523 research outputs found

    Content addressable memory project

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    A parameterized version of the tree processor was designed and tested (by simulation). The leaf processor design is 90 percent complete. We expect to complete and test a combination of tree and leaf cell designs in the next period. Work is proceeding on algorithms for the computer aided manufacturing (CAM), and once the design is complete we will begin simulating algorithms for large problems. The following topics are covered: (1) the practical implementation of content addressable memory; (2) design of a LEAF cell for the Rutgers CAM architecture; (3) a circuit design tool user's manual; and (4) design and analysis of efficient hierarchical interconnection networks

    A survey of large-scale reasoning on the Web of data

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    As more and more data is being generated by sensor networks, social media and organizations, the Webinterlinking this wealth of information becomes more complex. This is particularly true for the so-calledWeb of Data, in which data is semantically enriched and interlinked using ontologies. In this large anduncoordinated environment, reasoning can be used to check the consistency of the data and of asso-ciated ontologies, or to infer logical consequences which, in turn, can be used to obtain new insightsfrom the data. However, reasoning approaches need to be scalable in order to enable reasoning over theentire Web of Data. To address this problem, several high-performance reasoning systems, whichmainly implement distributed or parallel algorithms, have been proposed in the last few years. Thesesystems differ significantly; for instance in terms of reasoning expressivity, computational propertiessuch as completeness, or reasoning objectives. In order to provide afirst complete overview of thefield,this paper reports a systematic review of such scalable reasoning approaches over various ontologicallanguages, reporting details about the methods and over the conducted experiments. We highlight theshortcomings of these approaches and discuss some of the open problems related to performing scalablereasoning

    Terminology Preparation for Simultaneous Interpreters

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    Simultaneous interpreting requires efficient use of highly domain-specific terminology in the working languages of an interpreter. By necessity, interpreters often work in a wide range of domains and have limited time to prepare for new topics. To ensure the best possible simultaneous interpreting of specialised conferences where a great number of domain-specific terms are used, interpreters need preparation, usually under considerable time pressure. They need to familiarise themselves with concepts, technical terms, and proper names in the interpreters’ working languages. There is little research into the use of modern terminology extraction tools and pipelines for the task of simultaneous interpreting. A few previous studies mentioned the application of corpora as potential electronic tools for interpreters. For instance, Fantinuoli (2006) and Gorjanc (2009) discussed the functions of specific online crawling tools and explored ways to extract specialised terminology from disposable web corpora for interpreters. However, there has not been any empirical study to test how term extraction tools and the use of corpora can help interpreters increase their preparation efficiency and how these technologies and practices influence interpreters’ simultaneous interpreting performance. This study investigates a corpus-based terminology preparation pipeline integrating building small comparable corpora, using automatic term extractors and concordancers. We compared and evaluated several term extraction and concordance tools for Chinese and English, and a single term extractor and a concordancer with comparatively better performance were selected to be used in the empirical study of this research. With training on how to use the tools for interpreting preparation, interpreters are expected to develop the skills to build their own terminology resources and activate relevant terms for specialised simultaneous interpreting tasks. This study also investigates the effect of using the tools on trainee interpreters’ performances by looking at the quality of their simultaneous interpreting outputs. For this purpose, we ran two experiments with MA trainee interpreters at the University of Leeds using different preparation procedures (and tools) to prepare for simultaneous interpreting tasks (English and Chinese, both directions) on two specialised topics: Seabed Minerals (SM) and Fast Breeder Reactors (FR). I also collected data from focus groups to investigate the trainee interpreters’ views on the use of different procedures (and tools). Our results suggest that the preparation procedure using both the term extractor (Syllabs Tools) and the concordancer (Sketch Engine) yielded better preparation results compared with a traditional preparation procedure. It helped improve the trainee interpreters’ terminological performance during simultaneous interpreting by significantly increasing term accuracy scores by 7.5% and reducing the number of omission errors by 9.3%. On the other hand, terminology preparation (through using both the term extractor and the concordancer) is not a “magical cure” for all errors. Our data shows that the preparation procedure (and the tools) only helped to improve the students’ holistic SI scores by 2.8% (but not yielding any statistical significance). This thesis demonstrates that training on terminology preparation for technical meetings could be a useful supplement to the already existing professional interpreting training. It is important for both students and trainers to be aware that electronic tools, when used properly, can assist the interpreters’ terminology preparation and achieve an enhanced performance. It also offers directions for further research in the application of modern term extraction technology for conference interpreters

