8 research outputs found

    SheepIT, an E-Shepherd System for Weed Control in Vineyards: Experimental Results and Lessons Learned

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    Weed control in vineyards demands regular interventions that currently consist of the use of machinery, such as plows and brush-cutters, and the application of herbicides. These methods have several drawbacks, including cost, chemical pollution, and the emission of greenhouse gases. The use of animals to weed vineyards, usually ovines, is an ancestral, environmentally friendly, and sustainable practice that was abandoned because of the scarcity and cost of shepherds, which were essential for preventing animals from damaging the vines and grapes. The SheepIT project was developed to automate the role of human shepherds, by monitoring and conditioning the behaviour of grazing animals. Additionally, the data collected in real-time can be used for improving the efficiency of the whole process, e.g., by detecting abnormal situations such as health conditions or attacks and manage the weeding areas. This paper presents a comprehensive set of field-test results, obtained with the SheepIT infrastructure, addressing several dimensions, from the animals’ well-being and their impact on the cultures, to technical aspects, such as system autonomy. The results show that the core objectives of the project have been attained and that it is feasible to use this system, at an industrial scale, in vineyards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnologias IoT para pastoreio e controlo de postura animal

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    The unwanted and adverse weeds that are constantly growing in vineyards, force wine producers to repeatedly remove them through the use of mechanical and chemical methods. These methods include machinery such as plows and brushcutters, and chemicals as herbicides to remove and prevent the growth of weeds both in the inter-row and under-vine areas. Nonetheless, such methods are considered very aggressive for vines, and, in the second case, harmful for the public health, since chemicals may remain in the environment and hence contaminate water lines. Moreover, such processes have to be repeated over the year, making it extremely expensive and toilsome. Using animals, usually ovines, is an ancient practice used around the world. Animals, grazing in vineyards, feed from the unwanted weeds and fertilize the soil, in an inexpensive, ecological and sustainable way. However, sheep may be dangerous to vines since they tend to feed on grapes and on the lower branches of the vines, which causes enormous production losses. To overcome that issue, sheep were traditionally used to weed vineyards only before the beginning of the growth cycle of grapevines, thus still requiring the use of mechanical and/or chemical methods during the remainder of the production cycle. To mitigate the problems above, a new technological solution was investigated under the scope of the SheepIT project and developed in the scope of this thesis. The system monitors sheep during grazing periods on vineyards and implements a posture control mechanism to instruct them to feed only from the undesired weeds. This mechanism is based on an IoT architecture, being designed to be compact and energy efficient, allowing it to be carried by sheep while attaining an autonomy of weeks. In this context, the thesis herein sustained states that it is possible to design an IoT-based system capable of monitoring and conditioning sheep’s posture, enabling a safe weeding process in vineyards. Moreover, we support such thesis in three main pillars that match the main contributions of this work and that are duly explored and validated, namely: the IoT architecture design and required communications, a posture control mechanism and the support for a low-cost and low-power localization mechanism. The system architecture is validated mainly in simulation context while the posture control mechanism is validated both in simulations and field experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate the feasibility of the system and the contribution of this work towards the first commercial version of the system.O constante crescimento de ervas infestantes obriga os produtores a manter um processo contínuo de remoção das mesmas com recurso a mecanismos mecânicos e/ou químicos. Entre os mais populares, destacam-se o uso de arados e roçadores no primeiro grupo, e o uso de herbicidas no segundo grupo. No entanto, estes mecanismos são considerados agressivos para as videiras, assim como no segundo caso perigosos para a saúde pública, visto que os químicos podem permanecer no ambiente, contaminando frutos e linhas de água. Adicionalmente, estes processos são caros e exigem mão de obra que escasseia nos dias de hoje, agravado pela necessidade destes processos necessitarem de serem repetidos mais do que uma vez ao longo do ano. O uso de animais, particularmente ovelhas, para controlar o crescimento de infestantes é uma prática ancestral usada em todo o mundo. As ovelhas, enquanto pastam, controlam o crescimento das ervas infestantes, ao mesmo tempo que fertilizam o solo de forma gratuita, ecológica e sustentável. Não obstante, este método foi sendo abandonado visto que os animais também se alimentam da rama, rebentos e frutos da videira, provocando naturais estragos e prejuízos produtivos. Para mitigar este problema, uma nova solução baseada em tecnologias de Internet das Coisas é proposta no âmbito do projeto SheepIT, cuja espinha dorsal foi construída no âmbito desta tese. O sistema monitoriza as ovelhas enquanto estas pastoreiam nas vinhas, e implementam um mecanismo de controlo de postura que condiciona o seu comportamento de forma a que se alimentem apenas das ervas infestantes. O sistema foi incorporado numa infraestrutura de Internet das Coisas com comunicações sem fios de baixo consumo para recolha de dados e que permite semanas de autonomia, mantendo os dispositivos com um tamanho adequado aos animais. Neste contexto, a tese suportada neste trabalho defende que é possível projetar uma sistema baseado em tecnologias de Internet das Coisas, capaz de monitorizar e condicionar a postura de ovelhas, permitindo que estas pastem em vinhas sem comprometer as videiras e as uvas. A tese é suportada em três pilares fundamentais que se refletem nos principais contributos do trabalho, particularmente: a arquitetura do sistema e respetivo sistema de comunicações; o mecanismo de controlo de postura; e o suporte para implementação de um sistema de localização de baixo custo e baixo consumo energético. A arquitetura é validada em contexto de simulação, e o mecanismo de controlo de postura em contexto de simulação e de experiências em campo. É também demonstrado o funcionamento do sistema e o contributo deste trabalho para a conceção da primeira versão comercial do sistema.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Livestock Monitoring: Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities

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    This survey presents approaches and technologies for livestock identification, vital signs monitoring and location tracking. It first introduces the related concepts. Then, provides an analysis of existing solutions and highlights their strengths and limitations. Finally, it presents key challenges in the field, and discusses recent trends that must be factored in by researchers, implementers, and manufacturers towards future developments in the area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of rice straw and eucalyptus leaves mulching for weed management in vineyards

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Viticultura e Enologia. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de CiênciasVineyards (Vitis vinifera L.) are typical of Portuguese rural landscapes and a crop with high socioeconomic relevance across Mediterranean Europe and the world. Vineyard rows and inter-rows support usually large and diverse plant communities that frequently need to be controlled due to the interference with the vines, or indirectly as a refuge for pests and disease agents. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of two organic mulches (0,25 cm rice straw, RS, 0,15 cm eucalyptus leaves, EL) to control vineyard weeds. The experimental trial took place at two vineyards of the ISA campus, Lisbon and two vineyards in Quinta do Pinto, Torres Vedras (QDP), in 'Alvarinho' and 'Syrah' varieties in both locations, with three replicates. The usual soil management of ISA/QDP was used as Control (C). Floristic surveys (n=216) were carried out from March to September 2022 and indicators of abundance, frequency, and diversity were calculated and compared by descriptive statistics and ANOVA between locations, monthly observations, and treatments. We found 59 taxa from 24 families. The most frequent and abundant species was Convovulus arvensis which prevail in all treatments, locations and monthly observations. RS was significantly different from EL and C with lower species richness, diversity and abundance indicators. RS had higher dominance values due to C. arvensis prevalence. There were some floristic differences between locations and seasons, but the difference between RS and EL/C was maintained for all indicators. RS followed by EL had much higher costs than C, however, costs were not optimized, and the beneficial effects of weeds must be considered. Therefore, EL was considered the most sustainable option for soil management. Future research should include mineral and biological soil analysis, tests for the longevity and the benefits of mulching in the field, and analysis of the mulch composition.As vinhas (Vitis vinifera L.) são culturas características das paisagens rurais portuguesas, de grande relevância socioeconómica na Europa mediterrânica e no mundo. As linhas e entrelinhas das vinhas suportam, geralmente, um grande e diverso número de plantas que frequentemente necessitam de ser controladas, devido à interferência com a cultura, ou por serem refúgio de pragas e agentes fitopatogéneos. O principal objetivo deste estudo é a avaliação do potencial de dois tipos de coberturas orgânicas mortas (0,25 cm palha de arroz, RS; 0,15 cm folhas e ramos de eucaliptos, EL) para controlo de infestantes das vinhas. O ensaio experimental teve lugar em duas vinhas do campus do Instituto Superior de Agronopmia (ISA), Lisboa e em duas vinhas na Quinta do Pinto, Torres Vedras (QDP) das castas 'Alvarinho' e 'Syrah' em ambos os locais, com três réplicas. A gestão do solo usual no ISA/QDP foi usada como Controlo (C). Foram realizados inventários florísticos mensais (n=216) desde março a setembro de 2022 e calculados indicadores de abundância, frequência e diversidade. Efetuou-se a comparação por estatística descritiva e por ANOVA entre locais, observações mensais e tratamentos. Observaram-se 59 taxa florísticos pertencentes a 24 famílias. A espécie mais frequente e abundante foi Convovulus arvensis. RS foi significativamente diferente de EL e C com reduzida riqueza específica, diversidade e indicadores de abundância. RS teve maior valor de dominância devido à prevalência de C. arvensis. Detetaram-se diferenças florísticas entre locais e estações do ano. Os maiores custos foram com RS, seguidos de EL e de C. No entanto, estes custos podem ser otimizados e devem ser incluídos os benefícios ecológicos das coberturas. Assim, EL foi considerada a opção mais sustentável para a gestão do solo. Estudos futuros deverão incluir a análise química das coberturas, análises biológicas e minerais do solo e testes de longevidade das coberturas no campo.N/

    Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare

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    [EN] Sheep and goat extensive production systems are very important in the context of global food security and the use of rangelands that have no alternative agricultural use. In such systems, there are enormous challenges to address. These include, for instance, classical production issues, such as nutrition or reproduction, as well as carbon-efficient systems within the climate-change context. An adequate response to these issues is determinant to economic and environmental sustainability. The answers to such problems need to combine efficiently not only the classical production aspects, but also the increasingly important health, welfare, and environmental aspects in an integrated fashion. The purpose of the study was to review the application of technological developments, in addition to remote-sensing in tandem with other state-of-the-art techniques that could be used within the framework of extensive production systems of sheep and goats and their impact on nutrition, production, and ultimately, the welfare of these species. In addition to precision livestock farming (PLF), these include other relevant technologies, namely omics and other areas of relevance in small-ruminant extensive production: heat stress, colostrum intake, passive immunity, newborn survival, biomarkers of metabolic disease diagnosis, and parasite resistance breeding. This work shows the substantial, dynamic nature of the scientific community to contribute to solutions that make extensive production systems of sheep and goats more sustainable, efficient, and aligned with current concerns with the environment and welfareSIThe CECAV authors acknowledge financial support of the research unit, which was financed by the National Funds from FCT, the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), project number UIDB/CVT/00772/2020. Financial support from FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal) in the form of infrastructural funding to LEAF (UID/AGR/04129) and PhD grants SFRH/BD/143992/2019 (DM Ribeiro) and 2021.07638.BD (L Sacarrão-Birrento). Author L.E.H.C. acknowledges funding from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) (RYC2019- 027064-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Improving the use of natural and semi-natural grasslands in Mediterranean ruminant systems: issues, options and perspectives

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    Mediterranean small-ruminant systems (MSRS) have undergone an intensification process triggered by local and global changes. Recent research suggests that such tendency should be reversed. This paper provides insight about how increasing the contribution of grasslands (including natural and semi-natural, improved or temporary grasslands) to the feeding system can improve MSRS’ sustainability. Products from grazing animals are ethically appreciated and display good nutritional quality, specific organoleptic characteristics and possibly a longer shelf-life; they can be traced, and thus differentiated. The large surface area of natural and semi-natural grasslands (including areas with shrubs and trees) gives MSRS a head start in terms of carbon sequestration, which can be increased further by an appropriate grazing and feeding management. Technical options to increase grazed grass in MSRS include: (1) producing locally-adapted seed mixtures for grasslands; (2) increasing the proportion of legumes in grasslands; (3) managing grazing in order to maximize the amount and quality of intake; (4) matching the diversity of natural and semi-natural grasslands to animal requirements and/or providing strategic supplementation; (5) reconsidering the value of trees and the interest of foliage as forage. Digital technologies can help to improve farmers’ working conditions and build the ecological knowledge necessary to implement adaptive management strategies. At a socio-political level, it is important to recognize the peculiarities of silvopastoral systems, value the ecosystem services provided, foster collective management solutions and facilitate interconnection with other activities.ForageGrasslandsFeeding systemManagementAnimal performanceProduct qualityEcosystem servicePublishe

    Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare

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    ReviewSheep and goat extensive production systems are very important in the context of global food security and the use of rangelands that have no alternative agricultural use. In such systems, there are enormous challenges to address. These include, for instance, classical production issues, such as nutrition or reproduction, as well as carbon-efficient systems within the climate-change context. An adequate response to these issues is determinant to economic and environmental sustainability. The answers to such problems need to combine efficiently not only the classical production aspects, but also the increasingly important health, welfare, and environmental aspects in an integrated fashion. The purpose of the study was to review the application of technological developments, in addition to remote-sensing in tandem with other state-of-the-art techniques that could be used within the framework of extensive production systems of sheep and goats and their impact on nutrition, production, and ultimately, the welfare of these species. In addition to precision livestock farming (PLF), these include other relevant technologies, namely omics and other areas of relevance in small-ruminant extensive production: heat stress, colostrum intake, passive immunity, newborn survival, biomarkers of metabolic disease diagnosis, and parasite resistance breeding. This work shows the substantial, dynamic nature of the scientific community to contribute to solutions that make extensive production systems of sheep and goats more sustainable, efficient, and aligned with current concerns with the environment and welfareinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extensive Sheep and Goat Production: The Role of Novel Technologies towards Sustainability and Animal Welfare

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    New technologies have been recognized as valuable in controlling, monitoring, and managing farm animal activities. It makes it possible to deepen the knowledge of animal behavior and improve animal welfare and health, which has positive implications for the sustainability of animal production. In recent years, successful technological developments have been applied in intensive farming systems; however, due to challenging conditions that extensive pasture-based systems show, technology has been more limited. Nevertheless, awareness of the available technological solutions for extensive conditions can increase the implementation of their adoption among farmers and researchers. In this context, this review addresses the role of different technologies applied to sheep and goat production in extensive systems. Examples related to precision livestock farming, omics, thermal stress, colostrum intake, passive immunity, and newborn survival are presented; biomarkers of metabolic diseases and parasite resistance breeding are discussed