11,639 research outputs found

    Railway Timetable Optimization

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    In this cumulative dissertation, we study several aspects of railway timetable optimization. The first contributions cover Practical Applications of Automatic Railway Timetabling. In particular, for the problem of simultaneously scheduling all freight trains in Germany such that there are no conflicts between them, we propose a novel column generation approach. Each train can choose from an iteratively growing set of possible routes and times, so called slots. For the task of choosing maximally many slots without conflicts, we present and apply the heuristic algorithm Conflict Resolving (CR). With these two methods, we are able to schedule more than 5000 trains simultaneously, exceeding the scopes of other studies. A second practical application that we study is measuring the capacity increase in the railway network when equipping freight trains with electro-pneumatic brakes and middle buffer couplings. Methodically, we propose to explicitly construct as many slots as possible for such trains and measure the capacity as the number of constructed slots. Furthermore, we contribute to the field of Algorithms and Computability in Timetable Generation. We present two heuristic solution algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability Problem (MaxSAT). In the literature, it has been proposed to encode different NP-complete problems that occur in railway timetabling in MaxSAT. In numerical experiments, we prove that our algorithms are competitive to state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers. Moreover, we study the parameterized complexity status of periodic scheduling and give proofs that the problem is NP-complete for input graphs of bounded treewidth, branchwidth and carvingwidth. Finally, we propose a framework for analyzing Delay Propagation in Railway Networks. More precisely, we develop delay transmission rules based on different correlation measures that can be derived from historical operations data. What is more, we apply SHAP values from Explainable AI to the problem of discerning primary delays that occur stochastically in the operations, to secondary follow-up delays. Transmission rules that are derived from the secondary delays indicate where timetable adjustments are needed. In our last contribution in this field, we apply such adjustment rules for black-box optimization of timetables in a simulation environment

    Integrating Passengers\u27 Routes in Periodic Timetabling: A SAT approach

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    The periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) is a well studied problem known as intrinsically hard. Its main application is for designing periodic timetables in public transportation. To this end, the passengers\u27 paths are required as input data. This is a drawback since the final paths which are used by the passengers depend on the timetable to be designed. Including the passengers\u27 routing in the PESP hence improves the quality of the resulting timetables. However, this makes PESP even harder. Formulating the PESP as satisfiability problem and using SAT solvers for its solution has been shown to be a highly promising approach. The goal of this paper is to exploit if SAT solvers can also be used for the problem of integrated timetabling and passenger routing. In our model of the integrated problem we distribute origin-destination (OD) pairs temporally through the network by using time-slices in order to make the resulting model more realistic. We present a formulation of this integrated problem as integer program which we are able to transform to a satisfiability problem. We tested the latter formulation within numerical experiments, which are performed on Germany\u27s long-distance passenger railway network. The computation\u27s analysis in which we compare the integrated approach with the traditional one with fixed passengers\u27 weights, show promising results for future scientific investigations

    A Matching Approach for Periodic Timetabling

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    The periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) is a well studied problem known as intrinsically hard, but with important applications mainly for finding good timetables in public transportation. In this paper we consider PESP in public transportation, but in a reduced version (r-PESP) in which the driving and waiting times of the vehicles are fixed to their lower bounds. This results in a still NP-hard problem which has less variables, since only one variable determines the schedule for a whole line. We propose a formulation for r-PESP which is based on scheduling the lines. This enables us on the one hand to identify a finite candidate set and an exact solution approach. On the other hand, we use this formulation to derive a matching-based heuristic for solving PESP. Our experiments on close to real-world instances from LinTim show that our heuristic is able to compute competitive timetables in a very short runtime

    A Phase I Simplex Method for Finding Feasible Periodic Timetables

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    The periodic event scheduling problem (PESP) with various applications in timetabling or traffic light scheduling is known to be challenging to solve. In general, it is already NP-hard to find a feasible solution. However, depending on the structure of the underlying network and the values of lower and upper bounds on activities, this might also be an easy task. In this paper we make use of this property and suggest phase I approaches (similar to the well-known phase I of the simplex algorithm) to find a feasible solution to PESP. Given an instance of PESP, we define an auxiliary instance for which a feasible solution can easily be constructed, and whose solution determines a feasible solution of the original instance or proves that the original instance is not feasible. We investigate different possibilities on how such an auxiliary instance can be defined theoretically and experimentally. Furthermore, in our experiments we compare different solution approaches for PESP and their behavior in the phase I approach. The results show that this approach can be especially helpful if the instance admits a feasible solution, while it is generally outperformed by classic mixed-integer programming formulations when the instance is infeasible

