13 research outputs found

    Decompositions of Grammar Constraints

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    A wide range of constraints can be compactly specified using automata or formal languages. In a sequence of recent papers, we have shown that an effective means to reason with such specifications is to decompose them into primitive constraints. We can then, for instance, use state of the art SAT solvers and profit from their advanced features like fast unit propagation, clause learning, and conflict-based search heuristics. This approach holds promise for solving combinatorial problems in scheduling, rostering, and configuration, as well as problems in more diverse areas like bioinformatics, software testing and natural language processing. In addition, decomposition may be an effective method to propagate other global constraints.Comment: Proceedings of the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    Compiling CSPs: A Complexity Map of (Non-Deterministic) Multivalued Decision Diagrams

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    International audienceConstraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) offer a powerful framework for representing a great variety of problems. The difficulty is that most of the requests associated with CSPs are NP-hard. When these requests have to be addressed online, Multivalued Decision Diagrams (MDDs) have been proposed as a way to compile CSPs. In the present paper, we draw a compilation map of MDDs, in the spirit of the NNF compilation map, analyzing MDDs according to their succinctness and to their tractable transformations and queries. Deterministic ordered MDDs are a generalization of ordered binary decision diagrams to non-Boolean domains: unsurprisingly, they have similar capabilities. More interestingly, our study puts forward the interest of non-deterministic ordered MDDs: when restricted to Boolean domains, they capture OBDDs and DNFs as proper subsets and have performances close to those of DNNFs. The comparison to classical, deterministic MDDs shows that relaxing the determinism requirement leads to an increase in succinctness and allows more transformations to be satisfied in polynomial time (typically, the disjunctive ones). Experiments on random problems confirm the gain in succinctness

    A finite state intersection approach to propositional satisfiability

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    AbstractWe use a finite state (FSA) construction approach to address the problem of propositional satisfiability (SAT). We present a very simple translation from formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNF) to regular expressions and use regular expressions to construct an FSA. As a consequence of the FSA construction, we obtain an ALL-SAT solver and model counter. This automata construction can be considered essentially a finite state intersection grammar (FSIG). We also show how an FSIG approach can be encoded. Several variable ordering (state ordering) heuristics are compared in terms of the running time of the FSA and FSIG construction. We also present a strategy for clause ordering (automata composition). Running times of state-of-the-art model counters and BDD based SAT solvers are compared and we show that both the FSA and FSIG approaches obtain an state-of-the-art performance on some hard unsatisfiable benchmarks. It is also shown that clause learning techniques can help improve performance. This work brings up many questions on the possible use of automata and grammar models to address SAT

    Interactive Cost Configuration Over Decision Diagrams

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    Abstract In many AI domains such as product configuration, a user should interactively specify a solution that must satisfy a set of constraints. In such scenarios, offline compilation of feasible solutions into a tractable representation is an important approach to delivering efficient backtrack-free user interaction online. In particular, binary decision diagrams (BDDs) have been successfully used as a compilation target for product and service configuration. In this paper we discuss how to extend BDD-based configuration to scenarios involving cost functions which express user preferences. We first show that an efficient, robust and easy to implement extension is possible if the cost function is additive, and feasible solutions are represented using multi-valued decision diagrams (MDDs). We also discuss the effect on MDD size if the cost function is non-additive or if it is encoded explicitly into MDD. We then discuss interactive configuration in the presence of multiple cost functions. We prove that even in its simplest form, multiple-cost configuration is NP-hard in the input MDD. However, for solving two-cost configuration we develop a pseudo-polynomial scheme and a fully polynomial approximation scheme. The applicability of our approach is demonstrated through experiments over real-world configuration models and product-catalogue datasets. Response times are generally within a fraction of a second even for very large instances

