67,943 research outputs found


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    Background: Smartphones become an inseparable part of life. Massive smartphone use since the Covid-19 pandemic era, where all activities have been transferred to an online system, including learning among medical students. Excessive use of smartphones can have a negative impact. One of the impacts is complaints of headaches. This is thought to be due to vascular changes due to the influence of smartphone radiation. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of duration of smartphone use on headache complaints among students from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Muhammadiyah Malang Class of 2020 as students with the longest online learning. Methods: This research uses an analytical observational method with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The data obtained will be eliminated according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and then analyzed using SPSS. Results: Of the 56 respondents, 66.1% of respondents used smartphones >6 hours/day, while the rest only used around 3-6 hours/day. As many as 66.1% of respondents had experienced headaches when using a smartphone, and others had never. The results of Spearman's analysis between the two show p=0.035, p<0.5, which means there is a relationship between the two and the two variables are positively related. Conclusion: The duration of smartphone use influences headache complaints among Faculty of Medical students at Muhammadiyah University of Malang Class of 2020

    Hubungan Durasi Rata-Rata Penggunaan Smartphone dengan Kejadian Tenosynovitis De Quervaina

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    Latar Belakang. Smartphone merupakan salah satu alat komunikasi yang paling sering digunakan dibanding alat komunikasi lainnya baik oleh kalangan muda maupun kalangan tua. Penggunaan smartphone yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan salah satunya ialah Tenosynovitis De Quervain (TDQ). Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan durasi rata-rata penggunaan smartphone perhari dengan kejadian TDQ. Metode. Penelitian ini merupakan observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah mahasiswa Program Studi Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman sebanyak 153 responden yang diambil secara consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil. 86 % mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman menggunakan smartphone dengan durasi ≥5 jam. 68% mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Mulawarman memiliki hasil TDQ positif. Hubungan durasi rata-rata penggunaan smartphone dengan kejadian TDQ menunjukkan p=0,000. Kesimpulan. Terdapat hubungan antara durasi rata-rata penggunaan smartphone dengan kejadian TDQ. Kata Kunci: durasi penggunaan, smartphone, tenosynovitis, de quervain &nbsp;Background. Smartphone is one of the most commonly used communication device compared to various other devices both in young and old generation. Excessive use of smartphones can cause health problems, one of them is Tenosynovitis De Quervain (TDQ). Purpose. An understanding of the relationship between the average duration of smartphone usage per day with TDQ incidence. Methods. This research is an analytic observational with cross sectional approach. The research samples were 153 students of the Medical Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Mulawarman University, taken using consecutive sampling technique. The data was analyzed using chi-square statistical test. Results. 86% of Mulawarman University Faculty of Medicine students use smartphones with a duration of ≥5 hours. 68% of Mulawarman University Faculty of Medicine students have positive TDQ results. The relationship of the average duration of smartphone use with TDQ events showed p = 0,000. Conclusion. There is a relationship between the average duration of smartphone usage with TDQ incidence. &nbsp; Keywords : Usage duration, smartphone, tenosynovitis, de quervai

    The Relationship Between Smartphone Addiction and Interpersonal Communication among Preclinical Students at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia

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    Introduction: The high number of smartphone usage throughout the world, including in Indonesia, can increase the likelihood of someone experiencing smartphone dependency. One impact of smartphone addiction is the decline in face-to-face interpersonal communication. Methods: The design of this study was analytic descriptive with a cross-sectional approach involving preclinical students at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data was collected using the Smartphone Addiction Scale Short Version (SAS-SV) and the interpersonal communication scale questionnaire. Results: From a total of 135 respondents, it was found that there was a significant relationship between smartphone addiction and interpersonal communication, with a p-value of 0.029 (&lt;0.05). Conclusions: Smartphone addiction has a significant influence on interpersonal communicatio

    Smart biosensors for multiplexed and fully integrated point-of-care diagnostics

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    Point-of-care diagnostics (PoC) and personalised medicine are highly valuable for the improvement of world health. Smartphone PoC platforms which precisely diagnose diseases and track their development through the detection of several bioanalytes represent one of the newest and most exciting advancements towards mass-screening applications. Here we focus on recent advances in both multiplexed and smartphone integrated PoC sensors

    The Relationship Between Smartphone Addiction and Forward Head Posture in Junior High School Students in North Denpasar

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    Background:Nowadays, the smartphone has become an important requirement. The number of smartphone users and the duration of smartphone use is increasing rapidly, and the side effects can be detrimental one of them is forward head posture. The prevalence of forward head posture is greater women (24.1%) than men (9.1%).Methods:This study was an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional design.This research was conducted in April 2019 in SMP Negeri 2 Denpasar and SMP Negeri 4 Denpasar andincluding 56 samples, who were recruited through simple random sampling.Variables studied are smartphone addition was measured using the Smartphone Addiction Scale questionnaire, and forward head posture was measured by measuring craniovertebral angles. Data analysis was done using the Chi-Square test. Result: Based on this study, smartphone addiction was related to forward head posture. The research shows that as many as 45 samples had Smartphone Addiction (80.35%) while those who had forward head posture were 29 samples (51.78%).Conclusion : Ignorance of how to sort and choose the effects of globalization, especially smartphone use, which can lead to posture disorders. The factor recognized factors for the occurrences of the forward head posture the lack of education about ergonomic positions when using a smartphone. Parents are advised to set the right smartphone usage for children as early as possible

