47 research outputs found

    Optimizing Routes Quality and Scattering in the AODV Routing Protocol

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    An ad-hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis. Routing protocols are used to discover routes between nodes. Many mobile ad-hoc networks protocols such as AODV construct route only when desired by the source node (reactively). The advantage hereof is that no prior assumptions of the network topology are required. In highly mobile networks this is an attractive property. Other used protocols (such as OLSR) are said proactive. Such protocols maintain information about routes to all destinations all times. The consequence of this approach is that the amount of control traffic is independent of the actual traffic and mobility in the network. In this paper we describe three major optimization schemes for the well-known AODV routing protocol in order to get some of the proactive protocols features in it. The targeted characteristics are: traffic independent control and shortest path routes.Facultad de Informátic

    Hardware/software partitioning algorithm based on the combination of genetic algorithm and tabu search

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    To solve the hardware/software (HW/SW) partitioning problem of a single Central Processing Unit (CPU) system, a hybrid algorithm of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Tabu Search(TS) is studied. Firstly, the concept hardware orientation is proposed and then used in creating the initial colony of GA and the mutation, which reduces the randomicity of initial colony and the blindness of search. Secondly, GA is run, the crossover and mutation probability become smaller in the process of GA, thus they not only ensure a big search space in the early stages, but also save the good solution for later browsing. Finally, the result of GA is used as initial solution of TS, and tabu length adaptive method is put forward in the process of TS, which can improve the convergence speed. From experimental statistics, the efficiency of proposed algorithm outperforms comparison algorithm by up to 25% in a large-scale problem, what is more, it can obtain a better solution. In conclusion, under specific conditions, the proposed algorithm has higher efficiency and can get better solutions

    A comparative study of marriage in honey bees optimisation (MBO) algorithm in multi-reservoir system optimisation

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    Contemporary reservoir systems often require operators to meet a variety of goals and objectives; these in turn frequently complicate water management decision-making. In addition, many reservoir objectives have non-linear relationships and are therefore difficult to implement using traditional optimisation techniques. A practical application of the marriage in honey bees optimisation (MBO) algorithm is being utilised for Karkheh multi-reservoir system, south-western Iran, where supplying irrigation water for agricultural areas and maintaining a minimum in-stream flow for environmental purposes is desired. Optimal monthly reservoir release information by MBO is highlighted and the results compared to those of other evolutionary algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm (GA), ant colony optimisation for continuous domains (ACOR), particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and elitist-mutation particle swarm optimisation (EMPSO). The results indicate the superiority of MBO over the algorithms tested.Keywords: non-linear optimisation, multi reservoir system, honey bee mating optimisation algorithm, evolutionary algorithms, meta-heuristic algorithm

    Development of a decision support system for solving container loading problems

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    The globalization of supply chains and rising fuel costs are forcing container carriers both to minimize the number of trips and to maximize available container space. This makes container loading (CL) a critical process especially in real‐life applications. Container loading (CL), which is a difficult problem to be solved, has many applications in container transportation and distribution industries. This article presents a container loading support system (CLSS). The proposed CLSS composes of three main components, including a hybrid Bees Algorithm as the main computational algorithm, the graphical user interface (GUI) and a simulation program. The aim of the designed system is to make the packing pattern more visible to the user in order to simplify the loading process. An illustrative example ‐a CL problem from literature ‐ is also provided to introduce the operation of the system and to prove its efficiency. First published online: 24 Jun 201

    Feladatfüggő felépítésű többprocesszoros célrendszerek szintézis algoritmusainak kutatása = Research of synthesis algorithms for special-purpose multiprocessing systems with task-dependent architecture

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    Új módszert és egy keretrendszert fejlesztettünk ki olyan speciális többprocesszoros struktúra tervezésére, amely lehetővé teszi a pipeline működtetést akkor is, ha a feladat-leírásban nincs hatékonyan kihasználható párhuzamosság. A szintézis egy magas szintű nyelven (C, Java, stb.) adott feladatleírásból indul ki. Ezután dekompozíciós algoritmus megfelelő szegmenseket képez a program alapján. A szegmensek kívánt száma, a szegmenseket megvalósító processzorok főbb tulajdonságai és a becsült kommunikációs időigények megadhatók bemeneti paraméterekként. Kedvező pipeline felépítés céljából a pipeline adatfolyamok magas szintű szintézisének (HLS) módszertanát alkalmaztuk. Ezek az eszközök az ütemezés és az allokáció révén kísérlik meg az optimalizálást a szegmensekből képzett adatfolyam gráfon. Ezért a kiadódó többprocesszoros felépítés nem egy uniformizált processzor-rács, hanem a megoldandó feladatra formált struktúra, így feladatfüggőnek nevezhető. A módszer modularitása lehetővé teszi a dekompozíciós algoritmusnak és a HLS eszköznek a cseréjét, módosítását az alkalmazási igényektől függően. A módszer kiértékelése céljából olyan HLS eszközt alkalmaztunk, amely a kívánt pipeline újraindítási periódust bemeneti adatként tudja kezelni, és processzorok között egy optimalizált időosztásos, arbitráció-mentes sínrendszert hoz létre. Ebben a struktúrában a kommunikáció szervezéséhez nincs szükség külön szoftver támogatásra, ha a processzorok képesek közvetlen adatforgalomra. | A new method and a framework tool has been developed for designing a special multiprocessing structure for making the pipeline function possible as a special parallel processing, even if there is no efficiently exploitable parallelism in the task description. The synthesis starts from a task description written in a high level language (C, Java, etc). A decomposing algorithm generates proper segments of this program. The desired number of the segments, the main properties of the processor set implementing the segments and the estimated communication time-demand can be given as input parameters. For constructing a pipeline structure, the high-level synthesis (HLS) methodology of pipelined datapaths is applied. These tools attempt to optimize by scheduling and allocating the dataflow graph generated from the segments Thus, the resulted structure is not a uniform processor grid, but it is shaped depending on the task, i.e. it can be called task-dependent. The modularity of the method permits the decomposition algorithm and the HLS tool to be replaced by other ones depending on the requirements of the application. For evaluating the method, a specific HLS tool is applied, which can accept the desired pipeline restart time as input parameter, and generates an optimized time shared simple arbitration-free bus system between the processing units. Therefore, there is no need for extra efforts to organize the communication, if the processing units can transfer data directly

    Ant colony optimization on runtime reconfigurable architectures

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    Attribution of Information in Animal Interaction

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    This article establishes grounds on which attributions of information and encoding in animal signals are warranted. As common interest increases between evolutionary agents, the theoretical approach best suited to describing their interaction shifts from evolutionary game theory to communication theory, which warrants informational language. The take-home positive message is that in cooperative settings, signals can appropriately be described as transmitting encoded information, regardless of the cognitive powers of signalers. The canonical example is the honeybee waggle dance, which is discussed extensively in the second and third sections. The take-home negative message is that signals are not always a consequence of coadaptation. The communication theory approach is just one end of a continuum explored more thoroughly by evolutionary game theory. The fourth and fifth sections explore this wider framework, as well as overturning some widely held misconceptions about information theory.This research is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship and Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship Grant FL130100141