    Similar Terms Grouping Yields Faster Terminological Saturation

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    This paper reports on the refinement of the algorithm for measuring terminological difference between text datasets (THD). This baseline THD algorithm, developed in the OntoElect project, used exact string matches for term comparison. In this work, it has been refined by the use of appropriately selected string similarity measures (SSM) for grouping the terms, which look similar as text strings and presumably have similar meanings. To determine rational term similarity thresholds for several chosen SSMs, the measures have been implemented as software functions and evaluated on the developed test set of term pairs in English. Further, the refined algorithm implementation has been evaluated against the baseline THD algorithm. For this evaluation, the bags of terms have been used that had been extracted from the three different document collections of scientific papers, belonging to different subject domains. The experiment revealed that the use of the refined THD algorithm, compared to the baseline, resulted in quicker terminological saturation on more compact sets of source documents, though at an expense of a noticeably higher computation time. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Kognitive Interpretationen mehrdeutiger visueller Reize

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    Unser Gehirn muss zu jeder Zeit relevante Signale von irrelevanten Informationen trennen. Dazu müssen diese als spezifische Einheiten erkannt und klassifiziert werden. Mehrdeutigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt dieses Verarbeitungsprozesses und kann durch verrauschte Eingangssignale und durch den Aufbau unserer sensorischer Systeme entstehen. Beispielsweise können Reize mehrdeutig sein, wenn sie verrauscht oder unvollständig sind oder nur kurzzeitig wahrgenommen werden. Unter solchen Bedingungen werden Wahrnehmung und Klassifikation eines Reizes deutlich erschwert. Bereits vorhandene kognitive Repräsentationen werden somit möglicherweise nicht aktiviert. Folglich müssen Rückschlüsse über die Reize aufgrund von Kontext und Erfahrung gezogen werden. Ein und derselbe Reiz kann jedoch unterschiedlich repräsentiert und im sensorischen System kodiert werden. Da nur eine Repräsentation die Basis zukünftigen Handelns bilden kann, entsteht eine Art Konkurrenz innerhalb der Wahrnehmung. Derartige Wahrnehmungsphänomene, die mit der Mehrdeutigkeit von Reizen in Verbindung stehen, bilden den Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Dissertation. Wenn einem physikalisch konstanten Reiz mehrere Interpretationen zugeordnet werden, entsteht ein Wechsel zwischen diesen Einordnungen, den man wahrnimmt und Rivalität ("rivalry") nennt. In dieser Dissertation werden diverse neue Erkenntnisse zu diesem grundlegenden Phänomen der sensorischen Verarbeitung beschrieben. So wird gezeigt, dass Übergänge zwischen drei wahrgenommenen Interpretationen – ein vergleichsweise selten untersuchtes Phänomen, da Rivalität meist mit zweideutigen Reizen untersucht wird – vorhersehbaren Mustern folgen (Kapitel 2). Darüber hinaus zeigt sich, dass derartige Übergänge spezifische Eigenschaften aufweisen, welche die Geschwindigkeit und die Richtung ihrer räumlichen Ausbreitung im visuellen Feld bestimmen (Kapitel 3). Diese Eigenschaften der Mehrdeutigkeit werden weiterhin stark von Aufmerksamkeit und anderen, introspektiven Prozessen beeinflusst. Um die der Rivalität in der Wahrnehmung tatsächlich zugrundeliegenden Prozesse und die damit verbundenen Änderungen des Bewusstseins von derartigen subjektiven Prozessen abzugrenzen, müssen letztere kontrolliert oder sogar vollständig umgangen werden. Ein objektives Maß der Rivalität in der Wahrnehmung wird zur Lösung dieser Aufgabe vorgeschlagen und bietet eine wertvolle Alternative zu introspektivem Berichten über den Wahrnehmungszustand (Kapitel 4). Übergänge in der Wahrnehmung entstehen entlang einer bestimmten Merkmalsdimension des Reizes, wie beispielsweise der Orientierung des berühmten Neckerwürfels. Zudem kann auch eine Änderung in der Merkmalsdimension der Luminanz eine unterschiedliche Interpretation des Reizes hervorrufen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Pupille kleiner wird, wenn eine Interpretation mit hoher Luminanz die Wahrnehmung übernimmt, und umgekehrt, dass die Pupille größer wird, wenn eine Interpretation mit niedriger Luminanz die Wahrnehmung übernimmt. Folglich kann die Pupille als ein zuverlässiges und objektives Maß für Änderungen in der Wahrnehmung verwendet werden. Durch die Verwendung solcher objektiven Maße konnten neue Eigenschaften der Übergänge in der Wahrnehmung aufgezeigt werden, welche die Theorie unterstützen, dass Introspektion die der Verarbeitung mehrdeutiger Situationen zugrundeliegenden Prozesse merklich beeinflussen kann. Als Nächstes wurden mehrdeutiger Reize im Zusammenhang mit der Wahrnehmung von Objekten eingesetzt (Kapitel 5). Am Beispiel der Kippfigur des "bewegten Diamanten" wird dabei