11 research outputs found

    The Influence of Online Media on Muslim Radicalism among Senior High School Students

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    The analysis of radicalism attitudes among students is triggered by the lack of supervision of information and communication technology usage. This study aims to find the attitude of radicalism among senior high school students based on gender. The research is designed with a quantitative approach. The data were collected using a questionnaire. This study involved 229 students selected by random sampling, with a total of 107 male and 122 female students. The data were collected using a questionnaire and essay. The data were further analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of this study showed that in Part A, 34% male and 19% female students often sent and shared religious content and conflicts on social media. In Part B, 13% male and 14% female students agreed on courtship, marriages with different religion, polygamy, and divorce. In Part C, 2% male and female students are anti-ideological and uphold Islamic law. Furthermore, in Part D, 67% male and 46% female students declare non-Muslims as infidel, and war is a part of jihad

    Pengaruh Internet terhadap Interaksi Sosial pada Mahasiswa Universitas Sriwijaya

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the internet on social interactions in students at Sriwijaya University. The thing that underlies the author doing the research is due to lack of direct communication between one student and another student. The influence of the internet has a major impact on the environment, especially in the campus environment, so many students who ignore a lot of things just because of the internet. In this case, many experts assess that communication is a very fundamental need for someone in a community life. Humans are social beings who still need other people in continuing their lives, the importance of direct communication should not be ignored by students today. Communication is a driver in interacting socially, in the absence of communication there can be no social life. Then it can be stated that social interaction is the foundation of all forms of social processes.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara internet terhadap interaksi social pada mahasiswa di Universitas Sriwijaya. Hal yang mendasari penulis melakukan penelitian tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi secara langsung antara satu mahasiswa dan mahasiswa lainnya. Pengaruh internet berdampak besar terhadap lingkungan terutama dalam lingkungan kampus, sehingga banyak mahasiswa yang mengabaikan banyak hal hanya karena internet. Dalam hal ini, banyak pakar menilai bahwa komunikasi adalah suatu kebutuhan yang sangat fundamental bagi seseorang dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Manusia merupakan makhluk sosial yang masih memerlukan orang lain dalam meneruskan hidupnya, pentingnya komunikasi secara langsung seharusnya tidak diabaikan oleh mahasiswa saat ini. Komunikasi merupakan pendorong dalam berinteraksi social, dengan tidak adanya komunikasi maka tidak mungkin ada kehidupan social bermasyarakat. Maka dapat disebutkan bahwa interaksi social merupakan pondasi dari segala bentuk proses sosia

    Brand Platform as an Element of a Company Marketing Strategy

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    Abstract- The gist of this article boils down to the comprehensive understanding of the company brand by consumers of linguistic services in a turbulent competition. Development of a brand platform is a stage in building a marketing strategy, which is the foundation for creating a brand. The effective marketing strategy of the company should include the stage of developing a brand platform and be at the forefront in importance, among other issues. And how the company promotes itself in the market, how it promotes itself in the minds of consumers, partners, suppliers, and the media will determine the successful achievement of its strategic goals. Despite the crisis situation, difficult political situation and high rates of foreign currencies, there is still a need for the population to learn English. In this regard, the formation of a marketing strategy and its brand platform of the linguistic center in this market are important, because without it the market will belong exclusively to competitors. Based on the brand platform, the company management understands what consumers are interested in and plans a policy for further development. As part of the marketing strategy a brand platform was proposed for the company. Based on the selected target segment, positioning was carried out based on three points of differentiation: the result for everyone, the simplicity and uniqueness of the methodology and the learning speed. Final positioning concept is formulated in the paper

    Antecedents and Consequences of Trust in Public Sector Websites and Social Media

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    Rapidly developing information and communication technologies have an influence on the whole world and have become an ordinary part of everyday life. Not only people, but businesses and governments are affected by these changes. In this respect, governments use several online media platforms as their own digital face and thus keep pace with the developing technology. Considering the lacks in previous researches, the aim of this paper is to investigate the critical factors influencing the citizens' trust in public sector websites and social media and also the relationship among trust in the public sector, citizen satisfaction and trust in public sector websites and social media. By studying 607 citizens who are users of the website or social media service belonging to the municipalities in Turkey, we found that: (i) perceived quality, perceived usefulness, and facilitation conditions are the factors that affect the citizens' trust in public sector websites and social media, (ii) trust in the public sector websites and social media affects trust in the public sector and, (iii) trust in the public sector affects citizen satisfaction

    Do social networking sites build and maintain social capital online in rural communities?

