1,129 research outputs found

    Membrane resonance enables stable and robust gamma oscillations

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    Neuronal mechanisms underlying beta/gamma oscillations (20-80 Hz) are not completely understood. Here, we show that in vivo beta/gamma oscillations in the cat visual cortex sometimes exhibit remarkably stable frequency even when inputs fluctuate dramatically. Enhanced frequency stability is associated with stronger oscillations measured in individual units and larger power in the local field potential. Simulations of neuronal circuitry demonstrate that membrane properties of inhibitory interneurons strongly determine the characteristics of emergent oscillations. Exploration of networks containing either integrator or resonator inhibitory interneurons revealed that: (i) Resonance, as opposed to integration, promotes robust oscillations with large power and stable frequency via a mechanism called RING (Resonance INduced Gamma); resonance favors synchronization by reducing phase delays between interneurons and imposes bounds on oscillation cycle duration; (ii) Stability of frequency and robustness of the oscillation also depend on the relative timing of excitatory and inhibitory volleys within the oscillation cycle; (iii) RING can reproduce characteristics of both Pyramidal INterneuron Gamma (PING) and INterneuron Gamma (ING), transcending such classifications; (iv) In RING, robust gamma oscillations are promoted by slow but are impaired by fast inputs. Results suggest that interneuronal membrane resonance can be an important ingredient for generation of robust gamma oscillations having stable frequency

    Neurosystems: brain rhythms and cognitive processing

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    Neuronal rhythms are ubiquitous features of brain dynamics, and are highly correlated with cognitive processing. However, the relationship between the physiological mechanisms producing these rhythms and the functions associated with the rhythms remains mysterious. This article investigates the contributions of rhythms to basic cognitive computations (such as filtering signals by coherence and/or frequency) and to major cognitive functions (such as attention and multi-modal coordination). We offer support to the premise that the physiology underlying brain rhythms plays an essential role in how these rhythms facilitate some cognitive operations.098352 - Wellcome Trust; 5R01NS067199 - NINDS NIH HH

    Discovering Functional Communities in Dynamical Networks

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    Many networks are important because they are substrates for dynamical systems, and their pattern of functional connectivity can itself be dynamic -- they can functionally reorganize, even if their underlying anatomical structure remains fixed. However, the recent rapid progress in discovering the community structure of networks has overwhelmingly focused on that constant anatomical connectivity. In this paper, we lay out the problem of discovering_functional communities_, and describe an approach to doing so. This method combines recent work on measuring information sharing across stochastic networks with an existing and successful community-discovery algorithm for weighted networks. We illustrate it with an application to a large biophysical model of the transition from beta to gamma rhythms in the hippocampus.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Springer "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" style. Forthcoming in the proceedings of the workshop "Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues and New Directions", at ICML 2006. Version 2: small clarifications, typo corrections, added referenc

    A role for fast rhythmic bursting neurons in cortical gamma oscillations in vitro

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    Basic cellular and network mechanisms underlying gamma frequency oscillations (30–80 Hz) have been well characterized in the hippocampus and associated structures. In these regions, gamma rhythms are seen as an emergent property of networks of principal cells and fast-spiking interneurons. In contrast, in the neocortex a number of elegant studies have shown that specific types of principal neuron exist that are capable of generating powerful gamma frequency outputs on the basis of their intrinsic conductances alone. These fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) neurons (sometimes referred to as "chattering" cells) are activated by sensory stimuli and generate multiple action potentials per gamma period. Here, we demonstrate that FRB neurons may function by providing a large-scale input to an axon plexus consisting of gap-junctionally connected axons from both FRB neurons and their anatomically similar counterparts regular spiking neurons. The resulting network gamma oscillation shares all of the properties of gamma oscillations generated in the hippocampus but with the additional critical dependence on multiple spiking in FRB cells

    The Role of Parvalbumin-positive Interneurons in Auditory Steady-State Response Deficits in Schizophrenia

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.Despite an increasing body of evidence demonstrating subcellular alterations in parvalbumin-positive (PV+) interneurons in schizophrenia, their functional consequences remain elusive. Since PV+ interneurons are involved in the generation of fast cortical rhythms, these changes have been hypothesized to contribute to well-established alterations of beta and gamma range oscillations in patients suffering from schizophrenia. However, the precise role of these alterations and the role of different subtypes of PV+ interneurons is still unclear. Here we used a computational model of auditory steady-state response (ASSR) deficits in schizophrenia. We investigated the differential effects of decelerated synaptic dynamics, caused by subcellular alterations at two subtypes of PV+ interneurons: basket cells and chandelier cells. Our simulations suggest that subcellular alterations at basket cell synapses rather than chandelier cell synapses are the main contributor to these deficits. Particularly, basket cells might serve as target for innovative therapeutic interventions aiming at reversing the oscillatory deficits.Peer reviewe

    Gamma rhythms and beta rhythms have different synchronization properties

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    Experimental and modeling efforts suggest that rhythms in the CA1 region of the hippocampus that are in the beta range (12-29 Hz) have a different dynamical structure than that of gamma (30-70 Hz). We use a simplified model to show that the different rhythms employ different dynamical mechanisms to synchronize, based on different ionic currents. The beta frequency is able to synchronize over long conduction delays (corresponding to signals traveling a significant distance in the brain) that apparently cannot be tolerated by gamma rhythms. The synchronization properties are consistent with data suggesting that gamma rhythms are used for relatively local computations whereas beta rhythms are used for higher level interactions involving more distant structures