    Ebola Contact Tracing Study data

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    The collection contains four datasets captured in the Ebola Contact Tracing Study: [1] 'summary_data_cases' contains details of the 41 confirmed Ebola cases included in the study; [2] 'app_data_contacts' contains details of the 646 Ebola contacts registered on the Ebola Contact Tracing App (ECT) smartphone app. These originate from 18 Ebola cases (16 were laboratory confirmed and 2 were “secret burials” that were not confirmed); [3] 'paper_data_contacts' describes 408 Ebola contacts who were identified from 25 Ebola cases for monitoring using the standard paper-based system for contact tracing; and [4] 'main_analysis_dataset' contains information on 804 Ebola contacts and their contact tracing monitoring status collected using both the ECT app and paper-based system

    Application of Smartphone Technology in the Management and Treatment of Mental Illnesses

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    Abstract: Background: Mental illness continues to be a significant Public Health problem and the innovative use of technology to improve the treatment of mental illnesses holds great public health relevance. Over the past decade telecommunications technology has been used to increase access to and improve the quality of mental health care. There is current evidence that the use of landline and cellular telephones, computer-assisted therapy, and videoconferencing can be effective in improving treatment outcomes. Smartphones, as the newest development in communications technology, offer a new opportunity to improve mental health care through their versatile nature to perform a variety of functions. Methods: A critical literature review was performed to examine the potential of smartphones to increase access to mental health care, reduce barriers to care, and improve patient treatment outcomes. The review was performed by searching several electronic databases using a combination of keywords related to smartphones and mental health interventions using mobile devices. Literature concerning the use of cell phones, handheld computers, and smartphones to improve access to mental health care and improve treatment outcomes was identified.Results: The majority of studies identified were feasibility and pilot studies on patients with a variety of diagnosed mental illnesses using cell phones and PDAs. Authors report that most study participants, with some exceptions, were capable of using a mobile device and found them acceptable to use. Few studies extensively measured treatment outcomes and instead reported preliminary results and presented case illustrations. Studies which used smartphones successfully used them collect data on patients and deliver multimedia interventions. Discussion: The current literature offers encouraging evidence for the use of smartphones to improve mental health care but also reflects the lack of research conducted using smartphones. Studies which examine care provider use of smartphones to improve care is encouraging but has limited generalizability to mental health care. The feasibility of patient use of smartphones is also encouraging, but questions remain about feasibility in some sub-populations, particularly schizophrenia patients. Pilot testing of mobile devices and applications can greatly increase the feasibility of using smartphones in mental health care. Patients who are unfamiliar with smartphones will likely need initial training and support in their use. Conclusion: The literature identified several ways in which smartphones can increase access to care, reduce barriers, and improve treatment outcomes. Study results were encouraging but scientifically weak. Future studies are needed replicating results of studies using cell phones and PDAs on smartphones. Larger and higher quality studies are needed to examine the feasibility, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of smartphones to deliver multiple component interventions that improve access to mental health care and improve treatment outcomes

    Ambient health monitoring: the smartphone as a body sensor network component

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    Inertial measurement units used in commercial body sensor networks (e.g. animation suits) are inefficient, difficult to use and expensive when adapted for movement science applications concerning medical and sports science. However, due to advances in micro-electro mechanical sensors, these inertial sensors have become ubiquitous in mobile computing technologies such as smartphones. Smartphones generally use inertial sensors to enhance the interface usability. This paper investigates the use of a smartphone’s inertial sensing capability as a component in body sensor networks. It discusses several topics centered on inertial sensing: body sensor networks, smartphone networks and a prototype framework for integrating these and other heterogeneous devices. The proposed solution is a smartphone application that gathers, processes and filters sensor data for the purpose of tracking physical activity. All networking functionality is achieved by Skeletrix, a framework for gathering and organizing motion data in online repositories that are conveniently accessible to researchers, healthcare professionals and medical care workers

    Force monitor for training manual skills in the training of chiropractors

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    As part of their training, students of Chiropractic Medicine at ZĂĽrich are trained to acquire and then improve their manual and manipulative skills, especially their ability to deliver manipulative thrusts with a defined preloading force, an impulse that is delivered with an adequate and reproducible force within a defined time without letting up on the preload-pressure. In order to facilitate this process, objective feedback is paramount. This led to the idea of developing a force-measurement and -monitoring system. The newly developed system consists of a wireless device with a force sensor and an app that is running on standard smartphones. The device records the force applied to the sensor and transmits it via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to the app. There it is visualised as a graph and can be evaluated. The system allows us to provide all students with a tool to develop their manual skills, and especially their thrusting technique. As the feedback given by the system can be record ed, progress can be monitored and students can be mentored accurately according to their strengths and weaknesses
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