die Bedeutung von mehrdeutigen Reizen veranschaulicht. Beim bewegten Diamanten werden zwei Interpretationen wahrgenommen, die sich entlang der Dimension der Objektkohärenz abwechseln. Das bedeutet, dass die Wahrnehmung zwischen einem einzelnen zusammenhängenden Objekt (Diamant) und mehreren unzusammenhängenden Komponenten kippt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Interpretation des Reizes als ein einziges kohärentes Objekt, verglichen mit der Interpretation als mehrere Komponenten, zu einer Erhöhung der visuellen Empfindlichkeit innerhalb des Objektes führt. Diese Ergebnisse sind ein Beleg dafür, wie die Aktivierung einer Interpretation eines Reizes als Einzelobjekt (im Vergleich zur Komponentenwahrnehmung) dazu führt, dass die Aufmerksamkeit top-down zu den relevanten Bereichen des Gesichtsfeldes gelenkt wird. Es wird weiter untersucht, welche Eigenschaften des Reizes zu einer bottom-up Aktivierung der Interpretation solcher Objekte beitragen (Kapitel 6). Die Mehrdeutigkeit von Objekten kann erfolgreich aufgehoben werden, indem man einen starken Kontrast in Luminanz oder Farbe zwischen dem Objekt und dem Hintergrund erzeugt. Auch die Größe und die Form haben einen großen Einfluss auf die Detektion und Identifikation von Objekten. Des Weiteren sind die Eigenschaften eines Objektes nicht nur bestimmend für die Erfolgsquote bei der Objekterkennung, sondern ebenso bedeutend für die Speicherung der Repräsentation im Gedächtnis, beispielsweise von neu wahrgenommenen Objekten. Das Klassifizieren von Objekten durch die Versuchsperson wird ebenfalls durch Mehrdeutigkeit beeinflusst. So kann ein Objekt der Versuchsperson einerseits als neu erscheinen, obwohl es bereits bekannt war, weil es beispielsweise der Versuchsperson schon einmal gezeigt worden ist. Andererseits kann auch ein eigentlich unbekanntes Objekt der Versuchsperson dennoch vertraut vorkommen. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass solche subjektiven Effekte einen Einfluss auf die Pupillengröße haben (Kapitel 7). Außerdem verkleinert sich die Pupille der Versuchspersonen beim Betrachten neuer Bilder stärker als bei bekannten. Ein ähnlicher Effekt wird gefunden, wenn das Bild vorher erfolgreich im Gedächtnis gespeichert wurde. Daher ist es wahrscheinlich, dass die Pupille die Verfestigung von neuen Objekten im Gedächtnis widerspiegelt. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob sich kognitive Prozesse, wie Entscheidungsfindung – ein wichtiger Prozess, falls mehreren Optionen zur Verfügung stehen und Mehrdeutigkeit aufgehoben werden soll – auch in der Pupille widerspiegeln (Kapitel 8). Es wird zunächst bestätigt, dass die Pupillen sich erweitern, nachdem man eine Entscheidung getroffen hat. Neu wird gezeigt, dass diese Pupillenausdehnungen erfolgreich von anderen Personen erkannt und verwendet werden können, um ein interaktives Spiel gegen die erste Person (den "Gegner") zu gewinnen. Insgesamt wird in dieser Dissertation untersucht, wie mehrdeutige Reize die Wahrnehmung beeinflussen und wie Mehrdeutigkeit verwendet werden kann, um Prozesse des Gehirns zu studieren. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Mehrdeutigkeit vorhersehbaren Mustern folgt, sie objektiv mit Reflexen gemessen werden kann, und Einblicke in neuronale Prozesse wie Aufmerksamkeit, Objektwahrnehmung und Entscheidungsmechanismen liefern kann. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Mehrdeutigkeit eine zentrale Eigenschaft sensorischer Systeme ist, und Lebewesen in die Lage versetzt, mit ihrer Umwelt flexibel zu interagieren. Mehrdeutigkeit macht das Verhalten vielfältiger, ermöglicht es dem Gehirn, mit der Welt auf verschiedenen Wegen zu interagieren, und ist die Basis der Dynamik von Wahrnehmung, Interpretation und Entscheidung.Brains can sense and distinguish signals from background noise in physical environments, and recognize and classify them as distinct entities. Ambiguity is an inherent part of this process. It is a cognitive property that is generated by the noisy character of the signals, and by the design of the sensory systems that process them. Stimuli can be ambiguous if they are noisy, incomplete, or only briefly sensed. Such conditions may make stimuli indistinguishable from others and thereby difficult to classify as single entities by our sensory systems. In these cases, stimuli fail to activate a representation that may have been previously stored in the system. Deduction, through context and experience, is consequently needed to reach a decision on what is exactly sensed. Deduction can, however, also be subject to ambiguity as stimuli and their properties may receive multiple representations in the sensory system. In such cases, these multiple representations compete for perceptual dominance, that is, for becoming the single entity taken by the system as a reference point for subsequent behavior. These types of ambiguity and several phenomena that relate to them are at the center of this dissertation. Perceptual rivalry, the phenomenal experience of alternating percepts over time, is an example of