had perceived and specify whether the dysfluencies generally occurred at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sign movement. Finally, the participants were asked to provide details (such as gender, age, nature of the fluency problems, awareness, secondary behaviour, and influencing factors) on each deaf and partially deaf person they consider to be dysfluent in the manual mode. Of the 66 individuals surveyed, 13 (i.e. 20%) responded. Of those 13 respondents, nine (i.e. 69%) reported to have observed dysfluencies in the manual communication of Flemish Sign Language users. Concerning the nature of these dysfluencies, participants mostly perceived ‘involuntary interjections’, ‘repetitions of sign movement’, ‘unusual body movements’ and ‘poor fluidity of the sign’. Looking at the distribution of the dysfluencies within the sign movement, fluency failures can occur at various loci but there seems to be a slight preponderance for the initial position. Individuals considered to be dysfluent in the manual mode are often males. They can be aware of their fluency problems and if so will often demonstrate secondary stuttering behaviour. Events accompanied by stress, fatigue or emotion will increase the manual dysfluencies at least in some cases. The current study revealed mainly features that are typical of stuttering, but also some features that are unlike those usually observed in stutterers. If dysfluencies in manual communication can be regarded as stuttering, this has implications for our perception of the stuttering phenomenon. One possibility is to hold on to the idea that stuttering is ‘first and foremost a disorder of speech’. On the other hand, instead of being a (speech) disorder on itself, stuttered speech and manual dysfluencies could be considered as symptoms of an underlying disturbance in motor functioning. In that case, one would expect to encounter stutter-like dysfluencies in all sorts of behaviour demanding extensive motor planning

    A Psycholinguistic Study on Communication Impairment Found in the Character “Whitney” in Maverick Novel

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    Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Communication Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment, Maverick Novel. People need language to express or deliver messages to others. The process of conveying the messages is called communication. Communication is not successful when people\u27s speech and language are impaired, which is then called communication impairment. It is a condition when someone cannot use speech and language well. The example of this impairment is depicted in Maverick novel which its main character named Whitney suffers from this impairment. Based on this background, there are 3 problems appear: (1) what are the referral characteristics of speech and language impairment suffered by Whitney?, (2) what are the types of communication impairment suffered by the character“ Whitney” in Maverick novel?, (3) What does the nonverbal communication used by the character “Whitney” in Maverick novel tocommunicate with others?. This study belongs to qualitative research since it focuses on dialogues rather than numbers. In obtaining the data, the writer did some steps: reading the novel, taking notes of the dialogues, and making list. Meanwhile, there are five theories used in this research to answer the problems, they are ADE: Special Education Unit (2014), Lanier (1963), NICHCY (2011), Pearson et al (2006), and DeVito (2005).The result of this study reveals that Whitney suffers from communication impairment. Intellectually, he cannot respond environment with ease. Academically, his writing skill is below expected level. Behaviorally, he prefers to gaze hanging toys than playing with them. Moreover, his communicative ability is weak particularly his speaking ability, and physically, his hearing ability is not very good. In addition, he experiences speech disorder; his articulation is impaired, he repeats the same word many times, and his voice sounds monotonous. Meanwhile, language disorder plays significant role, he cannot follow verbal instruction and even he uses the wrong word in speech. Nevertheless, he still communicates through nonverbal communication by using his body movement: gesture and facial expression. As the conclusion, with these symptoms Whitney suffers from communication impairment.By here, the writer gives suggestions to the readers to be aware of the characteristics of communication impairment and to those who have children to develop their language ability particularly receptive and expressive. Moreover, it is hoped the next researchers who are willing to conduct in the same field to use this study as the reference. The last, they can find other theories (Morrisey, 2010 or Guralnick, 2002) so that the result can be various

    Гендерна особливість вживання прецедентних феноменів (на матеріалі твору А. Фукс «Заборонена німецько-німецька любов»)

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    Стаття присвячена проблемам гендерної лінгвістики. На матеріалі твору німецької літератури виявлено та проаналізовано прецедентні феномени в мовлення чоловіка та жінки. Визначено функцію даних прецедентних феноменів. (This article is devoted to the problems of gender linguistic. The modern linguistic focuses its researches on the principle of the anthropology. Characteristics of linguistic personality become important while studying human in language. Researchers of various sciences focused great attention on the problems of gender in the second half of the XX century. Researches of this question were separated into an independent branch of science – genderology that covers a wide range of issues and numerous scientific fields – gender psychology, gender sociology, gender philosophy. Gender linguistics has a special place among them. Gender linguistics is a scientific branch that studies linguistics in the gender area. Domestic and foreign scholars were engaged in the problems of gender linguistics Gender issues in linguistics are considered in two ways: a man and a woman depicted in linguistics and differences in their speech. In this article we analyze the usage of precedent phenomena in speech of men and women. Among the tools used in speech in different functions (characterization, compositional, informative, and others), a special place take precedent phenomena. As precedent phenomena. we understand knowledge component, marking and contents of which are well known to members of certain ethnic and cultural communities, relevant and used in cognitive and communicative terms. The understanding of precedent phenomena is based on background and encyclopedic knowledge of the addressee. We analysed some examples and saw that the speech of woman has more precedent phenomena than the speech of man. The precedent phenomena were used in the function of comparison. Communication using precedent phenomena has been successful, as evidenced by further remarks of recipients. Man’s speech is clearer, more constructive and effective. Female speech is descriptive, detailed and romantic, at least that was seen in the examples analyzed above.


