17 research outputs found

    A structural method for assessing self-similarity in plants

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    International audienceThe important rôle of architecture in the understanding of plants [8, 12, 23] generates a need for investigational tools. Generic tools have already been developed to vizualize plant architecture in three dimensions [20], to model the development of plant structure [6, 20], to measure plant architecture [24] , and to analyze and quantify relations between plant components [11]

    A clique-based method for the edit distance between unordered trees and its application to analysis of glycan structures

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    [Background]Measuring similarities between tree structured data is important for analysis of RNA secondary structures, phylogenetic trees, glycan structures, and vascular trees. The edit distance is one of the most widely used measures for comparison of tree structured data. However, it is known that computation of the edit distance for rooted unordered trees is NP-hard. Furthermore, there is almost no available software tool that can compute the exact edit distance for unordered trees. [Results]In this paper, we present a practical method for computing the edit distance between rooted unordered trees. In this method, the edit distance problem for unordered trees is transformed into the maximum clique problem and then efficient solvers for the maximum clique problem are applied. We applied the proposed method to similar structure search for glycan structures. The result suggests that our proposed method can efficiently compute the edit distance for moderate size unordered trees. It also suggests that the proposed method has the accuracy comparative to those by the edit distance for ordered trees and by an existing method for glycan search. [Conclusions]The proposed method is simple but useful for computation of the edit distance between unordered trees. The object code is available upon request

    Mirroring co-evolving trees in the light of their topologies

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    Determining the interaction partners among protein/domain families poses hard computational problems, in particular in the presence of paralogous proteins. Available approaches aim to identify interaction partners among protein/domain families through maximizing the similarity between trimmed versions of their phylogenetic trees. Since maximization of any natural similarity score is computationally difficult, many approaches employ heuristics to maximize the distance matrices corresponding to the tree topologies in question. In this paper we devise an efficient deterministic algorithm which directly maximizes the similarity between two leaf labeled trees with edge lengths, obtaining a score-optimal alignment of the two trees in question. Our algorithm is significantly faster than those methods based on distance matrix comparison: 1 minute on a single processor vs. 730 hours on a supercomputer. Furthermore we have advantages over the current state-of-the-art heuristic search approach in terms of precision as well as a recently suggested overall performance measure for mirrortree approaches, while incurring only acceptable losses in recall. A C implementation of the method demonstrated in this paper is available at http://compbio.cs.sfu.ca/mirrort.htmComment: 13 pages, 2 figures, Iman Hajirasouliha and Alexander Sch\"onhuth are joint first author

    Fast alignment of fragmentation trees

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    Motivation: Mass spectrometry allows sensitive, automated and high-throughput analysis of small molecules such as metabolites. One major bottleneck in metabolomics is the identification of ‘unknown’ small molecules not in any database. Recently, fragmentation tree alignments have been introduced for the automated comparison of the fragmentation patterns of small molecules. Fragmentation pattern similarities are strongly correlated with the chemical similarity of the molecules, and allow us to cluster compounds based solely on their fragmentation patterns

    A constrained edit distance algorithm between semi-ordered trees

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    AbstractIn this paper, we propose a formal definition of a new class of trees called semi-ordered trees and a polynomial dynamic programming algorithm to compute a constrained edit distance between such trees. The core of the method relies on a similar approach to compare unordered [Kaizhong Zhang, A constrained edit distance between unordered labeled trees, Algorithmica 15 (1996) 205–222] and ordered trees [Kaizhong Zhang, Algorithms for the constrained editing distance between ordered labeled trees and related problems, Pattern Recognition 28 (3) (1995) 463–474]. The method is currently applied to evaluate the similarity between architectures of apple trees [Vincent Segura, Aida Ouangraoua, Pascal Ferraro, Evelyne Costes, Comparison of tree architecture using tree edit distances: Application to two-year-old apple tree, Euphytica 161 (2007) 155–164]