how the brain may give multiple interpretations to a stimulus that is physically constant. Rivalry is a very typical and general sensory process and this thesis demonstrates some newly discovered properties of its dynamics. It was found that alternations between three perceptual interpretations – a relatively rare condition as rivalry generally occurs between two percepts – follow predictable courses (Chapter 2). Furthermore, such alternations had several properties that determine their speed and direction of spatial spread (suppression waves) in the visual field (Chapter 3). These properties of ambiguity were further strongly affected by attention and other introspective processes. To demarcate the true underlying process of perceptual rivalry and the accompanied changes in awareness, these subjective processes need to be either circumvented or controlled for. An objective measure of perceptual rivalry was proposed that resolved this issue and provided a good alternative for introspective report of ambiguous states (Chapter 4). Changes in percepts occur along a specific feature domain such as depth orientation for the famous Necker cube. Alternatively, luminance may also be a rivalry feature and one percept may appear brighter as the other rivaling percept. It was demonstrated that the pupil gets smaller when a percept with high luminance becomes dominant, and vice versa, gets bigger when a percept with low luminance gets dominant during perceptual rivalry. As such, the pupil can serve as a reliable objective indicator of changes in visual awareness. By using such reflexes during rivalry, several new properties of alternations were discovered and it was again confirmed that introspection can confound the true processes involved in ambiguity. Next, the usefulness of ambiguous stimuli was explored in the context of objects as entities (Chapter 5). Some ambiguous stimuli can induce two percepts that alternate along the feature domain of object coherency, that is, whether a single coherent object or multiple incoherent objects are seen. In other words, an ambiguous stimulus can induce two cognitive interpretations of either seeing an entity or not. It was reported that being aware of a single coherent object results in the increase in visual sensitivity for the areas that constitute the object. These results are evidence of how the activation of a representation of a single and unique object can guide and allocate attentional resources to relevant areas in the visual field in a top-down way. It was further explored which features help to bottom-up access such object representations (Chapter 6). Ambiguity of objects can be successfully resolved by adding strong contrasts between the object and its background in luminance and color. The size and variability of the object's shape was also found to be an important factor for its successful detection and identification. Furthermore, the characteristics of objects do not only determine the rate of success in a recognition task, but are equally important for the storage of their representations in memory if, for instance, the object is novel to the observer. The subjective experience of a novel object is also subject to ambiguity and objects may appear novel to the observer although they are familiar (i.e., previously shown to the observer), or vice versa, they appear familiar to the observer although they are actually novel. It was here shown that such subjective effects are reflected in the pupil (Chapter 7). In addition, if novel images were presented to observers, their pupils constricted stronger as compared to if familiar images were presented. Similarly, if novel stimuli were shown to observers, pupillary constrictions were stronger if these stimuli were successfully stored in memory as compared to those later forgotten. As such, the pupil reflected the cognitive process of novelty encoding. Finally, it was tested whether other cognitive processes, such as decision-making – an important process when multiple options are available and ambiguity has to be resolved with a conscious decision – were also reflected in changes of pupil size (Chapter 8). It was confirmed that the pupil tends to dilate after an observer has made a decision. These dilations can successfully be detected between individuals and further used to gain the upper hand during an interactive game. In sum, this thesis has explored how ambiguous signals affect perception and how ambiguity inside perceptual systems can be used to study processes of the brain. It is found that ambiguity follows predictable courses, can be objectively assessed with reflexes, and can provide insights into other neuronal mechanisms such as attention, object representations, and decision-making. These findings demonstrate that ambiguity is a core property of the sensory systems that enable living beings to interact with their surroundings. Ambiguity adds variation to behavior, allows the brain to flexibly interact with the world, and lies at the bottom of the dynamics of sense, interpretations, and behavioral decisions