    Measuring Shared Information and Coordinated Activity in Neuronal Networks

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    Most nervous systems encode information about stimuli in the responding activity of large neuronal networks. This activity often manifests itself as dynamically coordinated sequences of action potentials. Since multiple electrode recordings are now a standard tool in neuroscience research, it is important to have a measure of such network-wide behavioral coordination and information sharing, applicable to multiple neural spike train data. We propose a new statistic, informational coherence, which measures how much better one unit can be predicted by knowing the dynamical state of another. We argue informational coherence is a measure of association and shared information which is superior to traditional pairwise measures of synchronization and correlation. To find the dynamical states, we use a recently-introduced algorithm which reconstructs effective state spaces from stochastic time series. We then extend the pairwise measure to a multivariate analysis of the network by estimating the network multi-information. We illustrate our method by testing it on a detailed model of the transition from gamma to beta rhythms.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The response of a classical Hodgkin–Huxley neuron to an inhibitory input pulse

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    A population of uncoupled neurons can often be brought close to synchrony by a single strong inhibitory input pulse affecting all neurons equally. This mechanism is thought to underlie some brain rhythms, in particular gamma frequency (30–80 Hz) oscillations in the hippocampus and neocortex. Here we show that synchronization by an inhibitory input pulse often fails for populations of classical Hodgkin–Huxley neurons. Our reasoning suggests that in general, synchronization by inhibitory input pulses can fail when the transition of the target neurons from rest to spiking involves a Hopf bifurcation, especially when inhibition is shunting, not hyperpolarizing. Surprisingly, synchronization is more likely to fail when the inhibitory pulse is stronger or longer-lasting. These findings have potential implications for the question which neurons participate in brain rhythms, in particular in gamma oscillations

    Membrane Properties and the Balance between Excitation and Inhibition Control Gamma-Frequency Oscillations Arising from Feedback Inhibition

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    Computational studies as well as in vivo and in vitro results have shown that many cortical neurons fire in a highly irregular manner and at low average firing rates. These patterns seem to persist even when highly rhythmic signals are recorded by local field potential electrodes or other methods that quantify the summed behavior of a local population. Models of the 30–80 Hz gamma rhythm in which network oscillations arise through ‘stochastic synchrony’ capture the variability observed in the spike output of single cells while preserving network-level organization. We extend upon these results by constructing model networks constrained by experimental measurements and using them to probe the effect of biophysical parameters on network-level activity. We find in simulations that gamma-frequency oscillations are enabled by a high level of incoherent synaptic conductance input, similar to the barrage of noisy synaptic input that cortical neurons have been shown to receive in vivo. This incoherent synaptic input increases the emergent network frequency by shortening the time scale of the membrane in excitatory neurons and by reducing the temporal separation between excitation and inhibition due to decreased spike latency in inhibitory neurons. These mechanisms are demonstrated in simulations and in vitro current-clamp and dynamic-clamp experiments. Simulation results further indicate that the membrane potential noise amplitude has a large impact on network frequency and that the balance between excitatory and inhibitory currents controls network stability and sensitivity to external inputs

    Prefrontal rhythms for cognitive control

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    Goal-directed behavior requires flexible selection among action plans and updating behavioral strategies when they fail to achieve desired goals. Lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) is implicated in the execution of behavior-guiding rule-based cognitive control while anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is implicated in monitoring processes and updating rules. Rule-based cognitive control requires selective processing while process monitoring benefits from combinatorial processing. I used a combination of computational and experimental methods to investigate how network oscillations and neuronal heterogeneity contribute to cognitive control through their effects on selective versus combinatorial processing modes in LPFC and ACC. First, I adapted an existing LPFC model to explore input frequency- and coherence-based output selection mechanisms for flexible routing of rate-coded signals. I show that the oscillatory states of input encoding populations can exhibit a stronger influence over downstream competition than their activity levels. This enables an output driven by a weaker resonant input signal to suppress lower-frequency competing responses to stronger, less resonant (though possibly higher-frequency) input signals. While signals are encoded in population firing rates, output selection and signal routing can be governed independently by the frequency and coherence of oscillatory inputs and their correspondence with output resonant properties. Flexible response selection and gating can be achieved by oscillatory state control mechanisms operating on input encoding populations. These dynamic mechanisms enable experimentally-observed LPFC beta and gamma oscillations to flexibly govern the selection and gating of rate-coded signals for downstream read-out. Furthermore, I demonstrate how differential drives to distinct interneuron populations can switch working memory representations between asynchronous and oscillatory states that support rule-based selection. Next, I analyzed physiological data from the LeBeau laboratory and built a de novo model constrained by the biological data. Experimental data demonstrated that fast network oscillations at both the beta- and gamma frequency bands could be elicited in vitro in ACC and neurons exhibited a wide range of intrinsic properties. Computational modeling of the ACC network revealed that the frequency of network oscillation generated was dependent upon the time course of inhibition. Principal cell heterogeneity broadened the range of frequencies generated by the model network. In addition, with different frequency inputs to two neuronal assemblies, heterogeneity decreased competition and increased spike coherence between the networks thus conferring a combinatorial advantage to the network. These findings suggest that oscillating neuronal populations can support either response selection (routing), or combination, depending on the interplay between the kinetics of synaptic inhibition and the degree of heterogeneity of principal cell intrinsic conductances. Such differences may support functional differences between the roles of LPFC and ACC in cognitive control
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