    An iterative heuristic for passenger-centric train timetabling with integrated adaption times

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    In this paper we present a method to construct a periodic timetable from a tactical planning perspective. We aim at constructing a timetable that is feasible with respect to infrastructure constraints and minimizes average perceived passenger travel time. In addition to in-train and transfer times, our notion of perceived passenger time includes the adaption time (waiting time at the origin station). Adaption time minimization allows us to avoid strict frequency regularity constraints and, at the same time, to ensure regular connections between passengers’ origins and destinations. The combination of adaption time minimization and infrastructure constraints satisfaction makes the problem very challenging. The described periodic timetabling problem can be modelled as an extension of a Peri- odic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP) formulation, but requires huge computing times if it is directly solved by a general-purpose solver for instances of realistic size. In this paper, we propose a heuristic approach consisting of two phases that are executed iteratively. First, we solve a mixed-integer linear program to determine an ideal timetable that mini- mizes the average perceived passenger travel time but neglects infrastructure constraints. Then, a Lagrangian-based heuristic makes the timetable feasible with respect to infras- tructure constraints by modifying train departure and arrival times as little as possible. The obtained feasible timetable is then evaluated to compute the resulting average per- ceived passenger travel time, and a feedback is sent to the Lagrangian-based heuristic so as to possibly improve the obtained timetable from the passenger perspective, while still respecting infrastructure constraints. We illustrate the proposed iterative heuristic approach on real-life instances of Netherlands Railways and compare it to a benchmark approach, showing that it finds a feasible timetable very close to the ideal one

    Real-time MTL with durations as SMT with applications to schedulability analysis

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    This paper introduces a synthesis procedure for the satisfiability problem of RMTL-D formulas as SAT solving modulo theories. RMTL-D is a real-time version of metric temporal logic (MTL) extended by a duration quantifier allowing to measure time durations. For any given formula, a SAT instance modulo the theory of arrays, uninterpreted functions with equality and non-linear real-arithmetic is synthesized and may then be further investigated using appropriate SMT solvers. We show the benefits of using RMTL-D with the given SMT encoding on a diversified set of examples that include in particular its application in the area of schedulability analysis. Therefore, we introduce a simple language for formalizing schedulability problems and show how to formulate timing constraints as RMTL-D formulas. Our practical evaluation based on our synthesis and Z3 as back-end SMT solver also shows the feasibility of the overall approach.This work was partially supported by BMVI project IHATEC / SecurePort; by National Funds through FCT/M- CTES (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), within the CISTER Research Unit (UID/CEC/04234) and the INESC TEC (UIDB/50014/2020); also by the Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020) under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and also by national funds through the FCT, within project NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-028550 (REASSURE)

    Complexity of Timeline-Based Planning over Dense Temporal Domains: Exploring the Middle Ground

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    In this paper, we address complexity issues for timeline-based planning over dense temporal domains. The planning problem is modeled by means of a set of independent, but interacting, components, each one represented by a number of state variables, whose behavior over time (timelines) is governed by a set of temporal constraints (synchronization rules). While the temporal domain is usually assumed to be discrete, here we consider the dense case. Dense timeline-based planning has been recently shown to be undecidable in the general case; decidability (NP-completeness) can be recovered by restricting to purely existential synchronization rules (trigger-less rules). In this paper, we investigate the unexplored area of intermediate cases in between these two extremes. We first show that decidability and non-primitive recursive-hardness can be proved by admitting synchronization rules with a trigger, but forcing them to suitably check constraints only in the future with respect to the trigger (future simple rules). More "tractable" results can be obtained by additionally constraining the form of intervals in future simple rules: EXPSPACE-completeness is guaranteed by avoiding singular intervals, PSPACE-completeness by admitting only intervals of the forms [0,a] and [b,∞\infty[.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2018, arXiv:1809.0241

    Decentralized Online Scheduling of Malleable NP-hard Jobs

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    In this work, we address an online job scheduling problem in a large distributed computing environment. Each job has a priority and a demand of resources, takes an unknown amount of time, and is malleable, i.e., the number of allotted workers can fluctuate during its execution. We subdivide the problem into (a) determining a fair amount of resources for each job and (b) assigning each job to an according number of processing elements. Our approach is fully decentralized, uses lightweight communication, and arranges each job as a binary tree of workers which can grow and shrink as necessary. Using the NP-complete problem of propositional satisfiability (SAT) as a case study, we experimentally show on up to 128 machines (6144 cores) that our approach leads to near-optimal utilization, imposes minimal computational overhead, and performs fair scheduling of incoming jobs within a few milliseconds