    Agnostic content ontology design patterns for a multi-domain ontology

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    This research project aims to solve the semantic heterogeneity problem. Semantic heterogeneity mimics cancer in that semantic heterogeneity unnecessarily consumes resources from its host, the enterprise, and may even affect lives. A number of authors report that semantic heterogeneity may cost a significant portion of an enterprise’s IT budget. Also, semantic heterogeneity hinders pharmaceutical and medical research by consuming valuable research funds. The RA-EKI architecture model comprises a multi-domain ontology, a cross-industry agnostic construct composed of rich axioms notably for data integration. A multi-domain ontology composed of axiomatized agnostic data model patterns would drive a cognitive data integration application system usable in any industry sector. This project’s objective is to elicit agnostic data model patterns here considered as content ontology design patterns. The first research question of this project pertains to the existence of agnostic patterns and their capacity to solve the semantic heterogeneity problem. Due to the theory-building role of this project, a qualitative research approach constitutes the appropriate manner to conduct its research. Contrary to theory testing quantitative methods that rely on well-established validation techniques to determine the reliability of the outcome of a given study, theorybuilding qualitative methods do not possess standardized techniques to ascertain the reliability of a study. The second research question inquires on a dual method theory-building approach that may demonstrate trustworthiness. The first method, a qualitative Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach induces the sought knowledge from 69 retained publications using a practical screen. The second method, a phenomenological research protocol elicits the agnostic concepts from semi-structured interviews involving 22 senior practitioners with 21 years in average of experience in conceptualization. The SLR retains a set of 89 agnostic concepts from 2009 through 2017. The phenomenological study in turn retains 83 agnostic concepts. During the synthesis stage for both studies, data saturation was calculated for each of the retained concepts at the point where the concepts have been selected for a second time. The quantification of data saturation constitutes an element of the trustworthiness’s transferability criterion. It can be argued that this effort of establishing the trustworthiness, i.e. credibility, dependability, confirmability and transferability can be construed as extensive and this research track as promising. Data saturation for both studies has still not been reached. The assessment performed in the course of the establishment of trustworthiness of this project’s dual method qualitative research approach yields very interesting findings. Such findings include two sets of agnostic data model patterns obtained from research protocols using radically different data sources i.e. publications vs. experienced practitioners but with striking similarities. Further work is required using exactly the same protocols for each of the methods, expand the year range for the SLR and to recruit new co-researchers for the phenomenological protocol. This work will continue until these protocols do not elicit new theory material. At this point, new protocols for both methods will be designed and executed with the intent to measure theoretical saturation. For both methods, this entails in formulating new research questions that may, for example, focus on agnostic themes such as finance, infrastructure, relationships, classifications, etc. For this exploration project, the road ahead involves the design of new questionnaires for semi-structured interviews. This project will need to engage in new knowledge elicitation techniques such as focus groups. The project will definitely conduct other qualitative research methods such as research action for eliciting new knowledge and know-how from actual development and operation of an ontology-based cognitive application. Finally, a mixed methods qualitative-quantitative approach would prepare the transition toward theory testing method using hypothetico-deductive techniques