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    Social capital (SC) is a cornerstone of rural communities but is not well understood in terms of how Social Networking Sites (SNS) can be used to build and maintain SC online. There are limited studies which have attempted to measure SC online and its two distinct dimensions – bonding and bridging SC. The main objectives of this paper are to: (i) confirm that building and maintaining of SC online can be measured reliably and validly as two factors of bonding and bridging SC, and (ii) to determine to what extent the use of SNS facilitates building and maintaining bonding and bridging SC online when rural households have broadband connectivity. This study used a large-scale survey to collect quantitative data in the Western Downs Region of Queensland, Australia regarding households’ adoption and use of broadband Internet including use of SNS and their contribution to building and maintaining bonding and bridging SC online in rural communities. This study confirmed that SC online can be reliably and validly measured as a first order two-factor hierarchical model providing further support for the findings of previous empirical studies. Evaluating the association between SNS use and building and maintaining bonding and bridging SC online in rural communities showed that Heavy and Light users of SNS in rural communities are more likely to have higher levels of bonding and bridging SC online than Non-users of SNS. The findings also suggest that higher levels of SNS use are more effective in building and maintaining bridging SC online than bonding SC online. This suggests that SNS usages may be able to play an important role in building and maintaining SC and improving social connectivity both within rural communities such as WDR and more widely with other communities regardless of geographical location. This is despite the tyranny of distance and poor telecommunications which has historically been a communication barrier for rural communities

    Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis in the Context of COVID-19: A Survey

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    Online social media provides a channel for monitoring people\u27s social behaviors from which to infer and detect their mental distresses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online social networks were increasingly used to express opinions, views, and moods due to the restrictions on physical activities and in-person meetings, leading to a significant amount of diverse user-generated social media content. This offers a unique opportunity to examine how COVID-19 changed global behaviors regarding its ramifications on mental well-being. In this article, we surveyed the literature on social media analysis for the detection of mental distress, with a special emphasis on the studies published since the COVID-19 outbreak. We analyze relevant research and its characteristics and propose new approaches to organizing the large amount of studies arising from this emerging research area, thus drawing new views, insights, and knowledge for interested communities. Specifically, we first classify the studies in terms of feature extraction types, language usage patterns, aesthetic preferences, and online behaviors. We then explored various methods (including machine learning and deep learning techniques) for detecting mental health problems. Building upon the in-depth review, we present our findings and discuss future research directions and niche areas in detecting mental health problems using social media data. We also elaborate on the challenges of this fast-growing research area, such as technical issues in deploying such systems at scale as well as privacy and ethical concerns

    Uptake, polymorphism, and the construction of networked events on twitter

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    This study conceptualises networked events as a platform-oriented view of media events by initiating a taxonomy of bottom-up construction. Focusing on computer-mediated event construction that may involve live delivery, permeate digital platforms, and attract user engagement prior to, during, and after the occurrence of ceremonial or disruptive events, the study argues that networked events can be characterised by polymorphism— i.e., presence of distinct patterns of uptake and different interactional orientations within the same space of interactions, such as hashtags. For analysis, a network dataset was created using 221,105 retweets that included the hashtag #HimToo. This hashtag was used extensively during the US Senate judiciary committee hearing that investigated claims of sexual harassment against President Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The study demonstrates that three types of construction— i.e., actor-centric, memetic, and metaconstruction— causes polymorphism in Twitter engagement related to the event

    Social media and political accountability: An exploratory analysis of the impact of facebook and twitter in Punjab Pakistan

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    An extensive review of the burgeoning literature on the impact of social media in Governance and politics, revealed a serious absence of consensus over its workability in enhancing and promoting accountability in governance. The level of inconsistency in findings as well as the rapidly existing dynamism within the subject invariably makes it a novel research area especially within the context of Pakistan where researches of this nature are still at the infancy level. It is therefore imperative a to explore the potency of social media in promoting accountability within the Pakistani context. More so, as there is an absence of empirically-driven study using resource mobilization theory and public sphere theory that comfy the resource mobilization and provision of low-cost information for pursuit of political accountability and create virtual sphere, for everyday political discussion in the social media particularly on Facebook and Twitter. This study added value to current literature by explaining the impact of social media in promoting political accountability in Pakistani context. In doing so the study explored the responsiveness of the political institution to trust of the political accountability reposted on them, its further explored the current state of freedom of expression which served as a yardstick for better understanding of the impact of social media in promoting political accountability in Pakistan and directions of reforms that can enhance the impact of social media towards political accountability in Pakistan. The study finds out that social media is significantly contributing in pursuit of accountability, though political distrust and non-supporting legal mechanism constitute some of the structural encumbrances against the workability of social media in pursuing and ensuring political accountability in Pakistan. Therefore, political and legal reforms are indispensable to promote political accountability in the country. The study was conducted in Punjab that is most populated province among total of four provinces of Pakistan, more than half of total population resided in Punjab. The study espouses an ethnographic strategy in which data were collected by in depth semi structured interviews, qualitative content analysis of social media applications and personal observation. Twenty informants participated in semi structured interviews rolled out the politicians, journalists, academics, social media bloggers and legal practitioners. The data was thematically analyzed by keeping in view previous literature and theoretical framework in which political accountability, participation, information dissemination, freedom of expression were identified in democratic system and discussed

