16 research outputs found

    Face Recognition in the Scrambled Domain Using MK-RDA

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    Facial look identity is a vital mission by means of human-interacting structures that goal to be aware of versions within the human’s emotional state. the principle challenge or the crucial part in surveillance society is the privacy-shielding era. because the rapid improvement in the internet international it turns into very essential to scramble the pics in the video or files for the duration of transmission. in this the biometric identity of photographs or faces from scrambled pictures plays a completely tough mission. Numbers of various technology are carried out to provide privateness for the duration of surveillance or during transmission of video however they're lack of essential traits, like reversibility or visible fine maintenance. in lots of scrambling methods the faces are covered by a few animation which may additionally or may not cover all faces or it receives hard to recover pics from this technique. Many guide method also are us used by which we will unscramble an photo but they are no longer powerful that a good deal. to overcome all this matters we proposed a novel approach- Many-Kernel Random Discriminate analysis (MK-RDA) to find out discriminative patterns from chaotic indicators. structures get better accuracy bring about best photos. To PIE and ORL datasets has getting above ninety% accuracy

    Integration of multisensor hybrid reasoners to support personal autonomy in the smart home.

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    The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy

    The Effect of the Buffer Size in QoS for Multimedia and bursty Traffic: When an Upgrade Becomes a Downgrade

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    This work presents an analysis of the buffer features of an access router, especially the size, the impact on delay and the packet loss rate. In particular, we study how these features can affect the Quality of Service (QoS) of multimedia applications when generating traffic bursts in local networks. First, we show how in a typical SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) network in which several multimedia flows (VoIP, videoconferencing and video surveillance) share access, the upgrade of the bandwidth of the internal network may cause the appearance of a significant amount of packet loss caused by buffer overflow. Secondly, the study shows that the bursty nature of the traffic in some applications traffic (video surveillance) may impair their QoS and that of other services (VoIP and videoconferencing), especially when a certain number of bursts overlap. Various tests have been developed with the aim of characterizing the problems that may appear when network capacity is increased in these scenarios. In some cases, especially when applications generating bursty traffic are present, increasing the network speed may lead to a deterioration in the quality. It has been found that the cause of this quality degradation is buffer overflow, which depends on the bandwidth relationship between the access and the internal networks. Besides, it has been necessary to describe the packet loss distribution by means of a histogram since, although most of the communications present good QoS results, a few of them have worse outcomes. Finally, in order to complete the study we present the MOS results for VoIP calculated from the delay and packet loss rate

    Are Instructed Emotional States Suitable for Classification? Demonstration of How They Can Significantly Influence the Classification Result in An Automated Recognition System

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    At the present time, various freely available or commercial solutions are used to classify the subject's emotional state. Classification of the emotional state helps us to understand how the subject feels and what he is experiencing in a particular situation. Classification of the emotional state can thus be used in various areas of our life from neuromarketing, through the automotive industry (determining how emotions affect driving), to implementing such a system into the learning process. The learning process, which is the (mutual) interaction between the teacher and the learner, is an interesting area in which individual emotional states can be explored. In this pedagogical-psychological area several research studies were realized. These studies in some cases demonstrated the important impact of the emotional state on the results of the students. However, for comparison and unambiguous classification of the emotional state most of these studies used the instructed (even constructed) stereotypical facial expressions of the most well-known test databases (Jaffe is a typical example). Such facial expressions are highly standardized, and the software can recognize them with a fairly big percentage, but this does not necessarily point to the actual success rate of the subject's emotional classification in such a test because the similarity to real emotional expression remains unknown. Therefore, we examined facial expressions in real situations. We have subsequently compared these examined facial expressions with the instructed expressions of the same emotions (the Jaffe database). The overall average classification score in real facial expressions was 94.58%

    A Multi-Sensor Approach for Activity Recognition in Older Patients

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    in pressInternational audienceExisting surveillance systems for older people activity analysis are focused on video and sensors analysis (e.g., accelerometers, pressure, infrared) applied for frailty assessment, fall detection, and the automatic identification of self-maintenance activities (e.g., dressing, self-feeding) at home. This paper proposes a multi-sensor surveillance system (accelerometers and video-camera) for the automatic detection of instrumental activities of daily living (IADL, e.g., preparing coffee, making a phone call) in a lab-based clinical protocol. IADLs refer to more complex activities than self-maintenance which decline in performance has been highlighted as an indicator of early symptoms of dementia. Ambient video analysis is used to describe older people activity in the scene, and an accelerometer wearable device is used to complement visual information in body posture identification (e.g., standing, sitting). A generic constraint-based ontology language is used to model IADL events using sensors reading and semantic information of the scene (e.g., presence in goal-oriented zones of the environment, temporal relationship of events, estimated postures). The proposed surveillance system is tested with 9 participants (healthy: 4, MCI: 5) in an observation room equipped with home appliances at the Memory Center of Nice Hospital. Experiments are recorded using a 2D video camera (8 fps) and an accelerometer device (MotionPod®). The multi-sensor approach presents an average sensitivity of 93.51% and an average precision of 63.61%, while the vision-based approach has a sensitivity of 77.23%, and a precision of 57.65%. The results show an improvement of the multi-sensor approach over the vision-based at IADL detection. Future work will focus on system use to evaluate the differences between the activity profile of healthy participants and early to mild stage Alzheimer's patients