    Survey on Additive Manufacturing, Cloud 3D Printing and Services

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    Cloud Manufacturing (CM) is the concept of using manufacturing resources in a service oriented way over the Internet. Recent developments in Additive Manufacturing (AM) are making it possible to utilise resources ad-hoc as replacement for traditional manufacturing resources in case of spontaneous problems in the established manufacturing processes. In order to be of use in these scenarios the AM resources must adhere to a strict principle of transparency and service composition in adherence to the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigm. With this review we provide an overview over CM, AM and relevant domains as well as present the historical development of scientific research in these fields, starting from 2002. Part of this work is also a meta-review on the domain to further detail its development and structure

    The communicative theory of Terminology (CTT) applied to the development of a corpus-based specialised dictionary of the ceramics industry

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    Esta tesis es el resultado de un proyecto destinado a la creación de un diccionario activo, bilingüe (español-inglés; inglés-español) y especializado de la industria cerámica y azulejera con la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología como su pilar teórico principal. Debido al posicionamiento teórico adoptado, la investigación aquí presentada ha partido de un estudio de corpus (compilado ad hoc) en el que los términos han sido analizados in vivo y caracterizados de acuerdo al ¿habitat¿ en el que se hallan en el texto especializado. Así pues, la aproximación hecha al estudio de la terminología industrial cerámica hace pertinente el uso de la etiqueta ¿lexicografía especializada¿ a la hora de referirnos a un trabajo como éste en el que se ha tratado de ir más allá de la práctica terminográfica para dar lugar a un estudio en el que se prima el contexto, las asociaciones naturales de los términos (colocaciones) y la naturaleza comunicativa de la terminología. De este modo, en esta tesis se ha presentado de manera progresiva, además de un marco teórico detallado y coherente con el fin último de la investigación, la metodología utilizada para la elaboración del diccionario en curso, ampliamente basada en el uso de programas informáticos tanto para la explotación del corpus (WordSmith Tools 4.0), como para la creación de la base de datos terminológica (TermStar XV) y la generación de entradas finales (GENDIC).Así pues, esta tesis presenta de manera progresiva los resultados obtenidos en cada etapa del método de trabajo y 4,000 entradas finales (en este caso del inglés al español) correspondientes a las letras A, B, N, O, U y V del diccionario.This PhD dissertation is the result of an ongoing process aimed at the creation of a bilingual corpus-based specialised active dictionary of the ceramic industry, with the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT) as its mainstay. According to the grounding principles of the CTT, this research has departed form a corpus-based approach in which terms have been analysed in vivo and characterised from the natural habitat in which they are given in specialised communication/discourse. In this light, it has been put forward how the study of terms – made possible thanks to the activity of compiling and describing them, called terminography – may be complemented by the wider projection of specialised lexicography for the compilation and elaboration of LSP, user-oriented and user-friendly quality products in the form of dictionaries. This specialised lexicographical dimension of the work has necessarily implied the need to renew the concept of speciality language dictionaries applied to the ceramic industry and has given way to the creation of a (prospective) active dictionary in this field with a marked emphasis on context. Accordingly, the importance of pragmatic aspects in a work of this sort, has made it necessary to undertake an in-depth revision and analysis of the socio-economic context for the research in order be able to establish and solve the specific terminological needs that the ceramic industrial discourse community may find. On the basis of this theoretical framework, the method of study followed for the development of the prospective dictionary has comprised 8 broad stages: the stage of work preparation and corpus compilation, the elaboration of the field diagram, the stage of documentary corpus management, term extraction, data processing, revision and normalisation and finally, the edition stage. Two main types of results have been presented: those obtained through work in progress in the different stages of the method and final ones strictly speaking, that is, 4,000 English-Spanish entries in their final format (as they will appear in the prospective dictionary) belonging to the letters A, B, N, O, U and V of a complete dictionary which will include a total of 26,000 entries

