5 research outputs found

    Increased usage of Smartphones in Medicine, an opportunity for Medical Cytogenetics

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    To carry out a bibliographic review on previously exposed topic and share the experience of the cytogenetics laboratory of the National Center of Medical Genetics in the introduction of smartphones and their use in cytogenetic

    Mobile phones as medical devices in mental disorder treatment: an overview

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    Mental disorders can have a significant, negative impact on sufferers’ lives, as well as on their friends and family, healthcare systems and other parts of society. Approximately 25 % of all people in Europe and the USA experience a mental disorder at least once in their lifetime. Currently, monitoring mental disorders relies on subjective clinical self-reporting rating scales, which were developed more than 50 years ago. In this paper, we discuss how mobile phones can support the treatment of mental disorders by (1) implementing human–computer interfaces to support therapy and (2) collecting relevant data from patients’ daily lives to monitor the current state and development of their mental disorders. Concerning the first point, we review various systems that utilize mobile phones for the treatment of mental disorders. We also evaluate how their core design features and dimensions can be applied in other, similar systems. Concerning the second point, we highlight the feasibility of using mobile phones to collect comprehensive data including voice data, motion and location information. Data mining methods are also reviewed and discussed. Based on the presented studies, we summarize advantages and drawbacks of the most promising mobile phone technologies for detecting mood disorders like depression or bipolar disorder. Finally, we discuss practical implementation details, legal issues and business models for the introduction of mobile phones as medical devices

    Iniciativas de mHealth em Portugal

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    O paradigma da prestação de cuidados de saúde está lentamente a alinhar-se com as necessidades e hábitos do paciente moderno. A computação ubíqua pode ser uma solução para responder à crescente tendência e necessidade para a partilha e colaboração de cuidados de saúde. As tecnologias móveis possibilitam o redesenhar de processos dando origem a novos modelos de prestação de cuidados de saúde. Face à demanda do paciente/consumidor e da influência que possa vir de outros países e mercados, é expectável que o mercado nacional acompanhe a tendência para a adoção de iniciativas de mobile health. Utilizando a metodologia proposta por Arksey e O’Malley, segundo as melhorias sugeridas por Levac et al., propõe-se a realização de um levantamento das iniciativas de mobile health (mHealth) em Portugal, que sirva de apoio à tomada decisão aos stakeholders. Espera-se com este levantamento obter conhecimentos sobre as iniciativas e o seu estado de implementação em Portugal. O mapeamento do estudo permitirá sumarizar o conhecimento adquirido, e apresentar os resultados num formato acessível e resumido para que decisores políticos, profissionais e consumidores possam fazer uso efetivo das conclusões.The paradigm of health care delivery is slowly aligning with the needs and habits of the modern patient. Ubiquitous computing can be a solution to respond to the growing trend and need for health care sharing and collaboration. Mobile technologies enable the redesign of processes giving rise to new models of health care delivery. Given the patient / consumer demand and the influence that may come from other countries, it is expected that the national market will follow the trend towards adopting mobile health initiatives. Using the methodology proposed by Arksey and O'Malley, according to the improvements suggested by Levac et al., It is proposed to carry out a survey of the mobile health (mHealth) initiatives in Portugal, which will support the decision-making process for stakeholders. This survey is expected to gain insight into the initiatives and their status of implementation in Portugal. Mapping the study will summarize the knowledge gained and present the results in an accessible and summarized format for policy makers, practitioners and consumers to make effective use of the findings

    Revisión sistemática del uso de Blockchains en datos clínicos y su aplicación en Colombia

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEste documento presenta una revisión sistemática realizada en 3 fuentes de datos como IEEE, Scopus y Web of Science, buscando una síntesis de información para visualizar qué aplicaciones o desarrollos hay en el mundo acerca de blockchain, qué temas y soluciones abarca, qué se está tratando, qué implantaciones hay en curso y cuáles son los retos actuales y futuros para de esta manera divisar cuáles pueden ser los campos en los que esta tecnología se incorpore en la salud colombiana.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. PLANIFICACIÓN DE LA REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA 3. RESULTADOS 4. DESARROLLO DE LA PROPUESTA CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema