24 research outputs found

    Functional Maps Representation on Product Manifolds

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    We consider the tasks of representing, analyzing and manipulating maps between shapes. We model maps as densities over the product manifold of the input shapes; these densities can be treated as scalar functions and therefore are manipulable using the language of signal processing on manifolds. Being a manifold itself, the product space endows the set of maps with a geometry of its own, which we exploit to define map operations in the spectral domain; we also derive relationships with other existing representations (soft maps and functional maps). To apply these ideas in practice, we discretize product manifolds and their Laplace--Beltrami operators, and we introduce localized spectral analysis of the product manifold as a novel tool for map processing. Our framework applies to maps defined between and across 2D and 3D shapes without requiring special adjustment, and it can be implemented efficiently with simple operations on sparse matrices.Comment: Accepted to Computer Graphics Foru

    Functional maps representation on product manifolds

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    We consider the tasks of representing, analysing and manipulating maps between shapes. We model maps as densities over the product manifold of the input shapes; these densities can be treated as scalar functions and therefore are manipulable using the language of signal processing on manifolds. Being a manifold itself, the product space endows the set of maps with a geometry of its own, which we exploit to define map operations in the spectral domain; we also derive relationships with other existing representations (soft maps and functional maps). To apply these ideas in practice, we discretize product manifolds and their Laplace–Beltrami operators, and we introduce localized spectral analysis of the product manifold as a novel tool for map processing. Our framework applies to maps defined between and across 2D and 3D shapes without requiring special adjustment, and it can be implemented efficiently with simple operations on sparse matrices

    Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks

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    Establishing correspondence between shapes is a fundamental problem in geometry processing, arising in a wide variety of applications. The problem is especially difficult in the setting of non-isometric deformations, as well as in the presence of topological noise and missing parts, mainly due to the limited capability to model such deformations axiomatically. Several recent works showed that invariance to complex shape transformations can be learned from examples. In this paper, we introduce an intrinsic convolutional neural network architecture based on anisotropic diffusion kernels, which we term Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN). In our construction, we generalize convolutions to non-Euclidean domains by constructing a set of oriented anisotropic diffusion kernels, creating in this way a local intrinsic polar representation of the data (`patch'), which is then correlated with a filter. Several cascades of such filters, linear, and non-linear operators are stacked to form a deep neural network whose parameters are learned by minimizing a task-specific cost. We use ACNNs to effectively learn intrinsic dense correspondences between deformable shapes in very challenging settings, achieving state-of-the-art results on some of the most difficult recent correspondence benchmarks

    Dynamical Optimal Transport on Discrete Surfaces

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    We propose a technique for interpolating between probability distributions on discrete surfaces, based on the theory of optimal transport. Unlike previous attempts that use linear programming, our method is based on a dynamical formulation of quadratic optimal transport proposed for flat domains by Benamou and Brenier [2000], adapted to discrete surfaces. Our structure-preserving construction yields a Riemannian metric on the (finite-dimensional) space of probability distributions on a discrete surface, which translates the so-called Otto calculus to discrete language. From a practical perspective, our technique provides a smooth interpolation between distributions on discrete surfaces with less diffusion than state-of-the-art algorithms involving entropic regularization. Beyond interpolation, we show how our discrete notion of optimal transport extends to other tasks, such as distribution-valued Dirichlet problems and time integration of gradient flows

    An Efficient Approach to Correspondences between Multiple Non-Rigid Parts

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    Identifying multiple deformable parts on meshes and establishing dense correspondences between them are tasks of fundamental importance to computer graphics, with applications to e.g. geometric edit propagation and texture transfer. Much research has considered establishing correspondences between non-rigid surfaces, but little work can both identify similar multiple deformable parts and handle partial shape correspondences. This paper addresses two related problems, treating them as a whole: (i) identifying similar deformable parts on a mesh, related by a non-rigid transformation to a given query part, and (ii) establishing dense point correspondences automatically between such parts. We show that simple and efficient techniques can be developed if we make the assumption that these parts locally undergo isometric deformation. Our insight is that similar deformable parts are suggested by large clusters of point correspondences that are isometrically consistent. Once such parts are identified, dense point correspondences can be obtained by an iterative propagation process. Our techniques are applicable to models with arbitrary topology. Various examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques

    Functional correspondence by matrix completion

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of finding dense intrinsic correspondence between manifolds using the recently introduced functional framework. We pose the functional correspondence problem as matrix completion with manifold geometric structure and inducing functional localization with the L1L_1 norm. We discuss efficient numerical procedures for the solution of our problem. Our method compares favorably to the accuracy of state-of-the-art correspondence algorithms on non-rigid shape matching benchmarks, and is especially advantageous in settings when only scarce data is available