1,971 research outputs found

    Social Software zur Optimierung von Informationsmanagement

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit stellt den Einsatz von Social Software beim Regionalfernsehsender „h1 – Fernsehen aus Hannover“ dar. Nach einem kurzen Einblick in die Grundlagen von Social Software folgt die Vorstellung des Senders. Hierbei wird vor allem der organisatorische Aufbau und die Kommunikation im Sender näher betrachtet. Anschließend wird dargestellt, welche Informationsmittel bei h1 durch den Einsatz von Social Software ersetzt wurden und wie sich dadurch die Kommunikation und das Informationsmanagement innerhalb des Unternehmens verbessert hat

    Put it in your pipe and smoke it: the Volkswagen emissions scandal. A management-based failure?

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    Put it in your pipe and smoke it. The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal. A management-based failure? Organisational culture in the shadow of dark leadership This dissertation aims to discuss how leadership contributed to the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal. By clustering the sequence of events in the run-up to the revelation, key events and key figures are identified. Based on extracted information, which are applied to the competing-values model, VW’s organisational culture is defined. While examining the impact of engineering and business-related leadership, a link between culture, performance-based pay and trans-hierarchical collaborative cheating is established. Moreover, a causal chain and an open-systems model, aggregate the findings gained. Finally, the implications part evaluates risks and provide recommendations, before limitations and opportunities for future research are discussed

    Kulturunterschiede bei Mergers & Acquisitions: Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Durchführung einer Cultural Due Diligence

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    Several investigations came to the conclusion that, considering in retrospect, most Mergers & Acquisitions were not successful. Differences in the corporate cultures are often quoted as being responsible for the failures. So, the question arises how such failures can be prevented in future. Conducting a Cultural Due Diligence is a possibility to examine differences in corporate cultures, even before a merger takes place. That is why, after a description of general culture concepts, we discuss various attempts at Cultural Due Diligence of consultancy firms. Referring to these attempts at Cultural Due Diligence as well as to the general culture concepts, we draft a further developed concept at the end of this working paper. --Culture,cultural due diligence,mergers & acquisitions

    CLIPS: Enriching interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus

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    Project managers still face management problems in interorganizational Research and Development (R&D) projects due to their limited authority. Addressing a project culture which is conducive to cooperation and innovation in interorganizational R&D project management demands commitment of individual project members and thus balances this limited authority. However, the relational collaboration level at which project culture manifests itself is not addressed by current project management approaches, or it is addressed only at a late stage. Consequently, project culture develops within a predefined framework of project organization and organized contents and thus is not actively targeted. Therefore, a focus shift towards project culture becomes necessary. This can be done by a project-culture-aware management. The method CLIPS actively supports interorganizational project members in this kind of management. It should be integrable in the common project management approaches, that with its application all collaboration levels are addressed in interorganizational R&D project management. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the integrability of the method CLIPS and show how it can be integrated in common project management approaches. This enriches interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus

    The relation between the social competence of employees and corporate culture: a case study of the Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG.