    Metrics for comparing neuronal tree shapes based on persistent homology

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    As more and more neuroanatomical data are made available through efforts such as NeuroMorpho.Org and FlyCircuit.org, the need to develop computational tools to facilitate automatic knowledge discovery from such large datasets becomes more urgent. One fundamental question is how best to compare neuron structures, for instance to organize and classify large collection of neurons. We aim to develop a flexible yet powerful framework to support comparison and classification of large collection of neuron structures efficiently. Specifically we propose to use a topological persistence-based feature vectorization framework. Existing methods to vectorize a neuron (i.e, convert a neuron to a feature vector so as to support efficient comparison and/or searching) typically rely on statistics or summaries of morphometric information, such as the average or maximum local torque angle or partition asymmetry. These simple summaries have limited power in encoding global tree structures. Based on the concept of topological persistence recently developed in the field of computational topology, we vectorize each neuron structure into a simple yet informative summary. In particular, each type of information of interest can be represented as a descriptor function defined on the neuron tree, which is then mapped to a simple persistence-signature. Our framework can encode both local and global tree structure, as well as other information of interest (electrophysiological or dynamical measures), by considering multiple descriptor functions on the neuron. The resulting persistence-based signature is potentially more informative than simple statistical summaries (such as average/mean/max) of morphometric quantities-Indeed, we show that using a certain descriptor function will give a persistence-based signature containing strictly more information than the classical Sholl analysis. At the same time, our framework retains the efficiency associated with treating neurons as points in a simple Euclidean feature space, which would be important for constructing efficient searching or indexing structures over them. We present preliminary experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our persistence-based neuronal feature vectorization framework

    Efficient Similarity Search in Structured Data

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    Modern database applications are characterized by two major aspects: the use of complex data types with internal structure and the need for new data analysis methods. The focus of database users has shifted from simple queries to complex analyses of the data, known as knowledge discovery in databases. Important tasks in this area are the grouping of data objects (clustering), the classification of new data objects or the detection of exceptional data objects (outlier detection). Most algorithms for solving those problems are based on similarity search in databases. This makes efficient similarity search in large databases of structured objects an important basic operation for modern database applications. In this thesis we develop efficient methods for similarity search in large databases of structured data and improve the efficiency of existing query processing techniques. For the data objects, only a tree or graph structure is assumed which can be extended with arbitrary attribute information. Starting with an analysis of the demands from two example applications, several important requirements for similarity measures are identified. One aspect is the adaptability of the similarity search method to the requirements of the user and the application domain. This can even imply a change of the similarity measure between two successive queries of the same user. An explanation component which makes clear why objects are considered similar by the system is a necessary precondition for a purposeful adaption of the measure. Consequently, the edit distance, well-known from string processing, is a common similarity measure for graph structured objects. Its feature to allow a visualization of corresponding substructures and the possibility to weight single operations are the reason for this popularity. But it turns out that the edit distance and similar measures for tree structures are computationally extremely complex which makes them unsuitable for today's large and even growing databases. Therefore, we develop a multi-step query processing architecture which reduces the number of necessary distance calculations significantly. This is achieved by employing suitable filter methods. Furthermore, we show that by easing certain restrictions on the similarity measure, a significant performance gain can be obtained without reducing the quality of the measure. To achieve this, matchings of substructures (vertices or edges) of the data objects are determined. An additional cost function for those matchings allows to derive a similarity measure for structured data, called the edge matching distance, from the cost optimal matching of the substructures. But even for this new similarity measure, efficiency can be improved significantly by using a multi-step query processing approach. This allows the use of the edge matching distance for knowledge discovery applications in large databases. Within the thesis, the properties of our new similarity search methods are proved both theoretically and through experiments.Moderne Datenbankanwendungen werden vor allem durch zwei wesentliche Aspekte charakterisiert. Dies ist zum einen die Verwendung komplexer Datentypen mit interner Struktur und zum anderen die Notwendigkeit neuer Recherchemöglichkeiten. Der Fokus bei der Datenbankbenutzung hat sich von einfachen Anfragen hin zu komplexen Analysen des Datenbestandes, dem sogenannten Knowledge-Discovery in Datenbanken, entwickelt. Wichtige Analysetechniken in diesem Bereich sind unter anderem die Gruppierung der Daten in Teilmengen (Clustering), die Klassifikation neuer Datenobjekte im Bezug auf den vorhandenen Datenbestand und das Erkennen von Ausreißern in den Daten (Outlier-Identifikation). Die Basis für die meisten Verfahren zur Lösung dieser Aufgaben bildet dabei die Bestimmung der Ähnlichkeit von Datenbankobjekten. Die effiziente Ähnlichkeitssuche in großen Datenbanken strukturierter Objekte ist daher eine wichtige Basisoperation für moderne Datenbankanwendungen. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden daher effiziente Verfahren für die Ähnlichkeitssuche in großen Mengen strukturierter Objekte entwickelt, bzw. die Effizienz vorhandener Verfahren deutlich zu verbessert. Dabei wird lediglich eine baum- oder allgemein graphartige innere Struktur der Datenobjekte vorausgesetzt, die durch beliebige Attribute erweitert wird. Ausgehend von einer Analyse der Anforderungen an Ähnlichkeitssuchverfahren in zwei Beispielsanwendungen aus dem Bereich der Bildsuche und des Proteindockings, wurden mehrere wichtige Aspekte der Ähnlichkeitssuche identifiziert. Ein erster Aspekt ist, das Maß für die Ähnlichkeit für den Benutzer anpassbar zu gestalten, da der zugrundeliegende Ähnlichkeitsbegriff sowohl benutzer- als auch situationsabhängig ist, was bis hin zur Änderung des Ähnlichkeitsbegriffs zwischen zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Anfragen gehen kann. Voraussetzung für eine zielgerichtete Anpassung des Ähnlichkeitsbegriffs ist dabei eine Erklärungskomponente, welche dem Benutzer das Zustandekommen eines Ähnlichkeitswertes verdeutlicht. Die aus der Stringverarbeitung bekannte Edit-Distanz ist deshalb ein weit verbreitetes Maß für die Ähnlichkeit von graphstrukturierten Objekten, da sie eine Gewichtung einzelner Operationen erlaubt und durch eine Zuordnung von Teilobjekten aus den zu vergleichenden Strukturen eine Erklärungskomponente liefert. Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass die Bestimmung der Edit-Distanz und vergleichbarer Ähnlichkeitsmaße für Baum- oder Graphstrukturen extrem zeitaufwendig ist. Es wird daher zunächst ein mehrstufiges Anfragebearbeitungsmodell entwickelt, welches durch geeignete Filterschritte die Anzahl der notwendigen Distanzberechnungen massiv reduziert und so die Geschwindigkeit der Anfragebearbeitung deutlich steigert bzw. erst für große Datenmengen akzeptabel macht. Im nächsten Schritt wird aufgezeigt, wie sich durch Lockerung einiger Bedingungen für das Ähnlichkeitsmaß deutliche Geschwindigkeitssteigerungen erreichen lassen, ohne Einbußen bezüglich der Qualität der Anfrageergebnisse hinnehmen zu müssen. Dazu werden Paarungen von Teilstrukturen (Knoten oder Kanten) der zu vergleichenden Objekte bestimmt, die zusätzlich mittels einer Kostenfunktion gewichtet werden. Eine bezüglich dieser Kostenfunktion optimale Paarung aller Teilstrukturen stellt dann ein Maß für die Ähnlichkeit der Vergleichsobjekte dar, die sogenannte "edge matching distance". Es zeigt sich jedoch, dass auch für dieses neue Ähnlichkeitsmaß eine mehrstufige Anfragebearbeitung zusammen mit entsprechenden, neuartigen Filtermethoden eine erhebliche Performanzsteigerung erlaubt. Diese stellt die Voraussetzung für die Anwendung der Verfahren im Rahmen des Knowledge-Discovery in großen Datenbanken dar. Dabei werden die genannten Eigenschaften der neu entwickelten Verfahren sowohl theoretisch als auch mittels praktischer Experimente belegt