    Motivações, comprometimento e adoção do e-WOM em restaurantes

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect that motivations for consulting and writing e-WOM have on the commitment to e-WOM and the influence of said commitment on the adoption of the e-WOM consulted. To analyze these relationships, an empirical research applied in the context of restaurants was carried out. The geographic scope was Ecuador with a sample of 461 consumers. A structural equation model was used, and the chain of relationships was validated. The results confirmed the relationships between these variables, presenting interesting academic implications to deepen the study of commitment to e-WOM, as well as implications for the management of restaurants oriented to the management of their virtual platforms or social networks.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto que tienen las motivaciones para consultar y escribir e-WOM sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM y la influencia de dicho compromiso en la adopción del e-WOM consultado. Para analizar estas relaciones, se realizó una investigación empírica aplicada en el contexto de los restaurantes. El ámbito geográfico fue Ecuador, con una muestra de 461 consumidores. Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y se validó la cadena de relaciones. Los resultados confirmaron las relaciones entre estas variables; además, se presentaron implicaciones académicas interesantes para profundizar en el estudio sobre el compromiso con el e-WOM, así como implicaciones para la gestión de restaurantes orientadas al manejo de sus plataformas virtuales o redes sociales.O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o efeito que as motivações para consultar e escrever e-WOM têm no compromisso como e-WOM e a influência deste compromisso na adoção do e-WOM consultado. Para analisar essas relações, foi realizada pesquisaempírica aplicada no contexto de restaurantes. O escopo geográfico foi o Equador, com uma amostra de 461 consumidores. Foi utilizado um modelo de equação estrutural e validada a cadeia de relacionamento. Os resultados confirmaram as relações entre esas variáveis; além disso, foram apresentadas interessantes implicações académicas para aprofundar o estudo sobre a aposta no e-WOM, bem como implicações para a gestão de restaurantes orientada para a gestão das suas plataformas virtuais ou redes sociais

    What's happening? : uma plataforma de eventos

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    Os eventos são uma presença constante no nosso dia a dia e são divulgados através dos meios de comunicação, anúncios publicitários ou através de conversas entre amigos. A era digital trouxe consigo uma data de mudanças significativas no mundo das comunicações e consequentemente, a divulgação de eventos é facilitada devido às redes sociais que desempenham um papel importante na proliferação destes. No entanto, a procura de eventos, quer no tempo ou no espaço, não é uma tarefa fácil nos dias que correm. Apesar da evolução tecnológica ter permitido a criação de novas plataformas para divulgação de eventos, ainda existe dificuldade em saber o que está a acontecer em redor da nossa localização. Atualmente, um grande número de eventos sociais é criado e promovido nas redes sociais. Com o aglomerado de informação que estas redes geram, a experiência de procurar eventos não é a mais consistente para o utilizador porque os resultados obtidos nem sempre refletem os interesses do utilizador. Este trabalho propõe um novo conceito para uma plataforma de divulgação de eventos, intitulada de What’s Happening? com o objetivo de melhorar a experiência do utilizador na procura e recomendação destes. Em particular, é proposta uma arquitetura para a plataforma que utiliza técnicas de machine learning para classificar eventos provenientes de redes sociais populares, e.g. Facebook, com o objetivo de os categorizar. Tendo em conta que os serviços utilizados para a obtenção de eventos apresentam modelos de dados diferentes, é proposta a ontologia LODSE (Linking Open Descriptions of Social Events), tendo como base a ontologia LODE (Linking Open Descriptions of Events), com o objetivo de facilitar a integração dos dados obtidos dos serviços externos, modelar um evento social para ser posteriormente classificado e melhorar a classificação de eventos. Como forma de validação das técnicas de machine learning na arquitetura proposta bem como o modelo de dados criado a partir da ontologia LODSE, foram realizadas duas avaliações experimentais. A primeira avaliação experimental demonstrou que o melhor algoritmo para classificar os datasets de eventos criados é o Random Forest obtendo 83,33% de eventos corretamente classificados. A segunda avaliação experimental demonstrou que o modelo de dados baseado na ontologia LODSE traz benefícios na classificação de eventos demonstrando uma melhoria de 12,4% de eventos corretamente classificados bem como uma melhoria de 5,9% no tempo de processamento quando comparado com o modelo de dados baseado na ontologia LOD