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    This study examined the perception among employees of a German company regarding corporate culture and social competences. The study sought to analyze possible relations between corporate culture and employees’ social competences to determine their significance for the company. For this, a quantitative study based on the application of an on-line survey to employees from the company was conducted. The survey was developed by bundling well-known measures of the variables under investigation. The self-administered survey gathered responses from employees at all company levels on a variety of topics, including their perceptions of corporate culture and social competences of both their selves and colleagues. Participation was voluntary for all employees and confidentiality of responses was ensured. The results revealed that there is a connection between the perceived social competence of colleagues and the corporate culture. It was found that the different ability dimensions of colleagues' social competences have an influence on the respective cultural dimensions. Consequently, the results of the study can be used to identify the social competencies of colleagues needed to help creating the desired culture and to illustrate the importance of social competences within a corporate culture.Este estudo examinou as perceções dos membros de uma empresa alemã sobre a cultura organizacional e a competências sociais dos seus trabalhadores. O estudo procurou analisar possíveis relações entre cultura organizacional e competências sociais dos trabalhadores para determinar a sua relevância para a empresa. Para tal, foi conduzido um estudo quantitativo baseado na aplicação de um inquérito on-line aos trabalhadores da empresa. O inquérito foi desenvolvido a partir de medidas reconhecidas das variáveis sob investigação e permitiu recolher respostas de trabalhadores em todos os níveis da empresa sobre uma variedade de tópicos, incluindo as suas perceções da cultura organizacional e de competências sociais, tanto do próprio como dos colegas. A participação foi voluntária para todos os trabalhadores e a confidencialidade da resposta foi assegurada. Os resultados revelaram que existe uma relação entre a perceção de competências sociais dos colegas e a cultura organizacional. Verificou-se que as diferentes dimensões das competências sociais dos colegas têm uma influência em diferentes dimensões da cultura. Consequentemente, os resultados do estudo podem ser usados para identificar as competências sociais dos colegas que são necessárias para ajudar a criar a cultura desejada e para ilustrar a importância das competências sociais para a cultura organizacional

    CLIPS: Enriching interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus

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    Project managers still face management problems in interorganizational Research and Development (R&D) projects due to their limited authority. Addressing a project culture which is conducive to cooperation and innovation in interorganizational R&D project management demands commitment of individual project members and thus balances this limited authority. However, the relational collaboration level at which project culture manifests itself is not addressed by current project management approaches, or it is addressed only at a late stage. Consequently, project culture develops within a predefined framework of project organization and organized contents and thus is not actively targeted. Therefore, a focus shift towards project culture becomes necessary. This can be done by a project-culture-aware management. The method CLIPS actively supports interorganizational project members in this kind of management. It should be integrable in the common project management approaches, that with its application all collaboration levels are addressed in interorganizational R&D project management. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the integrability of the method CLIPS and show how it can be integrated in common project management approaches. This enriches interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus

    Jahresbericht 1996

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    Mit dem Jahresbericht 1996 liegt erstmals ein Papier vor, in dem die akademischen Tätigkeiten an der Hochschule für Bankwirtschaft (HfB) dokumentiert werden. Der Jahresbericht umfaßt das Sommersemester 1996 sowie das Wintersemester 1996/97. Wir hoffen, daß dieser Bericht breites Interesse findet und Anstöße für weitere Entwicklungen auf den Gebieten der Lehre sowie der anwendungsbezogenen Forschung an der HfB gibt. In diesem Sinne sind wir auf das Feedback unserer Leserinnen und Leser gespannt und freuen uns auf den entsprechenden Gedankenaustausch. --

    Ingenieurabsolventinnen im Beruf : Betriebe in der Schweiz auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Unternehmenskultur