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    Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Communication Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment, Maverick Novel. People need language to express or deliver messages to others. The process of conveying the messages is called communication. Communication is not successful when people’s speech and language are impaired, which is then called communication impairment. It is a condition when someone cannot use speech and language well. The example of this impairment is depicted in Maverick novel which its main character named Whitney suffers from this impairment. Based on this background, there are 3 problems appear: (1) what are the referral characteristics of speech and language impairment suffered by Whitney?, (2) what are the types of communication impairment suffered by the character“ Whitney†in Maverick novel?, (3) What does the nonverbal communication used by the character “Whitney†in Maverick novel tocommunicate with others?. This study belongs to qualitative research since it focuses on dialogues rather than numbers. In obtaining the data, the writer did some steps: reading the novel, taking notes of the dialogues, and making list. Meanwhile, there are five theories used in this research to answer the problems, they are ADE: Special Education Unit (2014), Lanier (1963), NICHCY (2011), Pearson et al (2006), and DeVito (2005).The result of this study reveals that Whitney suffers from communication impairment. Intellectually, he cannot respond environment with ease. Academically, his writing skill is below expected level. Behaviorally, he prefers to gaze hanging toys than playing with them. Moreover, his communicative ability is weak particularly his speaking ability, and physically, his hearing ability is not very good. In addition, he experiences speech disorder; his articulation is impaired, he repeats the same word many times, and his voice sounds monotonous. Meanwhile, language disorder plays significant role, he cannot follow verbal instruction and even he uses the wrong word in speech. Nevertheless, he still communicates through nonverbal communication by using his body movement: gesture and facial expression. As the conclusion, with these symptoms Whitney suffers from communication impairment.By here, the writer gives suggestions to the readers to be aware of the characteristics of communication impairment and to those who have children to develop their  language ability particularly receptive and expressive. Moreover, it is hoped the next researchers who are willing to conduct in the same field to use this study as the reference. The last, they can find other theories (Morrisey, 2010 or Guralnick, 2002) so that the result can be various

    Linguistic problems in the Qur'anic dialogue statement, examples of sura al-Aaraf

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    This article aims to trace the characteristics of the Quranic dialogical statement that is mentioned in Surah Al-Araf as a miraculous face in the book of Allah, which some interpreters have referred to as the problem of the Qur'an, so we tried to trace some rhetorical phenomena in the dialogues contained in the surah and analyze them in an attempt to reveal what can constitute understanding for the recipient, and then we have allocated a special section to approach this, which can be a rhetorical linguistic problem, by mentioning the most important basics of the dialogical statement in achieving communication between interlocutors with the benefits of there are many and many lessons that must be considered and worked on during our dialogues and the need to know the Arabic language and their customs in the ways of saying and statement To understand the dialogue statement of the Holy Qur'an and the courses of speech are necessary to remove the problems of understanding and interpretation, as well as arming with the sciences of the Qur'an and language to know the purposes of the speech in order to avoid falling into trouble

    A Study on the Inter-communication System as Used in South Dakota Schools for the Instruction of Non-ambulatory Students from 1951-1956

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    he importance of education in American Society is regarded by many as a concern for a child’s total personality and not just with his absorption of specific information. Our public schools are the basic institutions through which democratic principles are maintained and improved among our people. An institution which deals with such important principles, with so much money and so many people is bound to be faced with many problems. However, one of the problems most difficult to solve has been the education of the exceptional child. Among those included as exceptional children are the blind, partially sighted, deaf, hard-of-hearing, mentally retarded, gifted, speech handicapped, orthopedically handicapped, and those with special health problems. For them some form of special educational service is required. This problem becomes even greater when it is narrowed down to the field of exceptional children who are non-ambulatory. A non-ambulatory child may be defined as one who can be educated or can continue his education but due to illness or accident is, upon the advice of his physician not permitted to leave his sick bed or his home. Educating the non-ambulatory child calls for different teaching methods, materials and equipment. This particular study will deal with non-ambulatory students and one method of their education in the South Dakota Public schools between the years 1952-1956. Despite the wide sue of the Inter-Communication System in other states, its use in South Dakota Schools has been limited. It is the purpose of this study to evaluate, by means of a questionnaire, the use of the Inter-Communication System in South Dakota for the education of such students

    Children with specific speech and language difficulties: the teachers' perspective

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    Children with specific speech and language difficulties are frequently placed in mainstream classrooms with varying degrees of support. Yet little attention has been paid to class teachers’ views about the children’s problems and educational needs. This paper reports the findings of a two-stage project in two local education authorities investigating the characteristics and needs of children with specific speech and language difficulties (SSLD). Teachers, educational psychologists, and speech and language therapists in two local education authorities identified 133 eight year-old children who experienced primary difficulties with speech and language. Fifty-nine children and a subsample of 10 children of the same age who attended specialist regional schools participated in further investigations. Each of the children was assessed using a battery of instruments covering language, basic attainments and self- esteem. In addition, their teachers completed behaviour rating scales and an individual interview. The teachers comprised those working in specialist provisions, but also those in mainstream schools. In this paper data derived from the interviews with the teachers supplemented by information from the assessments of the children’s skills will be reported. The teachers faced three challenges: the additional difficulties experienced by the children, their own knowledge gaps, and the barriers to meeting the children’s needs. The implications of the results for inclusive education are addressed