    The communicative theory of Terminology (CTT) applied to the development of a corpus-based specialised dictionary of the ceramics industry

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    Esta tesis es el resultado de un proyecto destinado a la creación de un diccionario activo, bilingüe (español-inglés; inglés-español) y especializado de la industria cerámica y azulejera con la Teoría Comunicativa de la Terminología como su pilar teórico principal. Debido al posicionamiento teórico adoptado, la investigación aquí presentada ha partido de un estudio de corpus (compilado ad hoc) en el que los términos han sido analizados in vivo y caracterizados de acuerdo al ¿habitat¿ en el que se hallan en el texto especializado. Así pues, la aproximación hecha al estudio de la terminología industrial cerámica hace pertinente el uso de la etiqueta ¿lexicografía especializada¿ a la hora de referirnos a un trabajo como éste en el que se ha tratado de ir más allá de la práctica terminográfica para dar lugar a un estudio en el que se prima el contexto, las asociaciones naturales de los términos (colocaciones) y la naturaleza comunicativa de la terminología. De este modo, en esta tesis se ha presentado de manera progresiva, además de un marco teórico detallado y coherente con el fin último de la investigación, la metodología utilizada para la elaboración del diccionario en curso, ampliamente basada en el uso de programas informáticos tanto para la explotación del corpus (WordSmith Tools 4.0), como para la creación de la base de datos terminológica (TermStar XV) y la generación de entradas finales (GENDIC).Así pues, esta tesis presenta de manera progresiva los resultados obtenidos en cada etapa del método de trabajo y 4,000 entradas finales (en este caso del inglés al español) correspondientes a las letras A, B, N, O, U y V del diccionario.This PhD dissertation is the result of an ongoing process aimed at the creation of a bilingual corpus-based specialised active dictionary of the ceramic industry, with the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT) as its mainstay. According to the grounding principles of the CTT, this research has departed form a corpus-based approach in which terms have been analysed in vivo and characterised from the natural habitat in which they are given in specialised communication/discourse. In this light, it has been put forward how the study of terms – made possible thanks to the activity of compiling and describing them, called terminography – may be complemented by the wider projection of specialised lexicography for the compilation and elaboration of LSP, user-oriented and user-friendly quality products in the form of dictionaries. This specialised lexicographical dimension of the work has necessarily implied the need to renew the concept of speciality language dictionaries applied to the ceramic industry and has given way to the creation of a (prospective) active dictionary in this field with a marked emphasis on context. Accordingly, the importance of pragmatic aspects in a work of this sort, has made it necessary to undertake an in-depth revision and analysis of the socio-economic context for the research in order be able to establish and solve the specific terminological needs that the ceramic industrial discourse community may find. On the basis of this theoretical framework, the method of study followed for the development of the prospective dictionary has comprised 8 broad stages: the stage of work preparation and corpus compilation, the elaboration of the field diagram, the stage of documentary corpus management, term extraction, data processing, revision and normalisation and finally, the edition stage. Two main types of results have been presented: those obtained through work in progress in the different stages of the method and final ones strictly speaking, that is, 4,000 English-Spanish entries in their final format (as they will appear in the prospective dictionary) belonging to the letters A, B, N, O, U and V of a complete dictionary which will include a total of 26,000 entries
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