    Novel methods for the analysis of small molecule fragmentation mass spectra

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    The identification of small molecules, such as metabolites, in a high throughput manner plays an important in many research areas. Mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the predominant analysis technologies and is much more sensitive than nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Fragmentation of the molecules is used to obtain information beyond its mass. Gas chromatography-MS is one of the oldest and most widespread techniques for the analysis of small molecules. Commonly, the molecule is fragmented using electron ionization (EI). Using this technique, the molecular ion peak is often barely visible in the mass spectrum or even absent. We present a method to calculate fragmentation trees from high mass accuracy EI spectra, which annotate the peaks in the mass spectrum with molecular formulas of fragments and explain relevant fragmentation pathways. Fragmentation trees enable the identification of the molecular ion and its molecular formula if the molecular ion is present in the spectrum. The method works even if the molecular ion is of very low abundance. MS experts confirm that the calculated trees correspond very well to known fragmentation mechanisms.Using pairwise local alignments of fragmentation trees, structural and chemical similarities to already-known molecules can be determined. In order to compare a fragmentation tree of an unknown metabolite to a huge database of fragmentation trees, fast algorithms for solving the tree alignment problem are required. Unfortunately the alignment of unordered trees, such as fragmentation trees, is NP-hard. We present three exact algorithms for the problem. Evaluation of our methods showed that thousands of alignments can be computed in a matter of minutes. Both the computation and the comparison of fragmentation trees are rule-free approaches that require no chemical knowledge about the unknown molecule and thus will be very helpful in the automated analysis of metabolites that are not included in common libraries