    Snippet based trajectory statistics histograms for assistive technologies

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    Due to increasing hospital costs and traveling time, more and more patients decide to use medical devices at home without traveling to the hospital. However, these devices are not always very straight-forward for usage, and the recent reports show that there are many injuries and even deaths caused by the wrong use of these devices. Since human supervision during every usage is impractical, there is a need for computer vision systems that would recognize actions and detect if the patient has done something wrong. In this paper, we propose to use Snippet Based Trajectory Statistics Histograms descriptor to recognize actions in two medical device usage problems; inhaler device usage and infusion pump usage. Snippet Based Trajectory Statistics Histograms encodes the motion and position statistics of densely extracted trajectories from a video. Our experiments show that by using Snippet Based Trajectory Statistics Histograms technique, we improve the overall performance for both tasks. Additionally, this method does not require heavy computation, and is suitable for real-time systems. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    A Privacy-Aware Fall Detection System for Hospitals and Nursing Facilities

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    Fall Detection by Using Video

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    Cameras have become common in our society and as a result there is more video available today than ever before. While the video can be used for entertainment or possibly as storage it can also be used as a sensor capturing crucial information, The information captured can be put to all types of uses, but one particular use is to identify a fall. The importance of identifying a fall can be seen especially in the older population that is affected by falls every year. The falls experienced by the elderly are devastating as they can cause apprehension to normal life activities and in some cases premature death. Another fall related issue is the intentional deception in a business with intent of insurance fraud. Classification algorithms based on video can be constructed to detect falls and separate them as either accidental or intentional. This thesis proposes an algorithm based on frame segmentation, and speed components in the x, y, z directions over time t. The speed components are estimated from the video of orthogonally positioned cameras. The algorithm can discern between fall activities and others like sitting on the floor, lying on the floor, or exercising

    Visualization of Operational and Technical Functions in Inteligent Building

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    Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce je vytvorenie vizualizácie prevádzkových technických funkcií v inteligentnej budove podľa pravidiel BMS. V práci bude popisované vytvorenie vizualizácie v programoch Wonderware InTouch a NETx BMS Studio a ich prepojenie pomocou vybraného OPC servera s výukovými panelmi KNX . Tieto vizualizácie budú spracovaná vo forme laboratórnych úloh pre študentov VŠB tak, aby mohli byť používané pre výukové procesy. V práci bude popísaná vytvorená vizualizácia v programe PI ProcessBook pre budovu Drevo-domku, ktorá je používaná pre výukové a vedecké účely. Touto vytvorenou vizualizáciou budú poskytované informácie o technických prevádzkových veličinách a bude slúžiť pre potreby vedecko-technických pracovníkov VŠB. V práci bude taktiež popísané vytvorenie vizualizácie v programe PI ProcessBook s využitím PI Asset Framework pre budovu FEI VŠB. V tejto vizualizácií budú obsiahnuté informácie o stavu osvetlenia budovy a spotrebe elektrickej energie pre osvetlenie. Obe vizualizácie pre Drevo-domek a budovu FEI VŠB budú následne upravené a prevedené do webovej vizualizácie pomocou programu PI Vision tak, aby bolo možné k nim pristupovať z mobilných zariadení a webových prehliadačov.The aim of this diploma thesis is to create visualization of operational technical functions in intelligent building according to BMS rules. The paper will describe the creation of visualization in the InTouch and NETx BMS Studio programs and their connection with the selected OPC server with KNX tutorials. These visualizations will be processed in the form of laboratory tasks for VŠB students so that they can be used for learning processes. The paper will describe the created visualization in the PI ProcessBook program for the Wood Hause building, which is used for teaching and scientific purposes. This visualization will provide information on technical operational variables and will serve the needs of VŠB's scientific and technical staff. The work will also describe the creation of visualization in the PI ProcessBook program using the PI Asset Framework for the FEI VŠB building. This visualization will include information on the state of the building lighting and electricity consumption for lighting. Both visualizations for the Wood House and the FEI VŠB building will be subsequently modified and converted to web visualization using PI Vision so that they can be accessed from mobile devices and web browsers.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Collaborative Solutions to Visual Sensor Networks

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    Visual sensor networks (VSNs) merge computer vision, image processing and wireless sensor network disciplines to solve problems in multi-camera applications in large surveillance areas. Although potentially powerful, VSNs also present unique challenges that could hinder their practical deployment because of the unique camera features including the extremely higher data rate, the directional sensing characteristics, and the existence of visual occlusions. In this dissertation, we first present a collaborative approach for target localization in VSNs. Traditionally; the problem is solved by localizing targets at the intersections of the back-projected 2D cones of each target. However, the existence of visual occlusions among targets would generate many false alarms. Instead of resolving the uncertainty about target existence at the intersections, we identify and study the non-occupied areas in 2D cones and generate the so-called certainty map of targets non-existence. We also propose distributed integration of local certainty maps by following a dynamic itinerary where the entire map is progressively clarified. The accuracy of target localization is affected by the existence of faulty nodes in VSNs. Therefore, we present the design of a fault-tolerant localization algorithm that would not only accurately localize targets but also detect the faults in camera orientations, tolerate these errors and further correct them before they cascade. Based on the locations of detected targets in the fault-tolerated final certainty map, we construct a generative image model that estimates the camera orientations, detect inaccuracies and correct them. In order to ensure the required visual coverage to accurately localize targets or tolerate the faulty nodes, we need to calculate the coverage before deploying sensors. Therefore, we derive the closed-form solution for the coverage estimation based on the certainty-based detection model that takes directional sensing of cameras and existence of visual occlusions into account. The effectiveness of the proposed collaborative and fault-tolerant target localization algorithms in localization accuracy as well as fault detection and correction performance has been validated through the results obtained from both simulation and real experiments. In addition, conducted simulation shows extreme consistency with results from theoretical closed-form solution for visual coverage estimation, especially when considering the boundary effect