    On Formal Methods for Large-Scale Product Configuration

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    <p>In product development companies mass customization is widely used to achieve better customer satisfaction while keeping costs down. To efficiently implement mass customization, product platforms are often used. A product platform allows building a wide range of products from a set of predefined components. The process of matching these components to customers' needs is called product configuration. Not all components can be combined with each other due to restrictions of various kinds, for example, geometrical, marketing and legal reasons. Product design engineers develop configuration constraints to describe such restrictions. The number of constraints and the complexity of the relations between them are immense for complex product like a vehicle. Thus, it is both error-prone and time consuming to analyze, author and verify the constraints manually. Software tools based on formal methods can help engineers to avoid making errors when working with configuration constraints, thus design a correct product faster.</p> <p>This thesis introduces a number of formal methods to help engineers maintain, verify and analyze product configuration constraints. These methods provide automatic verification of constraints and computational support for analyzing and refactoring constraints. The methods also allow verifying the correctness of one specific type of constraints, item usage rules, for sets of mutually-exclusive required items, and automatic verification of equivalence of different formulations of the constraints. The thesis also introduces three methods for efficient enumeration of valid partial configurations, with benchmarking of the methods on an industrial dataset.</p> <p>Handling large-scale industrial product configuration problems demands high efficiency from the software methods. This thesis investigates a number of search-based and knowledge-compilation-based methods for working with large product configuration instances, including Boolean satisfiability solvers, binary decision diagrams and decomposable negation normal form. This thesis also proposes a novel method based on supervisory control theory for efficient reasoning about product configuration data. The methods were implemented in a tool, to investigate the applicability of the methods for handling large product configuration problems. It was found that search-based Boolean satisfiability solvers with incremental capabilities are well suited for industrial configuration problems.</p> <p>The methods proposed in this thesis exhibit good performance on practical configuration problems, and have a potential to be implemented in industry to support product design engineers in creating and maintaining configuration constraints, and speed up the development of product platforms and new products.</p

    Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems Using Finite State Automata

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    In this paper, we explore the idea of representing CSPs using techniques from formal language theory. The solution set of a CSP can be expressed as a regular language; we propose the minimized deterministic finite state automation (MDFA) recognizing this language as a canonical representation for the CSP. This representation has a number of advantages. Explicit (enumerated) constraints can be stored in lesser space than traditional techniques. Implicit constraints and networks of constraints can be composed from explicit ones by using a complete algebra of boolean operators like AND, OR, NOT, etc., applied in an arbitrary manner. Such constraints are stored in the same way as explicit constraints - by using MDFAs. This capability allows our technique to construct networks of constraints incrementally. After constructing this representation, answering queries like satisfiability, validity, equivalence, etc., becomes trivial as this representation is canonical. Thus, MDFAs serve as a means to represent constraints as well as to reason with them. While this technique is not a panacea for solving CSPs, experiments demonstrate that it is much better than previously known techniques on certain types of problems

    Contributions to the Theory of Finite-State Based Grammars

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    This dissertation is a theoretical study of finite-state based grammars used in natural language processing. The study is concerned with certain varieties of finite-state intersection grammars (FSIG) whose parsers define regular relations between surface strings and annotated surface strings. The study focuses on the following three aspects of FSIGs: (i) Computational complexity of grammars under limiting parameters In the study, the computational complexity in practical natural language processing is approached through performance-motivated parameters on structural complexity. Each parameter splits some grammars in the Chomsky hierarchy into an infinite set of subset approximations. When the approximations are regular, they seem to fall into the logarithmic-time hierarchyand the dot-depth hierarchy of star-free regular languages. This theoretical result is important and possibly relevant to grammar induction. (ii) Linguistically applicable structural representations Related to the linguistically applicable representations of syntactic entities, the study contains new bracketing schemes that cope with dependency links, left- and right branching, crossing dependencies and spurious ambiguity. New grammar representations that resemble the Chomsky-SchĂĽtzenberger representation of context-free languages are presented in the study, and they include, in particular, representations for mildly context-sensitive non-projective dependency grammars whose performance-motivated approximations are linear time parseable. (iii) Compilation and simplification of linguistic constraints Efficient compilation methods for certain regular operations such as generalized restriction are presented. These include an elegant algorithm that has already been adopted as the approach in a proprietary finite-state tool. In addition to the compilation methods, an approach to on-the-fly simplifications of finite-state representations for parse forests is sketched. These findings are tightly coupled with each other under the theme of locality. I argue that the findings help us to develop better, linguistically oriented formalisms for finite-state parsing and to develop more efficient parsers for natural language processing. Avainsanat: syntactic parsing, finite-state automata, dependency grammar, first-order logic, linguistic performance, star-free regular approximations, mildly context-sensitive grammar

    Knowledge compilation for online decision-making : application to the control of autonomous systems = Compilation de connaissances pour la décision en ligne : application à la conduite de systèmes autonomes

