3,443 research outputs found

    Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues

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    Airborne LiDAR is one of the most effective and reliable means of terrain data collection. Using LiDAR data for DEM generation is becoming a standard practice in spatial related areas. However, the effective processing of the raw LiDAR data and the generation of an efficient and high-quality DEM remain big challenges. This paper reviews the recent advances of airborne LiDAR systems and the use of LiDAR data for DEM generation, with special focus on LiDAR data filters, interpolation methods, DEM resolution, and LiDAR data reduction. Separating LiDAR points into ground and non-ground is the most critical and difficult step for DEM generation from LiDAR data. Commonly used and most recently developed LiDAR filtering methods are presented. Interpolation methods and choices of suitable interpolator and DEM resolution for LiDAR DEM generation are discussed in detail. In order to reduce the data redundancy and increase the efficiency in terms of storage and manipulation, LiDAR data reduction is required in the process of DEM generation. Feature specific elements such as breaklines contribute significantly to DEM quality. Therefore, data reduction should be conducted in such a way that critical elements are kept while less important elements are removed. Given the highdensity characteristic of LiDAR data, breaklines can be directly extracted from LiDAR data. Extraction of breaklines and integration of the breaklines into DEM generation are presented

    Airborne photogrammetry and LIDAR for DSM extraction and 3D change detection over an urban area : a comparative study

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    A digital surface model (DSM) extracted from stereoscopic aerial images, acquired in March 2000, is compared with a DSM derived from airborne light detection and ranging (lidar) data collected in July 2009. Three densely built-up study areas in the city centre of Ghent, Belgium, are selected, each covering approximately 0.4 km(2). The surface models, generated from the two different 3D acquisition methods, are compared qualitatively and quantitatively as to what extent they are suitable in modelling an urban environment, in particular for the 3D reconstruction of buildings. Then the data sets, which are acquired at two different epochs t(1) and t(2), are investigated as to what extent 3D (building) changes can be detected and modelled over the time interval. A difference model, generated by pixel-wise subtracting of both DSMs, indicates changes in elevation. Filters are proposed to differentiate 'real' building changes from false alarms provoked by model noise, outliers, vegetation, etc. A final 3D building change model maps all destructed and newly constructed buildings within the time interval t(2) - t(1). Based on the change model, the surface and volume of the building changes can be quantified

    A comparison of interpolation methods for estimating mountaintop removal

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    This research compares interpolation methods used to create digital elevation models (DEM) for mountainous regions where mountaintop removal coal mining takes place. The research focused on the Frozen Hollow Surface Mine located in Boone County, West VA as the case study. Three interpolation methods were compared in order to create a DEM for premining conditions at the Frozen Hollow Surface Mine. The methods compared were Inverse Distance Weighted, Ordinary Kriging, and Spline with Tension. Topographic maps were used as the source of data for the sample points. Four sets of sample points were created using centroids from two grid sizes, 20m2 and 30m2, and comparing the use of single value cells (SVC) and multi value cells (MVC). This resulted in 12 interpolation methods in the study. The Spline with Tension method was statistically significant compared to the other methods in all four data sets. The interpolation method with the least amount of error was the Spline with Tension method using both the SVC & MVC from the 30m2 centroids

    Accuracy assessment in glacier change analysis

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    This thesis assesses the accuracy of digital elevation models (DEM) generated from contour lines and LiDAR points (Light Detection and Ranging) employing several interpolation methods at different resolutions. The study area is Jostefonn glacier that is situated in Sogn og Fjordane county, Norway. There are several ways to assess accuracy of DEMs including simple ways such as visual comparison and more sophisticated methods like relative and absolute comparison. Digital elevation models of the Jostefonn glacier were created from contour lines for years 1966 and 1993. LiDAR data from year 2011 was used as a reference data set. Of all the interpolation methods tested Natural Neighbours (NN) and Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) algorithms rendered the best results and proved to be superior to other interpolation methods. Several resolutions were tested (the cell size of 5 m, 10 m, 20 m and 50 m) and the best outcome was achieved by as small cell size as possible. The digital elevation models were compared to a reference data set outside the glacier area both on a cell-by-cell basis and extracting information at test points. Both methods rendered the same results that are presented in this thesis. Several techniques were employed to assess the accuracy of digital elevation models including visualization and statistical analysis. Visualization techniques included comparison of the original contour lines with those generated from DEMs. Root mean square error, mean absolute error and other accuracy measures were statistically analysed. The greatest elevation difference between the digital elevation model of interest and the reference data set was observed in the areas of a steep terrain. The steeper the terrain, the greater the observed error. The magnitude of the errors can be reduced by using a smaller cell size but that this is offset by a larger amount of data and increased data processing time.Popular science Glaciers are very sensitive indicators of climate change. The major cause of melting glaciers is global warming. This rapid rate of melting has serious negative impact on the earth causing flooding, leaving impact on flora and fauna, resulting in shortage of freshwater and hydroelectricity. The long-term monitoring of glaciers and the knowledge gained from it can help governments, environmental and water resource managers to make plans to cope with impacts of climate change. Results from glacier monitoring ought to be precise, showing the actual situation compared to the situation in the past as well as predicting possible glacier changes in the future. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how sensitive the results were to different methods used in glacier change detection focusing on the quality of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The study area of this thesis was the Jostefonn glacier situated in Sogn and Fjordane county, Norway. Digital elevation models were created from contour lines for years 1966 and 1993. LiDAR data from year 2011 was used as a reference data set. Several techniques were employed to estimate the accuracy of digital elevation models including visualization, statistical analysis, analysing the accuracy of digital elevation models for terrain on different slopes, comparison to a reference data set outside the glacier area that was considered to be stable and where no elevation change was expected. The original contour lines (1966 and 1993) were compared with the ones generated from the created terrain models (glacier area) as well as with the contour lines from the reference data set (outside the glacier area) by visualization techniques. Accuracy measures (Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error and others) were statistically analysed. Natural Neighbours and Triangular Irregular Network interpolators proved to be superior to other algorithms used to create the terrain models. The best outcome was achieved by using as small cell size as possible. 5 m resolution rendered the best results from the resolutions tested (5 m, 10 m, 20 m and 50 m). The greatest elevation differences were observed in the areas of a steep terrain. The steeper the terrain, the greater the elevation difference. The terracing effect was noticed in the digital elevation models due to the high density of elevation points on the contour lines and hardly any points between them. Useful information can be obtained by estimating accuracy of digital elevation models. The accuracy of terrain models determines the reliability of glacier change analysis and that is why the digital elevation model must represent the terrain as accurately as possible. The different methods used in this thesis rendered very similar results and that indicated that the results were reliable and the terrain models created with Natural Neighbours and Triangular Irregular Network interpolators (resolution of 5 m) can be employed in further glacier change analysis

    Ordinary kriging for on-demand average wind interpolation of in-situ wind sensor data

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    We have developed a domain agnostic ordinary kriging algorithm accessible via a standards-based service-oriented architecture for sensor networks. We exploit the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards. We need on-demand interpolation maps so runtime performance is a major priority.Our sensor data comes from wind in-situ observation stations in an area approximately 200km by 125km. We provide on-demand average wind interpolation maps. These spatial estimates can then be compared with the results of other estimation models in order to identify spurious results that sometimes occur in wind estimation.Our processing is based on ordinary kriging with automated variogram model selection (AVMS). This procedure can smooth time point wind measurements to obtain average wind by using a variogram model that reflects the wind phenomenon characteristics. Kriging is enabled for wind direction estimation by a simple but effective solution to the problem of estimating periodic variables, based on vector rotation and stochastic simulation.In cases where for the region of interest all wind directions span 180 degrees, we rotate them so they lie between 90 and 270 degrees and apply ordinary kriging with AVMS directly to the meteorological angle. Else, we transform the meteorological angle to Cartesian space, apply ordinary kriging with AVMS and use simulation to transform the kriging estimates back to meteorological angle.Tests run on a 50 by 50 grid using standard hardware takes about 5 minutes to execute backward transformation with a sample size of 100,000. This is acceptable for our on-demand processing service requirements

    The effects of data reduction on LiDAR-based digital elevation models

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    LiDAR data enables highly accurate terrain representations, however, various applications are hampered by data handling efficiency; specifically lengthy processing times. To address this, both point density reductions and the use of various resolution grids are compared as data reduction methods to test their effects on the accuracy and handling efficiency of the derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM). A series of point densities of 1%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 75% were interpolated along a range of horizontal resolutions (1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 10-, and 30- m). Results indicate that resolution reduction provides the most efficient DEMs in terms of their data handling. DEMs generated at a 3 m resolution using all of the data points deviated less than 6% from the 1mDEM100%, while significantly only taking 10% of the processing time. Resolution reduction provided sufficient accuracies for varying terrain complexities

    A Platform for Proactive, Risk-Based Slope Asset Management, Phase II

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    INE/AUTC 15.0

    Geomorphometric comparison of DEMs built by different interpolation methods

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    One of the most important stages of creating DEMs is the selection of a suitable interpolation algorithm. In this paper I decided to take a look at the most popular methods of data interpolation: Inverse Distance Weighting, Natural Neighbour, Spline, Radial Basis Functions, Local Polynomial and Kriging. As the research area served fragment (20 km2) of the Silesian Upland with diversified relief. I analysed visual effects (3D view and profiles), summarized the basic geomorphometric statistics (heights, local relief, slopes, aspects, curvatures) and an assessment of the vertical accuracy of developed models (RMSE and result conformity) have made. After conducted studies it can be stated, that the best interpolation methods for analyse of the relief are Natural Neighbour and Kriging, because they do not create any artefacts

    TINITALY/01: a new Triangular Irregular Network of Italy

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    A new Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the natural landforms of Italy is presented. A methodology is discussed to build a DEM over wide areas where elevation data from non-homogeneous (in density and accuracy) input sources are available. The input elevation data include contour lines and spot heights derived from the Italian Regional topographic maps, satellite-based global positioning system points, ground based and radar altimetry data. Owing to the great heterogeneity of the input data density, the DEM format that better preserves the original accuracy is a Triangular Irregular Network (TIN). A Delaunay-based TIN structure is improved by using the DEST algorithm that enhances input data by evaluating inferred break-lines. Accordingly to this approach, biased distributions in slopes and elevations are absent. To prevent discontinuities at the boundary between regions characterized by data with different resolution a cubic Hermite blending weight S-shaped function is adopted. The TIN of Italy consists of 1.39×109 triangles. The average triangle area ranges from 12 to about 13000 m2 accordingly to different morphologies and different sources. About 50% of the model has a local average triangle area <500 m2. The vertical accuracy of the obtained DEM is evaluated by more than 200000 sparse control points. The overall Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is less than 3.5 m. The obtained national-scale DEM constitutes an useful support to carry out accurate geomorphological and geological investigations over large areas. The problem of choosing the best step size in deriving a grid from a TIN is then discussed and a method to quantify the loss of vertical information is presented as a function of the grid step. Some examples of DEM application are outlined. Under request, an high resolution stereo image database of the whole Italian territory (derived from the presented DEM) is available to browse via internet