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    This project attempts to contribute to how innovative companies can reduce the job market barriers for female engineers, that are still in place in Switzerland even though there is a shortage of qualified workers. Although the conditions seem to be advantageous, empirical studies show that female professionals are challenged by bigger problems than their male colleagues. Not only during their academic studies, but also afterwards, in the working environment, gender differences arise. Potential female students anticipate these opportunities. The project focuses on how important non-technical knowledge and non-technical competences are for female engineers in order to create and sustain a gender-just and motivating work environment. Non-technical knowledge, understood here as contextual knowledge and expertise from fields such as social sciences and the humanities, is asked of graduates of the degree programs of engineering (we are looking at the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering of Universities of Applied Science UAS). It is expected of women (and increasingly of young men) to acquire these competences during their studies. Additionally, the holistic relation of products and services, a gender-sensitive corporate culture and -structure, and a sustainable communication is viewed as paramount by (potential) employers. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to focus on the perspective of companies (two corporate case studies) on the one hand, and on the perspective of female engineers from the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering on the other. Varied methods were used to receive the results. The results show that while functional aspects and motivating tasks are important, non-functional aspects and non-technical skills seem to be of even greater importance for the attractiveness of companies, a motivating work environment and the interdisciplinary education of students. Multiple courses of action are proposed.Ingenieurinnen sind in der Arbeitswelt der Schweiz nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. Zum einen, weil es wenig Frauen gibt, die ein technisches Studium wählen. Zum anderen zeigen empirische Studien, dass der Berufseinstieg für Ingenieurinnen schwieriger ist, und dass sich ihre Karrieren langsamer und weniger befriedigend entwickeln als bei ihren Studienkollegen. Das Projekt "Ingenieurabsolventinnen im Beruf" zeigt Massnahmen auf, wie technische Betriebe in der Schweiz ihre Unternehmenskultur gendergerecht ausgestalten können. Die technischen Hochschulen erhalten Empfehlungen, welche Kompetenzen den Ingenieurstudentinnen im Studium vermittelt und welche Massnahmen ergriffen werden müssen, um den Übergang in das Berufsleben zu erleichtern. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, dass junge Ingenieurinnen gerne in Betrieben und Teams arbeiten, in denen eine kooperative Arbeits- und Organisationskultur gepflegt wird, sie durch anspruchsvolle Aufgaben herausgefordert sind und ihre Laufbahnplanung ernst genommen wird. Ihnen ist wichtig, dass sich ihre künftige Führungsfunktion mit einer Familie vereinbaren lässt, dass Führungskräfte im Betrieb über Genderkompetenz verfügen und dass ein fortschrittliches Image sowie Gleichstellung als Unternehmensziel kommuniziert wird. In Bezug auf die Ausbildung kommt die Studie zum Schluss, dass junge Frauen gerne an technischen Fachhochschulen studieren, in denen Technik und Gesellschaft aufeinander bezogen werden, soziale und kommunikative Kompetenzen einen grossen Stellenwert haben und wo sie lernen, geschickt auf stereotype Erwartungen zu reagieren. Sie legen Wert auf Praktika in technischen Betrieben und wollen auf Führungs- und Projektleitungsfunktionen gut vorbereitet werden. Entsprechende Massnahmen im Studium wie auch in den Unternehmen haben Signalwirkung für technisch interessierte Frauen, welche ein Studium an einer technischen Hochschule in Erwägung ziehen.This project attempts to contribute to how innovative companies can reduce the job market barriers for female engineers, that are still in place in Switzerland even though there is a shortage of qualified workers. Although the conditions seem to be advantageous, empirical studies show that female professionals are challenged by bigger problems than their male colleagues. Not only during their academic studies, but also afterwards, in the working environment, gender differences arise. Potential female students anticipate these opportunities. The project focuses on how important non-technical knowledge and non-technical competences are for female engineers in order to create and sustain a gender-just and motivating work environment. Non-technical knowledge, understood here as contextual knowledge and expertise from fields such as social sciences and the humanities, is asked of graduates of the degree programs of engineering (we are looking at the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering of Universities of Applied Science UAS). It is expected of women (and increasingly of young men) to acquire these competences during their studies. Additionally, the holistic relation of products and services, a gender-sensitive corporate culture and -structure, and a sustainable communication is viewed as paramount by (potential) employers. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to focus on the perspective of companies (two corporate case studies) on the one hand, and on the perspective of female engineers from the degree programs Electrical Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mechanical Design and Engineering on the other. Varied methods were used to receive the results. The results show that while functional aspects and motivating tasks are important, non-functional aspects and non-technical skills seem to be of even greater importance for the attractiveness of companies, a motivating work environment and the interdisciplinary education of students. Multiple courses of action are proposed

    Diversity Management: Vorteile statt Vorurteile.

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    „Diversity zu praktizieren bedeutet Unterschiedlichkeiten anzuerkennen, auf Bedürfnisse einzugehen und Potentiale zu nutzen.“ Dieser praxisnahe Ratgeber führt in die Hintergründe von Diversity Management ein – und gibt konkrete Beispiele, wie die unterschiedlichen Aspekte von Diversity Management gelingen. Der Sammelband entstand aus einem Seminar am Südasien- Institut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg unter Mitarbeit von DozentInnen, DoktorandInnen und StudentInnen