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    La conduite de systèmes autonomes nécessite de prendre des décisions en fonction des observations et des objectifs courants : cela implique des tâches à effectuer en ligne, avec les moyens de calcul embarqués. Cependant, il s'agit généralement de tâches combinatoires, gourmandes en temps de calcul et en espace mémoire. Réaliser ces tâches intégralement en ligne dégrade la réactivité du système ; les réaliser intégralement hors ligne, en anticipant toutes les situations possibles, nuit à son embarquabilité. Les techniques de compilation de connaissances sont susceptibles d'apporter un compromis, en déportant au maximum l'effort de calcul avant la mise en situation du système. Ces techniques consistent à traduire un problème dans un certain langage, fournissant une forme compilée de ce problème, dont la résolution est facile et la taille aussi compacte que possible. La traduction peut être très longue, mais n'est effectuée qu'une seule fois, hors ligne. Il existe de nombreux langages-cible de compilation, notamment le langage des diagrammes de décision binaires (BDDs), qui ont été utilisés avec succès dans divers domaines (model-checking, configuration, planification). L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier l'application de la compilation de connaissances à la conduite de systèmes autonomes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des problèmes réels de planification, qui impliquent souvent des variables continues ou à grand domaine énuméré (temps ou mémoire par exemple). Nous avons orienté notre travail vers la recherche et l'étude de langages-cible de compilation assez expressifs pour permettre de représenter de tels problèmes.Controlling autonomous systems requires to make decisions depending on current observations and objectives. This involves some tasks that must be executed online-with the embedded computational power only. However, these tasks are generally combinatory; their computation is long and requires a lot of memory space. Entirely executing them online thus compromises the system's reactivity. But entirely executing them offline, by anticipating every possible situation, can lead to a result too large to be embedded. A tradeoff can be provided by knowledge compilation techniques, which shift as much as possible of the computational effort before the system's launching. These techniques consists in a translation of a problem into some language, obtaining a compiled form of the problem, which is both easy to solve and as compact as possible. The translation step can be very long, but it is only executed once, and offline. There are numerous target compilation languages, among which the language of binary decision diagrams (BDDs), which have been successfully used in various domains of artificial intelligence, such as model-checking, configuration, or planning. The objective of the thesis was to study how knowledge compilation could be applied to the control of autonomous systems. We focused on realistic planning problems, which often involve variables with continuous domains or large enumerated domains (such as time or memory space). We oriented our work towards the search for target compilation languages expressive enough to represent such problems

    Contribution à l'élaboration d'un formalisme gérant la pertinence pour les problèmes d'aide à la conception à base de contraintes

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    Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l'aide à la conception et à la configuration. Une intégration de différents concepts existant dans les domaines de la programmation par contraintes a été réalisée. Cette intégration a pu être testée sur une implémentation basée sur des arbres syntaxiques représentant un CSP (problème de satisfaction de contraintes) modélisant un problème de conception ou configuration. La première partie de la thèse présente les domaines de la conception et de la configuration, et en fait ressortir les besoins pour l'aide à la décision : paramètres discrets et continus, organisation hiérarchique et éléments optionnels. Différentes approches à base de contraintes permettant de répondre à ces besoins sont ensuite détaillées. La seconde partie présente les RCSP (CSP gérant la pertinence), qui intègrent les différents mécanismes vus dans la première partie. Des préconisations de modélisation pour les problèmes de conception et de configuration sont établies. L'outil réalisé est ensuite présenté, dans un premier temps pour le traitement de problèmes CSP et dans un deuxième temps pour le traitement de RCSP. ABSTRACT : The research work presented in this thesis deals with assistance to design and configuration tasks. An integration of different existing concepts of constraint programming has been achieved. This integration has been tested on an implementation based upon syntaxic trees. The syntaxic trees allow to express different kinds of CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) which model design or configuration problems. The first part presents the fields of design and configuration, and aims at identifying the needs for decision aid: different kinds of parameters (discrete and continuous), hierarchical organisation and optionnal elements. Different constraint-based approaches which may fulfill any need are then detailed. The second part presents the RCSP (Relevancy CSP), which are an integration of different CSP from the literature seen in the first part. Some recommendations for modeling design or configuration problems are set up. The implementation is then presented, on the one hand for CSP processing and on the other hand for RCSP processing